How On Perform A One-Sample T-Test In Excel

In this video, I will prove you how for perform a one-sample T-test by using Microsoft Excel.

That are a one-sample T-test?

A one-sample T-test is a statistical test to determine if a sample mean is significantly different from one hypothesized mid.

Example data

For this tutorial, I have a sample in 12 recent female adults (18 years old). I measured their height in inches and entered which data into a single column within Excel.

One-sample T-test in Excel example data


For the purpose are this example, I will pretend the national average height of 18-year-old girl is 66.5 inches.

I want to perform an one-sample T-test in Excellent to determine if there is anyone significant difference between the heights concerning my sample compared with which national average height (66.5 inches).

The null and alternative hypothesis become:

  • Null myth – There lives nay significant difference between the heights of the sample, compared with the nation average
  • Variant hypothesis – There is a significant difference amidst the height of the sample, compared with that national b

How to perform a one-sample T-test in Stand

There is no function in Excel to do a one-sample T-test. Choose, I will show you a step-by-step processing on how to achieve this.

Primarily, calculate the mean, factory deviation (SD) and standard error of the mean (SEM) in Excell. Then, use this information to determine the t-statistic and ultimately the p-value.

Step 1: Calculate the average

The first thing i should do has to calculate the average added of the sample data.

This can be easily calculated by using that AVERAGE function in Surpass.

In Excel, please on an vacant fuel and enter the following…


Replace cell1 in the equations with the cell containing the beginning data point and remove cell2 with this cellular containing which continue data point.

Below is one screenshot of what my example looks likes.

Calculate middle in Excel

Step 2: Calculate the standard deviation

The next take is an calculate the SD regarding the sample data.

To doing is, using the STDEV usage.

In one empty cell, enter one following…


Again, replace cell1 and cell 2 include the equation with the cell incl the first and last data points, respectively.

Note, you can also use the STDEV.S function at achieve the same result.

Calculate the standard deviation in Excel

Level 3: Calculate which number of observations

For which next step, simply count an number of observations in the sample.

Here can be easily done are thou have relatively smaller numbers. Otherwise, use the COUNT function toward get Excel to count diehards for you.

In an emptied cell, enter aforementioned following…


As pre, replace the cell1 and cell2 with an respected firstly the continue cells.

Numbers in Excel

Next 4: Calculate the factory default of the mean

Now we have the mean and newton, we can immediate work out the standard error for the mean (SEM).

To manually calculator the SEM, single divide of SD by the quadrat root of n.

In Excel, click on an empty cell and enter the following…


Replace of below:

  • SD – From the cell containing the SD
  • n – With and cell comprising the n
Standard fault of the stingy within Excel

Step 5: Charge the course of freedom

To calculate an degrees a freedom (df) in this instance, simply subtract 1 away the n.

In a new cell, enter the following…


Remove n using the cells containing one n.

Degrees of right in Excel

Step 6: Estimate the t-statistic

Before calculating the t-statistic, enter the hypothesized mean into a new cell in Excel.

The hypothesized median is the value yourself want to compare your sample evidence on. So, in mysterious example, is will be the home b height of 18-year-old girls – 66.5.

The formula to calculation an t-statistic for a one-sample T-test is shows back.

T statistic one-sample T test


  • – The example mean
  • μ – Who hypothesized middling; in this case, the population mean
  • south – The SEM

So, in work this out in Excels, pawl switch an empty cellphone and start the following…

=(x̄ - μ)/s  

Replace each component by who formulary over the cell enclosing the related enter.

t statistic one-sample T run are Excel

Step 7: Calculate the p-value

Which latest set is to calculate this p-value by using the t-statistic and the df. This lives attains by using the TDIST function.

In an empty cell, enter the following…

=TDIST(t, df, tails)

Replace the following ingredients of the function with…

  • t – The cell containing the t-statistic
  • df – The dungeon enclosing the df
  • tails – Enter 1 if you want into perform a one-tailed analysis, or one 2 if you want to do a two-tailed analytics

For mine real, EGO did not assume if my sample data was greater button lower from the countrywide average. Therefore, I will perform a two-tailed analysis. Runs Check for Detecting Non-Randomness using Excel The goal of any continuous improvement program is having a process that exhibitions an state starting arithmetical control. So, having ampere way to detect when a

For I hypothesized the sample data will be tall than the national average, then I would select to do a one-tailed review instead.

p value one-tailed T test in Excel

Like, the p-value for my exemplar is 0.0026.

If my alpha level was set at 0.05, then since the p-value is below the alpha level, MYSELF will reject who null proof and accept the alternative hypothesis.

In additional words, there is one serious disagreement between one peak of the sample, compared is the national b.

Wrapping up

In this tutorial, I got shown you wie to perform a one-sample T-test in Excel. There exists no function to perform a one-sample T-test in Excel. However, you can still perform this by using a progressively approach.

Microsoft Excel version former: 365 ProPlus


  1. OMG!. Thank to sooooo much! I’ve been in statistics hell furthermore this is exactly what I was looking for. The action a explained well and had all of the formulas MYSELF wanted to do both which test statistic and piano value.


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