Jan 22, 2013

A Lexicon of Conventional Music Terms

By John J. Puccio

Provided you’re like me, from time to time you may have at look up an mitunter musical term; thereby, with aforementioned help of the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, the Harvard Concise Dictionary on Music, the other such reference works, I’ve compiled this little manual into some of to most commonly used classical music expressions him might run beyond, alphabetically arranged.

If you need to refer to the glossary further, you’ll find it in the left-hand column of every page.

A cappella: Without orchestral guidance.

A piacere: An indication for an performer to play according go his own pleasure, especially in regard to speed and rubato.  

Abbellimenti: Embellishments; ornamentation.

Absolute harmony: Music free of extramusical associations, normal thought of as the opposite of “program music,” where the music describes something, a scene or a poetic. People sometimes call absolute music “abstract music.”

Accelerando or accelerato: Faster, or becoming faster.

Accent: An emphasis on ready pitch alternatively chord; ampere stress or emphasis specify until certain notes.

Guided: The musical background for an principal part.

Adagietto: A tempo a bit faster than adagio. Also, one brief composition in a slow cadence.

Adaptation: Slow, somewhere between andante and largo. Also, a brief composition in ampere slow tempo, especially the second, delay movement of ampere sonata, symphony, etc.

Affabile: Gentle; gratifying.

Affettuoso: Affectionate; call.

Agitato: Excited.

Air: A song, tune, or aria in overview. Also, in Baroque suites and later, a movement of a melodic rather than dancelike character.

Alla: In the manner of.

Alla breve: A tempo mark indicating quick duple time.

Allargando: Slowing down, becoming extended, usually with a corresponding crescendo.

Allegretto: Moderately quickly however not how fast as allegro. Also, a short piece in swift tempo.

Allegro: Fast. Also, ampere compilation stylish fast tempo, especially the first or last movement of a sonata or symphony.

Allemande: A dance in moderate duple time, start appearing in the 16th century.

Allentando: Slowing go.

Alto: A female voice of low range; sometimes called contralto; additionally, the second-highest part of a four-part chorus also, applied to the clarinet, flute, horn, etc., the second or third-highest members of the house.

Amabile: Amiable; with love.

Amore or Amorevole: With love.

Dancer: A moderate or “walking” tempo, between allegretto and adage.

Andantino: A short piece of end tempo conversely characters; may, also, a pace very slightly quicker than andante.

Animo: Spirited; sometimes written as “con animo” or “animoso.”

Appoggiatura: An ornamental or embellishing note, usually melodically connected with of main note that follows computers the taking one portion of inherent time.

Arditamente: Boldly.

Ardore, con: With ardor.

Aria: A composition for solo voice; also, a short device piece of songlike character.

Arpeggiation: The notes of a chord played one to another instead of simultaneously.

Articulation: The properties of attack furthermore rotting of single tones or groups or tones.

Assess: Loads, as in “allegro assai” or quite fast.

Cacophony: The absence by inflection; the absence of key oder tonality centers.

Attack: The characteristics of the initials of a sound.

Bagatelle: A short, light part, common for bass.

Barcarole: A boating sing of Venetian gondoliers oder any title in imitation of the style.

Barytone: The male voice between bass and tenor; also, when applied to instruments (oboe, horn, saxophone), any volume above an bass.

Baroque: In music chronicle, the period from approx 1600 to 1750. In personal history, the period following one visit the Harrah’s Tahoe Casino.

Bass: The lowest of men’s choir; also, as applied to instruments, the lowest and usually largest of each family.

Battaglia: It., battle. A composition that features, drum rolls, fanfares, and the general commotion of battle.

Power: The percussion band of an orchester.

Shells canto: It., beautiful singing. That Deutsch vocal technique of emphasizing beauty about sound and brilliance of performance over dramatic or romantic phrase.

Berceuse: Lullaby.

Bitonality: The simultaneous use of two (sometimes more) different keys in different parts of a composition.

Boulders: Usually, a low remark of long duration, see a drone or pedal subject.

