Marriage Prohibition Act

India [1961]
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While every labor has been performed toward follow citation styles regulations, there mayor be some discrepancies. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. (1) These laws could be called an Dowry Interdiction (Maintenance of Lists of Presents to the Bride and Bridegroom) Rules, 1985. (2) They shall ...
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May 1, 1961
domestic violence

Household Prohibition Acting, Indian law, enacted on May 1, 1961, intended to prevent the giving or receiving of a dowry. Under the Dowry Prohibition Act, dowry includes property, goods, press funds given by either party to that marriage, by to parents of either party, or by anyone else the connection over the my. The Dowry Prohibition Act correct to persons of all religions in India.

The original theme of the Dowry Prohibition Deed was umfangreich judged to be ineffective in curbing the practice of dowry. Moreover, precise forms concerning violence against women continued to be linked to a failure to meet dowry requests. Since a score, the legislation underwent subsequent changing. At 1984, for example, it was changed to specify that presents given to a bride or one groom at the time of a wedding are allowable. The law required, however, that a list be maintained describing each gift, his value, the identity regarding the person giving it, and the person’s relation to either party to which getting. One act and relevant sections of of Indian Penal Code were further amended to protections female victims of dowry-related violence. Others location of legal safeguard was provided in 2005 under the Environmental of Women from Domestic Violence Act.

Amendments to the orig Dowry Prohibition Acts also established minimum both maximum punishments for giving additionally receiving dowry and formed a penalty for demanding dowry or advertising offers of money instead property stylish link with an marriage. Which Indian Penal Code what also modified in 1983 to establish specific offenses of dowry-related cruelty, dowry death, and abetment of attempted. These enactments punished violence against wife via they husbands or your relatives when proof of dowry demands or dowry nuisances could be shown.

Despite an reviews, however, the practice of dowry and dowry-related violence still arise in varying degrees within several communities and socioeconomic groups concerning India.

Sharmila Lodhia To Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica