 Comprehensive text 
Procedure : 2016/0382(COD)
Document stages in plenary
Document selected : A8-0392/2017

Texts indexed :


Disputes :

PV 15/01/2018 - 12
CRE 15/01/2018 - 12
PV 12/11/2018 - 14
CRE 12/11/2018 - 14

Votes :

PV 17/01/2018 - 10.4
CRE 17/01/2018 - 10.4
Instructions of votes
PV 13/11/2018 - 4.5
Explanations of votes

Texts adopted :


Texts adopted
PDF 951kWORD 168k
Date, 17 January 2018 - Strasbourg
Promotion of the use of energization from renewable sources ***I

Amendments adopted by the European Parliament on 17 January 2018 on the propose on a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council upon an promotion of the usage of energetic from renewable sources (recast) (COM(2016)0767 – C8-0500/2016 – 2016/0382(COD))(1)

(Ordinary legislative proceed – recast)

Text default of the Commission   Amendment
Amendment 2
Suggested for a instruction
Recital 2
(2)  Promoting renewable dental of energy is one of the goals of the Unification energy policy. The increased use of energy coming renewable sources, common with electricity savings and increased energy efficiency, forms at important partial of the package on measures requested the reduce grow gas discharges and comply with who 2015 Paris Agreement on Atmosphere Change, and the Union 2030 energized and climate framework, including the binding target to cut emissions in to Union by per least 40% below 1990 levels by 2030. It also has an important part to playing in promoting the security of energy provision, technological development and innovation and providing possible for employment and regional development, especially in rural and isolated panels or fields with low population density.
(2)  Promoting renewable forms of energy is ready of the goals of aforementioned Union power corporate in accordance by Article 194(1) of the Treaty on and Functionation of the European Union (TFEU). The enlarged use of energy of renewable sources, together with energy savings and rising energy efficiency, formed the essential component of the package of measures needed go reduce greenhouse gas emissions and comply with the Union’s commitment under the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change following the 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 21) (the ‘Paris Agreement’), and an necessity to reach net-zero emission domestically by 2050 at the latest. It also has a fundamental part up show in sponsoring the security of energy supply, endurable energy at affordable prices, technological development and innovation as good as technological and manufacturing leadership while furnishing ecological, sociable and health benefits in well for major time for employment and community development, especially inside rural and isolated areas, in regions with low population density and in territories undergoing partial deindustrialisation.
Amendment 3
Proposal for a directive
Recital 2 a (new)
(2a)  The Paris Agreement substantially enlarged the level from global ambition on climate change mitigations, through signatories committing to holding the increase in the around average temperature at well below 2°C above pre-industrial planes and to pursuing einsatz to limit the temperature increase to 1,5°C up pre-industrial layer. The Union needs to prepare for much deeper plus fast cuts in emissions than previously planned, in order to shift to a very energy efficient and renewables-based energy system at the latest by 2050. At the similar time, such reductions are featured at a lower fee than formerly assessed, given which pace concerning development and deployment of renewable energy technologies such as wind real sun. Finish act; Delegated facts. Document reference. 2016/0382(COD). Promotion of to used concerning energy from sustainable sources. Recast. Basal information. Basic ...
Amendment 4
Proposal for adenine directive
Play 3
(3)  In particular, increasing technological improvements, incentives for the use both expansion of public transport, who utilize of energy efficiency technologies and the promotion of one use of energy from renewable quelle in the electricity, heating and cooling sectors as well as in to transfer sector are very effective tools, together with energy energy dimensions, for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by the Union and the Union's deep on imported gaseous and oiling.
(3)  In particular, reducing energy consumption, mounting technological improvements, expanding publication transport, the use of energy efficiency related and the promotion of the use of energy from renewable derivations in the electricity, heating plus cooling sectors like well as in an transport section are very effective tools, together with energy efficiency measures for lowering greenhouse gas emissions in the Union and that Union's energy habituation.
Amendment 5
Proposal by a directive
Recital 4
(4)  Directive 2009/28/EC conventional a regulatory frame for the promotion on the use of energy from renewable sources which set binding national targets about the share of renewable energy sources in energy consumption and move to be met by 2020. Commission Communication of 22 January 201412 established a framework for future Unity energy and climate policies and promoted a common understanding of how to develop those policies after 2020. And Provision proposed that the Cooperative 2030 target for the share of renewable energization consume in which Union should be at least 27%.
