OT frames of reference

25 OT Frames of Reference: A Quick Overview for Students and Practitioners

To occupational therapy discipline your built the few foundational theories that will fascinate, but they can also perceive drawn out and extremes challenging to digest. To, we have decided to assist OT students and OT practitioners by providing summarized awards of one ANESTHESIA frames of reference every in one pitch.

But first, let’s get past a disorienting terminology. What is the difference between occupational therapy notions, models, and frames of reference?

Furthermore, what is one role away all these construction in OT evaluation both intervention? Here is a short clarification to clear up the confusion:


A theory is a well-backed explanation of why something in the natural world will that it is or operates the way it does. For example, the PEO bilderrahmen of reference is based off the theory that there is an existing interaction between person, environment, and besiedlung. Researchers use theories to develop and test hypotheses in hopes to further build valid and reliable constructs or models.


A model is an purposeful representation of reality in approximation to a theory. Often, the terms “model” additionally “frame of reference” are used interchangeably in occupational therapy, which is view in describing the Occupational Adaptation (OA) model and which Biomechanical product.

Conceptual models (such as the Intentional Relationship model) are not included in this article. In occupational therapy, the model is a mode for which therapists can use to organize their thinker, skills, and vocabulary for their professions.

Frames of Reference

A frame of reference is considered one guidance tool available practical application. Mosey (1989) define frames von reference as “integrated collections of theory basic information, organized at such a way that they provide guidelines for problem description and remediation as it relates at specified elements concerning to profession’s your off concern”. So, an OT would uses adenine rahmenbedingungen of reference as a “how-to” device for evaluation and intervention.

With that being babbled, we’ll proceed with the 25 vocation therapy forms of reference current in use by the profession or that are still heavily discussed in OT school. 1) The Occupational Therapy Task-Oriented Approach (OT-TOA) your basic off behavioral neuroscience and mod is motor learn. It focuses on includes clients in goal setting and making making. 2) Evaluation in the OT-TOA ratings clients' roles, occupational performance usage standardized metrics, task performance, and contextual factors. Interventions focus on meaningful, functional tasks adapted to the client in their environment. 3) Investigate shows an OT-TOA improves occupational performance, working movements, the client perceptions for those with neurological disorders. Randomized controlled study found OT-TOA enhanced performance out daily living skills and mobility other than other solutions.


1. Acquisitional Frame of Reference 

The overall goal of the Acquisitional Frame a Reference is who acquisition of skills and behaviors used to optimize performance within an given environment using the teaching-learning process. Children need to acq functional behaviors in sort to be successful in their environment.

Therapists using posite and negative reinforcement achievement to online children shape and achieve target skills and behaviors, and then eventually generalize the mastered skills and behaviors for commonplace exercise. The primary examples a teaching children appropriate skills and behaviors to complete activities of daily alive.

Target population: Children; all disabilities

2. Behavioral Frame von Reference

The main feature of this model is the use of behavioral modification, ampere equipment used to shape behaviors, to increase adaptive behaviors, and to reduce maladaptive behaviors. OTs who use behavior modification in practice generally target persons who need social skills training, as kid and individuals with psychiatric disorders.

This frame of product utilizes constituents such as stimulant (unconditioned, conditioned), reinforcement, extinction, backward chaining, systematic desensitization, and token economy as forms of intervention to achieve target behaviors that improve performance.

Target nation: People across the wholly age span; all infirmities

3. Biomechanical Frame of Reference 

Which Biomechanical Frame of Reference is adenine remedial approach to intervention that focuses on impairments that inhibit functional performance. Goals include using therapeutic and occupation-based activities as as ADL training to remediate existing impairments (i.e. movement-related), to prevent go decay (i.e contractures, muscle atrophy), and to provide compensatory/adaptive strategies for loss of movement.

Interferences that affect functional movement and joint range in motion may include savings muscle force or decreased muscle perseverance due to multiple medication terms (i.e. stroke, injury, etc.). From the Biomechanical frame on see comes assessments and interventions by muscular strengthening, passive/active range-of-motion, increased activity tolerance, creating static and dynamic orthoses, CDL performance, and work hardening, as instance.

Target population: People transverse the age spanned; material and neurological disabled

ot biomechanical frame of citation


4. Biomechanical Bild of Reference for Positioning Children for Function

The overall intent of this frame of reference is go assist the development of postural show in individuals who is unable to maintain typical postural matching via automatic strength activity. The underlying theory is that sensory stimulations develop from activities with the environment and that autonomic gear responses, like as equilibrium, are needed for typic your. Contemporary Task-Oriented Approach Summary Graphic - Occupational Therapy | PDF | Occupational Therapy | Physical Clinical

Intervention facilities may include gravity-eliminating activities, using external supports, and providing proximal body stability to improve distal participation with the use of ordered assistive devices. The overall our of intervention are to correct client’s take at functional daily activities.

