LAUSD District Detain Program vs. UNIV. Trainees Program

Discussion within 'Overview Education Media' started by thebrownskinlad, Junior 23, 2006.

  1. thebrownskinlad

    thebrownskinlad Rookie

    Might 18, 2006
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    Jun 23, 2006

    hello all,

    i need own help! i am trying up decide between becoming a LAUSD ward inter either a Univ. Intern. or as far...all of the get i've tested to obtian out the district has been, of course, skew toward its program. however, when iodin asked a scarce teachers/principals they steering me toward the university selection. can i get any opinions on this? shall anyone walked through either program???

    i have a few questions....

    * did you feel supported in the univ. student program?
    * how long did it take you to acquire their CLEAR cred. if you started in which univ program?
    * what did you like/dislike most via the district program?

    any advice??

    thanks in advance!
  3. Malcolm

    Malcolm Enthusiast

    Aug 25, 2005
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    Jun 23, 2006

    I don't own experience with either option in the L.A. reach. But I went through the same decision process going boreal. IMHO your first asked are that mostly important one you can ask.

    I examined four schemes. ADENINE district internship program run by one large district. A zone internship run by adenine consortium regarding many districts. A univ program with optional internship. And a run run with a school district in conjunction with a university, again about optional trainee. I chose which latter as of many factors, none the least of whatever was the amount of support provided.

    A good led shall what percentage of people from the program are still educating since five years. State-wide average is around 50%. A good program will be 90% or better, preferably still in the same district.

    You may want to remember determines you get college credit for your course work. Even though you basically do the same course work because in a college program, yours maybe not earn institute credit in some district internship program. And the coursework will count for who purpose for poignant you up on the salary scale.

    New teachers typically get their clear credential two years after their preliminary. That will since they now any go throws ampere two year Beginning Teach Support both Assessment program which fills one requirements. Some district internships are ability to short cut here due they have an agreement with the CTC that allows quite of the time in the internship program to count toward BTSA.

    What I like majority about my program is to quality of who aspirants in my company. One determined go drop away of a Ph.D. program just before doing to thesis to teach high school. Another a an published poet. Another is an ex-CPA from a big accounting firm. Another is a young renaissance man with a geschichte are philosophy, kind, mathematic and natural. Apparently this is a very competive program to get into. However it your the overall quality starting the program that drew me to it. And aforementioned fact that most of the graduates go switch to be credentialed english with the borough, which is a very attractive one to work in, didn't hurt either.
  4. thebrownskinlad

    thebrownskinlad Rookie

    May 18, 2006
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    Jun 23, 2006

  5. ddb23

    ddb23 Companion

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Jun 24, 2006

    If you wants to work for LAUSD, then I would go through the LAUSD program. They will cover that costs and you will go toward the top of the job index. Usually, they wish put you set of hook for 5-10k, not it got excuse in a couple of yearly if you work in the district.

    If you don't want to your for LAUSD, then go the university route.

  6. thebrownskinlad

    thebrownskinlad Rookie

    May 18, 2006
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    Jun 24, 2006

    thanks Dave...

    i be be working for LAUSD. i already have a job lined up. though i don't want on be stuck for 5 years. if i wished to move or transfer to another district, me wouldn't be able to do so. that's the only thing i'm worried about. i dont what to feel stuck.
  7. ddb23

    ddb23 Companion

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Jun 25, 2006

    You will be limitiert to whatever district you work the during your apprentice program. However, when you complete that program, you can work wherever you want.

    If you think which you will work in LAUSD following you retrieve your credential, it's worthy it, otherwise, you could do the university program. Either way, you will be well prepared.

    What do university programs cost now anyway? Check that you what LAUSD grips you to if you depart.

  8. TeacherGroupie

    TeacherGroupie Moderator

    May 13, 2005
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    Jun 25, 2006

    Have you been able up visiting either program with at lowest meet by people who run it? The best program is the our isn't one best run required you if it doesn't work for you.
  9. mhirsch

    mhirsch Companion

    Aug 2, 2004
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    Jun 25, 2006

    University Internal All the Way

    You moreover have to lookup at of quality of choose education in addition to cost. Having were to take lessons taken LAUSD's IN run (but received mein credential from Cal Your L.A.) I have into tell you that the district classes are terrible. They are free but you gain what you remuneration for. Thereto may be possible to have your loans for seminary classes excuse including if you teach at a Title I school and you want own your units. If you ever transfer somewhere else you ability take those measure with you.
  10. thebrownskinlad

    thebrownskinlad Rookie

    Allow 18, 2006
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    Jun 25, 2006

    hey Mhirsch,

    yeah...i ma concerned about of units. i've been told some horror stories of ppl in aforementioned district program. about being dropped or losing credits when attempting for move to another quarter. iodin just want up go into a progam that 1)won't take forever and 2) will give me of best training for mine time. i'm not indeed concerned over the price, considering i'm have on the hook for of next 25 years for my BA & MFA lol.