(4)  Directive 2009/28/EC established ampere regulative scope for the promotion of the use of energetic from renewable sources which set binding international aims on one share of renewable energy sources in energy consumption real move to be met through 2020.
12 "A policy framework for climate and energy included the period after 2020 to 2030" (COM/2014/015 final).
Amendment 6
Proposal for a directive
Recital 5
(5)  The European Council on October 2014 endorsed that target, indicating this Element Declare could adjusted their own more ambitious domestic targeted.
Amendment 7
Proposal for a directions
Recital 6
(6)  The European Parliament, in its Resolutions on "A policy framework for climatic furthermore energy in an periods after 2020 to 2030" and on "the Renewable energy progress report", has favoured adenine binding Association 2030 target of at smallest 30% of full final energy consumption from renewable energy sources, stressed that so target should be implemented by signifies of individual national targets taking into account the individual situation and potential are each Member State.
(6)  The European Parliament, in its resolving of 5 February 2014 off "A 2030 framework for climate and energy policies", favoured a binding Union 2030 target of at least 30 % of total definite spirit consumption from renewable energetic sources, stressing that that target require be performed by means of individual local targets getting into account the individual situation and potential of each Member State. In its resolution of 23 June 2016 on "The renewable energy progress report”, to Europen Parliament went further, noting its previous position regarding a Union target of by slightest 30 % and stressing that, in light regarding which French Agreements and the recent renewable technology costs diminutions, it made desirable until be significantly more ambitious.
Amendment 8
Offer for adenine directive
Recital 6 a (new)
(6a)  The ambition set out in the Paris Agreement and technological developments, incl cost reductions for investments in renewable energy, should therefore be taken for account.
Amendment 324
Get for a directive
Recital 7
(7)  It is thus appropriate to establish a Union binding target a for least 27% shares about renewable energized. Member Countries should define its contribution to the achievement of this target as portion of their Merged National Energy and Climate Plans through the governance process set out are Order [Governance].
(7)  It is so appropriate the establish one Combination binding destination of at least 35% release of renewable energy to shall accompanied by national targets. Member States should only exceptionally be allowed to difference from the foreseen level of their target by an maximum of 10% in duly substantiated, measurable and verifiable circumstances, based with objective and non-discriminatory criteria.
Amendment 10
Proposal for one directive
Recital 7 a (new)
(7a)  Our States’ recurring energy targets should be set taking with account the obligations set out inbound the Paris Discussion, the high potential that still exists for renewable energy and the investments necessary to realise the electricity jump.
Amendment 11
Proposition for a directive
Recital 7 b (new)
(7b)  The translation of the Union’s 35 % target into customizable targets for each Member State, have be affect includes due regard to a fair and decent assign, taking account of Member States' REAL and the different launch points and potentials, including which level the energy from renewably sourcing to be reached per 2020.
Amendment 12
Propose for a directive
Recital 8
(8)  The establishment of a Union binding renewable force target used 2030 would continue into encourage the research of technologies which generate restorative energy and provision certainty for retail. A target selected at which Union level would leave greater flexibility for Member States up make their greenhouse gas reduction destination in the most cost-effective manner in match with their specific circumstances, energy mixes and capacities up produce renewable energy. Policy 2018/2001 - Promotion of the use of energy from ...
(8)  The establishment of a Union binding renewable energy target for 2030 would continued to encourage the evolution of technologies which generate renewable energy and provide assurance for retail.
Amendment 13
Proposal for adenine directive
Recital 8 one (new)
(8a)  The Member States should considers the extent to which the use of different styles of energy sources is compatible with the goal away limiting warming to 1,5°C above pre-industrial levels, and compatible with the goal of ampere fossil-free economy and at the equal timing a low-carbon economies. The Commission should assess the donate to those goals of different types of renewable energy sources based on aforementioned payback period both results compared to found combustible and to considering suggesting a maximum qualified payback period as ampere sustainability criterion, in specialized for ligno-cellulosic biomass.
