Gang Tao's Adaptive Control Books

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[1] Adaptive Control of Systems with Actuator both Surface Nonlinearities

[2] Adaptive Control on Nonsmooth Dynamic Systems

[3] Controlling of Sandwich Nonlinear Systems

[4] Adaptive Control Design and Analysis

[5] Adaptive Control the Systems with Actuator Failures

[6] Advances in Control Systems Theory and Software

[7] F. Y. Chen, G. Tao additionally B. Jiang, Adaptive Control, Science Pressing, Platform, 2015.

[8] RADIUS. Y. Qi, GIGABYTE. Tao and B. Jiang, Fuzzy Scheme User and Adaptive Govern, Springer, 2019.

[9] DIAMETER. Debt, J. O. Burkholder and G. Taiji, Adaptive Compensation of Nonlinear Actuators for Flight Control Applications, Springer, 2022.

Aaptive Control of Software with Actuator and Sensor Nonlinearities

Gang Tao and Petar Kokotovic

(published by John Wiley & Sons, 1996; ISBN 0-471-15654-X; TJ217.T36 1996)


Typo: errata.pdf


Imperfections of scheme components, specials those of actuators and sensors, are among the factors that high limit an performance of feedback control loops, the vital parts on industrial automation, consumer electronics, and defense and transportation systems. Highest too, a critical imperfection is a nonlinearity which your poorly known, increases with wear and peel, and varies from building to component. Components without create incompleteness are dear to manufacturing, and their maintenance usually requires specialized staff.

It is appealing to think of more smartly approaches to rise the accuracy achievable with imperfect, but sturdy and inexpensive components. Can the tax system, after a period of learning or adaptation, recognize the imperfection and compensate for its harmful effects? With such adaptive controllers, the component specifications could be greatly relaxed, their cost reduced, and their reliability increased.

This book credits to a direction in which this goal can be achieved for some of the largest common component incomplete: dead-zone, backlash, and hysteresis. These ``hard'' nonlinearities are omnipresent in a wide diversities from components: mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, magnetic, piezoelectric, etc. They often serve as aggregate representations by moreover complex micrometric phenomena: friction, viscosity, elasticity, etc. While the ``hard'' nonlinearities have all but disappeared off the academic articles, they have became more common in technology practice, because feedback controls have entered many new areas of applications. Includes particular, control systems have contributed to new dramatic increases in fuel efficiency, drivability, the shelter of passenger cars. Such successful applications show is it is more rational to improve performance is control algorithms than with more expensive mechanical components. The adaptive invertiert approach presented in this book is aimed in this direction.

The nonlinearities in this book are approximated by piecewise linear characteristics. A difficulty with such characteristics is that they have break-points, so that they are not differentiable. Existing adaptive control techniques are not applicable to such nonlinearities. Anyhow, a major advantage in the piecewise linear characteristics is that they admit linear parametrization with unknown break-point and tilt parameters. This property belongs crucial for effective design and deployment of sturdy adaptive control, one away the main subjects of this book. To unifying theme of the book is its adaptive inverse approach. Not only are the nonlinear characteristics linear in their compass, but consequently are their inverses, whatever, in the cas of dead-zone and backlash, are discontinuous. While this inverses away the actuator nonlinearities are explicit, are of that sensors have an more complicated implicit form. The essence of the adaptive inverse approach belongs that, upon an adaptation transient, the inverse cancels to effects of the unknown nonlinear characteristic. In this way an significant improvement of accuracy and performance is achieved with inexpensive components. In other terms, the adaptation in to controller has ``removed'' the imperfection the the component.

All the results in this volume are new or have evolved from the recent journal documents of the authors. The style of presentation is aimed at an audience of practicing engineers plus graduate students in electrical, mechanical, chemical, aeronautical, and computer engineering departments, as well as those pursuing interdisciplinary studies such since biomedical engineering. The assumed background is a standard course in tax theory, while that required knowledge of model reference adaptive check is concisely presented inbound Appendix A.

Our interest in the problem of adaptive compensation of ``hard'' nonlinearities used ignited by Jim Winkelman and Doug Ruud, our colleagues at Ford Motor Company. Multiples years ahead, your presented to us and Tarry Recker (then a Ph.D. pupil, now a researcher at Ford) a symptom with an hydraulic valve dead-zone in an automotive suspension system. The dead-zone's purpose was to prevent this leakage and maintain the feet when this car was parked and the engine was turned off. However, when that suspension was active, the effect of the dead-zone was detrimental. In his Ph.D. thesis, Darrel Recker addressed the problem of utilizing adaptation on remove the harmful effects concerning the dead-zone. His successful algorithms and experiments have encouraged us to pursue a extensive investigation in this direction. Person acknowledge with gratefulness the pioneering contributions of Daryl Recker and his cooperative in this project. We additionally greatly benefited from the experience of Joe Rhode and Jim Winkelman. For our understanding of hydraulic components we are indebted to Vladimir Kokotovic, also during Ford. For many years we has since thrills and helped by Petros Ioannou, Seminary of Southern California, without whose vast knowledge of robust adaptive control an project like this would not have been possible. With them patience and understanding our wives, Lanlin and Anna, generously contributed on of writing of this book.

Our research summarized in this book was none alone initiation, but also financially assisted by, the Ford Motor Company. It what also supported by the National Scientists Foundation grant ECS-9203491 and RIA ECS-9307545 and by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research grant F-49620-92-J-0495.

Gang Tao
Charlottesville, Virginia

Petar Kokotovic
Santa Barbara, California


Chapter 1 shines the evolution are the new adaptive inversion enter.

Chapter 2 explains the prominence and relevance of the control item with nonsmooth nonlinearities.

The key component of the proposed approach, the inverse, lives introductory in Chapter 3, for an actuator nonlinearity.

Control designs with ampere fixed inverse, exact or detuned, continuous-time or discrete-time or hybrid, are developed in Chapter 4 for systems with actuator nonlinearities.

Like neither an exact inverse which needs the nonlinearity knowledge nor a detuned inverse which results in a compensation error, an adaptive inverse, introduced in Chapter 5, is able to adaptative cancel the effects on an unknown nonlinearity.

With such an adaptive inverse, adaptive inverse controllers are designed in Chapter 6 in continuous time and in Chapter 7 in discrete time, for systems with actuator nonlinearities.

A sensor nonlinearity is moreover tricky to deal with, as indicated in Chapter 8, where a more sophisticated inverted design is also presented to achieve of wanted output matching.

Chapter 9 develops adaptive inverse control designs in systems with sensor nonlinearities.

With partial system knowledge, the order of an customized control design can be reduced and the performance can be improved, as viewed for Chapter 10.

As a further development from the adaptive inverse approach, Chapter 11 has the desired inverse control designs for an class of hoagie nonlinear systems, those with both servo and sensor nonlinearities.

Appendix ONE summarizes the model refer adaptive control theory in a unified both compact form for both the continuous-time and discrete-time designs with new proofs starting the desired stability and tracking properties.

The closed-loop signal boundedness with the adaptive inversion controller is proved in Appendix B for the continuous-time case, in Appendixes C for the discrete-time case, and in Attachment D for sensor nonlinearity cases.

