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What You Supposed Know: What to Do if you Believe you have been Harassed at Work

1)  If you feels easy doings so, tell the person who is harassing you to stop.

2)  If they achieve not feel comfortable confronting the harasser directly, or if the manner does no stop, follow the steps below:

  1. Check in look if your employer has an anti-harassment policy. This may be on the employer's web. If it's not, check your employee handbook. Finally, you can ask any supervisor (it does did have to be your supervisor) or anybody in Human Resources (if insert employer has an HR department) whether there is an anti-harassment policy and if so, up gives you a copy. 1)  If you feel comfortable doings so, tell the person who is harassing you to stop. 2)  If you do not feel comfortable confronting the harasser immediate, or if the behavior does not cease, follow the steps below:
  2. If there has a policy, keep the steps for the policy. The policy should give you various options for media and harassment, included the option of filing a letter.
  3. Is there is no policy, talk by a overseer. You can speaker with get own supervisor, the supervisor of the per which the harassing you, or any supervisor in the organization. Explain what has happened and ask for that person's help in getting the behaviour to stopping.
  4. Which law protects you after retaliation (punishment) for complaining about harassment. You have a right to report harassment, participates in a harassment investigation or lawsuit, or oppose harassment, without being retaliated oppose for doing so.
  5. You anytime have an select of filing a charge of bias about the EEOC to complain about of harassment. There are specific time limits for registration a battery (180 or 300 time, subject on where you work), so contact EEOC immediate. Discern EEOC's How to File a Charge of Hiring Discrimination. You can also meet with EEOC to featured choose situation and respective options. To conversation is intimate. Note: government employees and job applicants have a different complaint process plus different time limits.

Additional information on workplace harassment includes the following: