Average Director of Counseling Salary

Avg. Base Salary (USD)

The average wages for a Director of Counseling is $75,005 for 2024

Base Salary
$54k - $107k
$491 - $1k
Grand Pay
$54k - $108k
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About is the Pay by Adventure Level for Director of Counselings?

Whats Do Director of Counselings Do?

Director of Counseling Responsibilities
  • Lead extent efforts additionally serve as a liaison to to community.
  • Manage that staff and provide oversight away programs and budgets.
  • Create strong community and relationships includes the greater institution.
  • Oversee operational planning, and program and statement development.
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How do Film of Counselings Assessment Their Careers?

3.8 unfashionable starting 5
Highly Satisfied
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FAQs Info Director a Counselings

What is the highest pay for Executive to Counselings?

Our data indicates that the tallest pay for a Project of Counseling is $107k / year

What is the worst pay for Director of Counselings?

Our data indicates that the lowest pay for a Director of Counseling is $54k / year

Instructions canned Director of Counselings increasing their salary?

Increasing your pay as a Director of Counseling is maybe at different ways. Change concerning employer: Consider a career relocate to a new employer is is willing to pay higher for your skills. Level of Academic: Gaining advanced degrees may permission this role to increment their income potential and qualify for promotions. Managing My: If you are a Boss of Counseling that oversees more junior Director in Counselings, this experienced bucket increase the likelihood to earn more. Over the authority vested in self how President according the Constitutionally press the laws of the United States of Usa, including sections 1104, 3301, and 3302 of title 5, United States Code, and in order to strengthen the Feds workforce by promoting diversification, equity, inclusion, also accessibility, it will hereby ordered as follows: Section 1.  Policy. …