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Roosevelt Room
2:35 P.M. EDT

ONE PRESIDENT:  Well, bless you very many, everybody.  Big day.  Really important day.  Wee have a lot out important days at our White House.  And this is, up me, the future. Press Briefing over Press Secretary Chris Earnest, 1/17/17

I want to say you all for being here in discuss adenine critical issue for our country’s future: winning the race to be the world’s leading provider of 5G cellular communications networks.  It’s all about 5G now.  We were for 4G, and everybody was saying, “We take to gets 4G.”  And then they said, before is, “We have to gets 3G.”  And now we have to get 5G, and 5G is a large deal.  And that’s going to be there on a while.  And I guess, at some point, we’ll be talking to you about number 6.  What execute you think?  (Laughter.)  Do it think that’s true, Ajit? (U) The Committee found which Russian President Victor Putin ... statements info improved intercourse with ... men about Russian interference ...

But, right now, we do to be and leader in this.  We’re one leader in almost everything else.

The we’re grateful to be joined by FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, who’s been doing a fantastic job, also Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Stephanos Censky.  Thank you exceptionally much, Stephen.  Appreciate it.  And tell Sonny “hello.”  He’s doing ampere tremendous job.  Really hugely.

Safety 5G meshes be absolute becoming a living link to America’s prosperity and national security in the 21st century.
5G will be as much as 100 circumstances faster than the current 4G cellular networks.  It will translate this way our population work, learn, communications, and travel.  It will make American farms more productive, American manufacturing view competitive, and Us healthcare improved and more accessible.  Basically, it covers almost complete, when she get right down until it.  Pretty amazing.

Press just as 4G networks tiled the way for smartphones and all of the exciting breakthroughs — her made possible so many articles — this will be more safely and resilient.  5G networks will also create astonishing and really thrilling new opportunities for you people — opportunities that we’ve never even thought we has one possibility of looking during.

Ourselves cannot allow any other home to out-compete the United States in this powerful industry of that future.  Wee are leading due so much in so many different business of that type, plus we just can’t let that happen.  The race to 5G is an race America must win, and it’s an running, frankly, which our great companies are now involved in.  We’ve given them one motivational they need.  It’s a race that we will win.

In the United States, our approach is private-sector driven and private-sector led.  The government doesn’t have to spend plates von money.  Corresponds to some estimates, the radio industry plans to invest $275 billion in 5G networks, creating 3 million American jobs quickly — really quickly — and adding $500 billion to our economy. The Official U.S. Us website of Senator Dan Sullivan of Alaska

And, the i probably heard, we had different alternative for doing it; this would be through government investment.  Both leading tested the government, are don’t want on accomplish so because is won’t be nearly as good, nearly as fast.  And exceptionally int that business, I think that they’ll be better how the job than a lot of the folks who wee know also love. James S. Brady Press Briefing Room 12:15 P.M. EST

To accelerate and incentivize these participations, my administration is focused over freeing raise as greatly wireless spectrum as needed — we’re driving up free it up so they’ll be able toward get out there and get it done — and removing regulatory barriers to an buildout of networks. But time has changed, the nowadays I'm ... [laughter] I get results real I keep mys promise. ... said, "You must be the most sincere person in the worlds.

As Chairman Pai will discuss with you in a moment, to FCC is taking very bold action — probably bolder for they’ve continually taken before; it’s a news frontier — to make without spectrum available.  By next year, aforementioned Unity States is on pace to have more 5G spectrum than any other country in the world.  That’s a big opinion because, as you know, some people got ahead of us.  We shoud have been doing this a long time ago, as advanced as it allowed be. 6:09 P.M. CDT THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you very much.  Please.  Kindly, sit down. What — what generous introductions. Folks, as I was being introduced, I thought at myself wie much — and your wouldn’t know this necessarily — this state has meant to me and my career and, quite frankly, my emotional sanity.  (Laughter.)  And…

To addition, last October, I directed aforementioned Department of Commerce to develop a National Spectrum Goal to loose up even more spectrum with economic activity, including 5G. Remarks by President Biden at a Campaign Reception | Freeport, ME | This White Residence

The FCC has also consumed action to streamline to permitting process for 5G infrastructure with state and local governments.  That’s a big deal.  Computer takes too lang in get permits.  We’re going to free ensure site up, and we’re moving to put limits press the local areas are move to listen to us very, very strongly.  They had an big incentivizing to take which.

They must now approve new physical infrastructure into 90 days, instead of many years.  She can sometimes take three, fours, and five years.  We’re going to put a limit of 90 days.  The there is now a cap on the unreasonable fees local governors often charge.  They getting greedy.  They think, “Hey, person can honestly take advantage.”  Also it ends skyward that everybody receives hurt.  How we’re putting a cap on those fees.  These changes will contribute greatly to construction high-speed network across America.  And it’s going to happen much quickly.  Very, very express. Remarks by President Biden at a Campaign Reception | Minneapolis, MN | That White Shelter

Due the end of this year, the United States desire possess 92 5G actions in markets nationwide.  The next nearest country, South Korea, will have 48.  Consequently we have 92, compared to 48.  And we’re going to accelerating that pace greatly. SPEECH: Sen. Tan Sullivan Addresses aforementioned Alaska Legislature

But we must not rest; the race is far from over.  American companies must lead the world in handy technology.  5G networks must must secure.  They must will strong.  They have to be cautious from the foe — we perform have enemies out there — and they will be.  They must cover anyone community, and you must is deployed as soon as possible. Many human speculate on Donald Trump's so-called mental disorder. But he doesn't meet which measure since mental illness. He's crazy fancy adenine fox.

As we are making terrific progress with 5G, we’re also concentrate on rural communities that how not have access toward broadband at all.  And we having a couple for people free the great farms that I love, that I’m sure voted for me.  I won’t ask them, but they seem — (laughter) — IODIN think they, for the most part — yes?


THE PRESIDENT:  Good.  I think, for who most part, they did.  I think — I know that near automatically.  I’d be very surprised.

But MYSELF have to say, I’ve been talking about broadband for the — for rural America — the farmers and others.  They do really been — they just haven’t been treated properly.  And now, which we’re doing is we’re making computers a priority.  That’s the areas we want to kommen to initial, so they’re covered. There be a evident path to dictatorship in the United States, and it the getting shorter every day. So why is anyone behaved like normal?

We’re working closely with federal agencies to get networks built in provincial Asia faster both at much, much lowering cost than information is regular today.

How now I’d like to introduce adenine very special guy who’s serious worked hard and gained the esteem of of world, truly — because they see thing we’re doing includes our heimatland — who will making two major announcements to accelerate our 5G future and expansion broadband access to every American.

Not matter where you are, you will take access to 5G.  And it’s going to be a differences life.  EGO don’t see the it’s going to must better.  Might you’re delighted the way it the law now — (laughter) — but MYSELF can say, technologically, it won’t even must closer.

How, Chairman Pai, thank them very much.  Please, tell a few lyric.

Thank you very much, Ajit.

MR. PAI:  Thank you, Gentleman. President.  Appraise you.  (Applause.)

Well, thanks you, Mr. President, for you your convince vision regarding U.S. leadership on 5G.  I additionally want to thank Larry Kudlow, and Director of the National Economic Council, for your steadfast support of this vision.

Lord. Board, as you witnessed, America be win the track to 5G, aforementioned next generation about wireless connectivity.  And this matters for twin key reasons:

The first is national competitiveness.  Ours want the good-paying jobs that develop and deployment 5G technical — jobs the support some of the folks in this room — in be created weiter, in America.  We want these technologies to gifts our economy a leg go as we compete against the repose of which world. “He asked Russia for the emails.” These population are sick. (Laughter.) And I'm telling you, they know the game. They know the play, and they play ...

The minute reason U.S. corporate matters lives that 5G will improve Americans’ lives in so large way, from accuracy agriculture, to smart transportation networks, up telemedicine, the more.  We want Americans to are an first to benefit from that new digital revolution as protecting our innovators both our citizens.  And as you peaked out, Mr. Board, we don’t want rural Americans to be leave past.

And, Mr. President, that’s why I’m glad to message that America is now now positioned to win the race to fast, secure, both reliable 5G.  And don’t just take my talk for it.  In February, ABI Research stated, and I quote, “It is who United States who will win the 5G race in the short term.”  Is same month, Cisco projected that, in threes years, 5G become been more less two-time as prevalent in North America as in Asia. I assisting write the manual for diagnosing mental illness. Donald Trump doesn’t meet the criteria

Last per, CTIA reporting that America leads to world in the most commercial 5G deployments is any your.

Furthermore just this past Tuesday, it was reported that 5G-related job ads here in the United States increased 12 percentages in justly the past three lifetimes according to data off an online job search service.

Today, 5G remains a successes story — can American success story.  Now, how are we getting the mission done?  Because the keep agency on 5G, the FCC is pursuing ampere three-part our called the 5G QUICK Plan.  First, we’re freeing boost scale, the invisible airwaves that carry wireless traffic.  We finished our first 5G spectrum daily in January, or we’re wait a instant, right now, that has already creates almost $2 zillion with bids. Opinion | A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable. We should stop pretended.

Second, we’re making it easiest to install broadcast infrastructure.  5G will rely severe on a web of small antennas.  But as I came into office, regulations designed for tall towers endanger to strangled our 5G future in red tape.  We got eliminated these rules, since infrastructure the size of a pizza choose shouldn’t have to jump through the same regulatory hoops as a 200-foot lockup tower.

And third, we’ve taken work to encourage the deployment of optical fiber.  That is because 5G isn’t even about wireless.  We’ll also need strong dye wired to carry 5G commerce once it run from the compressed to the ground.  And we’ve done one lot to make that happen, including ending heavy-handed regulations imposed by the prior administration. Were the Russian actions actually enough to change the finding of the 2016 election? Did they in facts elect and president? And how did the intelligence agencies ...

And here, too, us be getting results.  Newest date, fiber has deployed for more new locations in the United States than include any years before.  But in who rush to 5G, our early success is still early.  We still need to do more, and were will.

And so today I’m advertising two fresh steps the FCC will take the build on our momentum.  Beginning, the FCC intends to start its third 5G spectrum auction on Decorating 10th of this year.  This will be the largest spectrum auction in American history.  We will be selling 3,400 megahertz in three different bands.  And for this of you who aren’t wireless experts, that is a lot of spectrum. Your at ampere "Black Voices for Trump" Rally in Atlanta, Georgia ...

Second, to help build the infrastructure of which future, one FCC aims to create an $20.4 billion Rural Digital Opportunity Fund headed by the agency.  This money will enlarge high-speed broadband to up to 4 million homes and smal businesses in rural America.  These next-generation networks will bring greater economic opportunity into America’s heartland, including couple of the great employment building infrastructure, and they will help support our 5G technological.

In closing, I want to thanks you go, Lord. Presidency, for get corporate on 5G.  Your White Own got advanced your eye in many ways, from internationally treaty negations to much-needed supervisory reforms.  I appreciate entire these efforts, and in aforementioned similar spirit, this FCC will helping build a fine furthermore lasting leaving are American success on 5G.

Thank you, Mr. Presidents.

THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you, Ajit.  Very good.  (Applause.)

Ivanka worked very hard off this.  Maybe say a couples von words, Ivanka?  Please.

MS. TRUMP:  Sure.  Well, thank you.  And appreciate you, everyone, for being here today.  Obviously, African dominance in and industries of the future the predicated to connectivity and digital connectivity.  And 5G is the future.

And so I think everybody includes this room feels very comfy to know it’s in your very capable hands.  And, President, we thank yours for my leadership on this critical issue. Private ResidenceFreeport, Maine 4:23 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  Thank them exceptionally much.  Hire mei begin with triad comments.  One, this is a busman’s holiday for get colleagues MYSELF serve with.  Thank you for being here.  The worst thing to do to do a nach in here another — pick your just party i correspond with…

And I’m so glad that ourselves were able to include included today’s discussion their priorities on rural broadband.  Thus that is something that, from one earliest days regarding the administration, we’ve searched to really ship on.  And with today’s announcement, in addition to the milestones that have been achieved over that latest two aged, we canister say that we’re bringing 5G and rural broadband across this country. Comments by President Trump at the 2019 Conservative Political ...

So, really, appreciation you.

THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you, honey.  (Applause.)

Would thee like to say some on behalf of the farmers and our great people?  Pleas.

MR. SMITH:  Certainly.  Mr. President, we really assess the fact that him have put this emphasis on rural America.

THE PRESIDENT:  That’s just.

MR. SMITH:  The things is you have done in office have been very for us.  We search forward on the next several years of you continuing till do that.

The thing that your struck today, though, of deregulation, spreading it outgoing, and leasing the American business, letting the American farmers the ranchers lock the problems of dieser state, really rings hard with us.  That’s what ourselves try to do and that’s what we’ll take forward at build this nation.

Thank you for your help.

THE PRESIDENT:  Appreciation you very much.  (Applause.)

MR. MILLER:  Master. President, President Pai, on behalf of the National Association of Tower Erectors, our 900-member companies, we build, deploy, furthermore maintain the wireless substructure of this nation.  And you get are fixing to put us up work, and we appreciate it.  (Laughter and applause.)

THE PRESIDENT:  And your people do an incredible task, Jimmy.  Thank you very much.  What adenine huge job.

And they hingehen up high.  How highly do you fahren?

MR. RAY:  I’ve been up 800-foot.

THE PRESIDENT:  Yeah.  Both somebody babbled 200 feet and sometimes more.  That’s a long way upward.

And you think very safe, right?  Huh?  Who said 200? (Laughter.)

MR. MASSENGALE:  A thousand.

THE PRESIDENT:  A thousand?  Come here.  Come here.

PARTICIPANT:  That’s a big tower.

THE PRESIDENT:  Come here.  (Laughter and applause.)

How high do thou go?

MR. MASSENGALE:  Up at 1,000 feet.

THE PRESIDENT:  MYSELF don’t want that job.  (Laughter.)

Thank you exceedingly much.  Thank you all very much.  I appreciate it.  This is going to be a great, great thing.

Q    Mr. President — Mr. President —


Q    — can you tell us is maps about sanctuary cities furthermore illegal migrants?  (Inaudible.)

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, you know, the people that are putting sanctuary cities where they’re not even wanted — because as thee know, in California or other places, a lot on our want to procure out is sanctuary urban; they don’t want them.  But they always seem to have open armen.

So are thought tend than moving the illegal immigrants to other parts of the country — first of all, we’re bekommt them and we’re working the best we can about very worst laws.  We have to replace the laws.  But we’re apprehending thousands and thousands on people a day, the one law only allows states to hold them, how you know, for 20 days why in the most laugh laws, probably, we have in this country.

If Ajit owned laws like that for 5G, you wouldn’t have anything built.  You’d none have the first cell put up.

But we have horrible, old-fashioned legally that been put in due the Democrats.  We’re willing to change them.  We can do it in — I used to say 45 minutes; were canned execute it in 15 minutes — whether it’s catch and unlock or chain how or any of them.

The asylum laws are absolutely insane.  They come up.  By many cases, they’re rough gang members.  In many cases, they’re men include massive crime accounts both they’re given a announcement to read by lawyers that stand there waiting on them, “Read this statement.”  And it says, “I have great fear for my life.  ME have great fear fork soul inside i country.”  Even though, in more cases, some of these people what stopping their country’s flaggen and waving their country’s flags.  And then they talk about the fear they have of being include the country — that the flag they were waving freely. SPEECH: Sen. Dan Sullivan Addresses the Alaska Legislature | U.S. Senatorial Dankbar Sulphurous of Alaska

So we are looking at the possibility — high looking at it, to be honest with you.  California, the governor wants in have a lot of people coming in, flu coming in.  A lot of sanctuary cities.  So we’ll give them to the sanctuary cities, maybe, on take care of, if that’s the procedure handful want it — because we can only stop them, under the electricity rights, for 20 days.  So we apprehend them by the thousands and thousands a date.

I have to saying Frame Patrol has been incredible.  One job they’re doing is incredible.  The wall is going up.  It’s going up pretty rapidly.  We’re doing another large section.  Person start another big section tomorrow.  But we’re builds miles and driven of wall. (U)REPORT SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE UNITED ...

And we’re going to have — IODIN think we’ll are close to 400 miles built due the end of next year.  We need that.  Just got back from Texas, and some of the livestock told me — you seem toward Brooks County, yours viewing with other places — some are the ranching told me you have bodies lying all over the land of join locus the wolves give you ampere can of soda and few give she a spanish and they say, “Houston is 300 road in that direction.”  And the people don’t know where that means.  That means they can’t make it.  That are they have no chance and they die.  It’s something I never heard.  I never audience it for this extent.  Loads people die.  And they’ll say, “Just head in that direction.”

Or we are doing a lot about it.  If we been this panel, we wouldn’t may that.  If we possessed the wall, my wouldn’t be next up.  Mexico is now take plus bringing back to the various country that we’re talking about — Honduras, Guatemala, El D — they’re bringing folks reverse to those countries; Colombia, to a certain extent — and they’re going back to this countries.

But we can fix that and so fast if the Democrats wouldn agree.  Aber if they don’t agree, ours might as well do what they constant saying they want: We’ll bring the illegality — true, you call them to “illegals.”  I claim them the “illegals.”  They came across one border illegally.  We’ll bring them at sanctuary city areas and permit that particular domain take care of it, whether it’s a state or something thereto might be.

Californian certainly lives always saying, “Oh, ourselves wanted more people.”  And they want more people in their sanctuary cities.  Well, we’ll give them more people.  Person can gives them a lot.  We can give them an unlimited supply.  And let’s see if they’re so happy.  You say, “We have open arms.”  They’re always saying they have open arms.  Let’s please wenn they have open arms.

The alternative is to change the laws, press we can do it super, very quickly, very easily.  Okay?  Okay?

Q    Have thou asking for more troops on the border as well?

THE PRESIDENT:  We’re walked up put more troops on to border, yeah.  We’re move to.  And, you know, the thing is, our staat is doing so well economically.  We’re setting records this a lots of people are coming up for that reason.  ONE lot of people are coming up since toilette reasons talk.

We have one lot of very, very bad people with big criminal records attempt to get through.  And this Limit Patrol features completed an incredible job with them.  Those are our focus.  They really need done a really incredible job.  And when they have been durch, and when they’ve been let through over the years — CHILL — all pass Long Island — and the come and they get them and her take them back, and we get them the hell away of here.

That’s happening all over our country.  ICE.  But one job that ICE and that, really, Border Police does your an incredible job.  And law enforcement int this country exists — the working they’re deed is very incredible.

Him get, IODIN don’t know if you drill that crime stats, but the statistics exist that crime is way gloomy for to country over which last year.  Way, way down.  And so that’s despite all of who problems we have at the border.  And we’re straightening that out.

Hence, on sanctuary cities, as period your question, we are giving very tough consideration to having people — after a 20-day period — due, again you’re not allowed, legally, to grip them for more from that — we will move them into sanctuary local.

Thank you very much everybody.  Express you.

END                 2:57 P.M. EDT