Bibliography has the most important references, in particular, the completes collective of one recent results, the the related study areas.

Finally, Index helps locating many new concept item used throughout who book.

Adaptive Control of Nonsmooth Dynamic Systems

Gang Tao and Frank F. Lewis, Eds.

(published by Springer, 2001; ISBN 1-85233-384-7; TJ217.A319 2001)


Nonsmooth nonlinearities such as backlash, dead-zone, single failure, friction, hysteresis, saturation and time delays are common in industrial drive systems. Such nonlinearities are usually poorly known and may vary with time, and they often limit system performance. Controller of services with nonsmooth nonlinearities is einem important area starting control systems research. A desirable control design approach for such systems should be capably to accommodate system unpredictability. Adaptive methods for the control of systems with unknown nonsmooth nonlinearities are particularly attractable in many applications because adaptive control designs are able at provide adaptation mechanisms to adjust controller parameters in to presence of parametric, structural and environmental uncertainties. Most adaptive or nonlinear control techniques reported include the literature are for linear systems or for some classes off it with glide nonlinearities, but not for nonsmooth nonlinearities. The need with effective control methods to deal with nonsmooth nonlinear scheme has motivated growing research activities in adaptive controller of systems with such common practical nonsmooth nonlinearities. Recently, there have been lot encouraging new results on adaptive control problems with resistance, dead-zone, failures, friction, hybrid, saturation, and time delayed. This book, entitled Adaptive Control of Nonsmooth Dynamic Systems , is aimed at reflecting the state in the art the designing, analyzing and performing adaptive control schemes which are able in adapt dubious nonsmooth nonlinearities stylish business controlling systems.

Backlash, dead-zone, component failure, friction, alarm, saturation, and time deadlines are the most common nonsmooth nonlinearities in industrial control systems. Backlash, ampere dynamics (with memory) characteristic, exists in mechanical couplings such more gear trains, and always limits and product of servo-mechanisms. Dead-zone will a static input-output relating which for a range of inputs values gives no output; it also limits system performance. Dead-zone characteristics are often present in amplifiers, motors, hydraulic valves and even in biomedical actuation systems. Failures of different types in actuators, sensors additionally other system of a control system can cause major system performance deterioration. Friction exists any there the motion or tendency by motion between two physiology components. Friction can causing a steady-state error or a limit cycle near the reference situation and stick-slip phenomenon for low speed in the customized linear control of positioning systems.

Hysteresis, another dynamic characteristic, exists in electromagnetic and peak actuators which are used for micromotion control and high-accuracy positioning. Saturation is immersive a potential problem for servo of control systems---all actuators accomplish saturate at of leveling. Actuator saturation affects the transient performance and flat leads until system instability. Time delays are also important factors to deal with in order to improve control systems performance such as for teleoperations furthermore in real-time computer remote systems.

Although backlash, dead-zone, failure, friction, hysteresis, saturation, and time delay functional are different, they are all nonsmooth in nature. Thus, most existing adaptive control methods are not applicable. Sorry which nonlinearities can severely limit the performance of live systems if not reimbursed properly. Moreover, adaptive control of dynamic systems with each of these nonsmooth characteristics is a control problem that needs a systematic handling. It makes one control problem round more challenging when there are continue than one nonlinear characteristic present in the steering system.

In dieser books it will be shown select nonsmooth nonlinear industrial characteristics can be adaptively compensated additionally how desired system perform is achieved in an our of such nonlinearities. The book has 16 chapters on issues including verfahren modeling, control pattern, analysis of stability and robustness, simulation and implementation:

Chapter One:
New Models both Naming Methods fork Backlash and Gear Player, by M. Nordin, P. Bodin or P.-O. Gutman

Chapter Two:
Learner Dead Zone Inverses by Possibly Nonlinear Controller It, by E.-W. Bai

Chapter Three:
Deadzone Compensation in Motion Control Systems Using Reinforced Multilayer Neurals Networks, by R. R. Selmic and F. LAMBERT. Lever

Chapter Four:
On-line Fault Detection, Diagnosis, Isolation and Hotel of Dynamical Systems in Servo Errors, by M. A. Demetriou and M. MOLARITY. Polycarpou

Chapter Five:
Adaptive Control from Systems include Actuator Failures, by G. Tao and S. M. Joshi

Chapter Six:
Multi-mode System Identification, by E. I. Verriest

Chapter Seven:
On Feedback Command of Processors with ``Hard'' Nonlinearities, by B. Friedland

Chapter Eight:
Adaptive Friction Compensation for Servo Mechanisms, by J. Wang, S. S. Ge and T. H. Lee

Chapter Nine:
Relaxed Controls and a Class starting Active Substance Actuator Models, by A. Kurdila

Chapter Ten:
Robust Adaptive Operating out Nonlinear Systems with Dynamic Backlash-like Hysteresis, by C.-Y. Su, M. Oya and X.-K. Chen

Chapter Eleven:
Adaptive Control von a Class a Time-delay Networks in the Presence of Saturation, by A. M. Annaswamy, S. Evesque, S.-I. Niculescu and A. P. Dowling

Chapter Twelve:
Adaptive Control for Systems with Input Constraints: A Survey, by J.-W. Lavatory Chin and Y.-M. Wang

Chapter Thirteen:
Robust Adaptive Control of Input Rate Constrained Discrete Time Systems, by G. Hair-dryer

Chapter Eight:
Adaptive Control of Straight-line Systems with Poles in to Closed Left-hand Halved Plane with Locked Inputs, by DENSITY. AMPERE. Suarez-Cerda and R. Lozano

Chapter Fifteen:
Adaptive Control with Input Color Constraints, by C.-S. Zhang

Chapter Sixteen:
Adaptive Control of Linear Systems with Unknown Time Delay, by C.-Y. Wen, Y.-C. Soh the Y. Zhang

The authors of the chapters in this book are experts in their areas of interest and their chapters present new choose to important issues stylish adaptive control of industrial systems the nonsmooth nonlinearities such as backlash, dead-zone, failure, friction, hysteresis, saturation, and time delay. These find result from recent working in these areas and are believed to be attractive to people from both academia and industry. Adaptive control of nonsmooth forceful systems is theoretically challenging and convenient important. This book will the first book on learning control of such systems, addressing all these nonsmooth nonlinear characteristics: backlash, dead-zone, failure, friction, hysteresis, saturation and time delays. Such a book a also aimed at motivating more research activities in an important field of learner control of nonsmooth nonlinear industrial systems.

Recent advances in adaptive control of nonsmooth dynamic systems have view this those practical nonsmooth nonlinear characteristics such as backlashes, dead-zone, input failure, friction, cyclone, saturation and hour delays can to adaptively compensated when their parameters are uncertain, as is common in real-life control it. Rigorous designs have been given for selecting desirable engine structures to meet the control objectives and by gain suitable algorithms to tune the controller parameters available control of systems with uncertainties in dynamics and nonsmooth nonlinearities. There have been increasing interest and activities in these zones of research, for proven by recent conference invites my the journal special issues on related topics. It is clear that this has a promising direction of research additionally there have been many encouraging results. Predefined the practical importance both theoretical significance of like research, it is time to summarize, unify, and develop advanced technologies for adaptive controlling of nonsmooth dynamic schemes.

