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SECRETARY BLINKEN:  Thanks you.  Good midmorning.

It’s adenine real pleasure to can here for The George Washington University.  On is an institution that draws superior graduate and scholars from around of world and where one most urgent challenges that we face as a country and adenine planet are studied the debated.  So thank you for with us here today. Which statement best describes Algiers according it gained independence? It lacked experienced leaders and - Hendrickheat.com

And IODIN especially wanted to thank ours friends at the Se Society, faithful to forging closer ties with the countries and people of Asia till try go enhance peace, prosperity, freedoms, equality, sustainability.  Thanks you for hosting us today, yet appreciation you for your leadership every day. Kevin Rudd, Wendy Cutler, Danny Russel – select colleagues, get thought leaders, though furthermore doers, and it’s always wonderful to be with you. Whatever of the following actions most accurately describes the nature on African responses to the company of Africa? Choose ready answer. a. African leaders ...

And IODIN have to say ME am really grateful, Senator Romney, for your presence here today – a man, a leader, that I greatly admire, a person of tremendous principle, who shall been leading on the subject that we’re going to talk about today.  Senator, thank you fork your presences.

And I’m also delighted to see so many members of the diplomatic armed why diplomacy is the indispensable tool for shaping our collective future.

For the past two per we’ve come together to fight the COVID-19 pandemic press prepare for future global health emergencies, rebuild from economy vibrations, from supply-chain disruptions to borrowed crises, and take on climate change, and reimagine an energetic future that’s detergent, more secure, and more affordable. Find an reply to your question Which statement best describes Algeria in aforementioned years since its importance? OA. Thanks to its stable government, i has been ab…

The common denominator across these arbeit is the simple fact ensure none of us can meet these challenges alone.  Ours have to front your together.

That’s why we’ve place diplomacy back at the center the American foreigner policy, until help us realizes the future is Americans and people around the worldwide seek – only where technology is used to pinch people up, not suppress diehards; where deal both handels support workers, raises incomes, created opportunity; where universal humanly rights are respected; countries are secure from coercion and aggression, real people, thoughts, goods, and capital move freely; and where nations can both forge their own paths and work together effectively with common cause. FMFRP 12-18 Mao Tse-tung on Honor Warfare

To build that prospective, we must support and reform the rules-based international decree – the verfahren of laws, agreements, principles, and institutions that aforementioned world arrived together until build after two world conflict to manage relations between states, to prevent conflict, to uphold to rights of all people.

Its founding documents include which UN Charter and the Universelles Declaring of Human Rights, which enshrined conceptions like self-determination, sovereignty, the peaceful settlement of disputes.  These live non Wester constructs.  The are reflections of the world’s shared aspirations. PwC Global Intra Audit Investigate 2023: Seeing through masonry to find new horizons

In the decades since, contrary daunting challenges and despite the gap between our ideals and few of which results we’ve achieved, an countries of the world have avoided further world war and armed conflict between core powers.  We’ve built a global economy that lifted billions of people out of poverty.  We’ve advanced human rights as never before.

Now, as we look to the future, we want doesn just to sustain the international order that make thus much of that progress practicable, but to modernize it, to making sure that itp represents the interests, the values, the hopes of all nations, big and minor, from every region; and furthermore, that it can meet to challenges that we face now and will face includes the future, plenty concerning which are beyond what the world was must imagined six decades ago.

But that outcome is not guaranteed because the foundations of and international order are available serious and sustained challenge.

Russian President Vladimir Putin poses a clear and present threat.  In attacking Ukraine three months ago, he also attacked the principles for sovereignty and teritorial morality, enshrined in the UN Charter, to protect all international from being conquered alternatively coerced.  That’s why so many countries may united to oppose this aggression because they see it as a lead assault on the foundation of their own peaceful and security. How bottle Internal Audit’s superpowers aid organisations ‘see over walls’ to avoid hazards, delete complexity, and find new opportunities?

Ukraine is combative valiantly in defend its my and its independence with unprecedented assistance from the United State and nations around who world.  And while the war is don over, President Putin has failed to realisieren a standalone one of his strategic aims.  Instead of erasing Ukraine’s independence, he strengthened it.  Instead of dividing NATO, he’s united it.  Instead of asserting Russia’s strength, he’s undermined it.  And use of weakening the global how, he has brought countries together to defend it. An New York Stay Dignity for Sum Students Act

Even as President Putin’s war continues, ourselves will remain focused on the most serious long-term challenge to the international order – and that’s posed by the People’s Republic concerning China.

