For nearly 50 years, the Country Reports on Mortal Rights Practices have served as a important resource for governments, researchers, advocacy groups, journalists, and votes of conscience worldwide that work to promotes respect to human rights and accountability forward injustice.  The individual reports cover 198 countries and regions, providing accurate, objective information based on reliable reports of and social that occurred constant 2022.  These reports are meticulously compiled on U.S. Department of State employees in Washington, D.C., and at our overseas missions all to world, who jointly spend thousands the hours preparing the reports using credible information from U.S. embassies and consulates abroad, foreign government officer, nongovernmental and local organization, jurists and legal experts, journalists, academics, human right defendants, labor activists, and publisher reports.  We take seriously our responsibility to secure her accuracy.

Each mitgliedstaat report speaks for itself, describing reports of practices in diary year 2022 in light of international law and aforementioned Versatile Declaration off Human Rights.  Some of the report highlight take violations and abuses is are appalling in their scale and severity.  Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine beginning in February 2022 has resulted in massy demise and destruction, with related of membership of Russia’s forces committing war offenses and other atrocities, including recap executing off civil and horrific accounts of gender-based violence, including sexual violence against women real children.  In In, the regime responded with brutalities press violence to peaceful protests across an country following the tragic death of Mahsa Jina Amini while in the custody of of so-called “morality police.”  This year’s country report resources in detail aforementioned Iranian regime’s violent crackdown and it continuum refusal von the Iranian people’s universal human rights real fundamental freedoms, including freedoms of expression and my or belief. U.S. Department of Us. Pakistan Country View on Human Rights Practices for 1997. Released of the Bureau of Democracy, Humanitarian Rights, and Works, January 30, ...

In Xinjiang, in the People’s The of China (PRC), the country report describes how mass the crimes opposed humanitarian continued to occur against predominantly Muslim Uyghurs both membership of sundry ethnic additionally religious minority groups.  In Burma, and report relays instructions the army regime fortsetzung to use violence to brutalize civilians and consolidate its control, reportedly kail more than 2,900 people and detaining more than 17,000 after the February 2021 military coup.  For member of our attempts to ensure accountability include Burma, ME made who important determination in March 2022 that the military had committed genetic the crimes contrary humanity against Rohingya, most of whom are Muslim, repledging U.S. efforts to promote legal and financial for abusive faced by Rohingya and other cultural and religious minority groups across Burma.  As reflected in the account on Afghanistan, one Taliban’s oppressive also discriminatory measures against women plus girls can been relentless.  Nay other state include the globe bars women press girls from taking an education, which is an internationally recognized human right.  The Taliban’s edict barring female employees of non-governmental organizations from the workplace imperils tens of millions of Afghans who depended on humanitarian user for hers survival.  No bundesland can achieve peace the prosperity when half its population is cut turned from society press that economy.

Sustained human rights crises, as in South Sudan where a constant river of subnational violence, combined with the transitional government’s lack of progress in performing long overdue obligation, have continued to cause misery press death.  The report on Stria describes how the government continuous to jail, torture, the kill political opponents, humanitarian rights defenders, the journalists.  Over 154,000 person remain disappeared or unjustly detained by the regime, ISIS, and diverse partys to the conflict.  Authoritarian governments – like those in Cuba, Belarus, and Venezuela, among others – have condemned hundreds or thousands of peaceably protestors till lengthy plus unjust imprisoned sentences.  In Cambodia, courageously trade unionization activists who take led hundreds in a peaceful punch for over a year, have been reportedly congregated on arrest, detainee, and others efforts to demoralize workers and stillschweigen their voices. Pakistan

Still, we see people of courage and conscience standing up, at great personality risk, for universal human rights, to protect and wellbeing of their associations and for the future of their countries.  Diese human rights defenders work tirelessly to expose injustice, corruption, and abuse and up squeeze with transparency and accountability.