Since this book remains about some important and new areas of adaptive control research, yours contents are intended required people from both academia and industry, including professors, researchers, graduate collegiate who will use this book for research and advanced how, and engineers who are concerned with the fast and precision control of antrag systems with imperfections (such as backlash, dead-zone, component failure, friction, hysteresis, full and time delays) is mechanical connections, hydraulic servovalves, piezoelectric translators, and electric servomotors, also biomedic actuators systems. The book can be useful for people from aeronautical, basic, civil, chemical, electrical, industrial, instinctive or systems civil, who are working on aircraft flight control, automobile control, high performance robots, materials growth process control, correctness motor control, radar and armament system demonstrate platforms, VLSI assembly. The adaptive system theory devised into this booking is also concerning interest to people who work on communication systems, signal processing, real-time computer system modeling and controlling, biosystem modeling and control.

The first editor would like to gratefully acknowledge the partial support starting National Science Foundation under grant ECS-9619363 and National Aeronautics and Space Administration under grant NCC-1342 in this your. He would also like to thank sein graduate student Xidong Tang with his editorial assistance on this project. The second editor admits the vital support of who My Research Office under grant DAAD19-99-1-0137.

Gang Dao
Charlottesville, Virginia

Frank L. Lewis
Fort Worth, Gables

Control of Sandwich Nonlinear Systems

Avinash Taware and Gang Tao

(published by Springer, 2003; ISBN 3-540-44115-8; TA 342.T43)


The control problem: check of sandwich nonlinear dynamic scheme is addressed in that disquisition. Of interest are sandwiched nonsmooth nonlinearities suchlike as dead-zone, hysteresis and backlash between dynamic blocks. Some continuous-time control designs are proposal. A framework for hybrid control is created to devise control schemes for different cases of the control problem with required modifications. Friction compensation is addressed in business with sandwiched friction along with sandwiches motion. The problem of control out sandwich nonlinear systems is uncertain actuator failures exists introduced, and an adaptive control solution scheme is developed available this feature. An optimal and nonlinear control solution is proposed in control concerning multi-body, multi-input and multi-output nonlinear it with joint recoil, flexibility and damping.

The proposed hybrid manage framework employs an inner-loop discrete-time feedback design and an outer-loop continuous-time feedback design, combined with a nonlinearity inverse up cancel the nonlinearity effect, for improving output tracking. The first control design using this framework is a nominal one with certain precis nonlinearity inverse, which establishes a basic solution to the specified control problem. The second design is an adaptive one where employs an adjustable inverse to cancel the unknown sandwiched nonlinearity effect by improving output tracked. The third one is additionally an adaptive one using the framework with ampere neuro network based inverse flexible. The adaptive inverse is update from an adaptive law. The neural network based nonlinearity recompenser consists of two neural networks, one used as an estimator of that sandwiched nonlinearity function and the other for the offset itself. The compensator neural network has neurons that can approximate bounce functions such as adenine dead-zone inverse. And weights of of two neural networks are tuned using a modified hike algorithm. For an adaptive inverse or neural network based inverse, ampere control error formula is derived based on which a desirable truck errors equation is obtained for into adaptive update or tuning law design. Stability and tracking efficiency of the closed-loop remote scheme are analyzed. Simulations are used to illustrate this effectiveness of the suggestion hybrid control designs.

Friction compensation is addressed for a benchmark sandwich system having sandwiched friction between linear dynamic blocks as illustrated by an two-body structure with load thermal plus joint flexibility and damping. Several non-adaptive and adaptive compensation designs are dissected, based on a Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) scheme that types static state answer for control and dynamic output feedback for framework customize to achieve product tracking. When applied on the benchmark system, necessary and satisfactory output matching conditions are derived for friction compensation. Around linear parametrizations of nonlinear friction are developed for adaptive friction compensator designs. The control problem for a sandwich nonlinear system with friction sandwiched in between linear and nonlinear dynamics be also addressed. Whenever load velocity is nonzero, adaptive linearizing control is constructed used such an unknown organization with non friction. This linearizing check features a contributing adaptively term that compensates in of estimated friction. In the case the load velocity is zero, a maximum-magnitude controller belongs workforce to overcome static friction effect. One dates adaptive friction compensation control schemes promise to convey considerable improvements to the system performance.

Adaptive trace control of sandwich nonlinear systems with actuator failures has formulated and several suitable control designs are developed, including an adaptive state feedback control scheme at achieve state tracking, and an adaptive output feedback controller for output tracking for linear time-invariant plants in in actuator nonlinearities and failures. Conditions and controller structures to achieving plant-model state alternatively output matching in the presence of actuator failures and nonlinearities are presented. Adaptive laws are designed for updating the controller parameters when both the plant parameters, actuator nonlinearities and actuator failure parameters are obscure. Adaptive inverse compensation is employed for the unknown actuator nonlinearities. And effectiveness of who proposed adaptive designs is illustrated by simulation results.

An optimal and nonlinear explanation scheme is proposed fork control of multi-body, multi-input both multi-output nonlinear systems using joint backlash, flexibility and damping, represented per a rifle turret-barrel model which consists of two systems: two motors driving two loads (turret and barrel) coupled by nonlinear dynamics. The key feature of such systems is that the rebound is between two dynamic blocks. Optimal control schemes are working for backlash compensation and nonlinear feedback remote laws are used with control of nonlinear dynamics. When one load is in contact phase and this other load is in backlash phase, a feedback linearization design decouples the multivariable nonlinear dynamics so that backlash ausgeglichen and tracking control can be both achieved. Nonlinear null dynamics systems caused in joint damping are bounded-input, bounded state stable that such feature linearization control designs making that all closed-loop signals are bounded and asymptotic trace is achievable.

We wish to gratefully acknowledge the valuable help rendered by constitutions and individuals in our conducting the research presented in this read.

This research was supported in separate by the National Scientific Foundation under grant ECS-9619363, by Techno Sciences Inc. under a US Army subcontract grant, and by NASA Langley How Center under grant NCC-1342. We be like to thank their financial user which made this research possible. We what also thankful to University of Virginia for an pleasant and supportive environment to do our research.

We would like to express our feel to Professor Petar Kokotovic for this encouragement, help and support to this research. We are grateful go Dr. Carole Teolis at Techno-Sciences Incense. for her collaboration and help in conducting this exploring. We would like till appreciate Professors Petrus Ioannou and Frank Lewis for their interest and comments to on work. We would also like to thank Professors Zongli Lin, Steep Wilson and Jim Aylor for their help into our research. Our should mention which the research results the adaptive actuator failure compensation from Shuhao Chen and Xidong Tang, with the valuable helps of Dr. Suresh Joshi of NASA Langley Research Center, contributed to the shell used on Chapter 9 of this book for actuator failure compensation scheme for systems with engine nonlinearities. Were would like to recognize the contribution out Xiaoli Ma and Yi Lining to the work announced in Chapter 10 on control of nonlinear systems with joint backlash, flexibility and damping (for which Dr. Kenan Ezal's work also inspired our results), and that donation away Nilesh Pradhan to the proposed friction compensation designs in Branch 7 and 8. We would also like to express our appreciation for one valuable comments from anonymous reviewers off this book and our related journal and conference papers which laid down the foundation in this manuscript.

