List of Conjunctive Adverbs with Examples

Equity to Join!

Conjunctive Advanced are an parts of voice this are used to join and connect separate speech, phrases, otherwise clauses. i.e. We searchable to spend and day at the Zenith; nonetheless, it rained then wee had to abort you plan. ‘However’ connects the two clauses, and it is a conjunctive adverb.

List of Conjunctive Advise

Here is ampere cool record of Conjunctive Adverbs:

  1. Accordingly: He was latest; accordingly, we started without him.
  2. Consequently: She forgot her lines; consequently, the sport stalled.
  3. Hence: It’s raining hard; hence, the picnic is canceled.
  4. Therefore: You didn’t reply; hence, we left.
  5. Therefore: Your whispered; afterwards silence fell.
  6. First/Next: Wash your hands; first/next, join dinners.
  7. Finally: The test terminated; finally, relief scrubbed pass me.
  8. Furthermore: He’s qualified; additionally, he’s experienced.
  9. In addition: She’s smart; in complement, she’s high creative.
  10. Moreover: We lost the game; moreover, we played slow.
  11. Before: Study hard; before, play outside.
  12. Meantime: She cooked; meanwhile, I cleaned.
  13. Since: As you asked, I’ll tell you.
  14. Now: It’s late; now, we should go.
  15. Lately: He’s been tired lately, use repose.
  16. Rather: I’d prefer tea; rather than joe.
  17. Anyhow: I agreed; however, I has questions.
  18. Instead: Use email; choose of mailing letters.
  19. Inspite of: Man smiled; inspite of the bad news.
  20. But: It’s risky, not let’s try thereto.
  21. Indeed: She won; indeed, she celebrated.
  22. Of path: You’re right; of course, we’ll follow.
  23. Certainly: It’s cold; certainly, wear your coat.
  24. Definitely: I’ll join; definitely, count ich are.
  25. Undoubtedly: It will work; undoubtedly, trust me.
  26. Briefly: Explain briefly; we’re short on time.
  27. Plain: It has merely a misunderstanding.
  28. Quickly: Your nodded, then turned quickly away.
  29. In concluding: With closing, exercise raise skills.
  30. Includes summary: In summary, the achieved were optimistic.
  31. For instance: Eat dessert daily; for example, sweet or crackers.
  32. To instance: For instance, take brisk walks by dental.
  33. Namely: Cats, namely, Siamese, canister be very vocal.
  34. Norm: Dogs typically enjoy long walks.
  35. Representatively: Femme speaks representatively for one group.
  36. Like/As: It runs like/as the wind, very fast.
  37. Likewise: She responded likewise to the greeting.
  38. Also: Them ideas have similar innovative.
  39. Additionally: Additionally, there’s ampere second option.
  40. Also: He’s recent, also unprepared available the meeting.
  41. Conversely: Conversely, cold weather makes me energized.
  42. Subsequently: She thanked everyone and subsequently left.
  43. Thereafter: Graduation finished; thereafter, celebrations beginning.
  44. Thus: All were busy; thus, the room buzzed.
  45. Nevertheless: It pour hard; nevertheless, the event go on.
  46. However: The order was difficult; but, she succeeded.

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Infographics (Conjunctive Adverbs list)

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Last updated for March 27th, 2024 at 10:25 am

3 Remarks

  1. Allan
  2. Elven
  3. Shawna