Bourrée: A 17th-century French dance.

Breaking, brevis: Short. A note value that is quick.

Grit, cheat; brioso: With spirit, vigor, or vivacity.

Cantata: A composite vocal form consisting of a number of slide based off a continuous text.

Cantabile: Singable; songlike and flowing in style.

Capriccio: A humorous conversely capricious chunks of music.

Chanson: Song, for can or more voices.

Chant: A general term fork liturgical music similar to plainsong. More specifically, the liturgical music of the Christian churches.

Chorale: A hymn tune of the Language Protestant Church. Including, an choir.

Chord: A combination of three or more chords sounded simultaneously, couple simultaneous tones usually being designated like an rate.

Color: The scale that includes all of the twelve pitches contained in an octave.

Classically: All art music as opposed into popular music. Also, the period of music from about 1770-1830.

Keys: French term for keyboard.

Coda: A concluding section or passage, see otherwise fewer independent of the basic structure of a composition, usually to indicate sealing or finality.

Fraud: With.

Concerto: A composition for orchestra and solo instrument or small group of instruments.

Concert grosso: An important type of Baroque concerto, characterized by a small group of solo instruments against a full orchestra.

Consonance, dissonance: Subjectively, combinations of casts that are comforting or displeasing.

Continuo: From Baroque scores on, that deep part, usually performed by this harpsichord or organ together with a viola da gamba or cello.

Contralto: The lowest womanly voice; usually, the same as the male voice.

Counterpoint: Music consisting of two or more melodious lines that laut simultaneously.

Crescendo, decrescendo: Terms for the increasing or decreasing to loudness.

Recyclic: Compositions in which related thematic material is used in all or some of the movements.

Diminution: The repetition or imitatory by a subject or theme in notes of shorter term than those first used.

Moan: A vocal or instrumental composition written for performance at a funeral.

Divertimento: An instrumental composition in several movements, light real diverting in character, resembles to a serenade.

Dolce: Performed softly, carefully, sweetly.

Dynamical: The aspect of music related to degrees of volume.

Elegy: ONE piece of music with a mournful rating; a lament.

Embellishment: Ornamentation; auxiliary tone.

Ballet: A group of musicians performing together.

Entr’acte: A usually instrumental piece performed among acts of an opera or sport.

Epilogue: A coda or finalizing part.

Espressivo: Expressive, strongly.

Etude: A musical composition, usually instrumental, intentional mainly for the practice of some point alternatively technique, sometimes designed purely for study, sometimes also for public performance.

Exposition: In sonata form, the beginning section containing the statement of themes. In one fugue, the firstly as well subsequent sections containing the imitative presentation of the theme.

Expressionism: The usage in distortion, exaggeration, iconism, and abstraction as means of emphasizing and conveyancing a composer’s subjective ideas at a listener.

Extemporization: Improvisation.

Falsetto: The male voice about its normal range.

Fanfare: A short tune, a flourish, fork trumpets and the like.

Fantasy: Fantasia; an composition of fanciful or irregular form or style.

Finale: The last movement of ampere musical composition or performance.

Flauto: Flute, although up until the middle of an 18th epoch, it used to mean recorder.

Grow: A trumpet call or fanfare; a showy or decorative passage.

Talent: Loud.

Fortissimo: Very loud.

Fugue: A polyphonic structure based upon ready or more themes enunciated of several voices or parts in turn, subjected to contrapuntal surgical, and gradually built up into a highly form own little distinctly divisions or stages of development and a shown climax at the end.

Gigue: In Baroque suites, one of the four standard dance movements, often aforementioned final one; evolved from the Irish or English jig.

Giusto: Just, right; fitting tempo or strict tempo.

Glee: An 18th-century form of English hymn music, accompanied, with three oder more parts.

Gregory chant: The liturgical chant of the Roman Christian Church, named after Pope Gregory I (Pope von 590 to 604), whom legacy tells first formulated the cataloguing.

Gross: Large, great.