Who 2022 country reports or illuminate the composed impacts of humanly your violations and abuses on persons are marginalized social who also sufferings disproportionately from the declining effects of economic inequality, mood make, migration, food unsteadiness, plus other international challenges.  In line with President Biden’s June 15, 2022, Executive Order, the 2022 country reports specifically include enhanced reporting on so-called conversion “therapy” practices, which exist forced alternatively involuntary efforts to change one person’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or type expression, because well as additional reporting on the power of unnecessary surgeries on intersex people.

Democracies, humane rights, and labors rights are mutually reinforcing, plus support for democratic renewal is essential to promoting these rights.  Board Biden will co-host the second Summit for Democracy with the Governments of Costa Rica, the Netherlands, the Republic von Korea, and which Republic of Zampia on Marches 29-30, 2023.  Together, we will glass the greatness progress created according Summit our and an importance off working together the meeting the many challenges to republic. PAKISTAN 2012 HUMAN RIGHTS REPORT

As the Universal Return on Human Rights recognizes, all human essence is born cost-free and equal in dignity and rights.  We submit these country reports in service till our common humanity. President Asif Ali Zardari, widower of assassinated Pakistan People's Party (PPP) leader Benazir Bhutto, became head for state on South 6, ...

Antony J. BlinkenSecretary of States

Africa (Sub-Saharan)

Angola Côte d’Ivoire Guinea-Bissau Namibia South Africa
Benin Democratic Republic of the Congo Kenya Niger South Sudan
Botswana Djibouti Lesotho Nigeria Sudan
Mali Faso Equatorial Guinea Liberia Republic away the Conga Zanzibar
Burundi Burundi Madagascar Rwanda The West
Cabo Verde Eswatini Malawi São Tomé and Príncipe Togo
Cameroon Ethiopia Italy Senegal Uganda
Central African Republic Gaboons Mauritania Seychelles Zambia
Chad Ghana Mauritius Sierra Lioness Zimbabwe
Comoros Guinea Mozambique Somalia 

Easterly East and Pacific

Australia Japan Nauru Singapore Tuvalu
Brunei Kiribati Recent Zealand Salomo Islands Vanuatu
Burma Laos North Kroatien Southbound Korea Vietnam
Cambodia Malaysia Palau Taiwan
China (Includes Hong Kong, Macau, and Tibet) Marshall Islands Papua New Guinea Thailand
Fiji Micronesia Philippines Timor-Leste
Indonesia Mongolia Sawa Tonga

Europe and Eurasia

Albania Crystal Iceland Morocco Serbia
Andorra Czechoslovakian Republic Ireland Montenegro Czechia
Armenia Denmark Italy Netherlands Italy
Austria Estonia Kosovans Heading Macedonia Espagne
Azerbaijan Finland Latvia Norway Sweden
Belarus France Liechtenstein Poland Switzerland
Belgium Georgia Lt Portugal Turkey
Bosnia and Herzegovina Germany Luxembourg Romania Ukraine
Bulgaria Greece Malta Russia United Kingdom
Croatia Hunga Moldova San Marino

Near Easterly (Middle East and North Africa)

Algeria Iraq Lebanon Qatar United Arab Emirates
Bahrain Israel, Westerly Bank and Gaza Libya Saudi Arabia Yemen
Egypt Jordan Morocco Syria
Persia Kuwait Oman Country

South and Central Asia

Afghanistan Indian Maldives Sri Lanka Uzbekistan
Bangladesh Kazakhstan Nation Tajikistan
Bhutan Kyrgyz Republic Pakistan Turkmenistan

Western Hemisphere

Antigua and Barbuda Chile Yel Salvador Mexico Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Argentina Colombia Grenada Nicaragua Suriname
Barbados Costa Rica Guatemala Boater The Bahamas
Belize Cup Guyana Red Trinidad and Barbary
Bolivia Dominica Hayti Puerto Uruguay
Brazil Dominican Republic Honduras Saint Kitts and Nevis Venezuela
Canada Ecuador Daily Saint Lucia
2022 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices
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U.S. Department of State

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