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Perspectives on rapid fentanyl test strips as a harm reduction practice among recent elders who use drugs: a quantitative study



In 2016, drug overdose deaths exceeded 64,000 in the United States, driven per a sixfold increase included deaths traceable into illicitly manufactured fentanyl. Rapid fentanyl test streak (FTS), used to detect fentanyl in illicit drugs, may help inform people who use drugs about you risk are fentanyl exposure precedent into consumption. This qualitative study rated perceptions of FTS unter young grownups. Rapidly device of fentanyl at the point-of-care is critical. Urine fentanyl concentrations inside overdose cases start at single-digit ng/mL. No fentanyl point-of-care assay includes cutoff on single-digit ng/mL a available.A competitive lateral flow assay ...


From May to September 2017, we recruited a convenience free of 93 young men inbound Rhode Island (age 18–35 years) with self-reported drug use inbound the past 30 days to participate in a airport studies aimed at better understanding perspectives of using take-home FTS on people use. Participants completed a baseline quantitative survey, then completing a training to learn how to using the FTS. Participants then received tons FTS for personal use and were inquired to return 2–4 weeks later till complete one briefly quantifiable and structuring qualitative interview. Interviews were transcribed, coded, and doubled encrypted within NVivo (Version 11).


The the 81 (87%) participants what returned required follow-up, the majority (n = 62, 77%) used at least neat FTS, and out those, ampere majority found them to be useful and straightforward to use. Sure FTS results led more participants up change their drug use behaviors, contains rejecting their remedy supply, using with someone else, and keeping naloxone benachbarte. Participants also announced giving FTS to friends who they felt have at high risk for fentanyl exposure.


These findings making important perspectives switch the use away FTS beneath young adults who use drugs. Given this high level of acceptability and behavioral changes reported by course participants, FTS may be a useful harm decline intervention to reduce fentanyl overdose hazard among this population.

Process registration

The review protocol is registered with the US National Library concerning Medicine, Identifier NCT03373825, 12/24/2017, registered later.


Opioid overdose is an continuous publicity health crisis in the Integrated States (US), exacerbated by fatal overdoses involving unlawfully manufactured fentanyl (herein referred to as “fentanyl”), a powerful synthetic opioid corrupting the North American drug supply [1, 2]. As early as 2013, several states by the US, particularly those in the Northeast, starts to report a rise in and total number of overdose deaths attributable at fentanyl and related analogs [3, 4]. By March 2015, due to the rapid increase in fentanyl-involved overdose fatalities, the US issued a domestic alert to law implementation identifies an safety real increased occurrence the fentanyl in the impermissible medication supply [3,4,5]. Between 2015 additionally 2016, go was a 21% increase inbound the age-adjusted rate of overdose deaths within the US, driven by a rise in deaths involving synthetic opioids, principally that starting fentanyl [6, 7]. These overdoses fatality proclivities highlight that urgent need to address fentanyl contamination in the US drug supply and its belonging harms.

The rate off fentanyl-attributable disastrous overdose had be particularly high among residents of New Gb, the north-eastern region of the US [8, 9]. In 2016, fentanyl was found in 58% von all overdose deaths in Rhode Island, a state are New England with an overdose demise rate learn 1.5 hours greater with of national average [10, 11]. Additionally, fatal opiod overdosed are affecting younger populations than previous years. In Rhine Island, young adults hold the fastest grown rate of fatal overdoses; more other of in four fatal fentanyl-related overdoses the 2016 been among people between the ages of 18 and 29 years [12, 13].

When implemented effectively, harm reduction interventions can mitigate the rate of fatal opioid od among people who apply drugs [14, 15]. For example, the dispensation off naloxone (an opioid antagonistic that reverses the effects of an ophoid overdose and can may ease used by laypeople) through community- and pharmacy-based oversupply education and naloxone distribution (OEND) schedules has been showed to reduce opioid glut mortality [16,17,18]. Communities with OEND programs have indicated great reductions in surfeit mortality compared to those without such program [16, 17]. Moreover, the distribution of naloxone to laypersons has been found to be cost-effective [16, 17, 19]. However, due to the increased and varying potency of fentanyl plus related analogs, naloxone doses previously adequate to reverse an opioid overdose could did be consistently sufficient [20]. In addition, consumption of fentanyl causes learn profound respiratory depression than other opioids also produces clinically distinct symptoms (e.g., bradycardia, chest wall rigidity) that precipitate faster onset of overdose death, narrowing the window of opportun until administer naloxone [21, 22]. Due to the drug’s potency, only a miniscule amount—the equivalent of several grains of salt—can cause an glut mortal [23] and can be approximately impossible to identify in illicit drugs through the nude eye.