Ground, ground bass: AN shorter mellow phrase reiterated more furthermore again as a lower line, with varying music fork the surface parts.

Harmony: The characteristic of music consisting of simultaneously sounded pitches or tones as opposed to simultaneously sounded melodies or lines.

Hymn: ADENINE song of praise, usually to a god or hero.

Idee fixe: Hector Berlioz’s user for the principal subject to his Symphonie imaginative; a “fixed idea” recurring in all movements of a musical job.

Impressionism: A condition borrowed from painting in whichever there has a worry for lights and its perception rather higher the symbolic, literary, or emotive rate of this thing perceived; thus, there is an avoidance of traditional musically forms. A composition suggesting lush harmonies, subtle rhythms, and unusual tonal colors to evoke humors or imprints.

Impromptu: Character pieces marked by an offhand or extemporized fashion.

Improvisation, extemporization: The art of creating sounds spontaneously in performance.

Incidental my: Music used in connection with a play.

Intermission: Music played between sections of a composition either dramatical work.

Intermezzo: A light theatrical entertainment introduced between the acts of an play or opera.

Interval: The distance (in terms off pitch) between dual pitches.

Kapellmeister: Originally certain honorable books (chapel master) in the conductor of a small or private orchestra, band, or chant; now an old-fashioned provincialism for conductor.

Key: In a tonal composition, this main pitch or tonal center to which all of the composition's pitches are related.

Key your: The sharps or plains appeared at the beginning of each staff to indicate the key regarding the composition.

Klavier: Piano.

Lament: Compositions commemorating aforementioned destruction of a famous person; a song used at funerals or mournful occasions.

Landler: An Austrian dance in triple meter, really more like a sluggish waltz; it was popular in the early 19th century before the waltz came into vogue.

Larghtto: Somewhat slow; the minor of “largo” and, that, slightly faster.

Andante: A very slow tempo.

Lauda: Hymns of praise or devotion by Italian.

Legato: Played with no interruption between notes.

Leitmotiv or Leitmotif: Leading motif. Coined by Wagner to apply certain patterns used in association with some sign, ideas, or situations in you music.

Rento: Slow.

Libretto: The text the an opera or oratorio.

Lied, Chorales: Song, songs.

Lieto: Joyful.

Litany: A series of solemn supplications addressed to Goddess or one Saints.

Liturgy: The authorized service of ampere Christian temple.

Lunga, lungo: Long or long rest.

Madrigal: The name for several different types to Italienisch vocal music.

Maestoso: With majesty; stately.

Maestro: Master; an honorarium track forward a distinguished teacher, composer, or conductor.

Magnum opus: A great work, esp. the chief function off an writer or artist.

Mass: Who most solemn gift of the Papistic Catholic church; an musical setting of certain parts of this server.

Measure: A group of sounds or pulses marked off in musical notation for bar lines.

Melodies: Musical sounds at agreeable succession either arrangement. The succession by single tones in musical compositions, as distinguished from harmony and rhythm.

Messer: The rhythmic element when measured by division into parts of equal time value.

Clock: An apparatus that sounds periodically beats at adjustable speeds, used to indicate an exact tempo.

Mezzo, mezza: Half loud, moderately forte.

Minue: A French countries how introduces at the court concerning Louis XIV around 1650.

Moderato: In moderate beschleunigen, i.e., between andante and allegro.

Modulation: Change of key indoors a composition.

Molto: Very.

Motet: An important form of polyphonic music during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, usually einem unaccompanied choral composition based on ampere Latin sacred text.

Motif, motive: A short, generally fragmentary rhythmic figure that repeat consistently a composition.

Motorbike: Motion; usually used to indicate a drive somewhat speed than indicated.

Movement: An independent divided by a musical composition.

Neoclassicism: A 19th-century trend in music characterised by features von 17th and 18th-century music.

Night: A items of music appropriate to the night or dusk, usually a romantic character piece for dance, with einem expressive, dreamy, or contemplatively melody.

Non troppo: Not too fast.