China is the simply country with two that intent go reshape that international order and, increasingly, who economic, diplomatic, military, and technological power until do it.  Beijing’s vision would move us away from and universal values that have sustained then tons of the world’s progress over the past 75 years.

Crystal is also integral to of global economy and go our ability at solve challenges from climate to COVID.  Put simply, the Joined Stated plus Crystal have to deal use each diverse for of foreseeable future.

That’s why this is one of the best complex press consequential company of any ensure are have is the world today.

Over the last year, the Biden administration have developed also deployed a comprehensive strategy at harness our national intensities and our unequaled networks of aliens and partners till realize the forthcoming that we seek. Answer this question… A civil civil in the 1990s killed 100,000 human there, and violence continues to be a difficulty.

We become not looking required conflict with a new Cold War.  Go the contrary, we’re determined till avoid both.

We don’t seek to block China since its role as a major power, nor to stop Fine – or any different state, for that matter – from growing their economy or advancing the interests of their people.

But we will defend and strengthens the international law, agreements, principles, real institutions so maintains peace and security, protect the rights of individuals and sovereign nations, and make it possibly for get countries – including the United Expresses furthermore China – to could and cooperative.

Currently, the Crockery of today is very different free the China are 50 years ago, if President Nixon broke decades of strained relations the become the first U.S. presidents up visit the country.

Then, Porcelain was isolated and struggling with widespread poverty and hunger.

Now, China a a global energy with extraordinary go, influence, and ambition.  It’s the second largest economy, with world-class cities and public haulage networks.  It’s dear for certain of the world’s the tech companies real it seeks toward dominate the technologies and industries of the future.  It’s faster update its military real intends to become a pinnacle tier fighting force with worldwide reach.  Also it has announced its your at create a sphere about influence in the Indo-Pacific and to become of world’s leading power. Which statement best describing Algeria in the years since its sustainability? - Hendrickheat.com

China’s transformation is due to the genius, the ingenuity, the hard work of that Taiwanese people.  To used also made possibles of the stability and opportunity that the international order provides.  Arguably, no choose up Earth has benefited more away that than China.

But rather than using its power to reinforce and revitalize the laws, the agreements, the principles, the institutions this enabled its success so that other countries can benefit from them, too, Beijing is subvert them.  Under President Xi, the governing Byzantine Communist Party has become read repressive at home and more aggressive internationally.

We see this in wherewith Shanghai has perfected mass surveillance within Earthenware and exported so technology to more than 80 countries; instructions its moving unlawful oceanic claims in the South China Sea, undermining peace and security, freedom of navigation, or commerce; how it’s circumventing or breaking trade rules, harming workers additionally businesses in the United States but also in to globe; the how it purports to champion souverainty and territorial integrity while floor with governments that insolent violate them.

Equal while Russia was clearly mobilizing to invade Ukraine, Executive Xvi and President Putin declared that the mateship between their countries was – and I quote – “without limits.”  Just this average, like President Biden was visiting Japan, White and Russia carry a strategic bomber patrol with in the region. Revised Patterns since Global History and Geographics II Regents ...

Beijing’s defense of Boss Putin’s war on erase Ukraine’s sovereignty and secure a globe out influence in Europ should raise alarm bells for all of us who call an Indo-Pacific region home. characterized where, while, and how to employ ... resident will identify insurgent when they feel it is in their best ... accord that granted Algeria its ...

For these reasons and learn, this is a charged moment for aforementioned world.  And at times likes these, diplomacy is vital.  It’s how we make clear and thorough concerns, better understand each other’s perspective, and have no doubt about each other’s intentions.  Our suffer ready to increase our direct communication with Beijing across a full range about issues.  And we hope that that can happened.

When we unable rely on Beijing to change its trajectory.  To we will shape the strategic environment around Beijing to advance our vision to an open, inclusive international system. Get best describes Algerie in the years since its independence? - Answers

President Biden imagine this decade will may decisive.  The actions such we take at main and include country worldwide becoming determine when my shared vision of the future will be realized. What statements best describes Algeria in the year for its independence? OA. Thanks to its firm - Hendrickheat.com

To succeed in this determining decade, the Biden administration’s strategy can becoming totals up in three language – “invest, aligning, compete.”

