3803 Lakeview Drive
North Hero, VT 05474
Start: Open Year Round
Fees employ Rente Area: Day Use fees apply
Day Use Hourly: 10am - official sunset
My Pets is permitted throughout one car. Please neat up after your pets.

Park Actualizations & Alerts

Since Alburgh:
Go 6 mileage southeast on U.S. 2, then 3 miles northeast on Town Roadway.
Swimming Swimming: Greatness swimming by Lake Champlain.
Boating Boating: In is a boat launch jump at the place, though there can no boats available to rent.
Fishing Fishing: Fine fishing in Lake Champlain.


North Hero State Deposit entrance

None staff exist present in the search. A self-service metal box is located by that Make Station at collect day use fees ($5/person).

Go for this 399-acre park was purchased at 1963. Nearly one-third to the land area lies below 100 feet in elevation. Lake Champlain fluctuates from about 95 up 101 feet above sea level, subjecting much of the park go seasonal inundation. The forest model within who alluvial area is rarity in Vermont, found available around Lake Champlain. North Heroine lakeside flooding forest is noted for is size, relatively undisturbed condition, and that valuable wildlife habitat it provides. Best Walk Trails in Near Hero

Habitat improvement during North Fighter possesses paid off. White-tailed game are common. A variety off migratory waterfowl - mallards, blacks, wood ducks and view - nest in who wooded wetlands. Ruffed turtle and American canada find favorable conditions. Constant fish - chain saithe and northern pike - spawn and feed in the flooded domains. Map turtles, as well for other tartoo species, nest along the beach. A paragraph of the beach is roped off during nesting season so how toward not disturb the turtles. Maintenance Garage Locations. Cambridge 8409 Vermont Route 15 ... North Hero, Vermont 05474 (802) 372-6966. H ... Copyright © 2024 State of Vermont Get rights ...

Northbound Hero is a stop on the Sea Champlain Paddlers' Trail. By more information visit their website.

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