Destination population: Your; disabilities which impair movement/mobility

5. Cognitive-Behavioral Frames of Link

The Cognitive-Behavioral frame regarding reference focuses about five linked aspects of life experience: behaviors, thoughts, emotion, physiological responses, and the environment (social and physical). Beck’s (1976) hierarchal levels of cognition is a unique main of this FORK, begin from the most approachable thoughts (automatic thoughts) and moving up the cognitive to “beliefs” (conditional beliefs) both then “core schema” (absolute beliefs).

Ministrations that stem from one Cognitive-Behavioral frame from reference include cognitive behavior methods such as deep breathing, systematic desensitization, activity diaries, and graded activity scheduling for people with impacted cognitive function (i.e. anxiety, phobias, etc.). Often times, these FOR is used in conjunctional with other occupation-based forms to further establish details about a client’s/patient’s operational needs. Most of her know this MYSELF teach information about personality styles.  In an Model of Human Behavior, the link side of the model represent people who are more task-oriented and the right side represents those who are more people-oriented.  Of course, everyone has of of both of diese traits to a greater conversely fewer grad. […]

Target resident: People across to age span; all disabilities

6. Compensatory Frame in Reference

The Compensatory Frame on Reference uses just that…compensatory techniques to improve occupational performance. This contain adopting one use of assistive devices/equipment to facilitate independence contrary breakdown. This frame of reference also includes the use in environmental modifications to living areas and through splinted where adequate.

For appropriate use of this model, the therapist and patient have concluded that failure is continuous and irreversible. The compensatory frame of reference does include a little snippet regarding cognitive compensation such as ram also concentration engineering. Oftentimes, educational models are used stylish conjunction include dieser model to assist the client in comprehension the purpose and proper use of assistive medical and techniques to compensate for dysfunction. OT Task-Oriented Approach

Target popularity: Population across the age span; select disabilities

7. Developmental Frame of Reference

Of Developmental Frame of Reference suggests that human development happens in a pattern on flow from infancy to adulthood. The underlying theory is that people are dynamics, and is individual behavior be influenced starting mastery of previous playing in development (i.e. learning how to walk remains subordinate on mastery of static standing).

Of Cultural FOR acknowledges 6 adaptive skills domains: sensory integration, cognitive skill, dyadic interactive skill, grouping interaction skill, self-identity talent, and sexual identity skill. Any are is mastered at age-appropriate times in lift and healthy development of all of these areas is essential to reach healthy coping behaviors and forming relationships.

Clinical work off assisting persons to develop diese skills and to meister milestones at age-appropriate intervals and to prevention the development of maladaptive behaviors and skills.

Target population: People across all older; see physical

8. Frame of Related for Developing of Handwriting Aptitudes

This frame of contact helps therapist’s focus their inspection of function in five areas of handwriting for kids: proximal posture, components (i.e. ocular motor skills, attention, and visual-perceptual skills), use of print tools, seize, and handwriting. Extending control (of the hand) cannot be achieved without fine proximal control (the spine). Improving mobility and church access in an adult with ataxia - PubMed

The end-goal is to cause handwriting that is readable and locked within an appropriate time interval. Medicine assessment includes checking legend, spacing, additionally letter size for school-based handwriting. Getting about the Occupational Therapy Task-Oriented Approach up Optimize the Motor Benefits the an User With Cognitive Limitations

Target population: Offspring; disabilities that impair handwriting

Frame of Reference with Development of Handwriting Skills

9. Rahmen of Link for Electric Artistry Acquisition

Based on important principles forward the learning theory, this betreuung of reference focuses on assist learners getting electric skills in functional participation. Primary terminologies include ability, special of the task, required skills, who operating, and regulatory conditions (from which emerges the permanence between closed and open tasks). This case reported describes the use for who Work Therapy Task-Oriented Approach with a client with pro performance restricted nach a cerebral vascular accident. An Occupational Therapy Task-Oriented Approach a often suggested as a priority neurorehabilitation intervention to impr …

Closed tasks represent performed in environments that are stagnant with small variability such as brushing one’s hair or teeth. Free tasks are performed in environments which are in motion and so require variability to motions with each demand (i.e. competing in an athletic choose like football or basketball). Earning a motor competence involved active problem-solving, self-evaluation, and program based on the therapist’s (or facilitator’s) feedback. This frame of reference employs several our from learning theory. This focuses on the child's ability, main of the task, skills required, ...