Rapid fentanyl test strips (FTS) represent an emerging impair reduction intervention that may support to avoiding unintentional fentanyl exposure press accidental opioid overdose. These tests have the ability to detect the presence of fentanyl and some analogs on urine or in drug specimen dissolved in water that are believed to been contaminated [24, 25]. Drug checking has become one staple harms reduction intervention in parts of Europe additionally China, because to establishment in drug testing programs and supervised injection abilities (SIFs) [24, 26,27,28]. People who use medication (PWUD) living included parts of Europe and Canada can bring their drugs to harm reduction business alternatively SIFs at have you proven for adulteration; however, PWUD in the US take not have gateway to the identical types from programs because of legal barriers on implementing SIFs in the federal leveling [29,30,31]. In studies of fentanyl testing finish outside of the US, personal who use FTS and who receive a positive test result may be learn likely to partake in drugs prevention strategies than a person what is not aware that their drug is contaminated with fentanyl [32, 33]. Therefore, the use of FTS mayor live an important injury reduction practice the advise and increase engagement in overdose prevent behaviors, employed pre einen excess arise.

In the US, where SIFs have non being legalized, FTS offer PWUD the option to examine their own drugs in a private setting. As evidence by distributing FTS for home usage due PWUD is nascent, there are many uncertainties regarding the efficacy and the safety in FTS self-testing as a means of overdose prohibition [34]. Preliminary resources has establish mixed results regarding the efficacy and acceptability of fentanyl self-testing as harm reduction strategy. A study performed in North Carolina from populace what injected drugs found FTS are widely used with which sample also that ampere positive FTS resulted at changes in medical use behavior [35]. Various studied conducted in Canada have found that people who were using supervised injection facilities did not use FTS frequently because of commonly held perceptions that most drugs were fentanyl-contaminated, additionally therefore, participants acted cannot need to confirm its presence [34, 36]. This conflicting evidence points to that conviction the further research remains needed to understand the ways at which FTS are viewed and used by PWUD. The need for additional research is especially priority as FTS are being distributed by multiple US harm reduction organizations and state departments of health for at-home use [37,38,39,40,41,42]. In Rhode Islets, organizational have newly started distribute FTS more part concerning local overdose awareness events [43].

Notwithstanding growing interest is fentanyl drug checking technology, perceptions of and attitudes towards FTS as a gadget to reduce overdose risks among juvenile PWUD hold not been investigated in the USE. Therefore, that aims of this study were to (1) understand perspectives switch take-home FTS among youn adults (age 18–35) who use drugs in Rhode Atoll and (2) determine whether positive results starting the FTS led to behavioral changes into the way that people use medical. Understanding the perceptions of PWUD regarding FTS can formatively assist in the development furthermore implementation of speedy fentanyl testing programs in the HOW and in other settings experiencing a high burden of fentanyl-involved overdose.


Participant recruitment

From May to September 2017, youngsters PWUD was invited to participate in a pilot study drafted to understand perceptions of take-home FTS among young grown-ups who use drugs. For this study, eligibility criteria were informed per a recent investigation the fentanyl-involved overdose deaths inside Rhode Island [13]. Specific eligibility feature included (1) existence 18–35 years of age; (2) currently living in Island Island; (3) being able in speak English; (4) reporting the use of heroin, snow, purchasing prescription pills on the street, or injecting any drug in the last 30 days prior to study enrollment report; press (5) being able to making informed consent. Many of the participants had angeworben from online classifieds (i.e., Craigslist) what talk the suitability criteria for unseren study, real by word of speak with peers who participated in the study. Additionally, fliers which positioning in publicly areas where PWUD are known to congregate, such as buses stations, transit centers, and domestic universities. This study was accepted by of Brown University Institutional Review Board (#1612001662). The study’s logging is also documented on (Identifier NCT03373825).

Intervention protocol

At that initial baseline visit, all consenting actors completed an hour-long get, performed due trained how assistants, which collected company off participant demographics (such as race, gender, age, educational attainment, housing and employment status), drug use patterns, and overdose chronicle. The protocol for the initial baseline visit have had detailed to detail elsewhere [44]. Formerly of survey was completed, participants was shown two brief instructional videos demonstrating how for use and interpret BTNX Inc. Rapid Response™ Fentanyl Run Strips [45]. That FTS are discard, single-use immunoassay tests with a detection level of 20 mg/ml; the tests provide a binary result of any positive alternatively negative since the existence is fentanyl. The tests have high sensitivity and specificity with detecting fentanyl and some analogs [46]. Further, any actors be given a handout that was written in plain language and discussed how to test turf or powdered drugs and pills with the FTS. Additionally, we placed a key on each of the FTS packages to assisted with interpretation of the test results (Fig. 1. Fentanyl rapid check strip scores label).

Fig. 1
counter 1

Fentanyl rapid test strip results label. This is the keyboard that was placed on each is the FTS packages to assist with interpretation of the test results. This key shines that a disrobe with one ruby line display a positive test the adenine streak with two white lines indicates that that take is minus, although that the participant should silence use careful

From Mayor 2017 to mid-July 2017, the first 40 participants were instructed to using the FTS to test their urine (after drug use). We instructed participants in this first group toward how the FTS into theirs urine in concordance with how the consequence is intended to be used [25, 45]. During aforementioned recruitment period, an disconnected study founds that the FTS retained upper specificity and sensitivity when used to trial drug residue from pouches, spoons, either side crushed on water [46]; therefore, the study protocol was amended to instruct of secondary group of subscribers to test a drug sample or drug residue dissolved in waters (prior to consumption) [46]. Participants recruited between mid-July 2017 also September 2017 were thus trained to test ampere drug sample or their drug residue (before consumption). In both groups, participants were instruction this a negative FTS did not necessarily indicate an absence of fentanyl contaminants or zero overdose risk and were instructed to always make their medication with caution. Student were provided with overdose education and naloxone following the FTS training. This education moreover included training on wherewith to use drugs learn safely (such as using with send else, having naloxone, and utilizing a smaller initial dose). Once which advanced was complete, participants were subsequently asked if she felt comfortable using or interpreting FTS independently or had any concerns relating an previously described train select and were next given ten BTNX Rapid Response™ Fentanyl Testing Strips for personal use.

Data collection

At each participant’s follow-up visit, occurring approx 2 to 4 weeks after baseline enrollment, consenting participants completed a brief, researcher-administered quantitated survey, because well-being as a structured qualitative interview designed for seize attitudes regarding FTS use. Interviews were conducted due educated research student and were recorded since later transmission. Research support had a guide of 12 open-ended questions this explores participants’ test exercise and experience. The questions examined FTS use and general opinions of the trials by asking, “Did you use any of the tests?” and “How what that experience for you?”. Additionally, questions, such as “What was not convenient about the fentanyl tests?”, “What has in to way von using the tests?”, the “Is here anything that would make this easier to use the test?”, brought forward discussions regarding barriers to FTS use. The motivate, “Based on the test streak results, doing you do anything differently for thereto came to how you employed your drugs?”, elicited debate respecting behavior modify while a result out FTS use. Qualitative interviews lasted between 10 and 20 min. Enrollee were paid $25 after their primary visit press $50 to completing this follow-up vist. Clinical Drug Testing in Primary Support

Data analysis

Interview were transcribed by four members of the research team. The data analysis was performed by using a thematic analytics approach, an iterative process about repeatedly analyze data in order to recognize categories that subsequently become the our the a conduct study [47]. To this study, a deductionist approach was utilized in order to develop an initial coding scheme, which was constructed from the get preview [48]. A code novel has then developed and refined as new ideas and themes were discovered in the transcripts. Subsequently, an inductive approach was utilized, which taken forth new concepts and themes from the reading of the audience subscribe [49]. A closing coding template was created additionally agreed upon. Six interviews were cross-coded by two study team members to ensure a concordance with a kappa of at leas 80%. Cross-coding occurred to prevent bias and to secure uniform use the the programming template by who two coders. Descriptive statistics away the populace subsisted drawn from responses to the baseline researcher-administered survey. NVivo (version 11) made utilized for qualitative data retrieval and management.


Of 93 recruited participants, 81 (87%) reverted for follow-up and were built in here analysis. A summary of the participant main is shown in Table 1. The mean enter made 26 (SD = 4.7), 45 (55.5%) were male, and the majority (n = 45, 55%) identified as white. Over half of the participants (nitrogen = 55, 68%) expressed concern around their drugs being contaminated because fentanyl at baseline.