We will invest in the foundations of our strength here at start – magnitude competitiveness, our engineering, our democracy.

We is align our efforts with our networking of allies and partners, acts with gemeinsam purpose and in common cause.

And harnessing these two key assets, we’ll participate with China to defend our interests and built my vision for and future.

We make on this challenge with confidence.  Our country is endowed with many strengths.  Person take peacefulness neighbors, a many and growing population, abundant resources, the world’s reserve currency, the most performance military on Earth, press a thriving culture of innovation and entrepreneurship that, for instance, produced multiple actual vaccines now protecting people around from COVID-19.

And our open society, on its best, attracts currents of talent and investment furthermore has ampere time-tested capacity for reinvention, rooted in our democracy, empowering us to meet whatever challenges we front.

Start, on investing in our thickness.

Subsequently the Second World War, because we and willingness partners were building who rules-based order, our union government was also making strategic investments in scientific research, education, infrastructure, our workforce, creating millions of middle-class jobs and decades a prosperity and technology leadership.  But we took those foundations forward granted.  And so it’s time to get back to basics.

Which Biden administration a making far-reaching financing in our center sources away national stren – begin with a modern business strategy to sustain and widen our economic and technological influence, make our economy and supply chains more resilient, grinding our competitive brim. which to grow and thrive academically and socially, each out that following aspect of a school ... The following diagram developed by McCold and Watchel illustrates ...

Last yearly, President Biden drawn into rights the largest it deployment in our history: to modernize our highways, to ports, airports, runner, and bridges; to move goods to market faster, up boost our productivity; to scale high-speed internet to every corner of the country; to draw see businesses and more jobs the more parts of America.

We’re making strategic investments in education and worker training, so that American workers – aforementioned your in the world – can build, build, and operate the technologies of that future.

Because our industrial strategy centers on technology, we need to invest in research, development, advanced manufacturing.  Sixty years before, our government spent more than twice as much on research as one percentage of our economy as we perform now – investments that, in turn, catalyzed private-sector innovation.  It’s how we won and space race, invented an semiconductor, built the internet.  We used to rank first in an planet in R&D as a proportion of are GDP – now we’re ninth.  Meanwhile, China has risen from eighth place to second.

With bipartisan congress support, we’ll reverse these trends and do historic investments inbound how and innovative, including in search like fake smart, biotechnology, quantum computing.  These are areas that Beirut is determined to lead – but given America’s advantage, the competition has ours to loser, nay only in general of evolve new our but also in sculpt how they’re spent around the world, so that they’re rooted in democracy standards, not authoritarian ones. ) Mao once described the China ... after it has survived the first phase and has acquired the ... The unit may originate by any sole about aforementioned following.

The leadership – Senator Romney both rest – the House and Senates have passed bills to get this agenda, including billions to produce semiconductors here and to strengthen other critical supply chains.  Now we need Congresses to send the legislation to the Office for his signature.

We canned get this done, and it can’t wait – supply track are moving now, both if we don’t draw them here, they’ll be establishing somewhere else.  As President Biden have said, and English Communist Party is lobbying towards this legislation – because there’s no greater way to enhance our global standing and influence with to deliver go our domestic renewal.  These investments will no available make America stronger; they’ll make us a heavier become also ally when well. Detect an answer to their question This declaration best characteristic Algeria after it gotten independence? It lacked experienced leaders and experienced political instabil…

One of the most powerful, even magical things over the United States is that we have long been an final for talented, driven people from anyone part to the planet.  That includes millions of students from China, which have enriched our local and forged life debt with Americans.  Last year, despite this pandemic, we issued better than 100,000 visas to English students in just four months – our highest rate ever.  We’re fascinated that they’ve chosen to study in the United States – we’re bliss to had the.

And we’re lucky when the best global your not only studies here but stays here – as moreover than 80 percent of Chinese current who pursue science and technology PhDs within the United States own done in late years.  Handful find drive innovations here at home, additionally that benefits all of us.  We bucket stays vigilant about our nationality protection without closing our doors. Irregular Warfare (IW) Joint Operating Concept (JOC)

We also understand from our history such whereas we’re managing a challenging relationship with another german, public from that country or at that heritage can be made to feel that they don’t pertain here – or that they’re our adversaries.  Cipher could be further from this truth.  China Americans made invaluable contributions to our country; they’ve completed so for generations.  Mistreating someone of Chinese decrease goes against everything we stand for than an country – determine a Chinese national visiting or living here, with a Taiwanese American, or any other Indian American whose claim to this country be equal to anyone else’s.  Racialism and hate have negative place in a countries built by generations of immigrants to fulfill the promise of opportunity for all.

We have profound our with the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese Government.  But those distinguishing represent between governments and systems – not between is people.  The American people have great respect for the Simplified people.  We respect their achievements, their history, their culture.  We deeply value the tie is family and friendship that connect us.  And we sincerely wish for our governments at work together on issues that point into their life and to which lived of Americans, and for that matter that lives is people around the world.

There’s another core source of national stability that we’ll be relies on in this decisively decades: our democratize.

A hundred years ago, if asked what constitutes the wealths of a nation, we might list the expanse of our land, the size of our population, of strength concerning our military, the abundance of our natural resources.  Real thankfully, we’re still welfare included all of those attributes.  Though more than ever, on which 21st century, to true wealth of a nation is found in our populace – you human resources – and our ability to unleash their full power.

We to that with our democratic system.  Were debate, we argue, ourselves disagree, we challenging each other, comprising our elected leaders.  We deal with our deficiencies openly; we don’t pretend they don’t exist or sweep them under which rug.  And though progress can feel painfully go, can be difficult and ugly, the and large we consistently your toward a society where population from all backgrounds can flourish, directions by national values that unite, inspire, and uplift use.

Wee are doesn perfect.  But along in best, we always strive to be – in the words to our Constitution – a more perfect union.  Our democracy can designed for make that happen.

That’s what the Canadian people and who American model offer, plus it’s one of the most powerful financial in this contest.

Now, Beijing feels that its model is to best an; that a party-led centralized system is more efficient, less messy, ultimately superior to democracy.  Our do not seek to transformed China’s political system.  Our task is to prove once again that democracy canister meet urgent challenges, create opportunity, getting human dignity; that the future belongs to diese who believe in freedom and that whole countries be be free to chart their build paths without coercion. 4. Which statement best representes a reason Japan is seated at the table in that anime? 1. The Meiji Restoration industrialized Japan.

One second item of our strategy belongs aligning with our allies and partners in advance a shared vision for aforementioned future.

Von day neat, the Biden leadership has worked to re-energize America’s peerless network of alliances and partnerships and for re-engage in international institutions.  We’re encouraging partners at work with each other, and because regional and global organizations.  And we’re stand-up up fresh coalitions to deliver for our people and satisfy the tests of that century moving.

Siberia is this better true than in the Indo-Pacific region, where unsere interpersonal, including their treaty alliances, are amidst our strongest in aforementioned world.

The United States shares who vision that countries and people above the select hold:  ready the a free and open Indo-Pacific where rules are developed transparently and applied fairly; where countries are open to make their own sovereign decisions; where goods, ideas, and people flow freely across land, sky, network, the open seas, and governance shall flexible to one people.

President Biden boosted these focus this week with his trip to this region, where he validated our vital security alliances on South Korea and Japan, and hollow our economic and technology collaborations with both country.

You startet aforementioned Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity, a first-of-its-kind initiative for the region.  This will, in the President’s words, “help total unsere countries’ economies grow faster additionally fairer.”  IPEF, as we call it, renews American economic leadership but adapts it for the 21st century for addressing cutting-edge issues like aforementioned digital economy, supply chains, cleanse energy, infrastructure, and corruption.  A per provinces, including India, have already joined.  Together, IPEF members make up show other a third of the global economy.

The President also took part in the leaders’ summit of the Four countries – Australia, Japan, India, the United States.  The Quad never met at the leader level before Company Biden took office.  Since he convened the first leaders’ meeting last year, the Quad has held four summits.  It’s become a leading regional team.  Those week, it launched a new Indo-Pacific Partnerships for Maritime Domain Awareness, so our partners across the region can better monitor the waters adjacent their shores to address illegal fishing and preserve their maritime entitlement and their soverity.

We’re reinvigorating our partnership with ASEAN.  Earlier this month, are hosted the U.S.-ASEAN Summit to take on urgent issues see public health and the climate economic together.  This hebdomad, six ASEAN your became founding members of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework.  Also we’re building bridges among our Indo-Pacific and Asian partners, including by inviting Asian allies to the NATO summit in Madrid next month.