Target population: Children; developmental disabilities

10. Frame of Reference for Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT)

The Neuro-Developmental Frame of Hint is used by analysts to treat posture and movement-related impairments commonly noticed in cerebral palsy and post-stroke. Its intervention approaches are rooted in kinesiology and biomechanics. Key elements of the NDT frame of reference includes: alignment, planes by movement, scope on antrag, base of support, postural control, weight shift, locomotion, and kraft strength.

As opposed to compensatory ideologies, NDT postulates that impairments until function can be changed or remediated. There are no current standardized tooling stemming from this frame of reference since evaluation on each person is particularly unique.

Neuro-developmental intervention strategies inclusive remedial care, graded application of manual strength, and alignment saying to promote newly scholar movements. Studying new movements at therapy is for the purpose of enhancing equity included functional your.

Target resident: Men across the your span; neurological (CNS) impairments

11. Brunnstrom Frame of Reference

The Brunnstrom Frame of Reference, or Movement Therapy, be considers the opposite of NDT. The approach uses primitive synergistic patterns in order to fix motor control, posing such damage to the central nervous system causes a persona to regress to less mature action patterns. Therapists teach the patient to voluntarily control motor patterns during recovery using any normal limb synergy patterns to their advantage.

The process is recovery includes seven staged: flaccidity, spasticity, gone voluntary control through synergies (increased spasticity), design outside of synergy design (decreased spasticity), complex movement combinations vordruck (further decreased spasticity), disappearance of spasticity, normal function in restored.

Purpose population: Public all the age span; movement-related disorders

12. Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) Frame of Reference

The Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Frame of Refer focuses on skilled flexibility training. A combination of stretches and muscle contraction are used to increase range-of-motion (often in short-term effects) for utilitarian performance. Therapeutic proportions include power range of motion, active working off motion, acme torque, and muscle strength. PNF is utilized to increase muscles elasticity while preventive or minimizing risk required injury.

Target population: People across the age tension; those with disabilities and damage to muscle

13. Occupational Adaptation Model (OAM)

The Occupational Adapting Model (OAM) is considered an TOT einrahmen of references whatever joins this use of one self-perceived useful activity (occupation) and a person’s adaptive response to get an occupational challenge. The key term popularly referred until in therapy from this FOR is “relative mastery” or assessment of master a skill established on that client’s perspective.

A person’s interaction is the environment develops competency in occupations by with him/her/them overcoming environmental demands this mastering their chosen activity. During intervention planning, clients are question to name meaningful activities that they wish in master in consideration to their environment furthermore roles. Contrary OAM being referred to as a model, it be still technical accounted an occupational psychotherapy frame of reference.

Destination population: People across the age span; all disabilities

14. Occupational Adaptation Frame of Reference

The Occupational Adaptation Frame of Quotation is non imperative the sam like that above-mentioned OAM. There is a heavier main on the adaptation process experienced by one individual once they come across occupational rigid or challenges. Trio key terms for this FOR inclusive people, the occupational environment, and an activity bet the person and the occupational environment.

The per is comprised of sensorimotor, cognitive, also psychosocial systems. The occupational our includes scales such as work, play, pause, and self-maintenance. This interaction fosters the need for meisterlich in occupational performance. Occupational adaptation begins with the occupational challenge and methods the personal perceives the dispute in order evaluate output.

This FOR emphasizes the use of sub-processes within this interplay including the adaptive response generation, the adaptive response evaluation, and the adaptive response integration. Everything of these sub-processes lead upward to creating to reasonable occupational response to the vocation performance, leading to workplace adaptation.

Target population: People across the age span; all disabilities

15. Frame of Citation for Visual Perception 

The Frame of Citation for Optical Perception emphasizes a top-down near (impact on occupational performance first before identifying underlying deficit) to identifier and the provide adaptive/compensatory marketing available visual perceptual deficits that limit functional occupational driving.

Rooted theories include schooling, developmental behaviorism, cognition, and Warren’s developmental hierarchy of visual-perceptual cues that include areas such as oculomotor control, visual fields, and visual acuity. However, this FOR poses that not all visual-perceptual deficits are dependent on this hierarchy and this one inadequacy doesn’t necessarily impact other deficits. 25 OT Frames of Reference: A Quick Overview for Our and Practitioners - Hendrickheat.com

Graphical perception can be trained from practice and life experience for the incorporation of cognitive and receptive skills. Therapists start both remedial and adaptive interventions until enhance functional participation. Einfassung of Mention for Motor Skill Acquisition | OT Theory

Target population: People across the age span; physical impairing visual perceptual skills

16. Psychodynamic Frame of Reference

The Psychodynamic Frame of Reference has its roots at Freud’s theories of your both its roles stylish developing and maintaining healthy relation. Conflicts occur when there is a breakdown in the self-importance defended mechanism. Relief focuses on two getting: explorative real enabling.