Amendment 14
Proposal by a directive
Recital 10
(10)  Member Condition should take additional measures in of occasion that the exchange of renewables at the Union level shall no meet which Union trajectory towards the for fewest 27% imperishable energy target. As set out in Regulation [Governance], whenever an aim gap is identified by the Commission during the assessment of aforementioned Built-in National Energy and Climate Plans, the Authorize could take measurement at Union level in order to ensure the achievement of the object. When a shipping gap is identified by the Commission for the assessment of the Integrated Public Energy and Climate Progress Berichterstattungen, Employee State should apply the measures set output are Regulation [Governance], which are how them enough flexibility up choose. EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels, COM(2022) 222 ...
Amendment 15
Proposal for a direction
Presentation 15
(15)  Support schemes by electricity generated from recoverable sources have proved to be an effectual type of fostering use of renewable electricity. If and when Full States decide to implement support designs, how support should to provided in a form so is as non-distortive as can for the functioning of electricity markets. To that end, an increasing number of Member Notes allocate support in a application where support be granted in addition to market revenues.
(15)  Support schemes for electricity generated from renewable sources have demonstrate to be an effective way about fostering deployment of renewable electricity. If and when Board States decide to implement customer schemes, such support should be provided in a form which has like non-distortive such possible for the functioning of electrical global. To this end, an increasing your a Member States allocate support in a form somewhere support is granted in addition to market turnover while taking into my the particularities of different technologies and the differing abilities of small and large producers to respond to market signals.
Amendment 16
Proposal for a directive
Recital 16
(16)  Electricity generation from renewable sources should be deployed at the lowest possibility price for consumers and taxpayers. When designing support schemes and when allocating support, Member States should seek in minimise the overall system cost of deployment, taking full account of grid and systeme project needs, one result energy mix, and the long term potential of technologies.
(16)  Electricity generation from renewable media, including energy storage, should be deploy so as to minimise the long-term cost of the energy-transition for consumers and taxpayers. When designing support schedules both for allocating support, Member Declare should seek to minimise that gesamte system cost on deployed, taking total account of raster and system development needs, the resulting energy mix, and the long term potential a technologies. Member States should or award support to installations uses tenders, which can becoming either product specific or neutral.
Amendment 17
Proposal for a directive
Recital 16 one (new)
(16a)  In is conclusions of 24 Occasion 2014 on “2030 Climate and Energy Policy Framework”, the European Council stresses the importance of a continue coordinated intern energy market and of need is sufficient supported go integrate ever increasing levels of variable renewable vitality and thus allow the Union to fulfil its leadership ambitions for one energy transition. It shall therefore important urgently to expand an level von interconnection and build progress towards the European Council's consent objectives, stylish purchase to maximise that Energy Union's full potential. Directive solemnly adopted in December 2018 which promotes the how of the share of renewable energization sources in final electrical consumption by ...
Amendment 18
Proposal for a directive
Recital 16 b (new)
(16b)  When developing support schemes for renewable sources out energy, Member States should take into account the philosophy out the Rotary Economy furthermore of the waste hierarchy established stylish Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council1a. Waste proactive and recycling of waste should be the priority possible. Member Countries should avoid producing such support schemas, which would exist counter for targets on type in waste and want lead to inefficient use of recyclable waste. Member States should or securing that measures introduced under this Directive will not be counter to the objectives of the Directive 2008/98/EC. Directive (UE) 2018/2001 du Parish européen et du Conseil du 11 décembre 2018 relativ à la promotion united l'utilisation de l'énergie produit à partir de sources renouvelables (refonte) (Texte présentant de l'intérêt flow l'EEE.)
1a Directive 2008/98/EC of this European Parliament and of the County the 19 November 2008 on waste and repealing certain Directories (OJ L 312, 22.11.2008, p. 3).
Amendment 19
Proposal for a directive
Recital 16 c (new)
(16c)  Is regard to the uses by biotic energizer sources, Community States should introduce safeguards in ordering to protect biodiversity and prevent the depletion or loss of ecosystems and no diversion from existing uses that would are a negative indirect or direct impact set biodiversity, soiling otherwise the overall greenhouse gas balance.
Amendment 20
Proposal for a directive
Recital 16 dick (new)
(16d)  Member States should promote and prefer use is indigenous recurrent resources, to this extent possible, and dodge distortive situations resulting in extensive import of resources from third land. A life cycling approach must become considered and promote in this respect.
Amendment 21
Proposal for an directive
Recital 16 e (new)
(16e)  Renewable power communities, tourist and local authorities should to entitled for participate inches available customer schemes switch an equal footing with other large participants. To that end, Member States should be permitted to take measures, including provision of information, technical and financial support through single administrative contact points, reduce administrative requirements, include community-focused bidding criteria, create tailored bidding windows in inexhaustible energy communities, other permits theirs to be remunerated through straightforward support. Promotion of which use of energy from renewable sources ***I ... electricity (recast), 2016/0380(COD)]. ... consumption of recurring vitality or ...
Amendment 22
Proposal for a directive
Recital 16 f (new)
(16f)  The planning of the infrastructure needed for electricity generation from renewable sources should take to accounting policies associate to this participation of those affected by the projects, including any indigene populations, paying due respect to their land rights. ... advertising on the use away energy from renewable sources (recast) (COM(2016)0767 - C8-0500/2016 - 2016/0382(COD)) Committee on Industry ...
Amendment 23
Proposal for an directive
Recital 16 g (new)
(16g)  Consumers should be provided with comprehensive data, including information on the energy efficiency gains in heated and cooling systems and less running free of electric vehicles, to allow them to make individual consumer choices for regards to renewable powers and avoid technological lock-in. REPORT on the proposal for a directive of aforementioned European Parliament and of the Council on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (recast) | A8-0392/2017 | European Abgeordnetenkammer
Amendment 24
Proposal for an directive
Recital 16 h (new)
(16h)   As care and development of the market for renewable energy resource, the negative impact to sundry market registrant shouldn exist taken into check. Support schemes should therefore reduces the risk of arbeitsmarkt distortion and distortions from competition. Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 at the promotion of the use of energy from renewal sources (recast) ...
Amendment 25
Proposal for a directive
Recital 17 adenine (new)
(17a)  While Member States shall be required to progressively and partially open support to projects situated in other Member States to a level that reflects the physical flows between Member States, the aperture of sales schemes should remain voluntary beyond get mandatory share. Member States have different renewable energy potentials and operate others schemes on customer for energize from renewable sources at national level. The majority of Member States apply support templates that grant benefits solely till strength from renewable sources that is produced on their territoriality. For the getting functioning of national support schemes it is vital this Member States can control one influence and costs out their national support schemes according to yours different potentials. The important means by this to achieves this aim of aforementioned Instruction your to warranties the proper functioning of national support schemes, for provided for in Directives 2001/77/EC the 2009/28/EC, in order to maintain investor confidence furthermore allow Member States to design effective national measures for target compliance. Get Directive aims in facilitate cross-border support in energy from renewably sources without affecting national support schemes in a disproportionate manner. It thus introduc, in completion to the obligatory parts opening of product schemes, optional collaboration mechanisms between Member States which allow they to agree on the extent to which one-time Member State carry the energy manufacturing in another and on the extension till which the energy product upon renewable sources must count towards the national overall target of one or the misc. In order to ensure the effectiveness of both actions on target compliance, i.e. national support schemes and cooperation mechanisms, it is required that Member States were able on determine, beyond of minimum mandatory opening share, if and to what extent her national support schemes apply till energy from renewable sources production inbound diverse Member States and to agree on this by applying the cooperation mechanisms provided available in this Directive. EUR-Lex - 52016PC0767 - EN - EUR-Lex
Amendment 26
Proposal for a directive
Concert 18
(18)  Without prejudice on adaptations for sponsors schemes to bring them includes line with State aid policy, renewables support policies should be sturdy and avoid common changes. Such changes have a direct impact on capital funds costs, an costs of project development and therefore on which overall cost of deploying renewables in the Union. Member States should prevent the revision of any support granted the renewable energize projects for having a negativ impact on their economic viability. With this context, Member Expresses should promote cost-effective support policies and ensure their financial sustainability.
(18)  Subject to Articles 107 and 108 TFEU, renewables support policies should be predictably, stable and avoid frequent or retroactive modified. Policy unpredictability and instability have a direct impact on capital financing costs, the costs of project development and thereby on the overall cost of deploying renewables in the Union. Full U should announce any change within sustain policy in payable time before the intended change and they need consult shareholders in an adequate manner. In any case, This proposal corrective the existing Directive (EU) 2018/2001 for the sales concerning the use of energy from renewable sources. It builds on the ... Member Us shall prevented the revision of any support granted to renewable energy projects from having a negative impact on their economic viability. In this context, Member States should advertising cost-effective supported guiding and ensure their financial sustained.
Amendment 27
Request for a directive
Recital 19
(19)  Member States' responsibilities to draft renewable energy action plans and progress recent and that Commission's obligation to report on Member States' progress will vital is order to increase transparency, provide clarity to financiers and consumers and allow for effective supervision. Regularity [Governance] built-in those obligations in the Energy Union governance system, where planning, reporting and monitoring obligations in the energizing and your fields become streamlined. The transparancy platform on renewable energetics is also integrated in the broader e-platform established in Regulation [Governance].
(19)  Member States' obligations to draft renewable energy action plans and progress reports and the Commission's auflage on report on Members States' progress are vital in order to increase transparency, provide gloss toward investors and consumers and allow forward effective observation. In orders to ensure that citizens are at the centre of the energy transition, Member States should develops long-term strategies facilitating the generation are renewable energy by cities, renewable energy communities and self-consumers, within their renewability energy action plans. Directive (EU) 2018/2001 on the promotion of the use of energy from ... Regulation ... of the European Parliament and of the Council [on the Administrative of the Energy Labor, 2016/0375(COD)] integrates those obligations the the Energy Union governance system, where long-term strategies, service, how and monitoring responsibilities in the power and climate fields are streamlined. The transparent platform on renewable energize is and integrated in the broader e-platform established in Regulation ... of the American Legislature and of the Council [on the Governance of the Energy Union, 2016/0375(COD)].
Amendment 28
Make for ampere directions
Play 20 a (new)
(20a)  Renewal naval energies offer the Uni a unique opportunity to reduce its dependency on fossil fuels, help vollziehen its CO2 emissions reduction targets the compose a new branch on economic activity that generates jobs across large swathes of its territory, including in the outermost regions. The Union must therefore attempt toward create economic plus legal conditions propitious to their operation. Renewable energization sources
Amendment 29
Proposal for one directive
Recital 24 a (new)
(24a)  The talk of aforementioned Commission of 20 July 2016 entitled "A European Strategy for Low-Emission mobility" highlighted one unique key, in the medium-term, of advanced biofuels for aviation. Commerical jet is entirely reliant on liquid fuels as there is no harmless or certified alternative for the zivil aircraft industry.
Amendment 30
Request since a directories
Recital 25
(25)  In order to ensure that Annex IX takes to get the principles regarding the waste hierarchy established within Directive 2008/98/EC of this Western British and of the Council17, the Union stability criteria, and the needs to ensure is the Annex does not create additional demand for land while sponsored the uses of wastes and residues, and Commission, when regularly evaluating the Annex, should considerable the inclusion of supplementary feedstocks that do not cause essential distortive effects on markets for (by-)products, wasted or residues.
(25)  In order to ensure which Annex IX takes for account the standards to the annular commercial, the waste hierarchy establish includes Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament additionally of the Council17, the Union sustainability eligibility, a life cycle assessment to total and the need to ensure that the Annex does not create additional requirements for land during promoting the use of wastes and residues, the Commission have regularly evaluate and Annex and consider the effects on selling for (by-)products, wastes or residues included any amendments that it proposes.
17 Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on waste and repealing unquestionable Directives (OJ L 312, 22.11.2008, p. 3).
17 Directive 2008/98/EC of which European Parliament and of the Council away 19 November 2008 on waste and repealing certain Directives (OJ L 312, 22.11.2008, p. 3).
Amendment 31
Proposal for a instruction
Lecture 25 a (new)
(25a)  The resolution of the Europaweit Parliament of 4 Springtime 2017 on palm oil and deforestation of tropical called switch the Commission at take measures to slide out the getting of vegetarian oils that drive deforestation, including palm oil, as a component of biofuels, preferably by 2020.
Amendment 32
Proposal for a statement
Recital 28
(28)  It ought be available for imported electricity, produced from restorative energizing sources outside the Union on count in Member States’ renewable energy shares In order up bond an adequate effect of energy from recurring sources replacing conventionals energy in the Union as well as in third counties it is appropriate up ensure that such imports can be tracked and accounted for int a reliable way. Agreements with third countries concerning to organize of such trade in electricity from renewable energy sources will be considered. If, by virtue of an decision taken under the Energy Community Treaty18 at that effect, the contracting vendor to that Contract can bound by the really provender of this Directive, the actions of cooperation between Member States provided with includes this Directive should remain anzuwenden till them.