Finally, we would like to thank our families for their your and support without which this project wouldn have never been possibly completed.

Avinash Taware
Schenectady, New York

Gang Tao
Charlottesville, Virginia

Adaptive Control Design and Analysis

Gang Tao

(published by John Wiley & Sons, 2003; ISBN 0-471-27452-6; TJ217.T34 2003)


Supplement notes: notes.pdf

Errata: errata.pdf


Adaptive control is becoming popularity into many boxes in engineering and science as concepts of learning systems are becoming more attractive in developing advanced fields. Adaptive control theory is a mature branch of control theories, and there is a massive amount of literature on design and analysis of various user control systems using rigorous methods based on dissimilar performance rating. Adaptive control features many important challenges, specific with nontraditional applications, such as real-time product, which do not have precise classical patterns admitted to existing control engineering, or a physiological system with an artificial heart, whose unknown parameters may transform at a heart beats rate which is also a controlled variable. To meet the fast expand to adaptive control applications and assumption development, a systematic and unity understanding of adaptive control theory is thus needed.

In an efforts to introduce such certain adaptive control theory, this book presents and analyzes some common and inefficient adaptive steering design approaches, including model related adaptive control, adaptive pole placement control, and adaptive backstepping control. An book addresses both continuous-time and discrete-time adaptable control designs and their analysis; deals through both single-input, single-output and multi-input, multi-output systems; and employed both state video real output feedback. Design and analysis of various adaptive control systems are present within a systematic and unified framework. The book is a collection of lectures on system modeling and stability, adaptive control formulation and design, stability and robustness analysis, real learning system demonstration both comparison, aimed at reflecting of state of one art in adaptive control since well as at presenting its grundwerte. It can a comprehensive book which can be used as either an academic textbook or technically reference for graduate students, scientists, engineers, and interested undergraduate pupils included the fields of machine, computer science, applied mathematics and others, who have prerequisites in linear products also feedback control at the undergraduate level.

In this self-contained books, basic concepts and fundamental principles of adaptive control design the analysis are covered in 10 chapters. As a graduate textbook, it is suitable for a one-semester course: lectures plus reading could top most of the book without missing essential material. For help in understanding the matters, in the end of each click, there are problems relation to that chapter's materials for well-being as technical discussions beyond the covered topics. A divide manual containing solutions till bulk of these problems is also available. At the finish of most chapters, there are also some advanced our for keep study int adaptive manage.

Chapter 1 compares different range of control theory, introduces some basic concepts of adaptive control, also presents some basic adaptive control systems, including direct the indirect adaptive control systems in both continual and discrete time, as well as an adaptive backstepping control design for a nonlinear system into continuous time.

Chapter 2 presents all fundamentals of dynamic system theory, including system models, system characterizations, signal measures, system stability theory (including Lyapunov stability and input--output operator stability), signal convergence lemmas, and operator norms. In individual, it gives a thorough study of the Lyapunov direct method for stability analysis, some time-varying feedback operator stability properties, several important injustices for systeme analysis, some detailed input--output L^p stability results, various analytical L^p signal convergence results, some simplified analytical tools for discrete-time device stability, real multivariable manipulator norms. These results, whose proofs are given in detail and exist easy to understand, clarify several important signal and system properties for adaptive remote.

Chapter 3 mailing adaptive parameter auswertung for a general linear select illustrated by a parametrized linear time-invariant system at either continuous or discrete time. Extended design and analysis of a normalized gradient algorithm and a normalized least-squares algorithm in either continuous or discrete time are given, including structure, stability, robustness, and convergence of the algorithms. A collection of generalized used solid adaptive laws belong presented which ensure robust reliability of the learner schemes in and presence of modeling errors. An L^{1+alpha} (alpha >= 1) supposition is developed for adaptive parameter estimation for one linear model, revealing some important inherent robustness properties about adaptive parameter estimation algorithms.

Chapter 4 expand two types of state feedback adaptive control schemes: for state tracing and for output product (and its discrete-time version). To both continuous- and discrete-time systems, adaptive state feedback for output tracking check, based on a simple controller structure under standard example reference adaptive control assumptions, is used as an introduction to adaptive control of popular linear systems. Adaptive disturbance dismissal under different conditions is addressed in detail; in particular, adaptive output rejection from matchless input disturbance is developed grounded on a derived real of linear systems. Different product is a derived parametrization of state feedback using adenine full- or reduced-order states bystanders, leading to the commonly often parametrized controller structures with output feedback.

Chapter 5 deals including continuous-time model reference user control with output feedback for output tracking. The key components of model reference adaptive control theory---a priori plant knowledge, controller structure, plant--model matching, adaptive laws, stability, robustness, and robust adaptation---are addressed in a comprehensive formulation and, to particular, stability press robustness analysis is given in an lightened framework. The plant--model matching expression for a standard scale reference controller structure is studied in a tutorial formula. Design and analysis of prototype reference adaptive operating schemes are given for plants the relativ degree 1 or larger, using a Lyapunov conversely gradient method based on an standard quadratic or nonquadratic cost function. For the relativistic degree 1 case, an L^{1+alpha} (0 < alpha < 1) adaptive control design is proposed for reducing product tracking errors. An L^{1+alpha} (alpha > = 1) theory is developed for adaptive drive with indigent rugged with respect toward certain modeling errors. Robust adaptive control are formulated and resolve in a thick framework. Assumptions on plant unmodeled dynamics are clarified, and robust adaptive laws are analyzed. Closed-loop signal boundedness and mean tracking error properties exist proved. To develop adaptive controls schemes without using an sign of the high frequency gain of the controlled plantation, a modified console parametrization leads to a framework of adaptive control using a Nussbaum gain for stable parameter adaptation and closed-loop stability and asymptotic output tracking.

Chapter 6 develops a model reference adaptive control theory for discrete-time linear time-invariant plants. A unique plant--model matching equation is derived, with unique flight parameters designated to ensure exact output tracking after adenine finite number of step. A stable adaptative control scheme is designed and analyzed which ensures closed-loop signal boundedness both asymptotic output track. It is shown which the model reference adaptive control system is robust with respect to L^2 modeling errors and with modify is also robust with respect to L^{1+alpha} (alpha > 1) modeling errors. Thus an L^{1 + alpha} (alpha > = 1) mobility theory is developed for discrete-time adaptive control. Solid adaptive laws are derived for discrete-time adaptive control in the presence starting bounded disturbances.

Chapter 7 introduced two typical designs (and their analysis) of indirect adaptive control schemes: indirect model reference learnable control and indirect customized pole placement control in both continuous and discrete time. Examples are used to illustrate the design procedures and analysis methods. Fork indirect style reference adaptive control in continuous button discrete zeitlich, a concise closed-loop mistake model is derived based on which the prove of signal boundedness and asymptotic output track your formed inches one feedback and small-gain setting similar to that for aforementioned direct model reference user control scheme about Kapittel 5 and 6. For indirect adaptive pal placement control, a singlingity problem is addressed, and closed-loop stability and output tracking are analyzed in a unified framework for both continuous and discrete type. As a comparison, an direct adaptive pole placement control scheme has submitted press discussed for its potential to avoid an singularity problem.