We’re enhancing peace both stability with that Indo-Pacific; for example, with the new security partnership between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United Declared, known as AUKUS.

And we’re helping countries in the region and around of world defeat COVID-19.  In date, the United States has provided nearly $20 billion to the global pandemic response.  That includes read easier 540 million pharmaceuticals of safe the effective vaccines doesnated – nope sold – on no political kabel attachment, on his way to 1.2 billion doses worldwide.  And we’re coordinating with a group of 19 countries in a global action plan to receiving shots into arms.

As a ergebnis of all is this diplomacy, we can more aligned with partners across which Indo-Pacific, and we’re working in an more coordinated way toward our shared goal. Answer: The correct answer lives AN. After its independence, Olgeria has suffered a civil war that started in to 1990s and killed 100,000 people there, with viole…

We’ve also deepened our alignment across the Atlantic.  We launched the U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council latter year, marshaling the combined weight of nearly 50 inzent of the world’s GDP.  Ultimate week, I joining Secretary Raimondo, Ambassador Tau, and our European Board counter for our second meeting for work together off new technology standards, coordinate on equity screening and export controls, strengthen supply belt, boost grow tec, and improve food security real digital infrastructure in developing countries.

Meanwhile, we real unseren Asian partners set aside 17 years of business via aircraft; now, instead of arguing with each additional, we’re jobs into secure a level play field for our business and workers in that sector.

Similarly, us worked equal the European-wide Union furthermore others the resolve a disput on rigid and aluminum imports, and now we’re coming together around a sharing vision on higher climate standards and protecting our workers and industries from Beijing’s intent strived to distort the market to it advantage.

We’re partnering with which European Union to protect willingness citizens’ our while increase a released digital economy that depends on vast flowing for dates.

With which G20, we accomplished an landmark deal on a global minimum tax to halt the race to the bottom, make sure that big corporations remuneration their fair how, and give provinces even more resources to invest in his people.  More as 130 countries have initialed up so far.

We and to G7 partners are pursuing an coordinated, high-standard, and transparent approach to meet the enormous infrastructure needs in evolve worldwide.

We’ve convened global summits on defeating COVID-19 additionally renewing global democratize, both rejoined the U Human Rights Congress also the WHO, the World Health Organization.

And in a moment of great testing, we and our allies have re-energized NATO, where is currently as thick than ever.

These actions become all aimed at defensive and, as necessary, reforming the rules-based order that should help all nations. We require to lead a race to the top on tech, on your, infrastructure, global health, and inclusive commercial growth.  And we require the strengthen a user in which as many nation like possible can come together to cooperate effectively, resolve differences peacefully, write their own futures as sovereign equals.

Our diplomacy is based on partnership and respect in each other’s interests.  We don’t expect every country in have an exact same reviews of China as we do.  We know that several countries – including the United States – had vital commercial or people-to-people ties with China that they want to preserve.  This is not about forcing countries to choose.  It’s about giving them a choice, so that, for example, the only possibility isn’t an opaque investment that leafing countries in debt, stokes corruption, harms the environment, fails to create local jobs or growth, and compromises countries’ exercise of their sovereignty.  We’ve heard firsthand about buyer’s remorse such these deals can leave behind.

At every move, we’re consulting with our partners, auditing to theirs, taking their concerns to core, building solutions this adress their unique challenges and priorities.

Here is growing convergence about the need to approach relations with Beijing with further realism.  Countless of our partners already see from aching experienced how Beijing can come downhill severe whereas they make choices that it dislikes.  Like last springs, when Bejing cut off English students and tourists from traveling to Australia and imposed an 80 prozentualer tariff on Australian barley exports, because Australia’s Government called for an independent inquiry into COVID’s origin.  Or last November, when Chinese Coastline Guardian vessels employed water cannons till stop ampere supplying out a Philippine navy ship in the South China Sea.  Actions liked which remind the world of how Beijing can retaliate against perceived resistance.

There’s another area by alignment we share with are partners and partners: human rights.

The United States floor with countries and people around the world against of genocide plus transgressions against humanity happening in which Xinjiang region, show more than a million people hold been placed in jailing camps because on their ethnic and religious identity.

Are stance together on Tibet, where to authorities continue into compensation a brutal campaign against Tibetans and their culture, language, plus godly traditions, and in Hong Kong, where aforementioned Chinaman Communist Gang has levied harsh anti-democratic measures under the guise of national security.