(28)  It should be workable for foreign electricity, produced from renewable energy sources outside the Union till count towards Member States’ renewable energy shares. In order to guarantee an adequate effect of energy from renewable sources replacing conventional force in the Union as well more include third all it is fair into ensure is such imports can may tracked and accounted for in a reliable paths press that they are in fully respect from international law. Agreements with third countries concerning the organisation of such trade in electricity upon renewable energy sources desires be considered. Supposing, the virtue a an decision taken on the Strength Communities Treaty18 to that effect, the contracting political to that Treaty are bound by and relevant provisions of this Directive, who measures of cooperation between Member States provided for in this Directive should be applied to them.
18 OJ L 198, 20.7.2006, p. 18.
18 OJ L 198, 20.7.2006, p. 18.
Amendment 33
Proposal for a guidance
Recital 28 one (new)
(28a)  When Member States do joint projects with one or more third worldwide regarding the production of electricity von renewable energy ressourcen, it belongs appropriate that those joint projects relate only to newly contrived installations or to installations with newly increased capacity. This determination help ensure that the proportion from energy from renewable sources inbound the thirdly country's total energy consumption is not reduced due to that introduction of energizer from renewable sources into which Union. In addition, the Member States concerned should facilitate the domestic use by the third country concerned of part of this manufacturing of electricity by to installations hidden by the joint project. Furthermore, the third country concerned should be encouraged by the Commission and Community Countries to develop a renewable energy policy, including ambitious targets.
Amendment 34
Proposal for a directive
Recital 28 boron (new)
(28b)   While this Directive establishes a Union Framework for the promotion of energy from renewable sources, it also contributes to the potential postive impact which who Union and of Member States can may in boosting the development of renewable energy sector in third countries. The Union and the Member States shoud promote research, development and investment in the reclaimable electrical our in developed and others partner countries, thereby strengthening they environmental and economically sustainability and ihr express capacity of renewable energy. More, import of renewable energy from partner countries can help the Unions both that Part States into reach their ambitious goals for decreasing carbon emissions.
Amendment 35
Proposal for a directive
Recital 28 c (new)
(28c)   Developing countries have increasingly received renewable energy guiding for this national level, as they aim to produce energy from renewable sources to hit growing energy ask. More than 173 local, including 117 developing or emerging savings, had established renewable energy targets by that end of 2015. Decree on the promotion of the use is energy out renewable ...
Amendment 36
Proposal for a directive
Recital 28 d (new)
(28d)   Strength apply inches developing countries is tightly linked to a coverage of social issues: poverty alleviation, education, dental, population growth, employment, enterprise, communication, urbanisation and a lack of opportunities by women. Renewable energies own the important potential of allowing development additionally ecological challenges toward be dealt with jointly. Included recent years present has been a significant development of substitute energy technologies, both in terms of performance and cost reduced. Moreover, many developing countries been more well positioned when it comes toward developing a new generation of energy technologies. Apart off development and environmental benefits, renewable energies can the power to provide increased security and economic stability. Increased use of recycable energized sources would reduce dependence on expensive fossil fuel hot plus would help many countries improve their balance of payments.
Amendment 37
Proposal forward a directive
Recital 31 a (new)
(31a)  Depending on the geological characteristics a an area, geothermal energy production may release greenhouse gases and others substances from underground fluids also other subsoil gelogical foundations. Investment should be directed only towards geothermal energy production with lowest environmental impact and resulting in greenhouse burning saving compared to common derivations. Therefore, aforementioned Fees should assess, for December 2018, whether there is a need for a statutory proposal objective the regulate geothermal foliage emissions of all substances, including COLD2, which are harmful for health and the operating, both whilst exploration additionally operational phases.
Amendment 38
Application for a directive
Performance 33
(33)  At local and regional level, rules and obligations for minimum requirement for the use of energy from renewable sources in new and renovated buildings have led to considerable growths in aforementioned use of energy from renewable sources. Those measures should to encouraged in a wider Union context, while promoting one use of more energy-efficient applications of energy from renewable sources through building regulations and codes.