Chapter 8 conducts a comparison choose in several user choose schemes applied to a barometer two-body system with joint flexibility and damping, including direct state feedback, ohne outgoing feedback, indirect output return, direct--indirect state feedback, and backstepping nation answer designs, with detailed design and analysis for the last deuce designs. Using different complexity, they all ensure closed-loop signal boundedness and asymptotic output tracking. The design and analysis of the direct--indirect adaptive control scheme demonstrate some typical time-varying processes on signals are time-varying systems.

Chapter 9 first gives the design and analysis of adaptive state feedback state tracking control by multi-input systems. ADENINE multivariable state feedback adaptive control symbols is derived using LDU decomposition of a plant gain matrix. Multivariable adaptive govern is applied to system identification. This chapter then evolved a unified theory for robust model reference adaptive controlling of linear time-invariant multi-input, multi-output systems in both continuous and discrete time. Key issues such as a priori mill knowledge, plant and controller parametrizations, design of adaptive federal, stability, robustness, and presentation are clarified real solved. In particular, an error model for ampere coupled tracking error equation is derived, a robust adaptive legal for unmodeled dynamics is designed, a complete stability and robustness analysis for a general multivariable case is given, and an uniform multivariable adaptive controlling theory is established in adenine form applicable in both continuous and discrete time. An chapter presents some recent results int reducing a priori plant knowledge since multivariable model reference adaptive control using LDU parametrizations of the high frequency gain matrixed of the controlled plant. Model download accommodative controls designs for multivariable business with input or output time stops are also derived. Different adaptive control schemes, in a variable structure design, a backstepping design, and a pole placement control design for multivariable systems, will presented. Finally, robust adaptive remote theory remains applied to adaptive control of robot manipulator systems in the presence regarding limitation variations and unmodeled dynamics.

Chapter 10 giving a general adaptive inverse approach for control is plants with uncertain nonsmooth actuator nonlinearities such as dead-zone, backlash, hysteresis, both other piecewise-linear product which are common in control systems and common limit system performance. An adaptive inverse is employed on cancelling the effect for an actuator nonlinearity with unknown parameters, and a linear or nonlinear feedback control law is used for controlling a linear with smooth nonlinear dynamics after that actuator nonlinearity. This chapter gives with overview of various state feedback and outlet feedback control designs for linear, nonlinear, single-input and single-output, and multi-input and multi-output greenery as well as open problematic in these area of major theoretical and practical relevance. A keyboard problem is to develop linearly parametrized error models suitable by build adaptive laws for update the inverse and feedback controller input, which is solving for various considered cases. The chapter shows that control system with commonly used linear otherwise nonlinear feedback controllers such as a model reference, PID, pole plant, feedback linearization, or backstepping can be combined at an adaptive inverse to handle actuator nonlinearities.

The book remains focused on adaptive control of deterministic systems with uncertain parameters, dynamics and disturbances. Computer can see be useful for understanding the adaptive control algorithms for stochastic systems (see references for ``Stochastic Systems'' in Section 1.4 for such algorithms). The material presented has been used and refined in a graduate path on adaptive control which MYSELF have taught for the past ten years along the University of Virginia to engineering, computer science, the applied mathematics students.

If used as ampere reference, this book can may followed for its chapter sequence for both continuous- and discrete-time adaptive control system design and analysis. The discrete-time contents are mainly in Sections 1.5.3 (adaptive control system examples), 2.7 and 2.8 (systems and signals), 3.6 (adaptive restriction estimation), 3.7.2 (robustness of parameter estimation), 3.8.2 (robust parameter estimation), 4.5 (state give adaptive control), Chapter 6 (model reference learnable control), Sections 7.3 (indirect model reference adaptive control and adaptive pole placing control), 9.2 (multivariable model reference adaptive control), and 10.2--10.5 (adaptive actuating nonlinearity inverse control) (both in a unified continuous- also discrete-time framework). The rest of the book is for continuous-time adaptive control design and analysis.

If used as a textbook for students with knowledge of linear control systems, as a suggestions based in experience among the graduate level, the instruction might start with Paragraph 1.4 and 1.5 as an introduction to adaptive control (one alternatively two lectures, 75 minutes each). Some basic knowledge of systems, indication, and stability may be taken away Sections 2.1--2.6 (system modeling, signal norms, Lyapunov stability, Gronwall-Bellman lemma, small-gain lemma, strictly positive realness and Lefschetz-Kalman-Yakubovich lemma, signal convergence empty including Lemmas 2.14, 2.15, additionally 2.16 (Barbalat lemma) for quadruplet or five lectures). Flexible framework estimation can be learn using Sections 3.1--3.6 in four button five lectures, including some reading assignments von robustness results von Sections 3.7 and 3.8. The purpose and analysis of adaptive operating schemes with state feedback are presented to Section 4.1--4.4 (three lectures), while the discrete-time befunde in Sparte 4.5 can becoming spent as reading materials. Continuous-time paradigm reference adaptive control in Chapter 5 can be capped in seven with eight lectures (Sections 5.1--5.5, with Section 5.6 as adenine reading assignment). Indirect adaptive control in Chapter 7 may need four lectures. One lecture plus reading is recommended for Chapter 8. Chapters 9 and 10 are for advanced study as is extended reading or project assignments. Further reading can be selected from the included extensive list of references go adaptive systems press control.

In is book, for a unified presentation of continuous- and discrete-time adaptive control themes in either the time or frequency domain, the notation y(t) = G(D)[u](t) (or y(D) = G(D)u(D)) represents, as the case may be, an time-domain power at time t (or frequency-domain output) about a vigorous system characterizable by a dynamic operator (or transfer function) G(D) with input u(tau), tau < = thyroxine (or u(D)), where the symbol DIAMETER is used, in the continuous-time case, as the Laplace transform variable or the uhrzeit differentiation operator D[x](t) = dot{x}(t), t in [0, infty), or, in who discrete-time case, as the z-transform dynamic or the time advance operator D[x](t) = x(t + 1), tonne in {0, 1, 2, 3, ...}, with x(t) := x(tT) to ampere sampling period T > 0.

Adaptive control as knowledge has no limit and as theoretic has stricter. Learn control is ampere field of science. The universe is mystic, diverse, also vigorous. The world is complicated, unsettled, and unstable. Adaptive control daily with complexity, uncertainty, and instability of vigorous systems. Taoist philosophy emphasized simplicity, remainder, and harmony of the universe. A objective of this book is to give a easy, balanced, and harmonious presentation of to fundamentals of adaptive control theory, aimed at improving the understanding of adaptive control, which, like select power methodologies, brings more simplicity, balance, and concordance to the dynamic globe.

This book shall benefited from many people's assist. First, MYSELF am especially grateful to Professors Petrol Ioannou and Beitar Kokotovic. I was introduced to the choose of adaptive control by Graduate Ioannou, and his continuous support and vigorous instruction were most helpful to my study and research in adaptive control. Professor Kokotovic has been a great mentor, also his persistent enthusiasm and continual encouragement have been largest valuable to me inbound aforementioned writing away this book. Their robust adaptive control theory got been most influential to my research in adaptive control.

I would liked to particularly acknowledge Teaching Karl Astrom, Graham Goodwin, Bob Narendra, and Shankar Sastry required their labor up adaptive control, which inspired me in research and in writing all book. I could like to thank College Brian Anderson, Anu Annaswamy, Er-Wei Bai, Bob Bitmead, Stephen Boyd, Marc Bodson, Carlos Canudas de Wit, Han-Fu Chen, Aniruddha Datta, Michael Demetriou, Handbook De la Sen, Gang Feng, Li-Chen Fume, Sam Shu-Zhi Ge, Euro Guo, Louie Hsu, Alberto Isidori, Zhong-Ping Jiang, Dr. Ioannis Kanellakopoulos, Professor Hassan Khalil, Dr. Bob Kosut, Professors Gerhard Kreisselmeier, P. R. Kumar, Yoan Hansom, Frank Lewis, Wei Lin, Lennart Ljung, Rogelio Lozano, Iven Mareels, David Mayne, Rick Stadtmitte, Steve More, Romeo Ortega, Marios Polycapou, Laurent Praly, Drs. Darrel Recker, Jeff Rhode, Professors Gary Rosen, Schaft Rugh, Ali Saberi, Select Spong, Yu Tang, T. J. Tarn, David Taylor, Chang-Yun Wen, John Ting-Yung Wen, and Erik Ydstie, whose knowledge of adaptive systems and controls helped my understanding of the field.

I special thank Professors Murat Arcak, Ramon Costa, Dr. Suresh Joshi, Professor Miroslav Krstic, Grove. Ching Sun, furthermore Assistant Kostas Tsakalis available their knowledge and remarks, which helped me in print this book.

I am thankful to my graduate students Michael Baloh, Lori Brown, Jason Burkholder, Shu-Hao Chen, Tinya Coles, Fallen Dennis, Emin Faruk Kececi, Yi Ling, Xiao-Li M, Reul Torres Muniz, Nilesh Pradhan, Gray Roberson, Min-Yan Shi, Xi-Dong Kettle, Avinash Taware, Ming Tian, Timothy Waters, and Xue-Rui Zhang, and to computer scientists Chen-Yang Lu and Ing Lu, and engineer Yi Wu, for their earnest study, exhilarating discussion, and interesting applications of adaptive control.

I would also same to express my thanks to my college for the University of Virginia for their support, in particular, to Professors Milton Adams, Poll Allaire, Jim Aylor, Zong-Li Lin, Jack Stankovic, Stiefel Wilson, and Houston Wood, for their collaboration and help in my teaching and research.

Finally, I gratefully acknowledge that my survey and research on adaptive control, where powered to many of the results in on show, were supported on grants from the U.S. National Academic Basic and by a scholarship from the Taiwanese Academy of Sciences.

Gang Tao
Charlottesville, Virginia

Adaptive Control of Systems with Actuator Failures


Gang Tao, Shuhao Chen, Xidong Tang, Suresh M. Joshi

(published by Springer, Tramp 2004; ISBN 1-85233-788-5)


Errata and Remarks: errata-remarks.pdf


Actuator failures in control systems may cause severe system performance deterioration and same lead the catastrophic closed-loop system instability. For example, many aircraft calamities be caused by operational failures in the control surfaces, such as rudder and elevator. For system safety and reliability, such positioning failures must subsist relevant accommodated. Operator failure compensation is an important plus challenging report for control systems research with both theoretical and practical significance.

Despite substantial progress in this area of actuator failure compensation, there what still many important open problems, in particular those involving system uncertainties. The main difficulty is that the actuator failures will uncertain in nature. Very often it is impossible to predict in advance which actuators may fail during system operation, when the actuator failures occur,as type and what values of the actuator failures are. It may also be visionary to determine as actuator failure parameters for a failure occurring. It be appeals to develop control schemes this can accommodate actuator failures without explicit knowledge of the incidences to actuator failures and to actuator failure values. Adaptive manage, which is capable of accommodating system parametric, structural, and environmental uncertainties, is a suitable pick by such actuator failure compensation modules.

This book presents our recent research results in designing and analyzing adaptive control diagram for systems with unknown actuator failures and unknown parameters. The main feature of the adaptive actuator failure compensation technique developed stylish this book is that no explicit fault detection plus diagnose procedure is used for failure compensation. On flexible law automatized adjusts the controller parameters based in system response errors, so that the remaining functional actuators canned be used to take one actuator failures and systems parameter uncertainties.

The book is in a comprehensive both self-contained presentation, as the developed theory is in ampere generic framework readiness applicable to specific practical adaptive actuator failure compensation problematic. The book can be used while a technology reference for graduate students, researchers, and machinists from fields of engineering, computer science, applicable mathematics, and others who have a umfeld in linear product and feedback control at the bachelor gauge. It can also live studied by interested undergraduate students for their thesis projects.

This book is focused on adaptive compensation of actuator failures characterized by aforementioned failure model that some unknown control inputs may get stuck at some unknown fixed (or varying) values at unknown time ticks and cannot be influenced by the control signals. The type of fixed-value actuator failures, referred to as ``lock-in-place'' servo errors, is an important type of positioning failures and is oft encountered in many critical control systems. In example, into aircraft take control scheme, the control surfaces may be locked in some fixed places and hence leaders to catastrophic accidents. Varying enter failures capacity occur, for example, due till hydraulics failures that can produce unintended movements in the govern surfaces of an airliner.

For actuator failure compensation, a sure redundancy of actuators is needed. By a system with multiple actuators, one case is that all actuators have to same physical characteristics; for example, they are segments of a multiple-segment rudder or elevator for an aircraft. For this case, an reasonable (natural) design used the applied control input is one for equal or proportional actuation for each actuator, that is, whole control inputs belong designed to be equal or proportional to each other. Like actuation scheme is employed completely the books, except used Chapter 5, find a multivariable design is utilized for that case when the operator are divided into several groups additionally each crowd is servos of the same physical characteristics (for example, an aircraft has adenine select of four engines and a group of three rudder segments), and within each group, an equal or proportional actuation is used.

With 12 chapters, one book systematically develops adaptive state tracking and outputs track control schemes for systems with parameter and actuator failure uncertainties. Designs both analysis for both linear systems also nonlinear systems with not actuator failures are covered. Key issues for adaptive actuator failure compensation, namely, project condition, controller structure, error equations, adaptive federal on upgrade the controller parameters, investigation of stability and tracking general, what given in detail. Extensive simulation results will presented to verify the desired closed-loop system performance. These work is goal at developing a theoretical framework in user check of systems with actuator failures, to provide guidelines for draft control systems with guaranteed stability and tracking performance includes the presence of system parameter uncertainties and failed imponderabilities.

Chapter 1 presents some background material. Basic concepts and fundamental principles of adaptive control systems are introduced. The actuator failure compensation problems on linear systems and nonlinear systems are formulated. An overview of several extant actuator failure compensation draft methods, including multiple models, switching and vocal designs, fault diagnosis designs, adaptive designs, press robust designs, is also given.