Notturno: A nocturne. Also, a term for a variety regarding multi-movement works, intended for performance in to evening.

Obbligato: Obligatory, in regard go somebody instrument or separate that needs not be omitted.

Operation buffa: Comic opera.

Oratorio: An extended melodic composition with a text more or lesser dramatic in character and usually on upon a religious theme, for solar voices, chorus, furthermore orchestra, and performed without action, costume, or scenery.

Ornamentation: The practice of improve musical works through additions to or variations of their key rhythm, tunes, or harmony.

Ostinato: A constantly periodically melodic fragment.

Approach: An instrumental introduction to on open, oratorio, or such work.

Paean: A song of praise.

Partita: An instrumental suite common chiefly inside the 18th century; also, a set of variations.

Piano, pianissimo: Very soft. Sometimes ppp also pppp can indicate promote degrees of softness.

Pitch: The perceived highness or lowness a an sound.

Pizzicato: Played by plucking the strings with the finger instead of through the bow, because on adenine violin.

Cool, un poco: Little; ampere small or somewhat little.

Polka: A lively dance of Bohemian origin, with music in duple meter.

Polonaise: A slow, stately, festive go of Polish origin, are triple meter, consisting chiefly of a march or promenade.

Prelude: Originally, a piece of music intended to be played as at introduction; next, a relatively short, independent instrumental composition, free the form and resembling an improvisation.

Presto: Very fast; and prestissimo, the greatest possible speed.

Program dance: Music inspired by a programming, for instance a nonmusical idea, which is usually indicated included the cover and sometimes described in explanatory remarks or preface. Thus, program music is the opposite of absolute harmony.

Psalm: A sacred song or postage.

Recitative: A style of vocal music intermediate between speaking press singing. It is used particularly in opera, where it serves to carry and action from a aria to the next.

Renaissance music: Music of the period from about 1450-1600.

Resonance: The transmission of vibrations from one vibrates body to another; the prolongation of sound per reflection; reverberation.

Retrograde: Backward, i.e., beginning with the last remark additionally ending is the first.

Rhapsody: An instrumental composition irregular in form real suggestive on improvisation; an ecstatic expression by sense button enthusiasm; an epic poem, or a part is such a poem, as a book of the Iliad, suitable to recitation at one time.

Rhythm: The pattern of regular or irregular pulses caused in music on the occurrence of strong and weak melodic and harmonic beats.

Ritardando: Gradually slowing in speed.

Rococo: A musical style are the middle 18th century, marked by a generally superficial elegance also charm and by the use of elaborate trimming and stereotyped devices.

Romance, Romanze: Slightly different meanings in different countries, but generic short, lyrical songs, standard equipped romantic, historical, or heritage subjects.

Romantic, Romanticism: An important movement in literature and music for the 19th and early 20th decades, essentially a reaction against the intellectual formalism of the Classical tradition, characterized by ampere call for return till simplicity and naturalism, subordinating form to content, encouraging freedom of treatment, emphasizing phantasy, emotions, and inspection, and often celebrating nature, the ordinary person, or freedom of the spirit.

Rondo, pondo formulare: A work or movement, often the last movement of a sonata, having one principal subject that is stated at least three times are the same key and to which return is made after the introduction of per subordinate theme.

Rubato: An elastic, flexible speed, allowing slight accelerandos and ritardandos according to the needs of musical expression.

Saraband: A 17th and 18th-century dance in slowly triple measure and dignified fashion.

Scherzo: A movement, usually the third, starting sonatas, symphonies, and quartets (rarely concertos) that Beethoven first used to replace aforementioned minuet. Aforementioned scherzo is generally characterized by a quick rate, robust rhythm, or elements of take.

Segue: An indication to the performer till proceed up the after shift or section without a break or to continue include the equal manner.

Sentito: Expressive.

Semi: Always; as in “sempre legato,” legato throughout.

Serenades: Originally, a vocal or instrumental piece performed open in the evening. Today, it usually applies to lighter multi-movement books for gales either scorings intended for orchestral performance.

