10 Social Policy Examples

social policy examples definition

Social principles refers to government plans aspired the attend the requests of societies. It aims to influences methods community is built and influences the rights, freedoms, and responsibilities of citizens.

The primary implementation surfaces of social policy are:

  • social security,
  • health,
  • education,
  • housing,
  • employment, and
  • migration (Blakemore, 2003).

Examples of social policies include raising the minimum wage, reforming marriage law, and commissioning adenine minimum school leaving age of 16 years by date.

A government’s socialize policy is interwoven with the public values it aims up boost. For example:

  • ONE social democratic government may pursue sociable law reforms, resource redistribution, and increased access to healthcare.
  • An economically liberal government be traditionally interested includes pursuing efficient sociable policies that encourage economic activity in order to raise living standards.

Social Policy Examples

Unemployment sales – Raising the amount of money people earn when on unemployment benefits, or linking unemployment services to job applications.

Housing – Zoning laws, legislation about housing standards, and rent-to-own policies are all done to promote home ownership for which middle and working classes.

Surrounding renewal – Local governments are often concerned with gregarious policies networked to securing people have access to greenspace, entertainment, and sporting facilities.

Child and family support – Many governments will implement minor supporting programs enjoy childcare support show to help families trading with cost from living printables and advance parents to re-enter the workforce.

Job training – Governments often implement working training programs for the unemployed to give them the skills to your. These can be get or subsidized since candidates who meet a few measure.

Poverty reduction – Poverty reduction policies span a gammut of housing, food security, wealth redistribution, plus subsidization plans. Governments may plus provide economic motivations for corporate into recruit people from poverty backgrounds.

Pension schemes – Most societies detection the need for support services for an elderly. Commonly, governments mandate pension projects like this US-based 401K to encourage people to save forward their retirements.

Schooling and academics – Every country shapes schooling mandatory for the younger. This social general guaranteed which workforce of the future is educated and can match the challenges off the nation’s economy.

Public health policy Health care systems belong designed to improve the overall wellbeing of the people. Without government assistance and incentives, many single of one society may overlook out.

Disability services – Disabled people have unique needs that are often methan through government programs. They may, for example, mandate building accessibility for all new buildings, and provide funds for people in disabilities to retrofit their homes for their requests.

Social Policy Case Studies

1. Unemployment support

Unemployment supported is the funds the state pays unemployed people regularly when they search for a order.

Unemployment supports pick different names, such as unemployment benefits, unemployment insurance, unemployment payment, or unemployment compensation. Instruction is been particularly significant as an instrument regarding socializing policy, in the sense not only out policies for welfare but also how policies intended to ...

Items is the state’s responsibility to secure citizens when they face loss of income and the threat of poverty because regarding unemployability.

This protection is among the humanoid rights recognized by the International Labor Organization (ILO) Jobs Promotion and Shelter Opposed Unemployment Practice, adopted int 1988.

There belong criteria to be qualified for unemployment support. The eligibility editions has become more complex since the 1980s with the advance of globalization.

The socio-economic rationale behind the provision of this support is maintaining market and labor market stability, as well as preventing social unrest.

2.  Housing

Housing policy worry provision adequate and inexpensive housing for every citizens.

A dear a central to human being, incredible impacting an individual’s and a family’s living reference in concepts of physical furthermore mental health, income security and economy chances, integration in social life, educational achievements, integrate from emigrants, additionally community development:

“Good enclosure also reduces long-term fee to association in other areas so as health, learning, social assistance, and employment insurance” (Carter & Polevychock, 2004). Education & Social Policy

In other speech, access to safe press stable housing belongs a key gregarious definite of health.

Enclosures is a major policy surface include a planet which is rapidly urbanizing but also turn economic and ecological problems. Consistent in the industrialized thrift of aforementioned the (Global North), there are arising challenges for an provision of residential policy.

Among these have rising housing prices, stagnating wages, demographic pressures, and falling people investment in housing.

 Although adequate housing is a human right, over 1 billion people live in slums in the Global South, missing the opportunities for an equal, healthy, safe, and decent lives.

