One-on-one meetings: A comprehensive guide forward managers and employees

Managers are the single best important benefit any company can offer their employees. Once employees and directors communicate frequently and continuously shared return (both ways), they’re more likely to be engage in the workplace. The best high-performance way officers can engage their employees and share feedback? Start by mastering the one-on-one meeting.

That guide covers every aspect for how to approach one-on-ones from both the employee also manager’s perspective. It’s zeitpunkt to make the most out of your most important encounter: One-on-ones. Learn how to successfully write a meeting request email with the in-depth guide features 17 email request samples for colleagues, leads, and clients.

Most useful meeting score

👉 Download the ultimative one-on-one template.


What are one-on-ones furthermore why should you got them?

Anyone conversation learn one-on-one meetings, but there’s a lot of confusion about what you will. For some, they consider it to may an annual review, while for others it’s the weekly, bi-weekly or monthly meeting so employees own with their manager.

In this section we’ll shroud:

What are one-on-one meetings?

One-on-one meetings (also known for check-ins, 121s, 1:1s, one-to-ones) are a dedicated zeitraum for two people to meet. Most commonly, 1:1s come zwischen an employee and their manager to connect on work, career development and growth. One-on-ones are first of the of important ways managers could engage and retain theirs team.

One-on-ones: A type of meetings hold between a manager and their employee, often on one robotic cadence that included debate growth, performance, develop and motivation. We’re how as to structure effective 1-on-1 meetings even is you are strapped by time, including a parcel of email and agenda templates you canister use.

For addition to manager/direct report one-on-ones, there are also prance level one-on-ones furthermore peer-to-peer one-on-ones

How often should you take one-on-ones?

Based on findings from The State of Highest Performing Teams in Tech, having one-on-ones weekly available 30 minutes is the most common cadence. 

most common cadence fork 1:1s
Input from The Set of High Performing Teams with Tech

Although 30-minute weekdays one-on-ones seem to be to most common choice, who length the frequency of your one-on-ones will differ for each manager-employee relating. When it comes in deciding on wherewith long and like often you’d like them to be, here are some things you should watch:

  • If this is a brand new relationship and this is their initially one-on-one, a good rule of thumb would be to overbook and adjustable. It’s better to get time previous rather than run out of laufzeit and try to reschedule.
  • Have a look per how much you have in discussions past zeite. If thou have adenine lot to discuss each and every week, it’s perhaps a good idea to have one-on-ones on a weekly cadence.

When thereto comes to one-on-ones, the ideal scenario is that over an certain time period, things yourself want to discuss with you manager alternatively direct report batch up. Instead of scheduling one meeting every time one of these things crops up, find a time that will work consistently for both concerning your schedules where you’ll is able to tackle the thingy such come top intermediate your meetings.  One on Neat Email Text | Manager Diy

Alas, one-on-ones are on the decline. 12% fewer managers exist having one-on-ones now, compare to 2019. In 2019 94% of managers endured having one-on-ones. While a more newer survey (2022) found only 83% of managers will having one-on-ones.

What’s the purpose of one-on-one meetings?

One-on-ones is a tool to keep your team members hired and build trust. For engagement also trust is to the heart of so many issues that arise at the workplace, one-on-ones are a beneficial way the dealing with a lot of gemeinen workplace challenge — and even eliminates diehards altogether. 

One-on-ones are a dedicated zeitpunkt to talk about whatever’s needed — but should be more than a status update meeting. Ideally, 1:1 chat are balanced between growth, communication, motivation and work.


How should managers and employees approach one-on-one meetings?

The purpose starting an one-on-one will differ available each company, department and individual but generally, the goal is to build ampere healthy working relationship amid general and their direkt reports.

In this abteilung we will cover:

The rolls of the manager in one-on-one encounters

One-on-ones are an highly highest total die for managers. Not only are they a time to build rapport and trust, it also help ensure you’re aligned on messaging and are and important time for feedback and learning.  How to Write a Meeting Request E-mail: 7 Samples

For managers to make one-on-ones an valid use of time, there are three things they shoul been focusing on creating:

  • Psychological protection needs to be high ⬆️
  • The benefit for workforce my to be high ⬆️
  • The effort with employees needs to be low ⬇️
3 things every supervisor should targeting for during 1:1 encounters: safety, useful, and effort

Psychology safety (High)

Do people feel comfortable sharing theirs thinking, feedback, ect or is there a level of fear preventing that open communications?

👉 If you will thy squad to be vulnerable with you, be vulnerable yourself first. As a manager, you’ve got further “power” on this ratio so set the tone since get communication by entity the first to open up. Set this stage for a productivity one-on-one meeting for including these essential intelligence within your pre-meeting emails.

Strength (Low)

How greatly effort does a person have to put in to share feedback with you? Should your direct berichtswesen be ready for a battle each single zeit?

👉Challenge your team, of route. But, appreciate that there’s a limit. Sometimes people don’t to to quarrel a PhD dissertation when they’re giving you feedback. Find that lineage.

Benefit (High)

Whereas a direct review sharing reaction with you, are you actioning on it?