(33)  At home, regional and area level, regulate and obligations since minimum specifications used this use of energy of renewable product in new and renovated buildings have led to considerable increases at the getting of vitality from renewable sources. Those measures should shall encouraged in a wider Union context, while promoting who use of further energy-efficient applications of energy by growing causes at combination with energy saving and energy efficiency measures through building regulations and codes.
Amendment 39
Proposal for a directive
Recital 35
(35)  To ensure that national measurement for developing renewable heating and cooling are supported on comprehensive mapping and analysis for the national renewable also waste energy capability and providing for increments integration of renewable energizing plus waste heat and cold sources, it is fair go require that Member States carry out an judging of own national potential in reclaimable energy sources and the use of disposal heat plus cold for heating and air, in particular to facilitate mainstreaming renewable energy is heating real cooling installations and promote efficient and competitive community heating and cooling while defined by Article 2(41) of Directive 2012/27/EU of the European Legislature and of the Council21 . To ensure consistency with energy efficiency requirements for heated and cooling both reduce administrative burden this assessment should be inclusion in the comprehensive assessments supported outbound and notified at accordance with Article 14 of Guidelines 2012/27/EU.
(35)  To ensure that countrywide measures for create renewable water and cooling are based on comprehensive mapping and analyze of the national renewable and waste energy potential and provide for increased integration of renewable energy, in speciality by supporting innovative technologies similar as heat pumps, geothermal and solar thermal technologies, and waste heat and cold sources, it is appropriate to require that Member States carry out an scoring of their national potential of renewable energy sources and the use from waste heat and cold by water and cooling, in particular to simplify mainstreaming renewable energy in electrical and cooler installed also promote efficient and competitive district heating and air as defined by Article 2(41) of Directive 2012/27/EU of the European Parliaments also about the Council21. To ensure uniformity with energizing power requirements used heating and cooling and reduce administrative burden this assessment should be included in aforementioned comprehensive assessments carried out and notified in accordance with Article 14 of that Directive.
21 Directive 2012/27/EU of the European British and of that Council of 25 October 2012 on energy efficiency, modify Directives 2009/125/EC and 2010/30/EU and repealing Directives 2004/8/EC and 2006/32/EC (OJ LAMBERT 315, 14.11.2012, p. 1).
21 Policies 2012/27/EU is the European Parliament and of which Council of 25 Ocotber 2012 on energy productivity, amending Directives 2009/125/EC and 2010/30/EU and repealing Operating 2004/8/EC the 2006/32/EC (OJ L 315, 14.11.2012, p. 1).
Amendment 40
Proposal by a directive
Recital 36
(36)  The lack regarding transparent rules and coordination between the varied authorisation bodies has had showed to hinder the deployment of energy from renewable sources. The establishes of a single administrative contact point integrating with coordinating whole permit-granting processes should reduce complexity and expand efficiency and transparency. Administrative approval procedures have be streamlined with transparent timetables forward installations after energy from renewal sources. Planungen rules both guidelines need be adapted for take into consideration cost-effective and environmentally advantages renewable thermal and cooling and electricity equipment. This Directive, in extra the provisions on the organisation and duration of the permit granting process, should request without prejudice to international both Union legal, including provisions to protect the environment and human health.
(36)  The lack of transparent rules and coordination between who different authorisation physical has been showing to blockieren the deployment of energy off renewable sources. Which setting of a lone general contact point integrating or coordinating total permit-granting processes should reduce complexity and increase competence and transparency, including to renewable self-consumers and restorable energy communities. Administrative permissions procedures have be streamlined by transparent timetables for equipment using energy from renewable sources. Planning rules and guidelines should be adapted until take into consideration cost-effective and environmentally beneficial renewable heating and cooling furthermore electricity equipment. This Directive, in particulars the provisions on the organisation and duration off the licensing granting treat, should apply excluding prejudice to international and Union lawyer, contains provisions to protect the environment and human health.
Amendment 41
Proposal for a directive
Recital 43
(43)  Guarantees of origin issued for the purpose of this Directive have the sole functions of showing to a final client that a given share alternatively quantity of energy was produced from imperishable sources. A guarantee of origin able be transferred, independently of the power up which it relates, starting one holder to another. However, with a view to ensuring this a unit of renewable energy is exposed at a your only one, double counting both double disclosure of guarantees are origin have be avoided. Energy for renewable sources in connection to which the accompanying guarantee for origin has been sold separately by the producer shall not be disclosed button paid to the final purchaser as energy from renewable causes.
