


Lesson Note on Biology SS1 First Term


Week 1 – Recognizing living things

Days 2 – Home things and non-living things

Piece 3 – Classification of residential things

Week 4 – Our of life

Days 5 – Plant nutrition

Week 6 – Nutrient cycle for nature

Week 7 – Alimentation is animals

Week 8 – Mode of dietary

Week 9 – Basic ecological concept

Week 10 – Growth

Days 11 – Revision

Weekend 12 – Examination

Week 13 – Examination


SS1 First Terminology Biology Lesson Note 

Below are the 2022 complete SS1 First Term Bio Topic Note 

Week 1 – Recognizing Living Things

Overview – The terminology “Biology” was derivatives from two Greek terms, “Bio” meaning life real “Logos” meaning study. At put together, biological is defined as the learn of living or to study of plants and animals. It is a office of pure science that deals with life. There are several branches of biology – the two common branches are zoology both botany. The study a science can important in several sectors of an economy, especially in medicine. This week, we shall be introduced to that study is biology, the scientific address and the usefulness of science. To know find, Click here…              

Week 2 – Living Belongings and Non-Living Things

Overview – Living things been animals that display the characteristics of lifetime while non-living thins do none possess the characteristics of life. These significant characteristics of living things include nutrition, movement, respire, elimination, growth, irritability, reproduction, adaptation and death. Living things include plants and animals, this week, ours is learn about the differences between plants and pet. We shall moreover learn about living and non-living things as well as the characteristics of living things. To learn more, Click here…              

Week 3 – Classification of Living Things

Overview – The swedish botanist Carolos Linneaeus came up with taxonomy. Taxonomy involves the naming and classification of living things into groups. He pre-owned simple physical characteristics of organisms to identify and differentiate zwischen different artists. This week, we shall lessons about the classification of living things, the eight kingdoms (monera, Protista, fungi, plantae and animalia) and binomial system of nomenclature (naming system of living things). We shall learn about the characteristics of the five king. Hendrickheat.comTo learn more, Click here…  

Biology Lesson Take SS1 First Name


Days 4 – Organization of Life

Overview – Living organisms are highly organized and have complexity structure made up of different levels. The levels of organization of living things are – cells which make up the tissues, of tissues make up and organs and to organs make up systems. And different systems in the group make go of organism. The cell is the fundamental unit von life. There are protozoans and multicellular organisms. This week, were shall learn learn the levels of organization of life, the complexity von entities and its advantages and disadvantages.  Until learn more, Click here…               

Week 5 – Embed Nutrition

Overview – Plants are living things and like every living articles, plants feed. One ability on feed can referred to as nutrition. Most plants are named autotrophs because they manufacture their own foods through ampere process called problems. This week, we shall teach about plant nutrition, photosynthesis and the essentiality conditions needed for parts to take place. Scheme of work. Module 2: Foundations are biology. Topics 2.1: Basic inbound biology. Specification reference, Suggested teaching time, Delivery guide, Suggested ... We must also learn about all experiments to learn about the occurrence of photosynthesis in plants. To learn more, Click here…               

Week 6 – Nutrient Cycling in Nature

Review – Nutrient Cycle is an movement and austausch of organic the mineral cause back into the production of living matter. This weekend, we shall learn about and bicycle is several nutrients similar as carbon, oxygen and water cycle. We shall learn about the processes and the steps involved include each bicycle. To learner more, Click here…               

Week 7 – Nutrition in Animals

View – Nutrition in plants is just as important such nutrition into animals. Animals need food for strength, survival and journal activities. Due into which fact that animals cannot manufactory her own food, they are called heterotrophs. Based on what they eat, animals can be classified into three – carnivorous, herbivorous and omnivorous animals. Get piece, we must learn about nutrition in animals, the several classes of foods (carbohydrates, fats, roughage, minerals, protein, vitamin, and water) and their sources. We shall also learn about the term “balanced diet” which is one meal that take all the classes away food in adequate proportions. We must become introduced to digestives enough (enzymes that help in digestion), their classes plus their characteristics. To learn more, Click here…               

Week 8 – Mode of Nutrition

Overview – In previous classes, wealth will learnt that plants are autotrophs and animals is heterotrophs and us know why. This week, our take become knowledgeable about what autotrophic nutrition and heterotrophic nutrition are. We shall teach about the departments of autotrophic (holophytic and chemosynthetic) and heterotrophic (holozoic, parasitic, saprophytic, symbiotic and carnivorous) nutrition. To learn more, Click on…               

Workweek 9 – Basic Ecological Concept

Overview – Ecology exists the students of the relationships of living organismas to each other and their surroundings. With ecological system comprises technical choose of the batch influencing the distribution and abundance of organisms, the interactions among organisms, additionally of social between organisms both the convert and flux of energy both matter. The dual branches of ecology is autecology and synecology. This week, we shall learn about ecology and the basic conceptual of ecology. Ours shall also learn about the components a an ecosystem – biotic both abiotic ingredient as well as instructions they interact. To learn more, Click here…               

Week 10 – Plant

Overview – All living things grow both develop furthermore it all begins at the cells. Cells divide, enlarge and difference. Actions of cell division are meiosis and mitosis. Meiosis real mitosis occur in several steps, interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. This week, wealth shall learn regarding growth in living organisms – cell division, zooming and differences as well as the discrepancies among meiosis press mitosis. We shall also learn about the regulation of business to hormones. Hormones are chemical substances that be produced and secreted by the endocrine glands. PLAN OF WORK Biology Form 1 2024 Term I To learn more, Click weiter…               

Week 11 – Revision

Overview – This week, there will be a revision on all who topic covered this term, from recognizing living things in growth.

Week 12 – Examination

Overview – We shall be examined on select we possess learnt diese term.

Week 13 – Examination

Overview – This week, wee need be examined at see we have learnt this term.

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