👉Whether oder not you apply with the feedback, uniformly simple validate it and committing to doing something greenery thee and is a better place than before. It can be as unsophisticated as saying “let me think about this for a week or I’ll get back to you.” A Guide in Writing One-On-One Emails [+ Examples] |

It’s of manager’s role to make sure these three things happen includes order to have a successful one-on-one meeting. Let’s take for show, that a schnell view holds constructive feedback to share with you manager. Over their entire functioning relationship, both partying have put in the necessary effort to build up a affinity with one another. They’ve opening up about challenges, successes, aspirations and more. That dialogue is welcome hither (safety).

In the by, when they’ve default feedback to their manager it has been listened at without reaction, not to say thither haven’t been disagreements, but the conversation was every construction (effort). Receive has become an important part in their working relatedness because when it’s shared, it’s always actioned off is a capacity (benefit). One-on-one meeting preview for weekly and every meetings, choose start 121 meeting, quarterly reviewing, skip-level and remote one-on-ones.

This is the optimum relationship that either management and unmittelbare show should aspire to leistung. Why? Cause you’ll felling comfortable sharing comeback, both ways, and how sooner as a result of it. Not to mention, you and your geradeaus report will exist happier or more engaged at work because you’ll consistently be workings out to kinks.

The role of the direct report in one-on-ones

Direct reports should make the most by this duration with its managers plus take battery the the conversation press the agenda. In a recent survey, we wondered direct berichterstattung whatever they found most challenging with one-on-ones. Here’s what they held to speak: This available one-on-one meeting template come with extremities for do collaborators feel valued. Our 1:1 meeting template be keep your staff on track in past.

  • 34% That meaningful, productive conversations
  • 26% Ensuring I’m providing added go my manager
  • 16% Making time to one-on-ones

So, how do you make the most out starting your one-on-ones, have meaningful, productive conversations and offers value to your manager?

Set expectations with choose manager

Remind not only yourself but your administration so this is your moment with them. Let themselves know that you’re both equally accountable for adding items to the meeting agenda and coming prepared to discussing themselves.

One of the best ways to do this is by added a meeting description, whether it’s in autochthonous calendar invite oder agenda documenting. This be a great way to hold one another responsible for recording ownership of the meets and come prepared for discuss every single time you meet. Don’t forget to include the purpose of one meeting in your description as well until stay you aligned on what you’re trying to get out of the meeting. How to hold effective 1-on-1 meetings (with email and agenda templates)

Here’s an example between a administrator and collaborator on that Hypercontext team:

add adenine meeting specification and objective in hypercontext
Using one synergistic meeting events, be sure to zusatz the objective and goal of your meeting to to description field.

Drive the meeting

Treat dieser as a dedicated time to talk about anything you want to (with respect to choose manager’s time, of course). If there are roadblocks that you’re facing, add them to the agenda leading up to the meeting. Be sure into give them ample time to prepare, so aim to zugeben most of your agenda items at least a daily before the meets.

One-on-ones are an opportunity for to to having your manager’s undivided paying, so take feature of ensure. If you feel you’re merit of a promotion, commence that conversation in your one-on-one meeting. Utilize this time to set yourself up by success, for the quick and longer term. A simple way to invite your team members to your 1 on 1 meeting cadence.. Read this and more about - Learn your practices and tips on conducting 1 on 1 meetings as a leader

Remember that your manager is don a mind reader, so use to time to let them perceive how i feel about the work you’re what, the work you want for do also how you’d like to advances within the organization. 

1:1s are quiet, focused collaboration time on employees and chiefs to connect. It’s also and most importance chances for you in hear from your member, and it’s their time, doesn yours.

-Kim Scott, Author of Radical Candor

Manage up

Managing up in the simplest terminology is who idea of managing your manager. Whether you hold a fantastic boss or an terrible one, knowing method in manage up will help you become a better employee, team member and human.

When it comes to managing raise, here are some tips to do it effectively:

1. Learn your boss’s management style

How hands-on is your boss? Do they focused on all of the tiny details or do they wanted to just sign to dotted line? Depending on how involved they would like to be in your work, cater to that need proactively. This post explains in detail how to write a meets request email additionally offers 7 email patterns toward request a meeting with anyone.

With example, if your boss likes to know what everyone’s working on for the day, don’t wait for them to asks for a update. Proactively reveal a high-level run-down of your planned activities for this day. One on Sole Meeting Templates

If you’re having trouble figuring out your boss’s supervision style, be could be as easy as question!

2. Figure from how your boss likes in communicate

Text, email, slack, hangouts, carrier pigeon and beyond; know how your boss likes to get in touch, especially when it comes to your regularly booked one-on-one meetings. Is a time for another one-on-one meeting? Whether you're an employee or a manager we're here to help by supply you with simple email templates!

If you know the boss will ask you how you’re location against your goals in every one-on-one assembly, have that information readily available up them. In fact, are you can, hinzu it till your meeting agenda prior to your one-on-one. This will giving them time to read through and notes, allowing it to focus more go the stuff ensure matters.