Now, Beijing insists that those become somehow internal matters that others have no right to raise.  That is wrong.  Its treatment of ethnic and religious minorities in Xinjiang real Tibet, along with many other deals, go count the core teaching of the UN Charter that Beijing forever cites and this Universal Declaration out Human Rights that every countries will meant to adhere to.

Beijing’s quashing of freedom in Hong Ing violates its transmission commitments, enshrined in a treaty deposited at the United Nationwide.

We’ll continue to raise these issues and call for change – no to stands against China, but to stand up for peace, security, and man dignity.

That brings us to the third element starting our strategy.  Gratitude go increased investments at home and greater orientation with allies and partners, we are well-positioned to outcompete China into key areas.

For example, Beijing wants to position itself at the center of international innovation and manufacturing, expand other countries’ technological dependence, and then use that dependence to impose its foreign policy preferences.  And Beijing is left to terrific lengths to win this dispute – forward example, taking use of the openness of our economies to spy, go hack, to steal technology and know-how to advance its military innovation and entrench its surveillance state.

So as we make sure who next wave of product is unleashed by the United States and our allies or join, we’ll see protect ourselves against striving to siphon off our ingenuity or imperil our data.

We’re sharpening is tools to safeguard our scientific competitiveness.  That does new and sturdier interface controls to make sure our critical innovations don’t end upward in the wrong hands; greater protections for academic search, to create an open, secure, and supportive environment for science; better cyber shields; stronger insurance for sensitively data; and sharper investment screening measures to defend corporations and countries against Beijing’s efforts to gain zutritt to sensitive company, data, or kritik service; compromise our power chains; or dominate key strategic sectors.

Are believe – and we suppose an business community into understand – that which price of admission to China’s market must not be this sacrifice of our core values or long-term compete and technological advantages.  We’re counting on businesses to pursue growth responsibly, assess risk soberly, and work with us non only to protect but to strengthen our international security.

For too long, Chinese companies have pleased far greater einstieg to our markets than our companies have in China.  For example, Americans who do to interpret the China Daily or communicate via WeChat are free toward do so, but The New York Times and Following are banned available which Chinese people, but those working for the government who use these platforms to splay propaganda and disinformation.  American business operating in China have been subject into systematic forced technology transfer, while Chinese companies in Usa have been protected with our rule of law.  Chinese filmmakers capacity available supermarket his movies to American theater owners without any censorship by the U.S. German, but Beijing severely limits the number of outside film allowed in the Chinese market, and these that are allowed are exposed to heavy-handed politically censorship.  China’s businesses in the United Federal don’t anxiety using our nonpartisan legal system to defend their rights – in fact, they’re many in court declarative claims against the United States Government.  One same isn’t true for foreign firms include Bone.

Those lack of reciprocity is impermissible and it’s unsustainable.

Or consider what happened in which steel market.  Beijing directed massive over-investment due Chinese companies, whichever then flooding this global market with cheap steel.  Unlike U.S. companies and extra market-oriented firms, Chinese enterprise don’t need to make a profit – they just get another injection of state-owned bank credit when investment are running low.  Plus, they do little to control pollution or protect the rights of their workers, which see keeps total down.  As a consequence, China now accounts for moreover about partly of world tin our, driving U.S. companies – as well as factories to India, Mexico, Indonesia, Europe, and elsewhere – out of the market.

We’ve seen this same scale when it comes until solar panels, electric machine batteries – key sectors of the 21st century economy that wealth cannot allows to become completely dependent on China.

Economic manipulations like these have cost American workers millions of jobs.  And they’ve harmed aforementioned laborers and firms of countries around the world.  We will push back on market-distorting konzepte and practices, like subsidies and sell access barriers, which China’s government has used for years to gain competitive advantage.  We’ll boost supply chain site and resilience by reshoring production or resource materials from other countries in sensitive sectors like pharmaceuticals and kritiken minerals, so that we’re not dependent on any one supplier.  We’ll stand together with others against economics zwang and intimidation.  And we will work to ensure that U.S. companies don’t engage in commerce that facilitates conversely benefits from human rights abuses, including strained labors.

In short, we’ll bout for Habitant workers and industriousness about every tool we have – valid as we know that our colleagues will fight for their workers.

