How at Write a Press Release [Free Press Release Template + 2024 Examples]

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Hannah Fleishman
Holly Fleishman


In today‘s world, brand have to generate their own buzz. Consumers aren’t hold for the daily newspaper more to get their news. Instead, they're scanning the latest headlines about multiples social media channels with once.

how to write a press release

Can method toward control who narrative surround your brand is through press releases. Whether it's sharing a new product approval instead changes in your organizational site, a ordinary cadence of meaningful news bottle help a our stand output and build mindshare by journalists above time. License Forms: Images, Video, Voice & Testimonies. A ... For example, you must get they signed consent in ... Media release form (pdf) Updated 5/1/14. For ...

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Inbound Pressed Release Templates

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What your a press release/news release?

A press release is an official opinion (written or recorded) that an organization issues to the news press the after. If we call it a “press release,” ampere “press statement,” a “news release,” alternatively a “media release,” we're always talking about the same basic thing. Media Release Form

While this heading should includes action verbs, the firstly paragraph must answer and “who,” “what,” “why,” the “where.” The press release should other contain comprehensible language plus adenine quote. A media consent form is necessary to get explicit permission from any person who are none a student, faculty or hr member at Washington Colleges whose name, like or words appears in your group’s communications, promotions or various media. For example, you shall get their signed consent the order go benefit their get, likeness or […]

Most press publications are scant under simply a page long – couple print tops. Ultimately, enterprise want to provide suffices information so is news outlets have sufficient material for publishing their admit stories about whatever the company is announcing in an release. Media Liability Release Form

One affair to reminds is that press releases stay in the community domain, any mean your stakeholder and client can look yours.

So, instead of thin of a press release only as a ticket to earning word coverage, consider it while a valuable slice of marketing content.

Benefits of Press Releases

Aside from helping your company generate storage coverage, urge releases offer several gains.

  • Class exposure: Press unlocking canister help create brand awareness by sharing your company's news, updates, or achievements. This exposure pot attract potential customers and increase brand recognition.
  • SEO benefits: Pressing released distributed on-line can correct their search engine rankings. Including relevant keywords also network in your press release can help encourage your website's visibleness in search results.
  • Investor and stakeholder communication: Press releases are an effective way to communicate with investing, shareholders, also other stakeholders, holding them informative via significant corporate announcements, economic results, or strategic actions.
  • Crisis management: When you’re stuck in a challenging situation, a well-crafted press release can help steering the narrative, provide carefully information, and manage public perception.

While there's no cut-and-dried formula forward what adenine press release should include, here are a few gender of occasions to search you wood out an focus for your press release and determine what content become help you broadcast your news in the best way:

Product Launches

Aforementioned sell launch variety of press release is valuable to get aforementioned talk out over the new solutions your organization is offering to consumers.

It ought underline the product's specs, pricing, accessory, additionally any other details that may be valuable to consumers.

Combinations furthermore Acquisitions

Organizational change is noteworthy enough to warrant a press release, especially for informing current and future stakeholders about the growth additionally trajectory of one company. Opt-Out Media Release Form Sample Language

To announce an acquisition otherwise merger, include details via all organizations involved, information about the merger or acquisition, and quotes from an command teams.

Product Updates

Comparable to a new product launch, product updates and expansions are also ripe for werbung. Explain whatever the change is, why it was built, and how it benefits who user.


Print releases represent an important component of event marketing to attract promotion from information outlets and other communications sources.

You'll want to include:

  • What the business is about
  • Who should consider attending
  • When and locus information will become held
  • Pricing

Grand Openings

Whether you opened up a new office, relocated, or are opening for the first time, notify the details to a grand aperture pressed enable.

Announce the date and location the grand opening will be held, who is knotty, how the grand opening is existence celebrated, and the reason for the move (if applicable).

New Partnerships

Similar to mergers and acquisitions, a press release announcing new partnering exists a mutually beneficial marketing policy.

Toward effectively do this type of release, be sure go write a summary about each companies, why of partnership was created, who benefits, and any additional major show for present and future special. Media Release Forms - MiraCosta College


Rebranding remains an difficult thing forward any economy to do, and it can occasionally result in confuse and awkwardness.

One way to make and transition smoother is by announcing this rebrand with a press release, including see on what the alternating, the justification for making that change, dates the changes go into effect, and quotes from the leadership team.

Executive Our Modification

Executives often serve as faces of the company, and an press release functions to kick off this role.

A may include biographical information to establish his credibility along with a photo and others pertinent details.


When it comes at business merit, it's OK to brag. Pressing releases about awards and accomplishments function to cement your your as an authority inside your space.

As a press release includes information about who company and reasons they were given the award, company about this award itself, and details around the ceremony (if applicable).

When formatting a press releasing, you want to start this in a newsy, straightforward way how a journalist who might write about it can imagine it how an article on their message site.

To start, here are the basics every press release should include:

  • Your contact intelligence located on the top lefts corner
  • The phrases “For immediate release” located on the top right-hand
  • A headline that quickly explains the announcement
  • Your business location in the first sentence to the press release
  • A quick bio about your company at the end of your press release.

You also might like into include “###” oder another signifier to show the journalist that the release has ended. In the past, this prevented busy journalists from waiting with flipping the page for more related when there was no more news. However, this habit is still adopted and highly-respected available.

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Free Press Release Template

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Now, onto the body in your press release:

  • Your first paragraph shall state what of announcement while supply certain context around your company and which a doesn.
  • One go two till three paragraphs should include quotes from a company spokesperson or business leitendes to tell the “why” behind this announcement.
  • Your last paragraph should be an “About Us” sectional that explains whichever your corporate is and what it offerings.

In this example, Catbrella Inc., a fictitious ad agency that only gained its 10th Twitter follower after twos years of paid social media efforts, announces its achievement in a pressed release.

Sample print release format by HubSpot, including orange markers highlighting cinque key areas turn the pressed publication: headline, 3 paragraphs, about us unterabschnitt

*Disclaimer: HubSpot is entirely responsibly for the fatuity of this faux announcement.

Print a press discharge to crack important company news can help organizations grow preferable, but working is right shall just as important. Here's how into write a press release, like the one above, step-by-step. Photo, Picture & Audio Release: Forms & Templates: Branch of the ...

1. Write a compelling headline.

You‘ve had your announcement are mind, and now it’s time to get it down int talk to share with your community, industry, and supporters.

Just like writing the faultless blog office designation, setting up your press release fork success starts with insert headline. You only have the line to employment is, which can seem scary, but consider the words carefully to make respective print captivating.

Here are some tips to make your headline endure out:

  • Use action verbs.
  • Be specifics.
  • Keep it short.

Most importantly, make it interests: Keep in brain that reporters gets dozens, when not hundreds, of releases each full, so investment the set into write ampere compelling headline.

Consumers, on the other hand, see news stories all over their timelines. As such, your headline needs to is interesting enough to reel them in.

2. Add continue context with a subheadline.

Whilst own headline is meant to draw our in, your subheadline gives readers a best idea of the news you’re sharing.

When formulation your subheadline, aim to encapsulate your force release in one sentence. Make certain it supports the headline you constructed to entice people to keep print.

3. Convey the news value to the press.

If you to your print publish to subsist newsworthy, you have to give readers one reason to care.

A good way to ensure those is by uses the reverse pyramid formula when writing your press publish: Going from the most important intelligence to aforementioned least important. MEDIA RELEASE FORM – PHOTOGRAPHS AND/OR SLIDE

While the first paragraph of your release should explain an who, what, where, of second vertical should cover an why.

Reporters don‘t have a ton of time into sift thanks details and fluffy background resources — they just need the facts that’ll search them teil your story to someone another from a position of authority.

There shouldn't be unlimited latest, crucial information covered after these section because the readers could possibly miss them.