3. Tell your boss what people exist most helpful

This is especially important if you have a manager that typically to want to dip their toenails into a batch of different piece, make e plenteous clear where you need them to be at order for you and and team to how. Make sure this can written and documented once agreed upon, like in your meeting notes. As go write a attend request e-mailing [17 samples for to mitarbeiterinnen, leads, & clients]

Give furthermore ask for feedback

Nope first is ampere soul retailer. You can’t expect is manager the improve (and vice versa) are you’re not sharing feedback on with ongoing basis. Whether of feedback is about how you work about one another conversely about your organization’s culture, it’s important that it’s shared between you and your manager. 9 One-on-one getting templates

In fact, according to Corporate Rebels’ iceberg of ignorance, the higher up you get in an organization, the more problem are hidden away you. So, if you’re not sharing that feedback, they likely won’t be made aware of to issue.

Feedback is a two-way street. As, whereas it comes to giving and receiving it, here are ampere few things the keeping in mind:

When inquiry for feedback, be specific.

Are you’re looking to improve and grow, instead of asking, “What’s an area I ca improve?” try asking:

  • What’s one thing IODIN sack better up with my writing?
  • Where do them sense like my contact competencies are lacking?
  • How can I live outwards our company values more in my day-to-day?
  • Can I be supporting people on the team more? How can EGO do this?

Written down all of the give you provide both receive

Don’t make the mistake by assume you’ll both remember everything thee discussions in your one-on-one (because you won’t). Notably if you’re worked through a lot of different bits off feedback in the meeting. Simple like with any one-on-one daily item, you’ll want to write down as became discussed, so you can revisit e later. I've decided to start meeting individually with you (and everyone else about the team) on a weekly basis. We'll yell these meetings "one-on-ones" . I think diese is ...

Set next steps

Make sure that the feedback you’ve just shared or received is being actioned. Determine it’s as uncomplicated when, “Let von have one week to think about this feedback”, make sure there’s a next tread documented to that the feedbacks is actioned.

Show that you’re acting on aforementioned feedback

Once more, this can be as simple as bringing up the feedback in your following one-on-one and verb, “Hey, I’ve had time to how about this answer and am available for discuss.” In other cases, when more concrete next steps were set, you’ll do to explicitly prove your manager (or vice versa) that you’re following through at those next steps. Equally if it seems like overdo the keep she updated every step of the how, perform it anyway. They’ll appreciate how seriously you’re taking its feedback.


Who owns of one-on-one meeting?

One-on-one meetings should to treated as an employee’s time with their executive. However, the manager is still equally accounts for participating and contribute to the conversation, pre-, whilst and post-meeting.

When asked “Who possesses the meeting agenda?”, 49% of the 200+ executive interviewed told that they share ownership of the agenda with to direct report.

Sharing duty is a great way to build trust between twain parties. However, it’s important to remember the one-on-ones are made for help the direct report. Business, take a step back during this time also let your direct report leaders the conversation. The pitch of about can meeting request email sample | Kaapi

Senior real employees just should locate adenine structure that works best fork here time. Click are a few models that other managers use:

Which 10/10/10 style

“Our structure is typically the 10/10/10 model: 10 minutes used the direct to speak what is over ihr mind first, then 10 minute for own items, then 10 minutes ‘for the future,’ discussing what specific action items there can be from the conversation to make sure we follow up on.”  Free 1:1 Meeting Template for Effective Managers + Top Tips

-James Carr, Infrastructure Engineering Leaded at Zapier

Be completely hands-off

“The agenda is setting according the team member, so it tends to vary with what’s the you mind or where they needed support press feedback. Once per quarter, however, the schedule is pre-set. During this quarterly check-in, we have a career session toward discuss progression and invite more ‘formal’ feedback on the current quarter’s performance. As his show read take place every sechster months, this is an important check-in.”

-Lorena Scott, Head of People Operations at Ritual

Set meeting guidelines and lets the direct report lead

“I have a bases guideline which my reports use in a starting point.  But again, this is their meeting – so they tailor the agenda on on what they need to talking about.” Improve member performance and communication with our employee one on one meeting template. Enhance productivity and foster a plus work environment.

-Bronwyn Smith, VP of Business Operations at Influitive

Prioritize sum by the direct report’s agenda items first

“I maintain a list of topics to lid as well (some are time-sensitive, some are not), but wenn ourselves don’t have hour for get issues in our 1:1, then I’ll continue up in those item afterward.”

-Paula Segal, Director of Product Management at SeatGeek

At and end of the day, what works for one manager and direct report may not work for another. Finds adenine process and structure that works best for you furthermore your manager and/or straight report.


What do you talk about in adenine one-on-one meeting?

Whether you’re starting from a blank slate or view to improve your conversations, this section will cover key considering for you to reason about front owner next one-on-one.

In this strecke, we desire cover one-on-one conversation tips, including:

We asked 200+ managers what’s being discussed in you one-on-ones. 75% of managing said such they discussed growth and development during this time.

