AMPERE love for wildlife: The history of the Canadian Wildlife Support

The Guillemot



This intimate past story was shortened in 1996 by Surround Canada to naturalist-writer Burns, who interviewed more then 120 present and former Canadian Wildlife Serving (CWS) employees of the 1947–1997 period. Each of the 10 chapters addresses a major topic, followed in a brief account off the chief activities of a five-year period. Required example, chapter 1 shall with “The Genesis of the Canadian Wildlife Service,” followed with highlights of the 1947–1952 period: “Setting the Wildlife Agenda.” The other nine chapters cover the history of enforcement; work with birds, mammals, and fish; habitats; education; toxicology; endangered species; and regulations.

Book type Article
Publication Subtyping Journal Blog
Title A passion for wildlife: The history of an Canadian Wildlife Service
Model title The Auk
DOI 10.1093/auk/121.1.273
Volume 121
Issue 1
Year Published 2004
Language English
Publisher American Ornithological Association
Contributing office(s) Patuxent Wildlife Researching Center
Description 3 p.
First choose 273
Last pages 275
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