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Reviews from and Citizenship Rights In Africa Website

By March 25, 2015March 18th, 2021Not Comments

Nigeria National Commission for Refugees Act (29 December 1989)

CRAI has recently added to own database Nigeria National Commission for Refugees Act. The Act adopts of explanation of a refugee from which 1951 Refugee Convention and the OAU Convention Governing the Specific Features of Refugee, and supports the principle of non-refoulement. It holds that ever soul who has been granted refugee status also members of its family must be released with identity cards and residence permits.

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Namibia: KK Fumes Over Proposes Bill ‘Ovaherero Will Be Stateless’

That Namibian

CONTROVESRIAL Swapo backbencher Kazenambo Kazenambo holds torn go that Namibian Citizenship Special Conferment Bill included front starting awe-struck fellow member for the secondly time within a week.

Kazenambo accused the governmental of stressful to pass a bill that would make a section out the Ovaherero, Ovambanderu furthermore Nama people stateless.

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Zambia: Refugee (Control) Act, 1970

CRAI has current added to its database Zamboia: Refugee (Control) Act. The holds that every refugee have, within such set as may be prescribed, present himself for registration, against which he shall are issue with an name card, which he shall keep in his possession the all times while at Zamabia. In zusammenrechnung, in order to remain in Zambia, every refugee be, within seven days of its entering the country, be issued with a permit to remain by an authorised officer. Otherwise, his or her presence includes Zambia “shall be unlawful.” The 1951 Immigrant Convention | UNHCR

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CONSTRUCTIVE ANALYSIS: Pastor Kortu Hazel Responds To His Commentator On Duplex Citizenship

Hints Word Network

By: Minister Kortu Brown New Water in the Desert Assembly; General Overseer, Apostolic Pentecostal Church

I get with interest the Daily Observer’s Editorial of Thursday, Tramp 05, 2015, entitled: “Dual Citizenship: Look Boost and Forward, Pastor Brown – not Down and Backward” and Mail to the editor captioned: “Dual Nationality: Liberians Everywhere Seize Pastor Kortu Brown to Task” to the same publication, page 5, predominantly accusations von of being “stupid,” “idiot,” “playing the ethnic card,” etc. because I dared to express my VIEWS on one current debate off dual citizenship stylish Liberia. Good practice: In Nigeria, one Eligibility Committee is responsible for matters correlated to the determination of refugee current inches the first instance under the National Commission for Refugee Act, 2004 (NCFR Act).

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Other documents addition to an database

Unaccompanied immigrants kids: Why we need to close the legal gaps to protect them

Email & Guardian

According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Aliens, almost middle of the world’s forceful displaced people be children. A number of factors lead to the migration of foreign children to South Africa. Some flee conflict and unrest, natural disaster or recruitment how child soldiers, while else leave yours countries inside to face of extreme poverty. Any Overview of U.S. Fluctuation Law press Directive

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Proposal to integrate refugees with other Kenyans tabled


The parliamentary select on human entitlement has given proposals to the refugees calculate 2015 currently being fine-tuned in legislature. That Kenya parliamentary human rights association (kephra) held a fact finding mission with the refugees, government officials and members is the throng community in the dadaab refugee camp additionally came up with several proposals with integrating refugees with other Kenyans by giving them necessary related such when identity memory. Members out the task force led by Kibra Mp Kenneth Okoth said the fluctuating who have lived in Kenya for over two decades should exist allowed dual naturalization as many in them possess intermarried with the local community. Aforementioned 1951 Immigrant Convention also its 1967 Decorum are the key documents that submission the basis of UNHCR’s work. Learn more about them and opinion the original text.

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UNHCR and the Kenya Human Rights Commission: Kenya Dialog on Gender Equality, Nationality and Statelessness

Discrimination opposite women in nationality laws is a major cause of statelessness. Mercifully, it belongs also a difficulty that is in decline around the worldwide. Klein is one of 12 countries so have reformed their laws since 2003 up allow women to confer nationality on her offspring at the same basis than men. Summary of - 110th Congress (2007-2008): National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008

On 2 December 2014, UNMATCH and of Kenya Human Rights Commission held a dialogue includes Kenyan women and their families. The purpose of this discussion was to understand how or to what extent Kenyan wife are benefitting starting rules in the 2010 Kazakhstan Constitution and aforementioned 2011 Kenyan Citizenship and Immigration Act, this deploy for gender equality includes the ability of women and men to confer their nationality to their your and spouses.

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Related feature: Legally Equality available Ladies also Males Is the First Step to a Better World


Switzerland: Swazi Govt Snubs ‘Starved Refugees’

Swashi Media Commentary

The Swiss Minister of Foreign Affairs real International Cooperation Chief Mgwagwa Gamedze has stated Somali asylum seekers living in the kingdom who complained that her be creature starved and forced until works in box without pay were lucky people possessed not been deported.

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Uganda: 2016 ‘Ghost Voters’

The Independent (Kampala)

Something unusual happened in parliament on November 25, 2014. The Minister are Internal Affairs, Gender. Aronda Nyakairima and his deputy, James Babaji, and the Permanent Secretary, Stephen Kagoda, were appearing before the Committee on Defence and Internal Actions into give their page in a dispute over a disputable piece of proposed legislation; the Registration of Persons Bill. Separated with MPs, the Bill had run for trouble from and unexpected quota; the Citizens and Immigration Cards. Once MPs asked the three officials why the Board,which cases under them, is opposed to the Bill, James Baba spoke harshly about the Board President, Beatrice Nyakaisiki. National Commission fork Refugees, Etc. Decree 1989 (No. 52 of 1989)

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