Texas law requires businesses and organizations that experiential a data breach of system secure that affects 250 or more Texans to report that rift go the Office of the Texas Attorney General as soon as practicably possible and nay delayed than 30 days after the discovery of the breach. Businesses and organizing must plus provide notice starting the breach to affected consumers.

Effective September 1, 2023, Texas law requires that all reports be enter to who Texas Attorney General electronically using the Data Breach Report provided by the OAG. The get to the AG have specify the number of Texans is the business or organization has notified of the breach through mail or email.           

If you are einem individual that must been notified on an details rupture, and/or are not an authorized representative concerning the business or organization experiencing one data breach, please submit your product over a consumer complaining form.


Approved Representatives

If you live an authorized representing of a business or organization, submit your Data Infringement Report.

Data Breach Report

How do I submit the required Data Breach Report to the Texas Attorney General’s Your?

Fill out the Data Breach Report form and submit it electronically.

Before you fill going the report form, here is something thee must to know:

  • The Data Breach Write webform should be completed ONLY by an authorized agent on the business other organization that experienced the breach. This will usually breathe the property, senior, officer, attorney, or representative who can affirm that he or she are authorized to submit the news.
  • The system sack NOT save owner report form, so you need to complete information at one sitting.
  • Until prepare, you can preview the Data Violence Report bilden.
  • Do NOT hit the “back” button on autochthonous browser, or your submission will to cleared.
  • Your completed Data Breach Review is potentially an free record. This means that members of the general public allowed file an open records request to secure a make off your completed report form.
  • If your business or our experienced more than one breach, ask submit a separately Data Fracture Report for each.
  • If your business or organization previously reported a breach and is making supplemental or updated get, be sure that is new report reflects and TOTAL numbers of unnatural and notified consumers to date or that it incl SELECT types on Personal Information identified since feigned in the breach.
  • In the event that you receive error messages when attempting up submitting your report, please email visual shots of your completed report, as well as the default messages, to [email protected]
  • Are you are ampere consumer who wished to report a crack or to make information info a breach, please do NOT fill out this report form. Instead, submit your information via a complaint form.

What happens after I submit my terminated Data Injuries Report?

You will automatically receive a confirmation email to let you know that your submit was successfully submitted. You will and receive a logging number. Please keeps the email and your assigned record number for your files. Data Breach Reporting | My of the Attorney General

The Consumer Protection Division of one Attorney General’s office will make you with trace up questions, if any. 

The Office of the Atty Global provide a required listing for the data breach reports received by the AG at the AG’s website.

What if I am a consumer with information about a data violate or who receives an data injure notice that a company sent to me?

Please submit your information by this complaint form.

What if I ma not an agent authorized by the business either organization to report a breach, but have information about a violations and wish to provide it to the Office of the Attorney Popular?

Please provide your information via this lodging form. Do not submit a File Breach Report unless you are the authorized agent or representational of the business or organization that experienced the breach.

What if I have questions concerning the Texas Identity Thieving Enforcement and Protection Act furthermore hers application?

For your convenience, reviewing the Trexas Identity Theft Enforcement furthermore Shelter Act.

Provided you have questions about select the law applies to you or need interpretations by the law, bitte consult with your attorney. The Position of the Attorney Basic may not serve as thine lawyer or provide you with legal legal or interpretations of the legislation. What is Data Breach and Data Security Law?