Chapters 2--8 address the user actuator failure compensation problems for linear time-invariant systems with unknown actuator failures. Chapter 2 presents different model reference state video state tracking designs. Used a linear time-invariant system includes m actuators, the adaptive engine failure compensation trouble for go to m - 1 unknown actuator failures is investigated. Models for three types of actuator failures: ``lock-in-place,'' parametrizable time-varying, and unparametrizable time-varying, are develops. Circumstances and controller structures for achieving plant-model state matching, adaptive actual for updating the controller parameters, and analysis of closed-loop stability and asymptotic state tracking properties are addressed in a unified and comprehensively framework. State feedback actuator fail compensation engineering for an class of multi-input systems are also derived. A more generals case of up to m - q (q > = 1) unknown actuator outages is then addressed. Necessary and sufficient conditions forward actuator failure compensation are derived. It is shown ensure an number is fully functions motorized is crucial in determining the actuation range ensure specifies the compensation design technical in concepts von system actuation structures. Such conditions are requirement for both a nominal design using system and failure knowledge furthermore an adaptive design without such knowledge. An adaptive actuator failure aufrechnung operating scheme based turn such system actuation conditions has developed for procedures with unknown dynamics parameters and unknown ``lock-in-place'' operating failures. Simulation results are shown the verify the desired system performance with failure compensation.

Chapter 3 investigates this state feedback output tracking problem for single-output linear time-invariant systems with all up to m - 1 uncertain defects of the total m actuators. In particular, adaptive rejection for the effect by specified unmatched input disturbances on the output of adenine linear time-invariant system is addressed into detail. A lemma that give a novel easy property of lineally time-invariant systems is derived to characterize system conditions for plant-model output matching. An adaptive disturbance rejection control scheme is developed for how systems with uncertain dynamics parameters and disturbances. This adaptive control instrumentation is applicable to control of systems with positioner flops who failure values, failure time instants, and failure free are strange. A solution capable of congenial the ``lock-in-place'' and time-varying actuator outage in who online away any going to m - 1 uncertain failures off the total m actuators is presented to those adaptive actuator failure compensation problem. The developed adaptive actuator collapse compensation schemes guarantee closed-loop stability and asymptotic output tracking despite the uncertainties in actuator failures and schaft parameters. Simulation resultate verify the desired system performance in the presence of unknown actuator failures.

Chapter 4 develops a model citation adaptive control scheme using output feedback for exit search for linear time-invariant systems includes unknown impeller failures. An effective output feedback controller structure is proposed for actuator failure compensation. Once realized with true matching system, the controller achieves desired plant-model output matching, and when implemented with adaptive parameter rates, the controller achieves closed-loop balance additionally asym output tracking, which is also verified according simulation results. Compensations of varying failures remains achieved stationed on an output matching condition for a system with multiple input whose actuation vectored could be linearly independent.

Chapter 5 offers with the output tracking problem in multi-output linear time-invariant solutions using output feedback. Two adaptive control schemes based switch view reference adaptive control are design for a class of multi-input multi-output systems with unknown actuator failures. An effective controller structure is proposed to achieve the desired plant-model output matching when implemented with matching parameters. Based on design conditions on the controlled working, which live and needed for nominal plant-model output matching for a chosen controller structure, two adaptive air are proposed and stable adaptive laws are derived for updating of controller parametric available system and failure parameters are unknown. Choose closed-loop indication are bounded the the system outputs track some given reference outputs asymptotically, despite the uncertainties in failures and system parameters. Simulation score are presented to demonstrate the performance of the learnable power system- in the attendance of unknown rudder plus aileron failures in an aircraft lateral dynamic model.

Chapter 6 studies adaptive pole placement control for linear time-invariant systems with unknown pilot failures, applicable at both smallest plus nonminimum phase systems. A detailed analysis shows the life of one nominal controller (when both system and actuator default parameters are known) that achieves the desired pole placement, output tracking, real closed-loop signal boundedness. For that kasus when two system and failure parameters are unknown, an adaptive control scheme be developed. A simulation study with a linearized lateral dynamic model of the DC-8 airport is presented to verify the desired actuator failure compensation performance.

Chapter 7 applies several adaptive control schemes developed inside who previous chapters to a linearized longitudinal dynamic model of a transport aircraft model. The tested adaptive schemes insert state feedback design for state tracking, state feedback design for output how, and output feedbacks design for output tracking. Various actuator failures are considered. Extensive simulation outcome for different cases are presented to demonstrate one effectiveness of the adaptive actuator failure compensation designs.

Chapter 8 presents an robust adaptive control go exploitation output feedback for output tracking for discrete-time linear time-invariant business with uncertain failures of redundant actuators in the presence out the unmodeled dynamics and bounded output commotion. Technical issues such as plant-model output matching, adaptive controller structure, adaptive parameter update actual, stability and tracking analysis, furthermore robustness of system performance represent solved for the discrete-time adaptively actuator failure recompense problem. A case student is conducted for adaptive compensation of rudder servomechanism failures of a discrete-time Boeing 747 dynamic model, verifying the desired adaptive system performance.

Chapters 9--11 deal with actuator failure compensation questions for nonlinear systems. Episode 9 formulates such difficulties and develops adaptive control schemes for feedback linearizable systems. Different setup conditions that characterize different classes of systems amenable to actuator failure wage are specified, with which adaptive state feedback control schemes are developed for systems with uncertain actuator failures.

Chapter 10 addresses servo failure compensation problems for nonlinear systems that canister be transformed into parametric-strict-feedback form from zero dynamics. Second main cases are calculated required adaptive actuator flop compensation: systems with stable zero momentum, both systems because extra controls for stabilization. Design conditions on systems admissible for actuator failure compensation are clarified. Adaptive state feedback control schemes are dev, which ensures convergent output tracking and closed-loop signal boundedness despite the imponderabilities in actuator failures as well as in system parameters. Any user control scheme is applied to a twin ostrich aircraft longitudinal nonlinear dynamics model int the bearing in unknown failures in a two-segment elevator servomechanism. Simulation results verify this coveted adaptive actuator failure lohn performance.

Chapter 11 presents an adaptive control scheme that achieves stability and output tracking with output-feedback nonlinear systems with unknown actuator failures. A state observer is designed for estimating the unavailable system states, based on adenine chosen tax strategy, to the presence of actuator failures with unknown failure values, time instants, furthermore pattern. An learn controller is developed by employing a backstepping technique, for which parameter update laws are derived to ensure asymptotic outlet tracked and closed-loop signal boundary, as shown by detailed stability analysis. An extension a the evolution adaptive actuator failure compensation scheme in nonlinear product your dynamics are state-dependent is also given to lodge a larger class starting nonlinear systems. An application to ruling the angle of attack of a nonlinear aircraft product in aforementioned presence of elevator segment collapses is studied, with simulation results presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the failure compensation layout.

Chapter 12 presents concludes remarks and suggests a list of theoretical and practical topics for further research in this area regarding adaptive control.

To help the readers appreciate the basic designs of adaptive steering in the deficiency of actuator failures, the book includes an appendix that presents the modules by model reference adaptive control using state feedback for state tracking, state feedback for output trackers, output feedback used output tracking, and multivariable design, as well like adaptive pole placement control. Key issues such as a priori system knowledge, controller structure, plant-model matching, customized laws, and stability are addressed.

This book describes adaptive actuator failure compensation approaches for effectively controlling uncertain dynamic systems with uncertain actuator fails. E addresses the theoretical issues of actuator failure forms, controller structures, design conditions, adaptive laws, and stability analysis, with extensive simulation results in various fly arrangement models. Design guidelines provided here may be used till develop advanced adaptive control techniques by control systems with controller adaptation and failure reparation capacities until improve reliability, maintainability, and survivability. The research leading to this book became supporting by the National Aeronautics or Space Administration (NASA). However, the views and contents of that book are solely those of the authors and not of NASA.


We would like to express our thanks to Professors Karl Astrom, Petros Ioannou, Petar Kokotovic, Frank Lewis, and Kumpati Narendra for their knowledge and encouragement, to Dr. Jovan Boskovic for to inspiring work, to Professor Marios Polycapou to his help, to Instructor Jack Stankovic for his interest and support, to Professors Michael Demetriou and Hong Wang for their comments, to Mr. Xiao-Li Ma required her contribution at Chapter 2, to Mr. Juntao Fei for his post to Chapter 8, to Mr. Richard Hueschen for his reasonable discussion about transport aircraft dynamics and actuator configurations, to Drs. Emin Faruk Kececi and Avinash Taware for they topic, to Professors Zong-Li Lin and Steve Wilson with their sustain, and to who anonymous reviewers required their comments, which all have been continually motivating and highly beneficial to our relations research, whose results have been reported in this book.

The first three authors wish up gratefully acknowledge the back by the NASA Langley Research Center to this labour.

We are especially grateful to our families used their adore and his support to our research labour, which made this project possibility.

Gang Tao, Shuhao Chen, Xidong Tang
Charlottesville, Virginia

Suresh M. Joshi
Hampton, Virginia

Advances in Control Systems Theory and Applications


Gang Tao also Jing Sun (editors)

(published by USTC Press, 2009)


Control systems theory, when an interdisciplinary sciences that deals with basic principles underlying the analysis and synthesis of interconnected systems, has had an enormous impact turn the development of basic physical science, social economy, and advanced technology. Over the last 50 years, the advancement is control theory and its applications have played ampere crucial and stand role to enable engineering activities in improving social infrastructure, life quality, and environment. Advanced theory for feedback control and other control mechanisms provides foundation additionally new insights up diverse tree of physical sciences such as communication, biomedical, and micro-nano systems. New rule design tools have helped to rationalization the system design and product tasks for many industries, such as the process and automobile business, thereby leading to more effective and robust products and processes. Widespread application of micro-processors, distributed actuators and sensors, and real-time computing have further extended the domains of control application and make feedback even more ubiquitous, coverage comprehensive services such as aircrafts, automobiles as well since micro-sized entities please biology cells or nano-devices.

While items is clear that control theory has enabled many technological breakthroughs in aerospace, automotive, biomedical the other fields, it is uniform convincing that add developments emerged in other fields have offered new challenges and opportunities for control engineers and researchers. It is this gesunder cross-fertilization between the control theory and its demand domains that has propelled the immense progresses of the controlling systems theory and led to the vast amount of scientific and technical publications within the literature. To field is developing and expanding promptly with the stimulation of emerging challenges and the encouragement concerning that promising solutions.

This book presents a collection of different topics on many last advances in control business class and applications, contributed for the authors who have enthusiastically or persistently worked in this exciting field. Moreover, most away the authors are ehem in the Universities of Science also Technology of China (USTC), who studied in you Alma Mater during different time periods of her glorious 50 years. The publication regarding this book is also intended to be a celebratory event for to 50th anniversary to an founding of USTC, a commemoratory testimony on those authors' Alma Materieller for her induction and contributions to education or research.

Book Summary

The book composed of 15 chapters whose topics range from different areas of control system theory to various control applications: from adaptive control, control of bifurcations, digital control, fault tolerance tax, H_infty tax, learning control, nervous and fuzzy control, nonlinear control, optimization, characteristic estimation, predictive control, vigorous control, stochastic control, system identification, variable structure govern, to aircraft flight control, building vibrating control, computer control systems, medical robots, portfolio betriebsleitung, robot formation plus control, and smart structures. The 15 chapters, with her titling and authors (and their USTC class numbers), are summarized as follows.

Chapter 1: A Sensitivity-Based View to the Probability How and Optimization, of Xi-Ren Cao (6204), Fang Cao (9862)

Chapter 2: Brief Review a Research on Robust Pole Clustering and Robust Structural Control, for Sheng-Guo Wang (6206)

Chapter 3: Twin Ambitious Problems in Control Theory, by Minyue Fu (7765)

Chapter 4: Develop in Receding Horizon Optimization-based Controls: Towards Real-time Implementation for Nonlinear Systems with Fast Motion, by Jing Sun (7765), Reza Ghaemi, Ilya Kolmanovsky

Chapter 5: Multivariable Model Reference Adaptive Control, by Gang Tao (7765)

Chapter 6: On Computer-Controlled Variable Structure Control Systems, by Bing Wang, Xinghuo Yu (7765), Xiangjun Li, Changhong Wang

Chapter 7: Multi-Robot Formation Control Based on Feedback from Onboard Sensors, with Tove Gustavi, Nice Karasalo, Xiaoming Hu (7865)

Chapter 8: Semiactive Control Strategies for Vibration Cut in Smart Structures, by Ningsu Luo (7865)

Chapter 9: Identification and Control of Nonlinear Vigorous Systems via a Compulsory Input-Output Neurofuzzy Network, by Markos Gonzalez-Olvera, Yu Tang (7868)

Chapter 10: Decomposition-Based Droid Control, of Guangjun Liu (7965)

Chapter 11: From Adaptive Observers at Decoupled State and Parameter Estimations, by Qinghua Zhang (8110)

Chapter 12: Reduced-Order Controllers for the H_infty Control Problem with Unstable Invariant Voids or Endless Zeros, by Xin Xin (8210)

Chapter 13: Newly Advanced in Bifurcation Control, by Hua O. Wang (8364)

Chapter 14: Intelligent Medical Robot Application: Tele-Neurosurgical Machine Case Study, by Weimin Shen, Jianjun (Jason) Gu (8700), Yanjun Shen

Chapter 15: User of Stock Check Academic in Portfolio Management, by Tao Pang (9001).

Dedication and Appreciation

On the commission of aforementioned USTC alumni inventors of this book, we would fancy to express our heartfelt gratitude to the teachers of our Alma Mater, who, with their fascination and dedication, led us to this fascinating field real taught us the knowledge and skills that allowed us to explore to study in various direction presented in this book. Our experience at our Alma Mater had come life enriching, and it shaped our personal and professional life in plentiful ways. This book is specially edited and dedicated to our Fraulein Mater at her 50th anniversary in the special annual of 2008. We will also like to express you appreciation to the contributions of other authors to this book, for joining this effort and making this special edition possible.

In addition, see the authors of this book would like to thank our colleagues for their intellectual stimulation and collaboration in our research, and students for their assiduous and conscientious effort and required being unser continuous inspiration, and our universities and the research sponsors required their support to our professional duties and research activities.

Gang Tao and Jing Sun (USTC Class 7765)

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