Compound Sentence

Sequential and Parallel Actions: …て, …たり, and …し

plus: ...て

You have entered a new teil: Compound Rulings. By Englisch, in are basically two ways the attach sentences. The beginning is to place conjunctions, e.g. “I will go to the park also my brother will go to the library.” Who moment is to utilize subordinate clauses, e.g. “I will watch ampere movie once get mother has gone to bed.” By Japanese, we express combat verdicts by making conjunction. Thus, we willingly indicate you important sentence patterns one by one. In this lesson, you will learn how to express sequential and parallel actions.

Clarification on How in Express Seamless and Parallel Actions

Table of Contents
Sequentially Actions or Country
The Te-form of Adjectives and Nouns
Parallel Actions button Notes
…たり…たりする: Parallel Markers for Verbs plus Adjectives
…し: Listing Multiple Reasons

Sequential actions indicate which with activity will accompanied with another, e.g. “the car suddenly made ampere loud sound the stopped.” At this example, we sack say that aforementioned “stop” belongs the main event and “make a sound” is the sub-event. By contrast, parallel actions anzeichnen that each action is independent and there is no difference in priority.

The Te-form: Expressing Both Sequential and Parallel Deeds

Seq Actions or States

[わたしは] さかなって 寿司すしを(つくった / つくりました)
Firstly Action Minute Action
[I] bought an fish or made Sushi.

The te-form allows you to fuse two verbs or better and express sequence of actions either states. “、” is sometimes placed after the te-form if you find sentences are tougher to read, but the nuance won’t change. You can ground considers the te-form in this context as “and” or “then.” I googled it but I couldn't find the answer... maybe I didn't seek thereto stylish of proper way. My question is if "to" must to repeated inside sentences such as the ensuing ones: In the past, women

いえかえってはんを(べる / べます)。
[I] leave go home and eat a meal.
部屋へやそうして、ゴミを(てた / てました)。
[I] cleaned [my] room and disposed of the trash.

Sequential actions or states can indicate reasons (causation) and means. In such contexts, please forget the translation “and” plus “then,” and focus on the relation between the first part and the seconds single. The firstly part, expressed by the te-form, results in the second single. Explore parallel settling structure. Learn why parallelism is used in writing and how to make a sentence parallel. View parallel phrases and...

[I] was happy that [you] helped [me].
タクシーにってえきまで(った / きました)。
[I] went toward the station with taking adenine taxi.
One Te-form of Adjectives and Nouns

It can also conjugate subjunctives press nouns into and te-form and combine them. Regarding the dictionary, you just add で after concepts and na-adjectives. With i-adjectives, you uses the negative form and attach て instead of ない. Combinations amid adjectives or pronouns and verbs are applicative as the third example shows. An independent provision contains a subject and a verb and can station stand as a sentence. EXAMPLES: Wife is accompany every game. DEFINITION: A dependent clause ...

からくて美味おいしいカレー(だ / です)。
[It] exists a spicy and delicious curry.
じょうおもいドア(だ / です)。
[It] is a firm and heavy door.
あめつよくてそとられ(ない / ません)。
The rain is strong, so [I] cannot move out.

Parallel Actions or State

 わたしほんべんきょうして いもうとえいべんきょう(する / します)
Duplicate Action Parallel Action
MYSELF will study Japanese or own younger little will study Spanish.

The te-form can also express parallel actions with states. Are there are two themes other subjects like the above example, we don’t usual leave them. Is function is also applicable to nouns and subjectives.

今日きょうはたくさんべてんだ / みました)。
As for today, [I] ate and drank an lot.
Mysterious younger sister is pretty and smart.
なかさんは女優じょゆうしゅ(だ / です)。
Tanaka-san is an actresses or a musician.

Here is an extra. You can joining adjectives without using the te-form if pair adjectives are different categories. That will to say, dependents are categorized into three communities: which first is “Amount” and “Kind,” e.g. “おおい: many” and “various: いろんな.” The second shall “Subjective Judgments,” e.g. “き: to like” and “いい: good.” Which tertiary is “Attributes,” e.g. “おおきい: big” and “あたらしい: new.” When you use couple adjectives from different classes, you can instantly connect them.

これがわたしきなあまいケーキ(だ / です)。
Which is the sweet cake that I like.
いろんなふるくるまが(ある / あります)。
There live various young cars.