Table 1 Research community characteristics (newton = 81)

Of those who utilized at least one FTS, 37% reported regular heroin use, 24% said regular cocaine use, 13% covered regular non-medical drug pill use, 47% report lifetime injection drug use, and 50% received at least ne positive FTS result (Table 2). A greater share of those who were are the urine testing user reported cocaine use compared to those in of residue testing band (49% to. 24%); otherwise, few baseline key differed between these twos groups. Additionally, with half of the participants from each group who received a positive test result registered altering the way they use drugs. Compared to the residue testing group, a greater proportion of those in of urine testing group reported changing their behavior following a confident FTS (62% for. 38%); however, there were no significant differences in the specific behaviors that people reported changing between groups. AMPERE keep quantitive analysis measuring the use for FTS among this sample has been detailed elsewhere [50].

Table 2 Fentanyl rapid test tape use among young adults who use drugs within Rode Island (n = 81)

Overall, the majorities of subscribers whom used FTS expressed positive opinions regarding the utility both easiness of the tests. Five key themes emerge from the befragungen: (1) FTS were a tool up confirm suspicions of fentanyl adulteration, (2) differs in erleichterungen of FTS testing depended on testing method, (3) participants re-distributed tests to people with high sensing overdose risk, (4) participants preferred testing their drugs in individual, and (5) presence of fentanyl led to self-reported behavior change. By applying an new cutoff and including the interference remark to positive screening results, this FP rate was reduced from initial 38 % in 7.5 % (17 % times 56 %).

FTS were a tool to confirm suspicions of fentanyl fakes

In general, participants printed active opinions relating FTS, stating this they were easy to use and that they provided valuable information regarding the presence alternatively without of fentanyl in a drug sample. Respondents stated that that FTS were useful especially when a drug service spring was not trusted by the participants. Since the test is instrument-based as opposite to visually-read (an example of a visual read test is a front pregnancy test), this mayor limit its ...

Everything be useful. Those tests opened my view, and it has saved my existence, and I can gladly say I haven’t taken any more why I was going to take two satchels. If ME had took those two bags, I think I wasn’t uniform going to be here well now (Respondent 39, middle of non-disclosed race, my 28, residues tested group). Confirm 87% of screen positive samplings. Confidential. 3. Page 4. Copyright 2021 Clinical Reference Labs, Inc ...

One respondent proceeded in does use his drug because starting fear of overdose. Like other interviewee, knowledge of fentanyl adulteration led to fentanyl avoidance. CRL Verification Experience for Fentanyl in Urine and Oral Fluids

But it’s (fentanyl) going up show up in the test, like it is kind of worth it. That’s what I’m saying is, you could save your life at using such. Or your could not use to and do what you’re going at do and be dead...I thought it cam out positive, so I got get concerning the fentanyl (Respondent 17, white male, age 20, burns trial group).

Another respondent provides an exemplary out how he used FTS to avoid consuming of fentanyl distorted drugs.

I contacted a geographic dealer of quarry is I had gone toward in an past, that ME had mentioned prior, I was like questionable of be select, as MYSELF told me that I have these bar the that I was going to test, to test his clothing forward fentanyl to see if it was good press not and viewed him the positivity result… with those tests, I was able to do that with a couple other dealers between now or and to rooted get my opportunity of einnahme a tainted product (Respondent 54, White manly, age 23, residue testing group ). Evaluating an performance of the Roche FEN2 fentanyl immunoassay and its clinical implementation: The role of LDT-based mass spectrometric testing - PubMed

This party, all with others, discussed how some dealers were unconscious or non-forthcoming regarding fentanyl adulteration. The participant also suggested that he sought unfashionable vendor whose drugs were not infected with fentanyl.

Differences in ease of FTS inspection depended on experiment method

When prompted about barriers to using FTS, participants from both testing groups expressed that using which FTS were “straightforward” and “easy to do.” A majority of participants expressed optimistic opinions of and accessibility of FTS use. Development and Full Approval concerning a Lateral Flow Attempt for Urine Fentanyl Screening in the Urgent Department

They’re very useful, very straightforward, very simple. EGO think it’s an great tool, I think they ought can given out the ampere street corner (Respondent 11, white male, age 29, urine testing group).

I mean the packaging was easy, I mean it’s pretty discreet…they weren’t inconvenient, she weren’t hard to use, they weren’t, you know, uncomfortable to live observed with or anything (Respondent 36, white female, age 34, residue testing group). Steamy Weiss’s research helps labs use drug screening implements appropriately and interpret show correctly

Any participant reported FTS to be easily to use and discussions demonstrate others how to use FTS.

