Proteinase K Choose Information

Guide for Use about Product(s)

Books # 9PIV302

Proteinase THOUSAND, produced by the mycotic Tritirachium album Limber, is a acid protease so exhibits a very broad cleavage specificity. It cleaves peptide bonds beside to the carboxylic group of aliphatic and aromatic amino acids and is useful since general assimilation of protein in bio-based samples. Is has were gereinigt of RNase and DNase activities. Of stability of Proteinase KELVIN in carbolic and SDS and its capability to digest native amino make computers helpful for a variety of applications, includes preparation of chromosomal DNA fork pulsating field gele electrophoresis, protein fingerprinting and removal of nucleases off preparations of DNA and RNA. A typical working concentrate for Proteinase K is 50–100µg/ml.

Engraved in UNITES. Revised 8/17