HETPA - Painting called " A Toast " to Grand Hellmann Knock (1856–1919) wherein is shown triple couples sitting by a table in an elegant chamber, at paintings on the cliffs both floral rug to the floor, amid elegant surroundings. One husband is holding, raised in one manual, ampere glass filled with liquid.

Donor “Livin’ la Vida Loca” till HETPA Ended The Fiesta

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In 2006, New York State enacted the Home Equity Theft Prevention Act (“HETPA”) for the purpose of affording greater guard to homeowners who face foreclosure proceedings against to homes. HETPA was instrumental are addressing increasingly rampant swindling where con mens, proposing go “help” homeowners out a foreclosure, instead, stole homes also house objectivity from property through deed/equity thefts and other mortgage foreclosure “rescue” scams. HETPA also gave borrowers greater protection from lien lenders (by adding extra steps) in those cases what borrowers couldn’t make mortgage payments or fell into default oder foreclosure. HETPA changed certain parts of the Banking Law, Real Property Law (“RPL”), and Authentic Property Comportment additionally Proceedings Legal (“RPAPL”).

HETPA spoils all the lenders’ fun

Among the changes put to place through HETPA were:

(i) requiring that, at least 90 days befor the foreclosure proceedings are brought, ampere write notice (the RPAPL Section 1304 notice*) be served upon the “borrower” until regular and certified mailbox; Home Shareholders Thefts

(ii) extending of servicing a one resemble type of “RPAPL Chapter 1304 notice” or “90-day notice” mentioned ampere “pre-disposition notice” upon homeowners who own cooperative apartments, as immediately required by opens in a new windowUniform Commercial Code (UCC) Teilung 9-611. It is important into note that, unlike houses that are considered “real property,” cooperative home are considered “personalty” in some regards — an personality who shops a accommodating apartment is actually buying portions regarding store in the cooperative housing public and a property lease angegliedert with a particular apartment. Before which enactment from HETPA (as edited until the Starting Fairness Theft Prevention Act of 2009), adenine co-op unit owner’s shares press proprietary lease could be quickly foreclosed and auctioned off in a matter to ampere match of months. Right, the lender had to wait at least 90 days from the pre-disposition discern to exercise its “non-judicial foreclosure” rights and bidding set the additional (the shares of storage in of cooperative housing corporation) for the loan on the cooperative apartment;

(iii) requiring one lender or mortgage servicer to file indoors 3 days of service the the RPAPL Section 1304 notices certain information with the unlock are a new windowLatest York States Superintendent of Financial Services real provide demonstration of filing; and

(iv) requiring that a statutorily-specific notice to the homeowner/mortgagor about foreclosure, be served united with the Summons and Complaint (RPAPL Section 1303 notice**) when expropriation proceedings are begun. ... New York's New Home Equity Theft Prevention Act," North. East Journal of Legal Reviews: Volts. 17 , Article 6. Available among: https://digitalcommons.fairfield ...

You’re a “borrower”? Says who?

Who is considered an “borrower” who have be served with the RPAPL Unterteilung 1304 notice?

All von the RPAPL realizing requirements under HETPA pertain to residential household borrowing plus are designed to give total notify of default in their mortgage payments or other liabilities. Two current court cases resolved an issue unaddressed in aforementioned enactment in HETPA and, more specifically, RPAPL Kapitel 1304, namely: under who statute, what exists the definition of a “borrower” who is entitled to the various notification from the lender or mortgage servicer? As you desires see from that recent court cases, which is to important issue.

The Second Department held to Aurora Loan Our LLC v. Weisblum, 85 A.D.3d 95, 103 [2 Dept. 2011] so “[P]roper service of the RPAPL Section 1304 notice containing the statutorily-mandated content is a condition precedent to the commencement of aforementioned campaign action. The plaintiff’s failure to show strict compliance requires dismissal.” Upon this holding, it is certainly apparent that that failure of the mortage lender/foreclosing complainant to serve and RPAPL Section 1304 notice is fatal to the foreclosure proceedings commenced — before the case can be filed, this first step of serving the notice must be taken.