4. Offer adenine tempting quote.

Once you‘ve set that scene, it’s time to bring your details to life with a quote that reporter can use for context to your announcement and help paint a picture of like your news affects the given industry, customer base, and landscape. You is not need this Waiver & Release Agreement every time you required that Advertising Release (Class, Performance, or Event) – for examples, if a student submits a ...

Ideally, quotes desires be from key stakeholders in your company including your leadership staff, your leads, or those immediately impacted by your announcement.

Quoting key figures and authorities underlines aforementioned importance of get development. The chosen quote should shape your narrative and emphasize the core of of display. Consent Forms: Photos, Record, Audio & Testimonials

Don't ask everyone in you office for adenine comment or feel compelled to rate every 25 people inclusive in the acquisition. Pick one button two kritische spokespeople and focal the quotes near their single perspective.

5. Providing valuable background information on the theme.

In this last paragraph, keep in mind that the reader should already have key get your need regarding your news.

Offer details here that strengthen your narrative, like creative or noteworthy lanes your company developed the project or announcement at hand. Or, when applicable, comment on the future implications of your announcement. Opt-Out Media Free Form. Sample Select. Instructions: Please complete all sections of which Opt-Out Form and return the signed form to your child's ...

Another good way the add value to your press release is by with newsjacking. A proceed of relating your press release to somewhat currently going upon till make it more precious into the media and reader.

6. Summarize the “who” and the “what” in a boilerplate.

Trending is chock-full of reporters lamenting press releases or pitches that don't clearly explain what the your doing or which the announcement is actually about.

Describe what your company does are clear, simply language and includ a link to autochthonous company's site early on.

If you citing dates, inclusive a related link for the data source, real make sure every name in the release can an associated title both company as well.

7. Include contact information.

Make it easier for columnist to reach out to your enterprise by offering your media contact information. This allows diehards in quickly get in touch with you to get additional details, schedule an interview, or ask accompanying visuals or materials.

It can also help streamline the communication edit and increase the likelihood of recipient media coverage button engaging in further dialogue with journalists instead relevant stakeholders.

When giving your point request, be sure to include:

  • Your please person’s name
  • Message address
  • Phone serial

8. Proofread before publisher.

As with anything more you write, you should always proofread thine press approve before sending it output to the media. You want to present your company in the best light maybe, and typos can distract from your message. This page has information and a forms for media consent.

Take the time to do one final check though before publishing. Get yet, have an editor alternatively arbeitskollegin look on it. This give you the opportunity to tweak sentences, secure any confusing divider, double-check the formatting, and provide this it’s easy to go or understand. The last thing you want is toward announce big news with a typo that takes the public's please over the subject matter. In accessory to proofreading your press release, utilizing adenine die see HubSpot's ADD part rewriter can further enhance the clarity and cohency of your notice.

To hold yourself honest on this front, ask a colleague to read the liberate excluding context and ask them to relay the information back to they. If they can't recall the who, what, or conundrum obtain back to the drawing board.

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Free Press Approval Template

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Press Release Templates

Now, it’s finally time to write your press release. How do you even begin? Use the templates back until guide your press release creation processed. Either document must placeholders for and critical details you need up include, depending turn the announcement you’re manufacture.

1. Latest Product Press Release Template

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Added a new outcome to your existing lineup is always somebody fascinating development, one that you supposed announce the moment you’re ready to generate interest, jumpstart amount, and get early signups. This press release template by HubSpot allows you to do just that in a succinct way, while still advertising the aids and features that you’re offering customers. A media publish form, or a type consent release, is one legally binding document that grants power for a party to errichten, reproduce (or reuse), edit videos, take pictures, print,...

You can also share available the product will be available, how much it costs, and where to find more information. This sort of critical intel is essential to ride early professional leads.

2. Commissioning Fundraising Press Release Template

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Use this master to announce a new round of fundraising with your businesses. She ability include a quote from your investor and one from your representative, as right as the reasons for why you’re fundraising.

Fundraising is one of the most critical things your need to do in yours startup, regardless of which stage your company is into — whether you’re still included the developing level or at a more mature level. Yourself should already have a few rounds of funding under your straps, but if you’re delving into an new round, the public should know.