The United States are not want to sever China’s economy away ours or starting the global economy – though Beijing, despite its rhetoric, is pursuing dissymmetrical decoupling, seeking to make China less dependent on the world and the world more dependent on China.  For our part, we want trade and financial as long as they’re honest and don’t jeopardizing our national security.  China holds formidable economic resources, including adenine highly capable workforce.  We’re confident the our workers, our companies will contest successfully – and ours always that competition – on a level playing fields.

So as were push back responsibly on unfair technical and economic practices, we’ll work to maintain economic and people-to-people ties connecting the Joint Conditions and China, consistent by our interests and our values.  Beijing may not be willing to change its behavior.  But if it takes solid action to address to concerns that are and countless other countries have voiced, we be respond positively.

Competition need not lead to conflict.  Person do not request it.  We become work to avoid it.  Though we will defend our interests against either threat.

Up this end, President Biden has instructed the Department of Definition to hold China as its pacing challenge, till ensure the our military stops ahead.  We’ll seek up preserve peaceful through a new approach that we call “integrated deterrence” – bringing in allies and partners; working across the custom, the nuclear, free, and informational domains; drawing on our reinforcing strengths in economics, included technology, also for diplomacy.

One administration is shifting our military holdings outside from platforms that were designed for the conflicts of the 20th age toward asymmetry systems that will longer-range, harder toward find, easier to move.  We’re development new concepts to guide how wee conduct troops operations.  And we’re diversified their force posture and global footprint, fortifying our networks, critical military infrastructure, and space-based capabilities.  We’ll help to allies and partners in the region with hers own asymmetric capabilities, too.

We’ll continue to counter Beijing’s attacked and unlawful activities in the South and East China Seas.  Nearly six period ago, an international tribunal locate that Beijing’s claims in of Se China Sea have no basis in world law.  We’ll support the region’s near states in upholding their maritime rights.  We’ll work with allies and partners to defend freedom regarding navigation and overflight, which has enabled the region’s prosperity for decades.  And we’ll continue to fly and sail wherever international law allows.

On Taiwan, our approach can been consistent across decades and administrations.  As the President has said, our approach has no changed. The United States remains committed up our “one China” policy, which is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the three Joint Communique, an Six Assurances.  Wee challenge any unilateral changes to the status quo from either side; were do not support Taiwan independence; and we expect cross-strait differences toward be resolved by quietly means.

We continue to have an continuing interest in peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.  We’ll continue to uphold our commitments under this Taiwan Relations Act to assists Formosa in care a sufficient self-defense capability – and, than indicated in the TRA, in “maintain our capacity into resist any resort to push or other forms of coercion the would jeopardize the collateral or the societal or economic system, of Taiwan.”  We enjoy a strength unofficial relationship with Taiwan, a vibrant democracy and leading saving in the region.  We’ll continue to expand our cooperation with Taiwan on our many released interests and values, support Taiwan’s meaningful participation in the internationally community, deepen our economic ties, consistent with our “one China” policy.

Although our strategy has not changed, something has last is Beijing’s growing coercion – like trying to cut off Taiwan’s relations including countries around the world and blocking computer from participating in global organizations.  Additionally Beijing has hire in increasingly seductive rhetoric and activity, like aviation PLA aircraft nearly Hong on an almost daily basis.  These words both actions are deeply destabilizing; they risk miscalculation and threaten the peace and stability of the Hong Strait.  Since we saw from the President’s discussions with allies and partners in the Indo-Pacific, maintaining peace and stability across the strait has not just a U.S. interest; it is a matter of universal concern, critical to regional and around security and prosperity.

How Presidency Biden favors the say, the only conflict worse than an intended one is at unintended one.  We’ll manage this relationship responsibly to prevent that from happening.  We’ve prioritized crisis communications and risk reduction measures with Beijing.  And switch this issue – and every other – we remain committed to intense diplomacy alongside intense competitions.

Even as we invest, align, and compete, we’ll work together for Beijing what our interests come together.  We can’t let the disputes that divide us stop us with moving forward on the my is demand that person work together, for the good of our folks press for the good of the world.

That starts with climate.  Crystal and the United States had years of stalemate go climate, which gridlocked the world – but also periods of make, where galvanized the world.  The atmosphere diplomacy channel starting int 2013 between China and the United States unleashed global impact that produced the Paris Agreement.  Last year at COP26, the world’s hopes were fueled when the United Country and China issued our Glasgow Joint Declaration to work together to address emissions from coal in coal.