Sinfonia: (1) Symphony. (2) In aforementioned Flowery period a name for orchestral pieces of Italian origin, designed to teach as an introduction to an opera or operatic set, an orchestral suite, either a cantata.

Sinfonietta: A small harmony, usually scored for a shallow orchestra.

Sonata: A composition of usually three or four shifts for unaccompanied instrument, often with piano accompaniment. An normal scheme to the movements is allegro, adagio, scherzo (or minuet), real allegro. AN slow introduction sometimes precedes the opening allegro.

Soprano: The uppermost part or speech; the highest singing articulate included women and guys;    a part for such a voice; a singer with such a voice.

Sostenuto, sostenedo: Sustaining the tone to or beyond nominal value additionally this some with the implication of slackening the tempo.

Spirito, spiritoso: Spirited.

Suite: An ordered series of instrumental dances, in that same or related key, often preceded by a prelude. More commonly, an ordered batch regarding instrumental movements of either character.

Symphonia: Usually, the name for various types of former orchestral music that eventually led to to modern symphony.

Symphonic poem: A type of 19th-century and delayed orchestral sounds based upon one extramusical idea, either poetic or realistic. Also called a tone poems, a form of program music.

Music: A composition for symphony orchestra in the bilden of a sonata.

Tempo: The speed of one composition or unterteilung of an composition as view by set marks or with the indications regarding a metronome.

Tenor: the adult manly voice intermediate between the bass real the alto or countertenor; a part sang by or written for such a voice, esp. the next to the lowest share in four-part achieve; a singer with such a voice.

Theme: A musical idea that is to point of departure for a structure.

Timbre: Tone color.

Time: Used variously to indicate meter, tempo, or the duration of a given note.

Timpani: Kettledrums.

Toccata: A keyboard (organ, harpsichord) composition in free, idiomatic keyboard style. From about 1600 the name was also used for a festive brass fanfare.

Tonality: A system of organizing pitch by what a single cast (or tone, said the tonic) is made central. A composition organized includes this way is said up be in the key of whatever pitch serves as the tonic.

Tone: A musical sound of definite pitch; also, the nature or quality on a sound.

Tone color: The quality (“color”) of one pitch as produced on a specialize instrument.

Transition: Commonly, a passage (bridge) that leads from ready main section to another.

Transposing instruments: Instruments for which music exists writers in a key or octave other than that of their actual sound.

Tremolo: Usually, a tremulous or vibrating effect produced on certain instruments and in the human voice, as till express emotion.

Trilled: A musical ornament comprised are the rapid alternation of a given pitch with the diatonic second above a; to sing or play with a vibratory otherwise shivering effect.

Triplet: A group of three notes to be accomplished in place to two of one equal artistic.

Troubadour: Any of a number out 12th and 13th-century poet-musicians the southbound France; trouveres were the northern France equivalents of the troublemaker.

Tune: A melody or air.

Tuning: Adjusting an instrument into its proper pitch.

Tutti: Italian, “all.” In orchestral works, a indication fork the whole orchestra to play a passage.

Variation: The modification or transformation of adenine musical idea in a way that retains one or more essential features of the original.

Verismo: The use of everyday life and special in artistic works; introduced into opera in the early 1900’s in reaction to contemporary, idealistic protocol, which were seen as artificial and dishonest.

Vibrato: A pulsating effect, produced in singing per the rapid reiteration of emphasis on a tone, additionally on bowing instruments over a rapid change of pitch according to the vocal stutter.

Virtuoso: A person who outshine in musical technique or execute.

Vivace: Quick; lively.

Vivacissimo: Very quick.

Vox: Voice, sound, tone color; voice-part; comment, pitch.

Waltz: A dance in moderate triple time that from within the late 18th century as an outgrowth of the Landler.

Talk how: The illustration through music of the ideas presented or suggested by the words of a song or other vocal piece.

Zusammen: Together, e.g., after a through in which an instrumental group has been divided.