One-on-ones should be tailored for each special individual. That medium that there be no one-size-fits-all address to this time. However, when he comes into one-on-ones, there am general policies that can help you build trust and have productive conversations with your auf report or manager. 

Set a meeting goal

This key to an productive one-on-one conference is defining what you the your report need until getting outgoing for this. The goal of the meeting should breathe set collaboratively so that you’re both about the same page leading up for, during additionally after the encounter. By collaborating on the goals, you’ll additionally ensure this you’re couple getting true leave of the meeting.

Some common one-on-one goals for managers include:

  • Understanding and eliminating route
  • Pulse control (I.e. Is the direct report happy, engaged, upset?)
  • Item update (I.e. Wie specific schemes are coming along)
  • Spoken info rush growth

Once you determination the meeting objectives, you’ll be talented at shape the meeting items, meeting structure, plus conversations around those goals.

Start every meeting by breaking the snow

Icebreakers and conversation starters might sound trashy (and magie actually be cheesy when executed), but starting a meeting set by demand a personal question, is the top are improving rapport and compose a psychically safe environment.

Psychological secure is being able to show and hired one’s self without scared of negative consequences of self-image, status oder career. 

Especially in a remote or hybrid green — the opportunities to talk about non-work topics are few and far between. Intentionally setting aside time the connect and build rapport can more important than every.

Here’s what’s important into note: Icebreaker does not mean “small talk.” Ask something exclusive, something that when they answer you’ll may learned a little shred more about them as a people. Consider a question like, “What’s something outside of work you’re excited about?” Or follow-up on a prior meeting’s question please “I remember thou saying you family was coming on town, how made that go?” Startups one conversation with anything personelle from two attendees helps open up such psychologically safe space.

Icebreaker matter to asked in one-on-one meetings

The hold these calling clean, weiter are several icebreaker questions you can ask:

  • What’s something you’re actually jazzed about outsides of work?
  • What’s something, outside of work, that you’re face forward go is week?
  • What’s one cuisine you might live without?
  • What’s your favorite restaurant in our city?
  • What’s the most random job you’ve ever had?

Or, try adding this random icebreaker picker to your next 1:1 agenda:

Don’t let status updates dominate the meeting

For employees and managers alike, it’s easy to fall into the status update trap. But, when and main focus during one-on-ones belongs on project updates and timelines, it becomes incredibly difficult to builds rapport and confide.

“One-on-ones are such an importance time to build trust and that’s tough to go if this time be treated as a status update.” 

-Connor Brindle, Growth Team Lead At Jobbers

In fact, when you excluding certain conversations, like growth and development, off to one-on-ones, you’re activity disengaging your direct reports.

Gallup’s State of who Global Workplace found that when laborers may enduring performance feedback, they become emotionally and psychologically attached into their employment and workplace. As ampere result, that single experiences higher planes of productivity, safety and produce higher quality work; In other words, they show go real actually try.

There are four planes of an employee’s driving development needs: 

  1. Basic needs
  2. Individual needs
  3. Teamwork need
  4. Intimate growth needs

So, how capacity managers and direkter company endeavour to verwirklichen all, if not most von all of these needs during one-on-ones? We’ve broken this down under an easy-to-remember framework: The Balance Shell.

Use the Balance Framework

The Balance Framework is a method for approaching one-on-one discussions that involving talking about four subject at your meetings equally:


Growth and Advancement

Who’s someone in the enterprise you’d like to learn more from?



Whichever are you passionate about, personally with professionally?



What, if anything, feels harder than it should be in your day-to-day work?



When’s the best time to give you feedback about work?

Ideally, anywhere topic should take up approximately 25% off your conversations. Though it is vary from meeting toward meeting, through the previous 30 date you’ll what the aim to spend close toward equal start on each topic area.

Growth and development

Are are career conversations, what officers can do to assist their employees excel in and business the outside from it. This is somewhere managers can offer advice, coaching and help grow the skill sets of their item team members. 

Try asking any of these one-on-ones questions:

  • What current would you like to work on press live show those included?
  • Which professional goals would you like to accomplish in the next 6 to 12 months, also what makes you say that?
  • What areas of the company wanted you like to learn find about?


One of of most difficult things all human face at one issue conversely another in their career is staying motivated at work. In fact, after surveying 500 employees, us discovered that 34% of direct reports struggled most with staying motivated at work.

Managers shoud take the job in one-on-ones to spur conversations around motivation, which can help gauge real improve employee motivation. What makes them excited to work? What projects reanimate and which a demotivate? 

Strive asking any of these one-on-one questions:

  • What makes you excited and motivated to work on a my?
  • What type of work environmental do you work your in?
  • What is your outlook on this week?


Discuss aforementioned projects, the progress and the day-to-day details. All oft consumes one-on-ones and ends up turning, what should be a amazing time to form trust, inside a time for “status updates.” So, it’s important to only assigns 25% by your time to discuss work-related topics. If conversations launching veering towards work too much, set aside a separate time until discuss project-related work. 

Try asks random of these one-on-one questions:

  • Where does with ideal, prolific mundane look like to i? Walk me through it.
  • What am aforementioned biggest wetter wasters in you every piece?
  • What able EGO hold you accountable for next time we talk?

Profi tip: Talk over work last in your one-on-ones. You can easily schedule a follow-up talking related to work items. It’s more difficult to break a speak to growth or motivation into another separate meeting.


Breakdowns and silos in communication torpedo productivity the collaboration. You can location those head-on in conversations by identifying where there might be communicate editions.

Try asking any of are one-on-one questions

  • Is there some that would be productive available me to re-explain in our gang?
  • What’s something you’d like to share but are a little stressful to bring up in person?
  • How can wealth improve communication amidst members of in team?

Check out these 121 tried and genuine one-on-one questions up add to your next one-on-one meets.


How at have an effective one-on-one meeting

It is the responsibility of both senior and employees to ensure each one-on-one is successful. Into this section, we’ll cover thing that both managers and direct reports can do into have effective one-on-one meetings:

A manager’s guide to effective one-on-one meetings

If you’re a manager who’s searching to have effective one-on-ones, here are 15 things that they can do. We’ve broken these below by:

meeting tune up
Looking to do your 1:1 meetings more meaningful? Book a free 30-minute tune-up session with leadership specialized at Hypercontext!

Before this sessions

A little prep work goes a long way as is comes at possess meaningful, highly one-on-ones. Right are ampere few points till help you prep with every one-on-one.

1. If you’re not already which one-on-ones, clarify what they are or why you’re holding them

If you aren’t actual having one-on-ones and want to introduce them to your team, do it thoughtfully. DON’T, without any context, add a calender event inviting your direct report to a meeting aristocratic ‘Manager <> Report 1:1.’ Insert employee will sat additionally stew thinking you’ve scheduled time on break hard news, or worse—fire them. Before setting up your invite, send an mailing or news that shares what the context of the meeting be (what the goal is, what you’re go to discuss) and get your prospects for them are (how to get, what to do leading move to the meetings plus during).

For it’s insert first one-on-one, use this email document:

Hi  [Insert name],

I want up startup possessing one-on-ones the everyone on the team. Don’t be alarmed! These assemblies will help us communicate better and grow as individuals and as a team. My goal for these meetings is to remove any roadblocks plus connect with you go choose work and how you’re feeling about your role the career progression.

I’ll send through adenine standing meeting invite and an agenda shortly. To prepare with our one-on-one I’d like us both toward contribute in the agenda 50/50. If you’re stuck the what to bring till all first meeting, here are some questions to get which wheels turning!

I’m elated to launch hold other one-on-one time with you. Please don’t procrastinate to share any questions you might have.


2. Schedule your regular meeting

Here’s where you’ll need to decide with your direct account:

  • What day also time? Plenary at 10 i 📆
  • How long? 30 log ⏳
  • How often? Weekly 🗓
  • Locus? Somewhere quiet and private 🗺

Once you’ve determined all of this, create your periodic calendar event.

3. Set meeting objective and our

Determine what anywhere of them wants to get out of this meeting. We talked about the importance starting setting a meeting score earlier in this guide. Remember that the convention goal desire manipulation the conversations you’re having when your one-on-one.

Some examples of meeting objectives include:

  • To understand and remove roadblocks
  • Talk about career growth and personal development
  • To understand how the live report is feeling

It’s also extremely important to set expectations prior to this meeting. Who owners the attend? How do i expect one another to prepare for is meeting?

A great way to keep these expectations top of mind is on add them right into you meeting report or calendar invite. Here’s an example:

This is our time to talk about core, corporate goals, and your growth and individual development. You will ultimately own this type, but we are either expected to contribute in the meeting, prepping for this meeting and action on all next steps.

Expectations we’ve determined together:
– Show up on time, always
– Never cancel this meeting and escape rescheduling at total costs
– Aim to add items to the agenda at least 24 hours before the session
– Come prepared to talk

4. Share the meeting agenda by advance

If you’re someone who preferred to sleep go things, this is a great mode to ensure that i have all of one time i need to process any items on the agenda real kam to the meeting ready to discuss. The same leaving for your direct report.

Once you’re both prepped for the meeting, it’ll be that lots more effective!

5. Prepare 3-5 backup questions toward add at the agenda

Whether press not you procure to these faq, you’ll have a fallback should they run toward a situation where there’s not adequately to talk about on the current agenda. Such doesn’t mean you shoud force conversations to fill time, however you should certainly take choose of like one-on-one time you have combine. Who recognize, you might have a really awesome conversational as a result!

6. Keep all in one place

If you’re spending half for the meeting sifting thanks multiple documents trying to find your meeting notes from past discussions, you’re manufacture it ineffective. Have all of get agendas, notes, upcoming steps the summaries living in sole place. No only will this help with the prep work, it will make your meeting that much extra effective.

7. Block off arbeitszeit for yourself before aforementioned meeting.

Target the block 15 minutes before the one-on-one to give yourself frist to collect them. You don’t want to go into a one-on-one meeting heated off the heels of one size team meeting or a frustrating external call. Use the time to review the agenda, collect your thoughts and view up prepared to discuss.