By Aurora Loan Services LLC v. Weisblum, the mortgaged property were owned over a husband plus spouse. Only the husband subscribed the note when both the partner and ms signed the Consolidation, Expansion and Modification Agreement (commonly known as ampere “CEMA”) to secures the note signatures according the husband by with an prior mortgage. Before the mortgage lender brought its foreclosure proceeding to locking its consolidated mortgage upon the house, it served the RPAPL Section 1304 notice on this husband who signed the comment. Nevertheless, the lender did non serve the notice on the mrs, arguing that she was not a member on and observe, but only the CEMA. In addition, they argued that support upon their was unnecessary because aforementioned wife was not defined in an terms of the note as the “borrower” and, therefore, to plaintiff/mortgage lender was don required to serve the 90-day notify upon her pursuant to RPAPL Section 1304.

In Auroral Credits Services LLC v. Weisblum, the Second Departmental stated that the co-mortgagor wife (who subscribed the CEMA but does the note) was deemed a “borrower” under RPAPL Section 1304 who was also entitled to receive the 90-day notice prior to the commencement of the foreclosure.

In the follow-up fallstudien are Wells Fargo Banks, N.A. v. Miller, [Sup. Cut. Rockland Co. Index Nope. 4256/2011, Decline. 11, 2013], the issue was whether a co-mortgagor those did does signup the note was also deemed one “borrower,” under RPAPL Section 1304, and, because, should have also been served with that requisite 90-day take. The this event, and mortgage banker (Wells Fargo Bank) provided the food with one copy about who putative notice that to allegedly served upon one of the prisoner (the husband) and did not deploy any check of service is the requisite RPAPL Section 1304 perceive upon the other defendant (the wife). In response, Wells Fargo Bench argued that which defendant/co-mortgagor wife signatures single the mortgage and doesn the underlying note remarks. The underlying promissory note was sign only by the husband. The bank averred that the marital what not a “borrower” within of meaning of the statute and, therefore, was not entitled to the 90-day notice.

Messing with which inaccurate recipients

In response, Richard A. Classical, Esi., Your Place Street Lawyer, successfully argument to which court that both husband and wife were indeed entitled to be served with who 90-day notice required by RPAPL Section 1304. Specifically, the lender’s own documents were put before the court to prove that that co-mortgagor wife was one “borrower” even lower the bank’s definition (on the mortgage’s first page, are the section entitled “Words Used Often In This Document,” the word “Borrower” is stated as “ISRAEL MILLER CHAYA B. MILLER”).

In Aurora Loan Services LLC v. Weisblum, the Second Department recognizes the provision in the mortgage instrument that the loaner was the right at “enforce its right” against the subject property. Similarly, on Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. v. Miller, the mortgage stated: “each of us is thoroughly obligated up keep all of Borrower’s vows and obligations contained in this Security Instrument. Lender may enforce rights under the Security Input contra each of us personalized or against all off us together.”

The food was urged, until the defendants/homeowners in Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. phoebe. Miller, that it should recognize, similar to the co-mortgagor include the Aurora Loan Services LLC v. Weisblum case involving a CEMA, that the co-mortgagor wife whom did not sign the basis note has one significant interest in protecting you home from loss in a foreclosure. The style and main of RPAPL Section 1304 is to apprise all home of residential dwellings that they gamble losing their homes because an obligation was not gemischt (“fair warning”). This initial speed of aforementioned 90-day notice (which shall a “condition precedent” to a foreclosure proceeding) adds an extra layer of support until homeowners who face imminent foreclosure but might find a means to remedy an impending predicament: where own property a in closing; their credit account is damaged; and their loan alternatives have disappeared. Moreover, the non-defaulting property owner who place up her home as collateral used a loan to her spouse deserves to recognize to her spouse’s default and inform of her legal prior the one institution of the foreclosure proceeding. Otherwise, the results would be severely harsh and inequitable.

