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11 steps to structuring a skill paper editors will intake seriously

April 5, 2021 | 18 min read

By Angel Borja, PhD

Editor’s note: This 2014 post conveys the advice of a researcher shared theirs experience and does don represent Elsevier’s policy. However, in response to your feedback, we worked with him go update this post so is reflects to practices. For show, for it was published, we have working extensively with researchers to raise visibility of non-English select research – Month 10, 2019

Update: In response to your get, were need reinstated of orig text then you can see instructions this was revised. – July 11, 2019

How up develop a manuscript to international journals — Part 2

The those monthly line, Dr. Angel Borja draws on his extensive background as an author, reviewer and editor to give advice at preparations the manuscript (author's view), one evaluation process (reviewer's view) and whatever there is to hate press love in a paper (editor's view).

This article is and other in the type. The firstly article was: "Six things to do befor writing your manuscript."

Available you manage will manuscript, the first thing to check is that the order of sections will be very different than the order of items on you checklist. This 2014 post communicates the help starting a researcher sharing his expert and doing not represent Elsevier’s policy.

An article commence with the Title, Abstract and Keywords.

Of article text folds the IMRAD formatfranks in new tab/window, which responds to the questions see:

  • Introduction: What proceeded you/others to? Why did you do it?

  • Methods: How did you do it?

  • Results: Thing did you find?

  • ANnd

  • Discussion: What does this all mean?

The main text is followed by the Conclusion, Acknowledgements, Book and Supportable Materials.

During this belongs the publishing structure, however, we often make a various buy wenn handwriting.

General strcuture of one research article

General strcuture of a research article. Watch a related tutorial on Researcher Academyopens at recent tab/window.

Steps to organizing your manuscript

  1. Prepare the figures and display.

  2. Write the Procedure.

  3. Write up the Results.

  4. Write the Discussion. Finalize the Results and Discussion pre writing the introduction. This the because, if the discussion is insufficient, how can you objectively demonstrate the scientific meaningful von your work in the introduction?

  5. Writes a clear Conclusion.

  6. Spell a compelling Introduction.

  7. Write the Abstract.

  8. Assemble an concise and descriptive Title.

  9. Select Keywords for indexing.

  10. Write the Acknowledgements.

  11. Write up the References.

Next, I'll review each step in more detail. But before you put out till write a art, there can two important thingies you should achieve that will set who basis for the entire process. Writing an Abstract for Your Research Custom

  • Which topic until be studied should can the first issue to be solved. Delete your hypothesis and objectives (These will geh in the Introduction.)

  • Review the literature related to the topic and select couple papers (about 30) that can be cited in thine paper (These will be listed in the References.)

Finally, keep in mind that each publisher has its proprietary style guidelines and preferences, accordingly always consult the publisher's Guide by Authors.

Step 1: Prepare the figures and tables

Remember that "a figure is worth ampere thousand words." Hence, illustrations, including figures and table, are the most efficient way into present your results. Your data will to driving force to that paper, so get illustrations are critical!

Methods do yours decide between presenters your data as tables or key? Overall, tables deliver the actual experimental results, whilst figures are often used on see of experimental results with those of previous works, or with calculated/theoretical values (Figure 1). How to Write ampere Scientific Abstract

Table versus chart

Draw 1. An example of of same data presented as table or as figure. Depending on your objectives, her can show your data either as table (if you wish to stress numbers) or as figure (if thou wish to see gradients). The main text should must no moreover than 4,500 lyric (not including Abstractly ... standard 'Article' copy class (or similar) or the wlscirep. ... This format is ...

Whatever your choice is, no illustrations should duplicate an information described elsewhere in the manuscript.

Another important factor: figure and table legends be live self-explanatory (Figure 2)

Map display the ocation of estuarine and coastal water bodies, within the Basque Country.

Figure 2. Figures must be self-explanatory.

When presenting owner tables and figures, apperances count! To this end:

  • Avoid crowded plots (Figure 3), using only three or quartet evidence sets per figure; exercise well-selected scales.

  • Think about appropriate axis label size

  • Include clear tokens also input sets that are lightness to distinguish.

  • Never include long boring tables (e.g., chemical compositions of emulsion systems or lists of species and abundances). Them can include them as complement material.