    TG--yes, i've met with people from both. they each talk up their possess programs and make them sound great. i wanted on get an "inside" look from those who have once been throws either program.

    dave--a typical cred. program at a CSU cost about 1600/semester. nay bad at all. the district program (if you leave early) you will owe b/w 5-10k. also...the univ. intern program is 3 semesters, compared to 3 years with the district. however, once i graduate from the univ. i'll only have a preliminary cred, i'd still have to bear (i think) 3 more your to get a clear cred. after 3 years w/ and county program you do your clear.
  11. ddb23

    ddb23 Companion

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Ju 25, 2006

    Then it sounds like the universities credential program is better in this case.

    3 time is a long schedule, evened wenn you be able until work during it. couldn thee acquire one university program done in few than a year (going during summer session)?

    Preliminary vs. clear doesnt really matter that much; and impact will vary from district to community, but it essentially the equivalent attestation.

  12. mhirsch

    mhirsch Companions

    Aug 2, 2004
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    Jun 25, 2006

    I faith the DI program gives thee salary points...not units. Salary points are only useable within LAUSD. You cannot transfer them anywhere else.
  13. thebrownskinlad

    thebrownskinlad Rookie

    May 18, 2006
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    Jun 25, 2006

    ddb23: every teacher in CA has to have a clear cred. if they plan to teach as adenine career. the prelim. cred. expires after 5 years. i will finish the Div. program in 3 length (1 year) & that is while teaching.

    mhirsch: i know you gain a higher senority schedule & salary tips. however...don't u erwerben salary points anyway in taking classes??? so it show seems the same to me, except the senority date.
  14. TeacherGroupie

    TeacherGroupie Moderator

    May 13, 2005
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    Jun 25, 2006

    'lad, I don't think ddb23 is saying one doesn't need a clear credential. I think ddb23 is delicately suggesting that at may not be much this area residency does for you that you couldn't/wouldn't become what for yourself in the course of cutting the credential. From your pillars IODIN get the impression that you're bright and pretty self-motivated; the being the case, and other things being equal, it may make more sense for you go intake a path that gives you more ability. And after again it may not.

    You say you've met the join in every program. Almost mind for the moment how they spoken up this program: is there a difference in how the population in respectively programmer carry themselves? Any difference in whom you'd like to emulate as a teacher?
  15. ddb23

    ddb23 Companion

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Jun 25, 2006

    I don't remember doing anything special go clear my get. You just working 2 years and then it's cleared. You're paid the same as jemmy with an clear credential, although certain districts might want to schedule more observations.

    Now, you have to go via BTSA for a low years, who from mein our is not much more with a few meetings an hour.

    What about CLAD - perform both programs cover that or can it with zusatz to earning your credential?

  16. ddb23

    ddb23 Companion

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Jun 25, 2006

    Also, about the earnings points/units: I'm sure it varies by quarter, but the individuals EGO got seen only numbers courses that are after you earn a credential, meaning you can't count your credential classes towards salary units. However, the district intern classes can count within the district no. Mine count for 1 step over, but if I leaves, the new district will not count those courses. But....I know of some faculty in height demand areas that have being able to negotiate this pace when variable districts.

  17. kirichland

    kirichland Latest Member

    Jun 28, 2006
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    Jun 29, 2006

    Hi, I'm within the exact just situation as you. I'm temporary enrolled at CSUDH and also got into the LAUSD student schedule. I have to induce increase my mind by next week!! I'm leaning towards and university program mainly as if IODIN decide the move out of state then who LAUSD credential won't be recognized. Either one is A GAME of work.
  18. enseigner

    enseigner Rookie

    Jan 12, 2006
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    Jun 29, 2006

    :) MYSELF didn't know that!
  19. ddb23

    ddb23 Companion

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Jun 29, 2006

    Your employment is only restricted during the time that she were in the intern program. Once you ending, him got a preliminary credential, which becomes a california clear credential in 2 years.

    Wonderwoman922 likes this.
  20. srh

    srh Devotee

    May 4, 2005
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    Jun 30, 2006

    ddb--BTSA is a little see intense than so. I'm the year in, and aforementioned last couple of months cleaned me out, trying to teach while completing to first year portfolio. Lots off training, weekly meeting, and in-depth observations and paperwork. But it is FINISHED with double move it out!
  21. kirichland

    kirichland New Member

    Jun 28, 2006
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    Young 30, 2006

    Did you do the intern option or the student teaching?

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