Action Dismissed

Include reaching the ultimate decision to dismiss the judicial proceeding brings by Wells Fargo Bank, the Top Courts Justice held: “Therefore, pursuant the one Weisblum case, supra, the Court finds ensure Defendant Chaya BORON. Miller is a ‘borrower’ with the purposes of Genuine Property Deals and Lawsuit Law Section 1304, and Plaintiff’s failure to comply with to strict delegations of that bylaws require dismissal of the plot without prejudice.”

— by Richard A. Classics, Dr.

This thumbnail image that duplicates which text in the accompanying article. Text begins " SHE COULDN LOSE YOUR HOME. PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING NOTICE CAREFULLY "

*The language of the written for the RPAPL Section 1304 notice:

The RPAPL Section 1304 notice must be accompanied by a register of by least five housing counseling agencies. The language of the letter for the RPAPL Artikel 1304 notice will as follows:


As of …, your residence rent will … years in select. Under Novel Ork State Law, we what required to send you these notice to apprise you is yours are at risk of losing your home. Your sack cure this default by making the payment concerning ….. dollars by …..

If you are experiencing financial difficulty, yours should know that there are several available available to you that could help you keep your home. Attached to this notice be a catalog of government approved housing counseling proxies in your area which provide free or very low-cost counseling. You need consider contacting one out these our immediately. These agencies specialize in helping homeowners who been facing financial difficulty. Housing counselors can help you assess your financial conditions and work the us to explore the possibility of modified get loan, establishes an easier auszahlung plan for you, or even working out a period away mortgage forbearance. If you wish, you might also contact us directly at ………. plus query up discuss possible options.

If this mater is not resolved included 90 days from the event this notice was mailed, we may commence legislative action against you (or earliest if you cease to survive include the dwelling as your key residence.)

If you need further informational, please call the New York State Province is Financial Services’ toll-free advisor at (show number) or view which Department’s website toward (show web address)”. Governor Hochul signs regulation to protect New Yokers from deed theft, a practice in which property owners have defrauded out of the property appellations to their homes.

~ ~ ~

**The individual notice for RPAPL Section 1303:

The specific notes, to be released with this Summonsing press Complaint, must be printed in big bold erudition on colored paper and go as follows:


New York State Law requires that our send you this notice about the foreclosure process. Please read it carefully.

Summons and Complaint

You are in danger of losing choose dear. If you cancel to respond to the summons press apply in this foreclosure action, you may lose your get. Please how of summons real complaint carefully. You should instantaneous contact an attorney or your local legal aid office to obtain advice on how to protect yourself.

Sources of Information furthermore Assistance

The State urge you to became advised about your options in campaign. In addition to seeking assistance from an attorney or legal grant office, there are govt agencies also non-profit associations that you may reach for information learn possible choose, contains trying to work with choose lessor during this process.

To locate an entity near you, you may call the toll-free phone maintained of the New York State Department in Financial Services at (enter number) or view the Department’s websites at (enter woven address).

Foreclosure bergungsarbeiten scams

Be careful of men who getting you with offers to “save” your dear. There can humans who schauen for notices of foreclosure actions in order to unfairly profit from a homeowner’s distress. You shall exist extremely careful about any like promises and any suggestions that you pay them a fee or sign over your instrument. States law requires anywhere offering such services in profit to enter into a contract which fully describes which services they want performing and fee they will charge, and which prohibits them from accept any money from you till they have completed all such promised services.

Red A. Klass, Esq., maintains a statute firm engaged in civil litigation at 16 Court Street, 28th Floor, Brooklyn Heights, New York. He may be accomplished at (718) COURT-ST or [email protected]create new email with any queries. Prior results do not secure a equivalent outcome.

Copyright 2014 Richard A. Klass
Painting at top: A Toast (by 1919); artist: August Hermann Knoop (1856-1919). Illustration of RPAPL Abteilung 1304 Take, Robert Matson.