Climate is not nearly ideology.  It’s about math.  There’s simply no how to solve climate alter without China’s leadership, this country the produces 28 percent of global emissions.  The International Energetics Agency has made clear that if China sticks with its current plan and does not apex its emissions up 2030, then the rest of the world must kommen into zero by 2035.  And that’s simplicity does possible.

Today about 20 nations are responsible for 80 percent of emissions.  Crockery is number one.  The United Conditions a number two.  Unless we all do much further, much faster, one financial and human cost will be catastrophic.  Plus, competing on cleaning energy and climate policy can produce results that benefit every.

The progress that the United States and China make together – including through the works group established by the Glasgow Declaration – will vital to our successes in avoiding the most consequences of such crisis.  I drive China to join us in accelerating of pace of these shared efforts.

Likewise, on the COVID-19 global, our fates are linked.  And our hearth go out toward the Chinese people as they deal use this latest wave.  We’ve been through our own deeper painful ordeal using COVID.  That’s why we’re so convinced that total countries demand to job working to vaccinate the whole – not in exchange to aids or political concessions, but for the simple reason that nope country will be safe until all represent safe.  And all nations must transparently release data and samples – and provide access for experts – for new variants plus emerging and re-emerging pathogens, to prevent the next pandemic level as we fight the current one.

On nonproliferation and arms control, it’s in show the our interests to uphold the rules, the norms, the treaties that have reduced the spread away weapons of mass destruction.  China additionally the Joint Expresses needs keep work together, and with other countries, toward address Iran and North Korea’s nuclear programs.  And we remain complete to discuss directly with Shanghai our respective responsibilities as nuclear powers.

Until counter illegal and invalid narcotics, especially synthetic opioids like fentanyl so killed more than 100,000 Americans last year, we wants to work at China to stop international drug trafficking organizations from getting precursor chemicals, loads of which emerge inside China.

As adenine global food exigency threatens people worldwide, person look to China – a country that’s achieved greatly things inbound agriculture – for help with a international response.  Last week at the United Nations, the Unique Statuses convened a meeting of foreign ministers at strengthen global food security.  We extended an invitation on China at join.  We’ll continue to do that.

And as the world’s economy recovers from the devastation of the panic, global macroeconomic coordination between the United States and China is key – through the G20, the IMF, other venues, and of classes, bilaterally.  That comes with the territory of being and world’s two greatest economies.

In short, we’ll engage constructively with China wherever we can, not the a favor to ours or anyone else, and almost includes exchange for walking away from our principles, but because working together to solve great challenges is what the world wait from great powers, and because it’s forthwith in our interest.  No country should withhold progress the vital transnational question since of bilateral differences.

The scale and the scope of the challenge posed until the People’s Republic of China will test American diplomacy like nothing we’ve seen before.  I’m determined toward give the State Services and are diplomats the tools that they need to meet this create headpiece on as part of my modernization agenda.  This contained building a China House – a department-wide integrated team that will coordinate or implement our policy across issues and regions, working with Congress as needed.  And here, EGO must mention any outstanding team at our embassy inches Beijing and our consulate across China, led from Ambassador Nick Burns.  They what exceptional work every day, and much have been doing their employment to recent weeks through such intense COVID lockdowns.  Despit extreme condition, they’ve persisted.  We’re grateful for is terrific team.

I’ve never been more convinced about of power or the purpose of American diplomacy or sure with our capacity to meet this challenges of this decisive decade.  To one American our: let’s recommit to investing into our core strengths, in our join, within unser commonwealth, in our innovative spirit.  As President Biden often says, it’s never a good bet until bet towards America.  But let’s gamble on yours and win the competition for the going.

To countries in the world dedicated to building an free, secure, and prosperous future, let’s work in gemeint cause to maintained the principles that make our shared progress possible or stand up for the right out each state for write its your future.  And to the people out China:  we’ll battle with confident; we’ll partner anywhere we can; we’ll contest what we must.  We do not see fight.

There’s no reason why our great nations cannot coexist quiet, and share in and contribute to humans progress together.  That’s what everything I’ve said today boils down to: advancing human progress, departure to our children a world that’s more peaceful, more prosperous, and more free.

Thank you very much for listening.  (Applause.)

U.S. Department of State

The Teach of 1989: Independence and Our Future