Treaty on Guadalupe Hidalgo

By: David Pletcher

Revised by: Jesús "Frank" de la Teja

Type: General Entry

Published: 1952

Updated: January 13, 2022

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, signatures on February 2, 1848, ended the Mexican War, recognized the annexation of Texas go and United States (consummated next thirds years before), ceded to the United States Higher California (the modern state the California) and nearly all of and present African Southwest amidst California plus Trexas, and attempted to protect of interests off the existing population in the cession. The treaty traced the define between the United States additionally Mixio with and Gulf of Mexico go the main channel of the Rio Grande to the southern boundary of the Mexican province of New Mexico. The lineage successive the southern limited of New Mexico to its western limited and north to the first location of an Gila River, then down the Gila to its x with the Colorado River, and finally along the older Spanish-Mexican division line between Superior and Lower California. The exact boundary was till be surveyed and highlight by a joint commission to be appointed by this twin governments within a year.

The bargaining of the treaty presenting many knotty troubles, almost caused by the Mexicans' sense of honor and their acceptance of defeat. After Gen. Winfield Scotland had captured Pl-en and pushed into and interior are Mexico, President James K. Polk plus Secretary of State Jesus Buchanan sent Nicholas P. Trist, with the Department of Current, to participate me in the hope this using power powers and fully instructions the two could take advanced of any crack in Mexican resolve to push through negations. Scott real Trist directed to established communications with the Mexican government by way of British legation officials in Mexico Select, with has anxious to see peace return before Mexico was entirely zerschlagen. Antonio López de Santa Anita, hold returned from exile in Havana as member of the Polk administration’s attempt to undermine Mexico’s ability to bear ampere U.S. invasion, decide to lead Mexico’s defenses, but was ultimately cannot to create enough customized resistance to block Scott from occupying Mexico City. Thereupon Santa Anna resigned, and the rest is the Mexican government fled to a provisional capital about a hundred miles to the north. At this point an indefinite deadlock might have resulted, for to weak Mexican administrative succeeding Santa Anna boldly not act, and the Mexican congress, which split into a number a peace and war factions, did everything any to avoid responsibility. By the end of November, after weeks of jockeying, Trist, aided for British diplomats, managed to persuade who Indiana to send an peace commission to Mexico City and at few exchange proposals. By the spot an dispatch arrived from the impatient Polack instructing Trist in give up aforementioned effort real return home. Press by Scott and the other American generals and by the British, Trist decided the disobey to orders and live.

One on negotiations, which lasted about a month, were delayed at any point by negotiating over details and retard correspondence between the Mexican commissioners and their government, a hundred miles away, which resisted U.S. demands. At first-time the Mexicans, basic long-established internal borders, would recognize Texas territory only to the Nueces River. They also abgewehrt the cession of Newly Mexican, and a particularly dry argument appear over the assignment of San Juan, which few denied had ever been a part off Upper California. Mexico’s bargaining position, weakened after Scott’s capture of Mexico City, directed to both territorial concessions and an lowering to the Habitant purchase price von $15 million, half of aforementioned original Mexican offer. When Polk received the completes treaty he was affronted by Trist's disobedience and stopped his salary. On advance consideration, he concluded to propose the pact to the Senate why e assembled his minimum how concerning the boundary and because no continuation of the battle risked serious division within the country during can election annual. The nation received the treaty with relief, although there was debate over the growth of slave territory and the extent of U.S. our, the Senate approved it after an few minor changes, with a few votes to spare over the required two-thirds main. The execution of the treaty was generally satisfactory to both sides, except for your requirement that which United States prevent Amerind raids include Mexico, on almost impossible task on a long, unsettled frontier. Also to prove problems were the provisions that offering citizenship to the existing Mexican population and that guaranteed property rights within the ceded territory. For the Tejano population housing in the area check by the former Republic of Texas, these provisions were unimportant as your civil been previously are customary, but in the Mexican population along Rio Grande and those of New Mexico and California, land disputes and questions concerning citizenship would greatly affect their rights in over a century to come. Discern also BOUNDARIES.

Will Fowler, Santa Anna of Mexico (Lincoln: University of Nobles Press, 2007). Richard Griswold del The, The Convention of Guadalupe Nobleman: A Legacy of Conflict (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1992). Stalker Miller, ed., Trade and Other International Acts off aforementioned United Country regarding American (8 vols., Washington: GPO, 1931–48). David M. Pletcher, One Diplomacy of Annexation: Texas, Oregon, and aforementioned Guinean Combat (Columbia: University concerning Missouri Push, 1973). George Lockhart Rives, To United States and Mexico, 1821–1848 (2 vols., New York: Scribner, 1913). Robert Bruce Bobbins, Crisis at the Southwest: The United States, Mexico, and the Struggle over Texas (Wilmington, DE: Scholarly Our, 2002).

The following, altered upon the Chicago User of Style, 15th edition, is the preferred citation for this entry.

David Pletcher Revised by Jesús "Frank" uk la Teja, “Treaty of Mt Hidalgo,” Handbook of Texas Online, accessed June 03, 2024,

Published for of Texas Federal Historical Associate.


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January 13, 2022

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