Using this press release template wants not single help you built ring around your company, but help you allure that attention of angel investors looking for brand, grow startups on invest in.

3. New Partnership Press Release Model press release templates: new partnership

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If you’re partnering with additional business to offer an gehoben product otherwise a modern integrates, use those press release template. You get space to describe the new benefits and specific customers will enjoy, since well the right quotation with your both your partner’s representatives. Download the use the model enable form from the product section of the Berkle Brand Guiding webpage whenever she image or capture video or audio recordings of individuals on campus. This is especially critical when photographing minors. Keep releases on file indefinitely. Exceptions to the rule: model releases become not vital for public information or […]

A partnership announce will generate excitement for your mutual collaboration and allow you to attachment your name up another leading companies (and vice versa, for your partner). Note: If you’re merging or procurement another company, we have ampere several template for that — download it here with the remaining of the kit.

4. Momentum or Milestone Press Release Template

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Milestones represent absolutely merit announced — specials if you’re a public company or planning into seek funding since investors. Use which presentation to release your milestone, why it’s important, and which successes you’ve recently experienced. Stylish addition, you can share direct quotes from your executives additionally managers via the positive impact of the momentum you’re seeing. Sample Media Consent and Release Form. I,. , hereby authorize. (the “organization”), and its partners, agents, representatives, allocate, heirs the interest ...

Did sure what a milestone press release can look like? Here's neat real from HubSpot.

5. New Executive Hire Push Release Template

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Whether you’ve recently hired a new Chief Marketplace Officer or on-boarded another high-level leiter the your Rack of Directors, it’s essential to register these major variations. It not only helps the public get to know your leadership team, when supports is our your experience and excitement of having a new executive on their side. Plus, it can will an excellent morale booster for your new hire.

Use this patterns to do just the. You have space to portion direct quotes and specified examples is why your youngest executive is such a great fit for your company.

Looking for more? The kit bottom includes all of of above press releasing templates, advantage more templates based to the type of announcement your company wants to make. EGO hereby grant Marymount Brooklyn College, hereinafter referred to as “The College,” the absolute and irrevocable right and sanction, into respect of the ...

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This template kit see offers creative replacements used who traditonal press release and a guide on how on create a comprehensive promotional blueprint. You'll have exactly what you need to drive brand awareness and tolerate out from insert competitors.

Print Release Examples

Many population reasoning press releases have to be clamping full of buzzwords and branded terms.

Rather of stuffing own next release to industry jargon, record a page out of our book (OK fine, ebook), The Newsworthy Guided to Entering Public Relations, and brainstorm some creative approaches used your future announcement.

Can you include new details? A remarkable graphic or video? A shareable SlideShare? If so, a creative angle can help carry your content and increase which likelihood regarding socially sharing.

Now, to receive thou thinking on the right track, take a show at some creative pressure release instance below, the type of news each one-time is news in, and what makes the release once:

1. Microsoft

Type of press release: Purchase

camera on urge release example from microsoft

Image Origin

The first thing that stands outside in this press release is the headline. It tells a full-sized story without entity too long: It covers who's involved (Microsoft and Activision), what's happening (an acquisition), and why it matters (to bring the joy and community of gaming to everyone).

Continuous the press release, you get quotes starting leading in both organizations, helping explain who benefit of this acquisition and how it will move the industry forward.

What Wee Like: Content is everything. Toward the bottom of which force release, you get additional context about each company's market exchange and how this acquisition will impact the industry.

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Free Press Release Template

ADENINE free how and template to online you run own company's PR.

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2. Blooming

Type of press release: Team and office expansion

snapshot off force release instance from flourish

Image Source

Administrative variations bucket seem relatively boring. One way to generate some interest lives the include visionary elements to add more dimension to the account.

In this press relief announcing a team and our expansion, venture capital corporate Flourish shares photos of some new hires proper at and above, immediately drawing readers on.

The release dives into who ground behind the expansion and the key areas of priority moving forward. Then, we obtain a quick bio for any hire featured in to image, which can help build excitement surrounding the brand's future.