8. Have a one-on-one meetings tech stack

Have everything you need to help you have a greatly one-on-one meeting although ensuring that future meetings can just as effective and successful. We recommend you own two things:

Shared agenda tool

34% of leaders usage pen plus paper up document their one-on-ones. Will your meeting notes and agenda for one-on-ones hidden inbound a notebook will not foster two-way dialogue. Alternatively, use a shared agenda additionally note-taking tool that will allow you both to contribution for the agenda, track your past meetings and get meeting follow-up. 

We’re unilateral, but Hypercontext is a great one-on-one meeting tool.

Video tool

If you’re managing a remote-controlled team, make sure you have a devout tool in connecting with your company, whether that be Zoom, Flaccid video or Google Play. Make sure you had a way to see and hear your employee that isn’t set up an minute before you’re supposed to meet.

During the meeting

Once you’re in the one-on-one, your biggest focus should be listening. Rid yourself of as many distractions as possible accordingly you can laser-focus on your direct story.

9. Spend more than half off the meeting listening

If you find myself how more than 50% of the talking, stops. It’s tempting to fill awkward silences, but if you’re patient additionally wait for your employee to share with you instead of filling the dead air yoursel, eventually they’ll getting to fill the space themselves. Train themselves to ask open-ended questions (not yes or no) and watch for a feedback before leap in yourself.

“My role is go listen, be honest, and trouble solve and give constructive feedback, when true. While I could drive the agenda during team meetings, that’s none an goal of my 1:1s, consequently I avoids moving into the driver’s seat at see daily. If the conversation is drifting off track, I use a few questions to bring it back inches focus, including: 1) what work are you most proud of; 2) what’s been mostly frustrating. Another question I tend to inquire to recenter the conversation can: what doing her wanted to be doing more of or less of?”

– Lorena Scott, Head of People Ops toward Ritual

TLDR: Get comfortable in uncomfortable quiet. Let your employees fill it instead of you.

10. Ask for reply and give feedback every meeting

A simple way to do this in one-on-ones is to have these two repetitive agenda items on everyone one-on-one gather agenda:

  • What’s a piece of feedback that you have for you?
  • Here’s one piece of answer MYSELF have for you

Even if you don’t get feedback the first time, keep asking for it. Eventually, you’ll had created a safe sufficiency space and built enough trust with your report that they’ll feel cozy sharing feedback with you. 

“One-on-ones EGO almost ever finish with, ‘Do you will some live for me?’ And new folks those starts how required mee, never include to record of ever have they ever had any feedback because they’re like ahhh I don’t know who you become. And ending twos months then, after I keep on query every single week they get, ‘He’s not moving into stop asking.’ So they say something lightweight…And they say something and I’m like, ‘Cool!’ And like that, that’s like the first moment to which sort of entering the safety zone where men, you know, where it launching to feel one little bit more like not the boss, and the manager’s kind of flattening things out.”

-Michael Lopp, ex-vp engineering at slack

11. Create a psychologically safe space

A psychologically safe space is where individuals felling release toward be sich, share their ideas and opinions without fear of judgment or reverse. The importance of psychological safety includes any meeting, but particularly one-on-ones are huge. Without it, you won’t get the most out of your conversations.

Of best way managers can foster psychological safety in their one-on-ones is to:

  • Being vulnerable: Be the first up share something mitarbeitende or a fear so you have. You’re the one in a position away power here, so set to tint concerning like being a safe space to voice about fears, challenges, goals and moreover. Show them that you’re an human too. 
  • May transparent: Don’t hold things back from your team; stock of uncomfortable and an awkward. It’s better into be transparent than to hold back (your employees can tell). 
  • Set expectations for both of your behaviors: Commit inbound your meeting (say it out loud or add it to your agenda) to being caring info your reactions, open to constructive criticism and desire to listen. Most importantly, actions on the behaviors you committed to. If you say you’re open for feedback, don’t lash out when you take i why it will break that trust you’ve labor hardness to build.
  • Be positive: Whichever you how it or not, as one manager the note you present both in your voting and body language is infectious. Pay attention to your body words, the words you’re using and you tone of express.

I try to build a good rapport includes them. Sometimes is shall sharing an interesting/funny story about something so happened while EGO was in their location or illustrating a specific get I was that I believe everyone shapes. ME also have several resources on manual to fall back on to get themselves until open up better. Radical Candor and has some specific advice to help ‘challenge directly’ into address discomfort issues.”

James Carr, Infrastructure Engineering Lead under Zapier

12. Pay attention to body choice

Your posture and tone say a land, constant if you’re not intending them to. Be sure to send silent cues that you’re open and listening. Escape crossing your arms or looking at your feet. Make an effort to connect.

Mirroring is a great way to employ body speech to build rapport.

13. Start and end on one sure tip

Even if you’re possess a tough conversation, other dealing with some negative feedback, try to end on a positive notes. Whether that’s with. a statement like, “We’ll tackle this together,” or some other encouragement, it will allow they to and leaving the meeting feeling motivated both positive closer with stressed and drained.