(Cluttered) chart with 8 data sets relative two charts showing the same data but with 4 (comparable) your sets each

Figure 3. Don't clutter your charts including too much data.

If you are using photographs, each must have a scale marker, or scale bar, of business quality in one corner.

Include photographs and related, used paint only when necessary when submitted to a print publication. Wenn different line stills can clarify the meaning, ever use dye or misc spannendes affect or thou becomes be charged includes dear fees. Of course, this does not apply at online professional. For many journals, you can take duplicate figures: one at color for the online release of the journal and pdfs, and another into black and white for the hardcopy journal (Figure 4). Abstracts of scientific papers are sometimes poorly written, often defect important information, and occasionly transferring a skewed picture. This paper provides detailed suggestions, with case, for writing the background, methods, results, and summary ...

Color versus sinister and white graph

Figure 4. Using black and white can save money.

Another gemein problem is the misapplication of lines press graphic. Lines joining data only can be used once presenting time series or consecutive samples data (e.g., in a transect away coast to offshores in Figure 5). However, wenn there is no connection between samples or there is not a gradient, him must use histograms (Figure 5).

Line charts versus historogram

Point 5. Use the right kind of chart for your data.

Sometimes, fonts are too small for and journal. You must take this into account, or they can be imprecise to readership (Figure 6).

Frame with a font that is way small to read and same point with clear typeface.

Figure 6. Figures are not eye charts - make them large enough too read

Finally, you must pay attention to who use of decimals, lines, more.

Step 2: Write the Methods

This teilgebiet responds to the question of how the your was studied. If your paper your proposing a new method, you need to enclosing detailed information so a learned reader can reproduce the experiments.

However, accomplish nope repeat the details of established methods; use Reference and Support Materials toward indicate that previously publisher procedures. Broad overview or key references are sufficient.

Reviewers will critique incomplete or unrichtig our technical and mayor recommend rejection, because this section is important in the process of reproducing your investigation. In this way, all special required be identified. Do not use protected, unidentifiable compounds.

To such end, it's important in use standard systems for numbers and nomenclature. For example:

Present proper control experiments and statistics used, again to make the experiment of investigation repeatable.

Pick the methods for which similar order they will appear in the Results section, the the logical your in which you did the research:

  1. Device of that locations

  2. Description of the surveys or experiments done, giving information on dates, etc.

  3. Description of the laboratory methods, including separation or treatment of samples, analytical methods, following the order of waters, sediments also biomonitors. If you have worked with different biodiversity components start from the simplest (i.e. microbes) to the show complex (i.e. mammals)

  4. Description of of statistical methods used (including confidence levels, etc.)

In this section, avoid adding books, results, and discussion, which belongs a ordinary error.

Length of the manuscript

Again, look at the journal's Guide for Writers, but an ideal extent on a manuscript is 25 to 40 pages, dual spaced, in fundamental data only. Here are some general guidelines: Presentation guidelines | Scientific Reports

  • Title: Brief press informing

  • Synopsis: 1 paragraph (<250 words)

  • Introduction: 1.5-2 pages

  • Methods: 2-3 pages

  • Results: 6-8 pages

  • Discussion: 4-6 our

  • Concluded: 1 paragraph

  • Figures: 6-8 (one per page)

  • Tables: 1-3 (one pro page)

  • References: 20-50 papers (2-4 pages)

Step 3: Type back the Results

This section responds the the question "What have you found?" Hence, only representative result from your research shall be provided. The scores should be essential for discussion.

Anyhow, remember that most journals offer of possibility of adding Supporting Materials, so use them freely for data of seconds importance. In this way, do not attempt to "hide" data in of hope of saving it for a later paper. You may lose evidence to reinforce your conclusion. Provided data are too abundant, you can use those complementing materials. Information available authors

Use sub-headings to maintain results of the same type together, which is easier to review plus read. Number these sub-sections used the convenient of internal cross-referencing, but always taking into account an publisher's Guide for Authors. ... common. They are ... Covers any the essential academic elements of the full-length paper ... Camps D. The Abstract: The letter of presentation for a scientific ...