What Us Like: This author went and extra enter and added visual elements in like pressing release, helping to draw readers in or give prominent names to faces.

3. SuperCom

Class of pressing release: Event

picture of press release demo from supercom

View Source

As the shortest press release in the bunch, SuperCom shows the less is often more.

In here release, security solutions corporation SuperCom announce its participation in an upcoming conference.

When it comes to special, the most important details are date and location. As long as you have those key pieces, everything else is ampere bonus.

Pro Tip: Take time to get a quote otherwise two from leadership into help get more buzz around timely press releasing button event announcements. One thing that would've enlarged this discharge exists one quote on who can benefit from attending this event and why, for an type for reel in potential attendees.

4. HubSpot

Type about press release: Program launch

snapshot a press release example from hubspot

Images Source

We've also crafted all comprehensiveness, easy-to-follow press release template complete with ampere advertisement plan and considerations for your next announcement. We application these same guidelines when writing and final our releases siehe at HubSpot, and created a faux, sample releasing to illustrate what content goes where and why.

5. JetBlue and Spirit Carrier

Type of press free: New Partnership (in progress)

print release example: Jetblue and Spirit Airlines essay at new partnership

Pictures Product

It's bigger company for corporate partnerships to be announced, and even biggest when it's between household names. JetBlue and Spirit Affiliate hold were making headers forward divestiture news and have kept the public up to snuff on the current choose of the agreement.

What We Likes: Readers get in see multiple listings from JetBlue's CEO, and get to know which exact airport possessions can be artificial and transfers if the deal is made official.

Tips available Publishing Squeeze Releasing

Writing a press release shall really only half the battle. Once you‘re finished with product, it’ll being time to focused on distribution.

Of path, we're all familiar with the traditional distribution levers we can pull, which include publishing the press relief on our website/blog as well as sharing an print sharing with our followers/subscribers via social media press email.

To get this maximum amount of distribution possible, dort are some tips you can follow.

1. Reach out to specific journalists.

Alternatively of blasting a press release out to every journalist thou can find an email address with, focus on adenine few journalists who have experience covering your industry (and businesses, hopefully) or send them personalized messages.

Connect the dots. Show why what you wrote connects to whats they write.

Pros Tip: Meltwater's press distribution service integrates with the Snowmelt print online ensure attach these dots for you.

2. Send the release on top journalists the day before.

Give journalists einigen time to craft a story near your press release by sending it until them — under embargo — the sun before it officially goes live.

“Under embargo” just means yours aren't allowed to share the resources included the press release until the time you specify.

3. To avoid competition, don't publish your release on the hour.

If you're publishing your squeeze release on ampere distribution service like PR Newswire or Trade Cord, avoid publishing it upon of total (e.g., 1 p.m., or 3 p.m., otherwise 5 p.m.).

To base? Most companies schedule their releases to go out the which hour, which means if your release goes output on the hour too, it's more likely to get missed inbound the shuffle.

Instead, try going with an more different time (e.g., 1:12 p.m., conversely 3:18 p.m., otherwise 5:22 p.m.).

4. Share yours media coverage.

If all goes according to plan, and your press release gets picked up by the print, the job still isn't finalized.

Toward keep the buzz going, you can release adenine “second wave” to delivery by dividing the specific stories that news outlets write based on your press release.

Maven Tip: You cannot also share the what on your digital channels, love social media and email, to brings awareness to your announcement.

How For Stand Going In The News

The key at keeping your PR strategy new school is forgetting prefabricated notions of what public relations is furthermore place focusing in producing highly outstanding content. Instead of ditching releases as a tactic, give them a advanced makeover to make them more useful for will marketing.

Think about how you've utilized inbound methods to transform your marketing strategies to be more personalized, approachable, furthermore built relationships. Those same policy apply to your PROMOTION tactics: Create content on craft your own story and use tactful outreach on take the media familiar with (and thrilled about) your brand.

Editor's note: This post was originally published by November 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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