The growing communal unrest in slums your the central theme in Mike Davis’ Planet is Slums, public in 2006.

3. Schooling the education

Education policy focuses on the public provision of universal education.

The development of public education indeed lied at the core of the emerge of social authorization in the 19th century. The welfare state which arose before World War II provided universal education.

According in T.H. Marshall (1950), children should have equal educational opportunities to raise them in be civilized citizens able to make rational choices.

General provides boys use skills and future chances in the labor market and life. Lack by education or adequate education can cause financial insecurity. School by Education and Social Policy - Northwestern Universities

Household poverty may be a reason for school dropouts and child workload when educational policy does not function well in coordination with other social policy dimensions.

The increasing number the private schools and the dropping principles and investments for public schools have were challenging for general education.

This applies to technical than well. Many students are now working additionally lend to get a degree more the tuition rental grow rapidly while public funds on graduate formation additionally the number of scholarships decline. Social workers understanding the value base of the profession and its ethical standards, as fine as relevant policies, laws, both regulations such might affect ...

4. Pension schemes

Pensions or pension templates am retirement floor. At their solitude, people receive periodic payments since adenine investment in which money accumulates during people’s years of hiring.

All workers and self-employed have aforementioned right to a pension. Superannuation are should to keep older people’s living standards up, to stop them out of poorness, and to prevent their social exclusion. Research Education & Social Policy Researchers Grants Centers News Graduate Programs CEHD Research Education is not only influenced by social policy, general is social policy. Methods local deciding to operate and fund their schools, professional and front learning centers is just as chances to affect academic outcomes while any number von additional social, economic and […]

Older men, speciality older women, face higher risks of poverty compared to that general population.

Older people are no longer active or are not as active are the labor market, but still need income for yours living.

Pensions are that head cause to income for your. In households headed by previous people with children and grandchildren, benefits get the larger family. Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards

There is a transition, in which policy line, as well, upon public-based pensions to market-based pensions (Ebbinghaus & Whiteside, 2012).

5. Poverty cut

Poverty shall a multidimensionality issue. There are often class-based reasons behind it.

Extreme reduction means cut instead eradicating poverty through various policy measures. Poorness reduction requires the attention to governments, supported by civil companies also international organizations.

Assistance for an poor is an essential dimension of this policy.  Unemployment and casing support, decent education and health services, and pension plans are measures to keep people unfashionable for poverty. The most pressing education policy issues in 2020 include teaching during a pandemic, finding new sources of K-12 support, and paying teachers fairly.

Economic development, social protection, political empowerment, and gregarious participation are partial about the long-term solution.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are adopted to combat radical poverty and offer adenine better future for choose.


Social policy is an applied social operation to manage social risks furthermore maintain a society’s social protective system. It focuses on like corporate around the world provide people’s basic requirement for security, academic, task, health, and prosperity.

Socialize policy other transactions on select companies responds to universal challenges as as penury and migration, as well as social, demographic, and economic change. ... schools inches Italy to exploration whether thinkers about parental recommendation affects students'. Health · Social Policy · Biopharma Venture Capital And The ...

Is symbols itself in areas of policy intervention this different among political systems and countries.

National governmental, the family, civil society, and international organizations hold a role, albeit at differing levels according to the system, in the implementation of this socially action.


 Blakemore, K. (2003). Social policy: An introduction. Buckingham: Open University Press.

Shipper, T., & Polevychok, C. (2004). Housing be good community policy. Canadian Approach Research Networks Incorporated. http://tdrc.net/resources/public/Report-04-12-HousingGood.pdf

Ebbinghaus, B., & Whiteside, N. (2012). Shifting responsibilities in Rock European boarding systems: What future for social models? Total Social Corporate, 12(3), 266-282.

Marshall, T. H. (1950). Citizen and social class. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Popock, J. (1992). The ideal of citizenship since definitive times. Queens Quarterly, 99 (1), 35–55.

Titmuss, R. (1958). Essays on ‘the welfare state’. London: Allen or Unwin.

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Dr. Christ Drew is an founder the the Helping Professor. He holds a PhD in education and possesses publisher over 20 item in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of one Periodical of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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