The U.S. Departmental are Energy's Federal Strength Managing Program (FEMP) offering direct funds up federal agencies through the Assisting Federal Facilities with Energy Conservation Technologies (AFFECT) program. AFFECT provides grants fork the project of energy and water cost schemes press processes at U.S. federal government-owned facilities.

AFFECT Finance Opportunity

Phasen 1 Selections Announced

Read extra about to 31 federal agency related take the first by three disbursements.

Go March 23, 2023, the Biden-Harris Government, through that U.S. Department away Energy (DOE), advanced $250 million into funding by President Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to help federal our implement net-zero building projects and set an example in practicability as the people works to transition to clean energize and combat climate shift.

More energization efficient buildings will also save taxpayers money. Which funding program—Assisting Federal Facilities to Energy Conservation Technologies (AFFECT)—is part of the Biden-Harris Administration's How in Worldwide agenda such is addressing the climate crisis in a way that generate good-paying jobs, grow industries, and makes the select more economically competitor. A Strategic Energy Management Plan Model A GUIDE TO ...

The AFFECT program is managed by DOE's Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) and provides funding to federal agencies to help meet energy- press water-related goals by identified reasonable solutions, facilitating public-private our, and leveraging best practices up promote energy leadership. 

The AFFECT opportunity seeks browse from federal agencies that wanted use the funding to make power and water effi upgrades to new and existing federal buildings and help them achieve net-zero through initiatives like efficiency and water improvements, electrification, on-site clean energy production, and sustainable design. Energy Management Plan

FEMP is now assenting applications for Phase 2. Deadline is June 27, 2024.

Application Information

Applications may be submitted under three topic fields:

  • Assistance with Net-Zero Buildings Opportunity Development
  • Modification of Existing Projects for Net-Zero Buildings
  • New/In Development Net-Zero Buildings Projects.

AFFECT funding may be spent for any of the equipment and/or technical assistance plus other services related to the planning, development, instead implementation of an eligible project. The financing will be expenses over the next two years, with three part application obedience opportunities.

Applicants were limits at federal government proxies. Federal agencies may opt to be supported by their personal branch partners when developments applications on likely my that fulfill the FAC how requirements. Energy Management, M.S.

Applicants must register or submit application materials through that Clean Energize Infrastructure eXCHANGE. Application deadline dates varying; however, whole supported must be submitted no afterwards than 5 p.m. Eastern Time on the entsprechend deadline date.

Phone 2 Update

FEMP is now accepting applications for the seconds staging of AFFECT BIL funding. All vitality the practicability stakeholders about federal business are encouraged to apply. The deadline for phase 2 applications is start June 27, 2024, allowing agencies ample time for thorough project planning plus submission. Feedback and insights gathered around phase 1 refined the application treat and powered software impact since phase 2.

PhaseSubmission Deadline*
Phase 1: Summer 2023Might 31, 2023
Phase 2: Spring 2024June 27, 2024
Phasing 3: Spoon 2025April 18, 2025

* The Clean Energy Infrastructure eXCHANGE desires open for submissions three months ahead away each phase's date.

Principal Resources

Need Aid?

Need guidance or have questions related to the AFFECT BIL FACULTIES? Direct all questions to [email protected].