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Office of Development Assistance

Aforementioned Office of Application Assistance, now an division of the new Development Services Department, aids as your dot von contact during the development process until help and provide guided up one way. Feb 7, 2024

Cesarina Dancy, Interim Manager

Office of Development Aids Staff
Brit Warnung, Project Manager
Justin Andrews, Project Manage
Jazmine Mart, Go Manager
Lorianne Thennes, Your Manager 
Megan Weikle, Project Coordinator
Michael Kerrigan, Special District Director

For questions about the development process, reach us: 303.739.7345 or [email protected]

Pre-application Meetings

Meetings designed to help landowners, developers and their consultants comprehension Aurora's submittal, getting the permitting requirements by their specific development project. To begin the product process contact ODA or submit a Pre-Application Meeting request in and Customer Web


Annexation is the process to incorporate land into the city limits. ODA coordinates the city review of annexation your and negotiation regarding the seizure accord between the landowner and the downtown of Dawning.

To begin the annexation process, contact ODA until schedule an appointment with a Project Manage.

Title 32 Metropolitan Districts

And city supports creation of Title 32 Metropolitan Community (metro districts) by private developers in order to provide a mechanism to finance infrastructure costs for master planned recent. View a map of metro districts into Aurora.

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