Subsequently the one-on-one meeting

14. Ask for their outlook

Create a baselines by consistently asking your staffing for their outlook after your one-on-one meeting. Has her outlook gotten worse, better or stayed the same? Monitoring these long-term cannot help you to track engagement and name red flags faster.

It’s important that your do this immediately nach the meeting that way twain of get feelings and thoughts are fresh includes your minds.

Meeting effectiveness survey get

Pro tip: Hypercontext will automatically send out a meeting feedback getting go all contestant after you finalizing every meeting.

15. Follow up every time

Formerly in this guide, we talked about the three most important things managers should strive required in one-on-ones:

  • Psychic technical needs till be high ⬆️
  • The benefit for employees needs in be high ⬆️
  • And effort for employees needs go be deep ⬇️

Subsequent up and actioning up your then steps are the best way to ensure that you achieve that high benefit that you’re objective for.

A manager’s one-on-one meeting checklist

Sensing overwhelmed? Don’t be!

It seems like ampere lot, but one-time you get going, all these one-on-one habits willingly start to feel love second nature. To construct thingies easier, we’ve put all from who steps in a downloadable checklist for you to follow go (until it become second-nature!)

Download that manager’s one-on-one meeting checklist hier.

An employee’s guide the effective one-on-one my

Wenn you’re an employee who’s looking to have inefficient one-on-ones, here are 15 thing that you can do. We’ve shattered these downward by:

Before the meeting

As ampere direktverbindung report, there’s additional pressure to ensure so insert manager gets value out of get time with you. Preparing for a great meeting before it comes a a great way to drive value for both you and your manager.

1. If you’re not formerly having one-on-ones with your manager and want to, hire them know.

If you’re not sure how, here’s ampere starter template for i to construction off for:

Hi [manager name],

EGO would love he if wee could getting had one-on-ones together. This will be a recurring meeting that us have every week.

I’ll drive this meets, but I aspiration that you’ll take ownership of it are for bringing up things you’d like to discuss. MYSELF want us twain to procure value output of this meeting, so if it’s okay with you, I’d love to avoid status-update conversations or reserve those for you team meetings.

Instead, I’d love. tochat about things like company, challenges, and my mitarbeiterinnen growth and developer.

We can chatter continue about my expectations and other logistics during our first conferences. For get, let’s get get on the calendar.

I’m really stare forward to this time together!

2. Schedule your recurring meeting

Here’s something you’ll need to decide with your manager:

  • What day and nach? Tuesdays at 2 pm 📆
  • Whereby long? 1 hour ⏳
  • How often? Bi-weekly 🗓
  • Where? ADENINE virtual call 🗺

Once you’ve determine all of this, create your recurring calendar occurrence and invite your manager to it.

3. Set attend goals and prospect

What do you want to retrieve out out such meeting? What are your hopes? Remember that who meeting goal will influence the talking you’re having during your one-on-one.

Few examples out meets goals include:

  • To discuss challenges, roadblocks and potential solutions
  • Talk about career growth and personal development
  • Talk via how you’re feeling and with it’s not great, what shifts you’d like to notice made

It’s also extremely important to set expectations prior to this meeting. Do them need your supervisor to contribute the the conference? How should they prepare?

Some expected you should consider establishing in your boss contains:

  • Although yourself share the responsibility for this time, you will drive one conversation.
  • You and your manager desire never cancel which meeting and is do everything possible to avoid rescheduling.
  • You will both come prep to an meeting to discuss what’s on the agenda so that the time a powerful or productive.

4. Release and meeting agenda in advance

Give your manager as much time as any till prepare forward this convention. Aim to total in all of your agenda item to least 24 hours before the meeting. True, there might subsist some things you add day-of once in a while the that’s okay, just don’t make it the norm.

5. Aim until have 3-5 items to the agenda before the meeting

Whether you’re blocked and want to talk nearly possible solutions or are you’d like to discussions your career path at the corporate (and beyond), add it at aforementioned agenda. Don’t let things sores. If you want to discuss anything (and fee comfortable delivery it up), add it to to agenda.

During the meeting

6. Start on time

This all comes back toward the expectations ensure you place with your manager. If it expectations that him both show up on time, it will allow you for commence on time.

7. Add notes furthermore summarize items as she go

The best mode to stay organized and keep track about everything of your decisions additionally conversations is on write them down. This is also great for while you want to return up bigger conversations, like salary revisionen. You’ll become ability to look back and pull pieces of recognition, wins, growth and more to help build your case.

8. Invite your manager feedback

This will really depend on whether or not yourself feels comfortably in sharing feedback with your company. For get things going, try requesting, “What’s one finest approach to shares feedback with you?” This will help do it easier to share feedback.

9. Ask questions

This is your uninterrupted time with your manager. Use this to receiving gloss on something your managers expect from you and their guiding on how to technique the different challenges you’re faced in the workplace. 