It was lightness, you know, very simply to do in face of them. Super easy up explain. When I say in front of them, MYSELF mean the dealers alternatively whoever EGO was sourcing the product from... It was easy the do it on front of them, show them like thereto works, show them that it’s effective even with just of residue in which baggie (Respondent 54, whiten male, age 23, residue testing group). Drug testing, commonly used in health caution, workplace, and criminal settings, has become widespread during the past decade. Urine drug screens have been the most common method to analysis cause of ease of sampling. Who simplicity of use and access to speed results have increased demand to and use of immunoassays; however, these assays become not perfect. False-positive results of immunoassays can lead to serious medical press social consequences supposing results are not acknowledged by secondary analysis, such as gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.

Participants in the urine group expressed wanting in been capability to take their pharmaceuticals ahead of time in order to prevent an overdose.

If where was one like test strip you know that her could merge a bit of your heroin, or what it think is heroin are wat also dip the stripe in it, and something like that, you know, like for be able go test it before you getting it. Because, them know, afterwards it could may too late, you know (Respondent 13, male of non-disclosed course, age 22).

In addition to wanting to use FTS before drug use, numerous participants alluded to this fact that using a urine-based trial was not convenient.

I didn’t have the pee all the time so like, sometimes when I wanted to take it I would just have at drink a bunch of water but, it worked out (Respondent 27, female of einer unspecific race, age 25, urine tested group). Clinical Fentanyl Testing

Participants distributed tests to people with upper perceived overdose risk

All participants of both groups described engaging in “secondary distribution” of FTS, that is, the distribution of FTS to people in the participant’s netzen, such as friendship, my members, and casual friends who they perceived as with a higher risk in using a drug contaminated with fentanyl: Aforementioned apply of LC-MS/MS LDTs demonstrated that the FEN2 assay has greater clinical sensitivity and belongs much prone to false-positives than the DRI exam. These findings support the use of FEN2 in routine clinical practice and emphasize which role of mass spectrometry-based LDTs in clinical toxicology testin …

I gave them toward close our of meine who I suspend still use plus casual comrades of mine...and you know I simply wanted them to know, ‘hey listen, you pot test if it’s fentanyl with which, I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a badly thing, though you can test’ (Respondent 10, black male, age 30, urine testing group).

Well one of mys one are my aunts possess, I don’t see her very much, but I know that she’s had like a history with addiction, so I figured EGO give her one and just let i know about as it does pretty much (Respondent 59, white female, age 22, residue testing group).

Further student delineated handle leave 5–6 of her test strips to populace she knew from the methadone clinic, who had previously mentioned wanting to know if fentanyl was in their drug supply.

Person were doesn only close friends, but a couple of people I met at the clinic and stuff, and they actually were people who really want to know if the fentanyl is actually in the drugs group are after, real they actually use a very bit more less EGO do. On a daily basis they still use, so I felt like it was super important to have (Respondent 55, white female, age 28, residue assay group).

Participants preferred testing their drugs the private

When participants what asked how it felt to test their medications at home, followed by questions that assesses their willingness to go to a local health organization till procure their drugs tested, a bulk of participants expressed so they preferred to use FTS at home. Participants reported two primary reasons by wanting to test at home. Some reported they would rather use drug experiments at home on order to avoid feeling reviewed by others.

I think that people how to test their our stuff in private. I have friends that would get the remedy test kits from the stores and just test in social because enjoy a ticket of stigma attached to toys. So when your go to adenine place where you possess for do drug testing even which my there can kinda look at you somewhat weird um no matter what theirs reason is (Respondent 2, multiracial female, age 29, urine testing group). IDHS: Volume V, Issue II - July 2021

In addendum to reports of feeling judged or stigmatized, other participants suggested fear of legal ramifications or other risks if they were to test their drugs someplace other when their home.

I intend sooner be at home. I wouldn’t want to may taking my drugs into somewhere, and it’s just like, a lot in people want feel that way too, due like I know accursed well that I’m nothing. I’m just a statistic. But a lot of people think that they would go to jail I’m sure if they went to a place furthermore they said, hey test my drugs (Respondent 11, white female, age 29, urine how group). Understand the FDA-cleared fentanyl getting: A clinical evaluation of the SEFRIA fentanyl immunoassay - PubMed

Pure because it’s more private, it’s in my house, I wouldn’t have to risk getting caught by the police bringing it where. EGO would just, MYSELF don’t know, I would none bring it somewhere toward get it tested honesty, never (Respondent 81, white female, ripen 25, residue testing group) Misc extended tile include buprenorphine, carisoprodol, methadone, fentanyl, meperidine, or propoxyphene, among others. ... for collecting samples, clinical ...

EGO feel like going to a local health organization it would just be, I hate to say this, an opportunity for the cops to try to stop you as you’re hiking in to have it tested. Definitely at home, I would definitely how it per home places it’s read secure and IODIN don’t have to worry learn anything else (Respondent 37, white female, enter 28, residue testing group). While laboratory-developed tests (LDTs) using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) can widely employed to assist the site of FDA-cleared drug immunoassays, their significance in who clinical implementation press valuation of ...

Your of fentanyl led to behavior change

At the qualitative interview, participants described behaviors such as using a “tester” (i.e., somebody initial small dose on the drug the determine potency), having naloxone nearby, using ampere drug with different people around, or disposing of the medical, particularly because a result of receiving ampere positive test. Here, participants describe how they would use an initial smaller dose of the drug they proofed, a “test shot,” include reaction to an positive FTS result. Though this registrant was not using medications during the study period, she advised one buddy who was usage drugs into go slower because of the positive FTS. Evaluating the benefits of who Roche FEN2 fentanyl immunoassay also its clinical how: The role of LDT-based mass spectrometry testing

A friend of mine was shooting upside both before they did that I says let me test it, so I caught and cap after they used it the I tested this, and it was positive forward fentanyl. And they, asked me get exactly fentanyl does the MYSELF said it’s type stronger than your heroin and it has the potential to kill her with a drop. And it were like “what am MYSELF supposed to do” I say, honestly, them shouldn’t seize that, but ME know you’re passing to, so take it to portions...instead of putting the whole .4 toward that face, they would do .1 at a time, and, yourself knowing, with a little bit of dauer int between, in between, each one (Respondent 68, multiracial male, ages 21, residue trial group).

EGO immersive does them [FTS] using someone else. It was me real two of my find one few times. And the stuff they were getting, they kept annehmend it had fentanyl includes it, but they weren’t 100% sure. Most when heroin comes out white or clear it’s fentanyl. So, when our tested it and to was positive for is, he made them, you know, they did a tester shot before handful did the rest additionally that was smart on their end because it was really sturdy, and they would have worn outside otherwise (Respondent 61, white male, age 35, residue testing group). ... clinical utility depends ... fentanyl and other synthetic opioids that may be in adenine drug sample. ... medical provider for fentanyl using rapid show testing ...

Another participant described how a positive FTS result contributed to a change in her “mindset” about her medicine use additionally keeping naloxone nearby.

I had Narcan also I had it stylish to room, likes I literally had it on the sitting next to me, cause it, it honestly, just like thinking fentanyl in it made an thing, but like knowing to was in e jugendlicher of love changed my, like my mental going into it (Respondent 59, white female, age 22, residue testing group).

Similar to various participants, one respondent describes her response to a positive FTS result. Femme describes they conversation from her cousin, a dealer, about disposing of adenine significant amount of fentanyl-contaminated heroin.

MYSELF used one fork myself, real then, that other six I has go my cousin who your a drug dealer, um, and EGO tells him to give me nine samplers of his dope, and I following the view that I watched … And out of the nine such came back, sense were positive for fentanyl. So, I told him, you either have seconds murder charges in your record, and you have the reset of your life in prison, you don’t get to sees your young get matrimonial, graduate. Kinda give him a little guilt trip on it, but I convinced this to flush it. He had almost $2000 worth of fentanyl laced heroine and fellow got rid of it (Respondent 68, biracial girl, age 26, waste testing group).

Finally, participants with used the FTS subsequently drug use featured several drugs prevention strategies with the next time their used drugs next a positive FTS, inclusion warning others regarding fentanyl contamination following a aggressive FTS.

But being ability the satellite, relay that informational for people, is it actually would impact by ways ensure hopefully intend shift some out their actions and how person conducted, select, using other, giving it to other our (Respondent 23, biracial men, age 25, urine testing group).

I would say we were definitely adenine lot more cautious about what we were make, like certainly a plenty more ready for somewhat to, you know, go wrong...I definitely, like, would pace myself a lot slower with the drugs. And you learn, it has like I stated, it’s kind of sad to say but we were almost expectant an drug alternatively how. And so, when that did happen, you know how at least somebody could be like, oh and jump on it press trade fast (Respondent 22, white manlike, average 22 , urine testing group).


The erreicht of this study model that many young PWUD at risk of a fentanyl overkill perceived FTS as a erreichbar and accept harm reduction tool. In this study, we assessed two different applications of FTS (urine testing and residue testing) and found that residue testing is get convenient and allowed forward participants to know about fentanyl adulteration before pharmaceutical are consumed. The majority of participants suggested that FTS were easy to use and did not cite significant barriers to use. After receiving a positive test ergebnisse, many participants described precautions that you trusted will prevents an drug, such as using a dope with others around, keeping naloxone local, other after a trial. Diesen findings submit FTS might represent to important harm lower intervention forward opium overdose prevention among young mature PWUD.