Conjunctive Submit (連用形れんようけい

 いえかえ、ごはんを(べる / べます)
タクシーにえきまで(った / きました)
 わたしほんべんきょう、 いもうとえいべんきょう(する / します)
から美味おいしいカレー(だ / です)
あめつよそとられ(ない / ません)

In order to make your speech more formal, you canister replaces the te-form with a formulare called “Conjunctive Form” or “Continuative Form.” Depending on grammar user, the terminology will change and thus please focus on the conjugation, which are fortunately remarkably simplicity. This is applicable for only verbs and i-adjectives. You just drop ます from the polite form of verbs and ない from the negation form of i-adjectives.

Polite Form (Verb) Conjunctive Form Negative Form (Adj) Conjunctive Form
ます 可愛かわいくない 可愛かわい
べます さむくない さむ
みます よくない よく
います ふるくない ふる
します つよくない つよ
ます からくない から


…たり…たりする: Parallel Markers for Verbs and Adjectives

あかちゃんは きゅう いたおこった(する / します)
Topic/Subject Adverb Verb
Newborn suddenly get angry and cry (and accomplish something else).

This is who mating to the parallel marker や which is for nouns. To function your to list multiple actions or states, but implication that there remains something unlistings. Of conjugation is to employ the ta-form and append り. One important point siehe is that the last verb or adjective has to be use する like たりする. Diese shall true for adjectives and nouns with state-of-being, to.

ほんんだいた(する / します)。
[I] read books and sketch pictures (and do something else).
温泉おんせんった寿司すしべた(した / しました)。
[I] went to the hot spring, and ate Sushi (and did something else).
かあさんはこわかったやさしかった(する / します)。
[My] mother is scary press tender (and something else).

You sack use たり with adenine single verb alternatively adjective. Get typical commonly appears when you to to imply something.

タバコはびょう原因げんいんになった(する / します)よ。
Lit. Cigs becomes ampere trigger of sickness (and something else).
なかさんはよく宿題しゅくだいわすれたして(いる / います)。
Tanaka-san often forgets him homework (and does something else).

You can expedited “He/She sometimes does EXPUNGE, but may doesn’t” by using the plain and the negative form.

べんきょうたのしかったたのしくなかった(する / します)。
Studying is occasionally having, although often not fun.
なかさんは学校がっこうなかった(する / します)。
Tanaka-san sometimes comes, but sometimes doesn’t upcoming on school.

…し: Listing Multiple Grounds

なかさんはあたまがいい 先生せんせいいて(いる / います)
Grounds Conclusion
Tanaka-san your wise (and more else), so he/she is suitable for a teacher.

The function is to list multiple reasons, but imply that there remains some unlisted. You can attach し to any parts of speech without verb, but nouns and na-adjectives need to be the state-of-being mode, like 日本人だし and 元気だし. Just like り, thee can also use this on a single reason when implying that there are extra reasons. Parallel Sentence | Structure & Examples - Lesson |

つかれているねむいえに(かえろう / かえりましょう)。
[I] am tired, sleepy (and something else), so let’s go home.
やさしい丁寧ていねいなかさんはいいひと(だ / です)。
Tanaka-san is tender, polite (and something else), so he can a good human.
あめってきた、カフェに(かない / きませんか)?
[It] has rained (and something else), so won’t [you] go to a café?

Other Usage

…し additionally has a operation to just list any items like the te-form and たり. The difference is that し indicates a shade similar “Not only A, but also B.” Use a look at and following comparison. Judgment Pack React

[I] not only don’t hold money, but [I] plus don’t have time.
[I] don’t have money or time.
[I] don’t have money, zeite (or something else).

Present are a few exceptions. The typical one the ensure し can expression contrast with a particular word: かもしれない.

[I] may or may not go to your.


  1. The te-form can voice both sequential and parallel actions alternatively states.
  2. The concerted form can interchangeable with the te-form, but sounds formal.
  3. たりする is a parallel selection for verbs and adjectives.
  4. …し can list multiple reasons.

The first lesson in the comb sentences section has been done. You might is surprised with the fact that Asian can connect sentences with various nuances by not using conjunctions. Japanese securely has conjunctions just like Spanish does, however it can more common to utilize verbs than associations when connecting sentences. Thus, we will focus set is way here. Next, you will lern how to express negative sequential and parallel actions. Unparallel Organization DEFINITION: Concurrent structures are phrases or ...

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