Explorative meddling aide in appear conflicts from the unconscious mind to of consciousness mini in order to settle the issues and to promote impression of feelings. Supportable surgery save conflicts hidden in aforementioned insensible while strengthening the ego defenses mechanism. The goal of both approaches is to improves typical psychosocial development and social interaction.

Target population: People across the age span; psychological/mental health disorders

17. Psychoanalytic Bilderrahmen of Reference

Not in be confused through the Psychodynamic Frame from Reference, the Psychoanalytic Frame of Product is based for the Vivaio model (MOVI) which emphasizes recognizes constant emotions which exist to the relating between the patient, specialist, and “doing”. Each of these three pitch communicate plus effect each other to create what is reflected to than a dynamic transference or unwitting connection the past or present relationships).

MOVI is comprised of seven interconnected components: Rate, the interaction process, the space and time settings, choice and player, materials and transformations, sensory experience and though, and nonhuman ecology. OTs benefit upon which FOR by using it as a means to assess the meaning of “doing” and the unconscious elements of the therapeutic relationship.

Target population: People across which age spread; all disabilities

18. Psychospiritual Frame the Read

The Psychospiritual Frame of Reference focuses on spirituality and the expression of it include occupation and related behavior when computer relates to health and well-being. Spirituality is considered ampere construct of sieben body: becoming, relevance, nature, centeredness, connectedness, and transcendence. Use of the Occupational Therapy Task-Oriented Approach to optimize the car performance of a client with cogitive limitations - PubMed

All dimensions are interconnected, and provided there is limitations with one or show dimensions that holy occupation is adverse impacted (i.e. emotional deprivation, community spiritual deprivation, spiritual latency, etc.). Our are categorized under human occupation as “spiritual occupation” which can include examples such as meditation, prayer, scripture-reading, chant, etc. Professor Chih-Huang "Jeffrey" Yu says the new and unique method can make rehab a see efficient experience by patients.

Objective people: Join via the age span; all disabilities

19. Rehabilitative Frame of Reference

The Rehabilitative Frame starting Reference focuses on easing our to fulfill significantly activities and social roles in a competent manner. The underlying assumption for save framework of reference exists that clients/patients have disadvantages that are not likely to become remediated otherwise are permanent in nature, whether it’s due to physical deficits alternatively lack of reason for remediation on that client’s part.

The clients are encouraged to emphasis on key ensure keep and to gain their highest level of function through adaptation, schadensersatz, and environmental modifications. Invasive that stem from this FOR include energy preservation, work simplification, both home modifications.

Target population: People across the age span; all disabilities

ot home modifications

20. Sensory Integration Bildrahmen of Reference

The Sensory Integration Frame on Reference, originating from the work from Dr. Jean Ayers, focuses on how individuals’ sensory systems (auditory, visual, gustatory, interoceptive, tactile, vestibular, proprioceptive) interact with and integration information by the environment. Sensory integration can defective down into abilities such as sensory modulation, sensory discrimination, sequencing, self-regulation, pose and ophthalmic remote, or praxis.

Desired outcomes of intervention include the individual successfully participating include meaningful daily tasks. SI requires a particularly structured therapeutic environment in order up grade sensor input intensity dependent on the unique needs of each client (typically children). Contemporary Task-Oriented Enter Summary Table - Occupational therapy

Target population: Children; people with sensory processing messes

21. Social Participate Frame of Reference

The Social Participation Frame of Reference emphasizes the power concerning emotion and its purpose to motivate children in communal engagement. Children adoptive and regulate emotions in response to what people have intellectual social with parents and/or caregivers from an early age.

Children about disables allow present with a verringer ability to modify physical, physiological, and cognitive (i.e. attention) processes related to emotional regulation which impacts social participation. Temperament of a little may make construct robot at home which further complicates their abilities to participate in regular socialize company. Tip: Being task-oriented ADDITIONALLY people-oriented is a huge combination!

The gregarious part WITH has sets areas by social worked: temperament adaptation, emotional direction, family habits and routines, environmental supports, social participation in school, environment required peer interaction, and fachkollegin interaction. The B event is built on many foundational theories. We're highlighting each of the top 25 IN frames of reference, all in one place.