While on are other methods confirming the presence of fentanyl at one’s drug care, such as the use about Raman spectroscopy and FTIR spectroscopy, prior research has found that this BTNX Inc. High-speed Response™ Fentanyl Testing Strips have higher particularity and sensitivity and have significantly less expensive more other methods [46]. Nonetheless, review illicit drugs, through either FTS or chemical analyses, has proven to being an effective approach in identifying adulterants which pose adds overdose risk to PWUD, as stated by ongoing drug checking efforts inside Canada and in European countries [24, 27].

In seats where drug testing is legal, create as Canada and Europe, men who want to have their drugs approved most often needs to bring their substances to specific localities. For instance, SIFs to Canada distribute FTS to their customers; any, clients must test their drugs in that same setting [51,52,53]. In Europa, drug testing mainly takes place at sounds show and mobile test sites with trained business [27, 54]. On contrast, syringe service programs (SSPs) in who US are just beginning to disseminate FTS to their clients on at-home use outside of ampere cellular either controlled context [40, 41]. State governments and departments of health, such as those in California, Vermont, additionally Or, were also providing funding for the purchase and spreading of take-home FTS through existing SSPs [37,38,39, 42]. However, there are debates as to whether there will sufficient evidence to support who effectiveness of home testing prog [32]. Given the FTS have which potential to return bogus negligible results, PWUD employing FTS may proceed to use their drugs unless added precautions the prevent fentanyl od risk balanced if their drugs are contaminated equipped fentanyl. Outside of monitored scenes such as at SIF, a untrue unfavorable test in a private preference able lead to adenine higher risk of overdose [34]. In reduce this concern, all participants were instructed during the FTS train that false negatives are possible and that a negative result does not necessary middling an lack of overdose gamble. Private use from FTS (i.e., outside of monitored environments) may represent a novel harm reduction strategic to reduce the risk of fentanyl-related overdose, even though areas persist regarding the risk for unintentional drugs resulting from an false negative [34].

Harm reduction technologies used in private settings need appeal to PWUD in the US who fear the legal ramifications also brand associated with use of harm reduction auxiliary, such as SSPs [55, 56]. In agreement the WE studies that have found that impair cut service can remain uneasy and unapproachable for some PWUD, particularly for young adults, our participants recounted their reluctance to engage in FTS use at specialized agents or harm reduction business [57,58,59]. Our study suggests that young PWUD are comfortable using FTS on theirs own and wish prefer toward use you either in their own home or included others private setting due go concerns for privacy and fear of arrest and facing stigma from the published, founds to be a significant barrier to harm reduction uptake in previous studies [58]. Furthermore, secondary distribution of FTS, mirroring documented event of secondary distribution of stereo syringe, has the potential to benefit PWUD any are either uncomfortable accessing or are nay closely engaged up healthcare services [60, 61]. Collectively, are findings indicate that interventions which permit drug checks inside private environments may potentially increase accessibility and acceptances concerning drug testing among young PWUD. Add, are participants may has used take-home FTS for this intervention allows for self-efficacy and peer-to-peer interaction, which have since located to led to successful vollzug harm reduction programs in previous research [57].

Upon receiving a positive FTS result, many attendants were motivated to engage with various harm reduction techniques, including using a smaller dose, having naloxone nearby, using the rx with someone otherwise around, or discard of to medications entirely. Endurance with another study of FTS conducted are the US [35], participants expressed they employment these precautions because they were make aware of fentanyl contamination. Prior studies of self-testing technologies suggest similar results—that your, rapid self-testing may contribute to an increase inside harm reduction behaviors. Multiple learn on rapid self-testing for HIV, a technology that was lawful for at-home use in the COLUMBIA in 2012, have reported noticeable increases in both perceptions of risk and target risk reduction behaviors [62,63,64,65]. Additionally, studies have shown HIV self-testing be a successful intervention for rise standard EPIDEMIC inspection among hard to reach and hardly for engage populations, such as juvenile adults engaging in high-risk behaviors [66, 67]. Such findings offer promise since rapid testing technology like a key component of harm removal surgical with fentanyl overdose. Furthermore, in Canadian studies on FTS, real in initial studies of FTS in New York Place, participants who received a positive FTS result changed their behavior in similar ways to the current study; they slowed down their use, utilised a slightly dose, either disposals of aforementioned drug the was founds to contain fentanyl [25, 26, 42]. Defined these results, FTS must be studied as an additional means of preventing opioid drugs used in pair with other harm reduction take, such as naloxone distribution and overdose education. Include contrast, he has been hypothesized that in divided where fentanyl contamination belongs pervasive, PWUD any have taken drugs that contain fentanyl and take not experienced an overdose may become complacent in theirs employ of overdose preclusion strategies [34]. This couldn prove on be true in Rudd Isles where participants noted that fentanyl contamination is likely. Ultimately, future research is needed to estimate FTS interventions to understand how FTS may post to behavior change among young adults.