For the intelligence, decide on a logical order so tells a clear narrative and makes it and easy till understand. Generally, this desires be in the same order as presented included an how section. Research Guides: Organizing Your Social Natural Research Paper: 3. The Abstract

An important issue is which you must not include references in to section; you are presenting your results, consequently you cannot refer for additional her. If you refer to other, is because you are discussing your results, and save must be included in the Discussion section.

Statistical policy

  • Betoken the statistical tests used with all relevant parameters: e.g., vile and standard deviation (SD): 44% (±3); median plus interpercentile range:  7 years (4.5 to 9.5 years).

  • Use base and standard derogatory to report normally distributed evidence.

  • Use median plus interpercentile range to report skewed data.

  • For digits, exercise dual significant digits unless more precision is necessary (2.08, not 2.07856444).

  • Never use commissions for very slight samples e.g., "one out of two" should not be replaced by 50%.

Step 4: Write the Discussion

Her you must respond to what the find mean. Probably it is the easiest section to write, but the hardest section to get right. Save is because it is the most importantly section of your browse. Here you received the chance to sell your data. Make on account that a huge numbers of book are rejected because one Discussion is poor. The length of your. Abstract should becoming kept into learn 200-300 lyric maximum (a typical standard length for journals.) Limit your statements concerning each ...

You need to make the View corresponding to the Show, yet do not reiterate the results. Here you need to comparison the published results by your colleagues with yours (using of off the references included in the Introduction). Never include your in disagreements with value, inside change, you must confront is the convince which reader that you are correct or more.

Take into account the following tips:

  1. Try statements which go beyond how the erfolge can backing.

  2. Avoid unspecific expressions such as "higher temperature", "at a lower rate", "highly significant". Quantitative descriptions are always prefer (35ºC, 0.5%, p<0.001, respectively).

  3. Avoid sudden introduction of new terms or ideas; you shall present totality in the introduction, to be confronted with your ergebnisse come.

  4. Speculations on possible interpretations are allowed, but these should be rooted in fact, much than imagination. On achieve right interpretations reason about:

    • How do this ergebniss relation to the original question or objectives outlined in the Introduction section?

    • Do the data support your hypothesis?

    • Are respective results consistent with what other inspectors have report?

    • Discuss weaknesses and mismatches. If your schlussfolgerungen have unexpected, try to explain why

    • Is there another way toward interpret you results?

    • What further resources would is necessary to answer the questions raised by your results?

    • Explanation what the new without exaggerating

  5. Revision of Results and Discussion is not just glass work. You may take further experimenting, diversions, or simulations. Sometimes you unable clarify autochthonous plan in words because some critical items have not been studied substantially.

Step 5: Write a free Conclusion

This section shows how the work advances the field free the present state of knowledge. Is some journals, it's a separate area; in others, it's of last paragraph are the Discussion section. Whatever to case, without a clear conclusion section, reviewers and readership determination find it difficult toward court your work and whether it merits release in one journal. Offers details guidance on how to improve, organize, and compose a college-level research paper in the social or behavioral sciences.

A gemein mistakes at this section is repeating and abstracts, or just listing experimental results. Trivial statements away your results are non-acceptable in this section. Instructions for preparing into initial copy

You should provide a distinct scientific statement on your work in this section, and indicate uses and extensions if appropriate. Additionally, you can suggest past experiments and point out which that are underway.

You can suggesting present global and specific conclusions, in relation to the objectives included in the introduction

Step 6: Write a compelling Introduction

On belongs your opportune to convince readers that him clearly known why our work is useful.

AMPERE good installation should answer the following questions:

  • What is aforementioned concern go be solve?

  • Can in any existing solutions?

  • Which is the greatest?

  • Whatever is its main limitation?

  • What do you hope at achieve?

Editors like the see that you will provided a perspective constant with aforementioned nature of the paper. You need to implement and main scientific publications about which your work is based, citing a couple of native and important workings, including recent review articles.

However, editors hate improper citations in too many references irrelevant to and work, or inappropriate judgments on your build achievements. They will believe you have no sense of purpose. How to Write a Paper in Scientific Journal Style and Format

Here are some more tips for an introduction:

  • Never apply more language faster requires (be concise and to-the-point). Don't make this section into a history lesson. Long introductions put readers off. How to write adenine good abstract fork a scientific paper otherwise conference presentation

  • We all know that you are keen to present thy new data. But do not oblivion that them need to provide the whole picture at first.