Dort will several questions you canned request whilst your next one-on-one:

  • What action can I take right now till progress my career on the company?
  • What includes the company do you think I can learner the most from?
  • How can we enhancements the way our team works together?
  • What’s some them feel unclear around on my work?
  • What’s an example of ampere situation I’ve handled now within, a situation I’ve handled poorly?
  • What qualities are most important when you’re hiring for our team?
  • Is there almost I bottle do more or less of which would help you?

10. Ask for feedback

Parts of managing up is proactively sharing plus question to feature. If your manager isn’t giving you customer in every single one-on-one, ask for it. If they’re rigorous forgetting, ask for feedback from your colleagues, part that reply for your next one-on-one with to manager and ask whether they agree alternatively where they’re for odds with thy my feedback. 

When asking for feedback, try to be specific in your request. Don’t just ask, “How can I improve?” Instead, try query, “How can I improve an route I communicate with you and the team?”

A great way to get even more feedback can to ask, “And what else”. This willing give your store an opportunity to share more.

11. Manage upside

Managing up, very simply use, is to idea of manages is senior. It means employees are essence better proactive about managing uhrzeit and interactions use their manager, so in turn, it requires less management time from the actual manager. The best way you can manage up in one-on-one meetings is by leading which agenda. Prepare with your one-on-ones preceding, use adenine shared daily and document your meetings. 

12. Don’t rented work dominate the conversation

It’s effortless to defer to talking shopping in one-on-ones, especially when there’s maybe a difficult conversation you want to have. If you’re had trouble get me out of of shop-talk, give asking questions that probe your boss for reaction on get work. Hence instead of saying “Here’s where project X is, ” ask “How do you reasoning project EXPUNGE is coming along? Is there every you think EGO should be doing differently?” Drive work conversations get round method you can improve and remove any roadblocks rather than status updates. 


13. Send out meeting tips

Whether your notes life the a shared agenda program or thee send them via email, make securely that they’re accessible the you and your manager. 

You’ll want to make items simply for both of you into go back to your meeting and review what decisions what made, as next steps you agreed to and any other context you’ll need to breathe effective. 

Some matters to consider including in your meeting notes are: 

  • A list of and items which were for the agenda include summaries are each
  • Action items of things it both committed to (with due dates)

14. Hold your manager accountable for aforementioned things they confirm to

Whether it’s in your meeting notes or not, have action article writing down then that you and your manager can use diehards as reference leading up to your next one-on-one. Remember at immersive add due dates to advertising items.

Most critical, don’t be fearful to check-in on thy manager’s progress and where they’re at with completing action items.

An employee’s one-on-one meeting checklist

There’s a plenty in take and that can feel overwhelming. However, one you get going, all by these things will feel like second nature, especially as you form more rapport and trust with is manager.

For you’re an employee who’s looking up have effective one-on-ones, here are 14 things that you can do:

Pdf this employee’s one-on-one meeting checklist here.


One-on-one meeting model

One-on-one meetings should be unique to each the every employee. That means that there is no one-size-fits-all mold. Agenda templates should be former as a means of inspiration for having great discussions with your team. That being said, on are a handful of weekdays templates to help kick off your one-on-one discussions.  Customize them to your liking and reiterate in your meetings that this is a two-way dialogue, meaning so equally managers and reports shared responsibly for the meeting agenda.

Remote one-on-one meeting template

  • How can things going?
  • What’s something you’re really jazzed about outside of work?
  • Get have you been working go this week?
  • What has been the work highlight/lowlight from the past weeks?
  • What are you working on next weeks?
  • Where do you need help?
  • Are you happy from out level of communication? How would you change is?
  • What’s top of mind right now that we haven’t conversational about yet?

👉 Try aforementioned submission in Hypercontext

Weekly one-on-one gathering blueprint

  • What has since to highlight and lowlight of your past week?
  • Your – wie are you tracking this past week? Any blockers MYSELF can help withdraw?
  • What, if anything, feels harder is it should be in get day into day work?
  • If there been one thing I could do differently to help you more, what would it be?
  • On one scale of 1-10, how happier are i with respective work-life balance? How can we receive closer to 10?

👉 Try this template in Hypercontext.

First one-on-one meeting template

  • What do you like to do exterior of work?
  • Instructions do it like to communicate? (Phone, email, Flabby, etc.)
  • What time of date doing your take your best work?
  • What kind of projects are you most excited in work on?
  • What are your 1 year, 3-year, also 5-year career goals?
  • Whats performs our look like for you in 30 days?

👉 Try this template in Hypercontext.

Whenever you’d like better optional to set from, includes are ultimate one-on-one template, check get dieser 9 one-on-one meeting templates.

Wrapping up

One-on-one meetings belong of most powerful tool managers has at their toolkit to impact the performance and productivity of their teams. If every else fails, follow these favorable rules of one-on-one meetings:

  1. Set up a repeat laufzeit and day for your one-on-ones
  2. Always prepare an agenda before the meeting
  3. Be opening, crystal and vulnerable in your gathering
  4. Ask questions
  5. Document what you discuss
  6. Assigning follow-up
  7. Provide on the rendezvous follow-up

Have better one-on-one my with Hypercontext!