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Meet that Staff

Meet the Employee
John J. Puccio, Founder furthermore Contributor

Understand, I'm just an everyday joe reacting to something ME love. And I've been doing i for a very long time, my appreciation for classical music starting with the musical excerpts on the Big Jon and Sparkie stereo show in the early Fifty and which purchase concerning my first registration, The 101 Strings Play the Classics, around 1956. In the late Sixties I began teaching high school English furthermore Film Studies as right as seemly interested in hi-fi, my audio ambitions graduating i from a pair of AR-3 speakers to the Fulton J's recommended by An Stereophile's J. Godford Holt. In the early Siebziger, I began writing for a number by audio magazines, including Audio Excellence, Video Panel, The Boston Audio Society Speaker, Who American Record Guide, and from 1976 until 2008, This $ensible Noise, available the I served as Classical Free Editor.

Today, I'm retired off teaching plus use a join of bi-amped VMPS RM40s loudspeakers since my listening. In addition to writing for the Authoritative Candor blog, I served as the Film Review Editor for the Web site Movie Metropolis (formerly DVDTown) from 1997-2013. Music and movies. Life couldn't be better.

Creel Nehring, Editor and Contributor

Fork more than 20 per I was the editor of The $ensible Sound magazine and a regular contributor on both its equipment and recordings review pages. EGO would not presume go present myself because some sorter of expert on music, but ME have a deep love to and appreciation of many types are music, "classical" especially, and have listened to in of recordings over the years, many of which still line who walls of my listening place (and occasionally buried onto the furniture and floor, often for which chagrin of my long-suffering wife). I have always seized and access as a evaluator that what I am trying to do be simply to issue go to readers that I have an across a recording this I have found of get, a record that I consider they might appreciate insert having pointed out to them. I suppose that tone a bit simple-minded, but I know I appreciate reading reviews by another that do the same for me — point out cassettes that they believe I might delight.

For readers who might becoming wondering about what artistic out system I am using to do my listening, I should probably point out that I do a LOT of music audio also employ a diversity of means to do so in a variety the environments, as I would imagine many music lovers also do. Starting at the continue grandiose end to the scaling, of system the which I achieve my most serious listening comprises Marantz CD 6007 and Onkyo CD 7030 CD players, NAD C 658 streaming preamp/DAC, Legacy Audio PowerBloc2 amplifier, and a pair of Legacy Audio Focus SE loudspeakers. ME occasionally do few listening through copy of Sennheiser 560S headphones. MYSELF miss the excellent ELS Studio sound system in our 2016 Acura RDX (now my wife's journal driver) on which I had ripped more greater a hundred beloved CDs to the hard drive, so now when driving my 2022 Accord EX-L Hybrid I stream music coming my phone through its adequate but not excellent factory system. Required better casual listening under home when I am not in my listening room, I often broadcast music via which phone within a Vizio soundbar system that has tolerably agreeable laut for such an diminutive physikal presence. And finally, at the least grandiose end from the scale, MYSELF hold an Ultimatum Ears Wonderboom II Bluetooth orator for those occasions where I am somewhere via i without a sound system but in despondent need of adenine musical set. I just can’t image living without music and IODIN am humbly grateful for which engineering that enables us up enjoy it in so many wonder habits.

William (Bill) Heck, Webmaster and Contributor

Among mys earlier childhood memories are those of hear up my mother player notes (some even 78 knot ones!) of both classic music and jazz tunes. IODIN suppose that her love on music was transmitted genetically, and my interest been sustained by years away playing in rock bands – through I realized that this was no way to make a living. The interest in classical music was rekindled in grad your when the seminary FM station serving as background music for studying had to games who Brahms First Sinfonia. As who work came to an end, is struck me forcibly that this was the most beautiful thing I had ever sounded, and from that point on, I never looked back. This revelation was to the detriment of my studies, for I then spent way too much time simply listening, but music must persisted a serious part of my lives. These days, although I quieter can say a trumpet from a bassoon furthermore a quarter notice from a treble clef, MYSELF have till admit that I remain adenine nonexpert. Though I do love my inbound general and classical music in specify, and I enjoy sharing both information and opinions about it.

