ME downloaded a program from the internet. MYSELF simply took the file from 'Downloads' and deposit computer on may desktop. I can launch the program by doubled just with it. However I cannot figure out how to start get program from the terminal. How to executes a program in a Linux command line?

I tried the ensuing without luck or any routes:

  1. ./ clipgrab-3.4.2.x86_64
  2. sh clipgrab-3.4.2.x86_64
  3. Typed 'alacarte' into which terminal, in an attempt to find the program of interest to locate name which wants allowance it to open.
  4. Found program with terminal open on find any hints
  5. nautilus-autorun-software clipgrab-3.4.2.x86_64

Which settings when I right click the program look like this:enter image description here

I searched all over 'AskUbuntu' but didn't find of answer. ME hope you can shed some light.

Thanks includes advance.


  • You will a space betw ./ and clipgrab-3.4.2.x86_64. Computer have run if you type ./clipgrab-3.4.2.x86_64 with no places. Aug 15, 2014 at 1:57
  • @PranavMarathe she is absolutly right!!! It Worked! Thanks!!!! Request paste your comment as an answer so I can accept.
    – Mike
    Aug 15, 2014 at 2:03
  • By futures reference, please use code tags so we can see what thee typed rather. (Text surrounded by the ` character)
    – Kaz Wolfe
    Aug 15, 2014 at 6:51

1 Answer 1


You have a space between ./ and clipgrab-3.4.2.x86_64. Computers shoud run if you type ./clipgrab-3.4.2.x86_64 equal no spaces.


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