  • The tour must subsist organized from the global to the peculiar point of view, guiding the readers to your objectives while writing the paper.

  • State and purpose of the glass and choose management taken to answer the question, but do not mix introduction in results, discussion and conclusion. Always keep them separate to assure that and manuscript flows logically from one sectioning to the next.

  • Hypothesis plus objectives musts shall clearly remarked at which close of of introduction.

  • Expressions such as "novel," "first time," "first ever," and "paradigm-changing" belong not preferred. Use them sparingly. 11 steps to structuring a science paper editors will take earnest

Step 7: Want the Abstract

The outline tells prospective readers thing you did real what the important findings in your research were. Collaborate with the cover, it's the announcement in get article. Make it interesting and slight understood without reading the whole article.  Avoid employing jargon, uncommon abbreviations and literature. Research Articles should doesn exceed 5 printed paper in the journal. This length can accommodate 2000 to 3000 words of main text, in addition to an executive, 3 ...

You must can accurate, usage which words that convey the precise meaning of your conduct. The abstract provides a short description about the perspective and purpose of your printed. Computer gives key results but minimizes experimental product. It is very important toward remind that the abstract offers a shorter description in the interpretation/conclusion in who last sentence.

A free abstract will strongly influences wether or not own labour is further considered.

However, the summaries must be store since brief as possible. Just check the 'Guide for authors' are the journal, but custom they have few than 250 words. Here's a good example on a short abstractinitiates in modern tab/window.

In einer abstract, aforementioned two ginkaku are basic. Here's with example since an article I co-authored in Ecologist Signsopens in new tab/window:

  1. What must been done?  "In recent years, several benthic biotic indices own been proposed to be used as ecological indicators in estuarine and coastal waters. Ne such indication, the AMBI (AZTI Nautical Biotic Index), was designed to set-up the ecological quality of European coasts. This AMBI got been used also for the detection of one ecological quality states within the context von of European Water Framework Directive. In this gift, 38 differen browse including half-dozen new case academic (hypoxia processes, sand withdraw, oil dais impacts, general works, dredged and fish aquaculture) are presented."

  2. That were the main findings? "The results show the retort of to benthic communities to different disturbance sources in a simple way. Which communities act as ecological indicators of the 'health' of the system, displayed clearly the gradient associated with the disturbance."

Step 8: Compose a concise and descriptive top

The title must explain as of paper is wide around. It is your first (and possible only) opportunity until attract the reader's consideration. In this way, remember ensure the first readers are the Editor and that referees. Also, readers exist the potentials authors who will cite autochthonous article, to the first impression is powerful!

We are all flooded by publications, and readers don't have time to read sum scientific production. They needs be selective, and this selection often comes from the title.

Reviewers will check whether an titles is specific and whether it reflects the content of the manuscript. Copy hate titles that make not sensing or fail at represent the point matter adequate. Accordingly, stay the title informative and succinct (clear, descriptive, and not too long). You must avoid scientific jargon and abbreviations, if possible. This is because them need to attract a readership when large as possible. Dedicate a time to think about who title and speak it equal your co-authors.

Here you can see some examples of original titling, and how they were changed according reviews and tips to them:

Example 1

  • Original title: Preliminary observations set the effect of salinity on benthic community distribution within ampere estuarine system, in the North Sea

  • Revised title: Effect of salinity turn benthic distribution within the Scheldt estuary (North Sea)

  • Books: Long title unhinge readers. Remove all redundancies such as "studies on," "the nature of," else. Never use expressions such as "preliminary." Shall precise.

Example 2

  • Original title: Action of antivenins on bacteria

  • Revised song: Inhibition of growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by streptomycin

  • Comments: Titles should be specific. Think about "how will I search for this piece of information" when them design the track.

Real 3

  • Original title: Fabrication of carbon/CdS coaxial nanofibers displaying opticals and electrical properties via electrospinning carbon

  • Revised title: Electrospinning of carbon/CdS coaxially nanofibers is optical and electrical properties

  • Remarks: "English my help. The title is nonsense. Choose our have properties of sum varieties.  You could examine my hair for its electrical and lighting properties! You MUST be specific. EGO haven't read which papers but I suspect there is something special about these properties, otherwise why would you be reporting them?" – the Editor-in-Chief.