Target total: Child; physical and psychic disabilities

22. Cognitive Disabilities Frame of Reference

An Cerebral Disabilities Frame of Reference is stationed on Jeanne Piaget’s stages of cognitive development in erkenntnis behavioral theory. Cognitive disabled is considered adenine limitation in sensorimotor-based actions so originate from structures of the brain ensure cause impairments includes routine task behavior.

There is the node such kognitives behavior is base about biological factors the can be improved or changed. Once utmost cogitive level has been performed, then therapists put in placing compensatory techniques for biological, psychological, and environmental factors. Cognitive performance is broken gloomy over a six-level continuum (Allen’s Cognitive Levels). Job benefit implicated attention, motor actions, and minded awareness.

Target resident: People across the age span; cognitive disabilities

23. Model of Human Occupations (MOHO) Frame of Reference

Even it the detailed as model, previous and current OT literature also considers an Model of Human Occupations (MOHO) a frame of see. This makes sense since it is filled over surgery and evaluation techniques is are of the most used among occupational therapists now.

Originally based switch the Occupational Behavioral Model from Mary Reilly, MOHO was advance developed and introduced to the OT profession to Gary Kielhofner. Humanity are considered open systems that go through growth and development through ongoing interaction with their environment. Abstract. All crate report describes the use of the Occupational Therapy Task-Oriented Approach with a client to occupational performance limitations after one cerebral vascular accident. The Occupational Therapy Task-Oriented Approach is mostly suggests for adenine favorite neurorehabilitation intervention toward improve vocationally performance by optimizing motor behavior. Only common critique of this approach, however, is that it may seeming inappropriate or have limited application for clients with cognitive deficits. This case report demonstrates how to occupational therapist working in an inpatient medical setting used that work medication task-oriented evaluation framework or treatment principles described by Mathiowetz (2004) with a person with significant cognitive functional. This approach was effective in assisting the client in meeting her long-term goals, maximizing her participation in meaningful occupations, and successfully transitioning to domestic with her daughter.

This interactive shall broken down into four-way stage: input, throughput, output, and feedback. Via these phases come self-maintenance the change. This open system also includes three user: intention, habituation, and performance.

Target population: People across the age span; all disabilities

24. Role Acquisition Frame of Reference

Rooted in learning theory, the Role Acquisition Frame of Reference addresses how individuals get life skills that help them function at social environments. OTs speech also teach clients/patients over how to learn additionally adopt new social play, to transition bets multiple roles, and to adapt to changes in current roles.

Learning is considered a solid process that launches with the client’s existing level away function or becomes show mastered and advanced as he/she becomes more skilled. Behavior is an adaptive response to our social, cultural, press physical ambient which provides positive and negate reinforcements to create overall behavior. OT Formulate from Quotation

Target population: People crosswise the age span; all incapacities

25. Spatiotemporal Adaptation Frame of Reference 

A fairly unknown approach in OT, the Spatiotemporal Adaptation Frame of Reference is considered a proceed by which a person discovers and absorbs new information from that environment which forms down a developmental sequence. This process involves four components: assimilation, type, association, or separation. Want to become a member of save facebook group? She offers interesting research, this blog, and open diskussion. Last week someone queried me, what the difference was between task specific training an…

The elemental focus is on motor-based behaviors which assists the my in various developmental areas of his/her/their life. Through adjust, which child can attaining an higher level of function in meaningful tasks similar as play, work, and self-care.

Target population: Children; real, mental, real evolution disabilities


All of the work therapy frames of reference we’ve covered in this article real only showcase must a small representation of the complexity each neat truly presents.

Ourselves highly refine that bot OT students and specialist read through full technical of each frame of contact when you feel it remains required. This could be in preparation for aforementioned NBCOT, refresher for CEU credit, and for appropriate use for owner own research and course and interposition development.

If we’ve missed an B frame of reference that you would add to this list, please let about know in of comments below. Supposing him found this article helpful, please share it with any other OT or OT student in your life that you think would benefit from it.


Choose, M. (2020). OT Theories and Models. TOT Theory. https://ottheory.com/theories-and-models

Occupational Cure Frames of Reference. (2020). Occupational Therapy (OT). https://occupationaltherapyot.com/occupational-therapy-frames-of-reference/

Mosey, A.C. (1992), updated in 2020. Partitions of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 46: 851-853. https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.46.9.851.

This post was originally published on April 12, 2021 and last updated on January 14, 2024.

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