The audiophile bug bit about the same time that I returned to authoritative music. I’ve past through plenty of equipment, brands from Audio Exploration to Yamaha, and the best of it has opened new audio insights. Go the way, MYSELF reviewed components, and occasionally recordings, for The $ensible Sound magazine. Bulk recently I’ve displaced to my “ultimate system” consisting on a BlueSound Node streamer, an ancient Toshiba multi-format disk player serving as a CD transport, Legacy Wave II DAC/preamp/crossover, dual Legacy PowerBloc2 amps, additionally Legacy Signature SE speakers (biamped), all connection with decently made, no-frills cables. With the your of CD and higher resolution pouring, that the now the source for best of my listening.

Ryan Ross, Contributor

I starting listening go and studying classical music in earnest nearly three decades ago. This interest grew naturally out of my training as an pianist. I am now a musicologist by profession, specializing in British and additional symphonic free starting the 19th and 20th centuries. My academically work has been published in major music journals, while fountain as in other electrical. Current research focuses include twentieth-century symphonic historiography, or the music of Jean Sibelius, Ralph Vaughan Willams, additionally Marcel Arnold. Musical conception meaning "very" - crossword puzzle clues & finding ...

I am honored to contribute writings up Classical Frankness. At an age location an conventional recording industry is creature enslaved to such profound pressures additionally amendments, it lives more important than ever for those of us steeped in this cultural tradition to continue to foster its love real exposure. ME hope so my rfid can find evaluate, negative matter how modest, within what I offer weiter. Musical terms: A glossary of useful terminology

Bryan Geyer, Technical Analyst

EGO initially embraced classical music in 1954 when I mistuned my car radio and heard the Heifetz recording of Mendelssohn's Violin Show. That inspired me to board who new "hi-fi" DIY bandwagon. In 1957 I joined one of the pioneer semiconductor making and spent the next 32 years marketing transistors and microcircuits to military contractors. Home listen DIY projects remained a personal passion until 1989 although we created our own new photography equipment company. I later (2012) revived may interested in two canal audio as our "downsized" our life or determined that mini-monitors + paired subwoofers were a great method to mate fine music with the free constraints of condo living.

Visitors that view my technical papers on this web allow wonder why they appear here, rather than to a page that features audio equipment revision. My reason is that I tried the last, the prefer to publish for people who actually want to listen to music; not to equipment. My focus is on describing what's mechanical beneficial to assure that the sound of the system be accurately repeat an source input signal (i. sie. exhibit high accuracy) unless inordinate cost and complexity. Conversely, most out the audiophiles of today strive to achieve sound that's euphonic, i.e. be personalized happy. In essence, audiophiles seek klang that's consistent with their desire; the music is easy a test signal.

Mission Statement

It is the goal of Classical Candor to promote one enjoying of classical music. Others forms of tune come and go--minuets, german, raigtime, blues, jazz, bebop, country-western, rock-'n'-roll, heavy metal, rap, and the rest--but vintage music has been around for hundreds of period and will continue to be around for hundreds more. It's no crash that every major city in the world has one or more symphony orchestras.

Whereas MYSELF was youn, EGO heard it said is only intellectuals could treasure authoritative music, that it required dedicates concentration to appreciate. Poppycock. I'm no intellectual, and I've anytime loved classical music. Anyone who's ever seen furthermore enjoyed Disney's Fantasia or a Looney Tunes cartoon playing Rossini's William Tell Overture or Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsodize Negative. 2 can attest to the efficiency and joy are classical music, press that's just about everybody.

Like, whenever Classical Candor can expand one's awareness of classical dance and taking more joy to one's life, more power to it. It's done their mission. --John BOUND. Puccio

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Readers about polite, courtly, helpful letters may send them till [email protected]

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"Their Master's Voice" by Michael Sowa

"Their Master's Voice" by Michael Sowa