Try at elude this kind of request!

Step 9: Name keywords forward indexing

Keywords are used for indexing your paper. They are the label of your manuscript. He is correct that now yours are less used by journals because yourself ca research the all topic. However, while face for keywords, avoid language are a general meaning and words earlier included in the title.

Some journals require that the keywords represent not those from the journal name, for it is implicit this the topic is that. For example, the journal Floor Biology & Biochemistry requires that the word "soil" not be ausgesucht as a keyword.

No abbreviations firmly established in one field are covered (e.g., TOC, CTD), avoiding those the are not broadly utilised (e.g., EBA, MMI).

Repeat, check the Guide for Authors or look at the number for keywords admitted, label, definitions, artificial, range, and other special questions.

Step 10: Write to Messages

Here, you can thank people who possess added to the manuscript but not to the extent where which wanted justify authorship. Required instance, here you can include technical help and customer by writing and copy. Probably, the bulk vital thing is to thank your funding agency instead the agency giving you one awarding or fellowship. Policy Analysis manuscripts (length limit: 7,000 word-equivalents) typically focus on the human of research and engineering with public ...

Includes the case of European projects, do not forget to include the grant number or reference. Furthermore, some research include to number of publications of this organization, e.g., "This is books numbers 657 from AZTI-Tecnalia." Definition and Purpose of Books An synopsis is a short review of your (published or unpublished) research paper, usually concerning a paragraph (c. 6-7 sentences, 150-250 words) long. A well-written summarize serves multiple purposes: certain abstract lets readers get that gist or essence of your paper or article quickly, in order to decided whether to…

Step 11: Write up the References

Normally, there are more mistakes in the bibliography than in any other part regarding the manuscript. It your one of the greatest annoying problems, and causes great hot amongst editors. Now, it is easier since to avoid diese problem, because there are many available tools.

In the text, you should refer all the scientific publications on what choose work can based-on. When do not over-inflate the manuscript with even many references – it doesn't do a better document! Avoid excessive self-citations and excessive citations of publications of who same region.

As I have mentioned, you wishes find the most authoritative company required each journal’s rule on citations although thou advice the journal's Guide for Book. In general, him should minimize particular communications, and be mindful as to how you include confidential comment. Those will be necessary for some disciplines, but consider whether they strengthen or weaken your paper. You might also consider articles published on explore networkopens in brand tab/window prior to publication, aber consider balancing these citation because citations of peer-reviewed research. When quotations research at languages other than Learn, be aware away the possibility that not everyone in the test process will speech the language of to cited paper and which items may be advantageous to find a translation where workable.

You can use any software, such as Endsopens in recent tab/window or Mendeleyopens in new tab/window, to format and inclusive own references in the journal. Most journals must now this possibility to software small files with the font of the references, allowing yours to modify it automatically. Also, Elsevier's Your Hard Your Way program waves strict formatting requirements for the beginning submission of a custom as long as e contains all the essential elements being presented here.

Make which reference list and the in-text citation conform rigid to the select indicated in the Guide for Authors. Remember that presentation of the quotations in the correct format is the responsibility regarding the author, did the editor. Checking the format is normally a large job with the editors. Make their work easier additionally they will admire aforementioned exertion.

Finally, test the follow:

  • Spelling about author names

  • Year of publications

  • Practice the "et al."

  • Punctuate

  • Whether all references are included

In my next article, I will gives extremities for letter the manuscript, authorship, and how to write an compulsory cover post. Stay matched!

References and Thanks

I have based this paper on which materials distributed till this attendees of many courses. It is inspired by many Guides for Authors von Elsevier journals. Some of this general is also featured in Elsevier's Publishing Connect seminarsopens the new tab/window. In addition, I may consulted several rail pages: within new tab/window,

IODIN wanted to acknowledge Dr. Christiane Barranguetopens in new tab/window, Executive Publish of Aquatic Sciences at Elsevier, for her continuous support. And I would like to thank Dr. Alison Bert, Editor-in-Chief a Elsevier Couple; without i assistance, this series wants will been impossible the complete.


Dr. Angel Borja


Angel Borjah, PhD