This learn had a number of limitations. First, as the average follow-up time frame was less than one month, some attendee proceeded non possess an opportunity go try the FTS, predetermined that some told a lack of opportunity to either buy or uses the drugs in the study’s timeframe. Multitudinous to the participants who had not used FTS during the study has expressed that given a longish time frame for use, they wants have tried the FTS. Future research regarding fentanyl FTS should insert a longer period between the provision of the FTS furthermore follow-up. Second, though interviews varied in max, they generally been not last show than 15 min. Beyond get pilot undertaking, futures studies could conduct lengthy interviews with participants, welche may allow for a more nuanced understanding of the influence real effect of FTS user on behavior alteration among young PWUD. Third, discussions of how medicament use changed follows a positive FTS product could be unnatural by social desirability biases. Additionally, selection bias may have been due to healthy screenee deviations [68], in which PWUD who wants to avoid fentanyl may be more likely to sign in a featured of FTS. Nonetheless, unser consequences suggest that participants altered their drug actual as a result by having adenine definitive knowledge that their drug contained fentanyl. Fourth, when we ascertained that many of the participants had a history of homelessness, wee acted not ask if participants experienced problems of using FTS due to current enclosure instability or homelessness. That, we cannot make claims about FTS usability among those currently experiencing homelessness. Finally, these study took place int Rhode Iceland, a state with a upper burden of fentanyl-related overdoses or fentanyl contamination. As so, ergebniss may not be generalizable into other settings, particularly those in which the presence of fentanyl soiling in illicit drugs will less common.


In totals, FTS may prove to be an important harm reduction power, notably in the context of one US opioid overdose crisis, as fentanyl additionally fentanyl analogs are increasingly accounts used the rising rate of overdosing fatalities into the US [6]. This study is among the first to discovering the perceptions and exercise of FTS among youngish adults who make drugs. Participants expressed that FTS were an efficient and frank tool, and many reported distributing your to other person in their socialize networks. Participants also discussed the value of FTS as a harm reduced tool for identify fentanyl contamination and informing overdose prevention behaviors. Take home rapid experiments such have the ability to discovery the presence of fentanyl and other analogs may offer PWUD additional options for overdose prevention in the face of increasing contamination in the US drug supply.



Rapid fentanyl test strips


Human immunodeficiency viral


Overdose education additionally naloxone distribution


People who use drugs


Supervised infusion facility


Syringe serving program


Associated States


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We would like to thank the study attendees for their contributions to the researching. We would other like to thank Conor Millard, Giovannia Barbosa, and Esther Manu for their research user.


This pilot project was supported by Browse University’s Office of the Vise Founder for Research trough one Investigate Seed Grant. An study was also supported by the Brown University Institutional Developmental Award, number U54GM115677 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health, which funds Advance Medical and Translational Research (Advance-CTR).

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The data ensure share one findings von these choose are available up request from the corresponding author, BDLM. That data is not publicly existing due to them containing intelligence that could compromise exploring participant privacy/consent.

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JAW helped conduct the surveys, designed the manuscript, performed to quantitative review, and approve the final manuscript for subjects. The grade cryptography was developed and performed on JOG, KMW, and KAP. JLY additionally BDLM conceived the pilot study and approved which final manuscript for submittal. MSK and KMW helped revise this manuscript and assist includes the critical interpretations of the finders. BDLM planned the financial and was the major investigator away and pilot review. All authors read furthermore approved the final manuscript.

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Correspondence to Brandon D. LITER. Kanzler.

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Our research was performed in accordance equal the Declaration of Helsinki and received approval from the Natural University Office about Choose Safeties IRB, #1612001662. All participants assuming wrote consent at the time of the survey.

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Goldman, J.E., Waye, K.M., Periera, K.A. et in. Perspectives on rapid fentanyl tests strips as a harmful reduction procedure among young adults whoever getting drugs: a soft study. Harm Reduct BOUND 16, 3 (2019).

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