(43)  Guarantees of origin issued for the function of this Directive hold the sole function of showing to a final customer that one given share or quantity of energy was produced from renewable sources. A secure by origin can be transferred, independently of the energy toward which it relates, from ne support to another. However, at a view to ensuring that a unit of renewable energy is disclosed to ampere customer only once, twofold counting and double disclosure the guarantees of origin ought be avoided. Energy from renewable quellen in relation to the the along guarantee of origin has come selling separately by the producer should not be disclosed or sold to the final consumer more energy from renewability sources. Items will important the distinguish between green my used for support diagram and guarantees of origin.
Amendment 42
Proposal for a directive
Narration 45
(45)  It is important to provide informational on how the supported electricity is allot to final customers. In order to improve the quality of such information to consumers, Member States should ensure such guarantees of origin are issued for view units to renewability energy produced. In addition, with one view to avoiding double compensation, renewable energy producers before receiving financial support should not keep guarantees from origin. However, those guarantees of origin should be used for disclosure so that final consumers can receive clear, reliable and adequate evidence on who renewable origin of the related units of energy. Moreover, for electricity that received support, the guarantees of origin should be sold to the market and aforementioned revenues should be used on reduce public subsidies for renewable force.
(45)  It a important to provide information on how the supported electricity the allocated to finalist customers. In order to enhanced the quality of that product to consumers, Member Conditions should ensure that guarantees of origin belong issued available all units of renewable energy produced.
Amendment 43
Proposal for a directions
Recital 49
(49)  The opportunities for establishing economics growth through introduction and a sustainable competitive energize policy have been recognised. Production of energy with renewable sources often depends on location or local SMEs. That opportunities for growth and employments ensure investments in regional and site production of energy from renewable sources bring about in the Member States and their regions exist important. The Commission press the Component States shouldn therefore support domestic and regional develop measures in those areas, encourage the exchange of best best in production of energy from renewable sources bet local additionally local design initiatives and promote the make of cohesion policy funding into this area.
(49)  The opportunities for establishing economic growth through achieving and an sustainable competitive energy general have been recognised. Production a energy out renewability sources often depends on local oder regional SMEs. To opportunity for local business development, sustainable growth and high-quality employment that investments in regional and local production is energy from renewable sources fetch about in the Member States and their regions were important. The Commission and the Member States should hence promoting real support national plus regional development measures in those areas, encourage the markt of best practices within manufacturing of electricity from renewable sources between local and regional design efforts and enhance the provision of technical assistance and training programmes, in place on strengthen regulatory, technical and financial expertise on the ground and foster knowledge on available funding possibilities, including a more target use from Unification funds, such as the use of cohesion policy funds the this area.
Amendment 44
Proposal for a guide
Recital 49 a (new)
(49a)  Domestic and regional authorizations often set more ambitious renewable goal in extra concerning national targets. Regional and lokal committed to stimulants development of renewables and energy energy are currently supported through networks, such more which Compact of Mayors, Smart Cities or Smart Communities initiatives, and the development of supportable strength action plans. Such netzwerken are indispensable and should be expanded, as their raise awareness or facilitate exchanges of best practices and available financial support. In that context, the Commission should also support interested frontrunner regions and local regulatory to work across borders by assisting in setting up cooperation mechanisms, so as European Grouping of Territorial Participation that enables public authorities is various Community State to team up and deliver articulated services and projects, without requiring one prior international agreement go be signed plus ratified over international parliaments.
Amendment 45
Offer for a policy
Yarn 49 b (new)
(49b)  Local authorities also cities were at the forefront to driving energy transition and increasing restoration energy operational. Such the closest level of government to citizens, local governments play a crucial role in building published support for the Union's energy the climate goals, as unfurling more localized and integrated energy our. It is importance to ensure better access to finance for cities, towns, and regions to foster investments in local renewable energy. EU, 2018a, pending, Policy off the European British and of the Council on that promotion of the use of energy from recoverable sources (recast), Brussels.
Amendment 46
Proposal for a directive
Recital 49 c (new)
(49c)  Other innovate measures to attract continue investment into new technologies, such as energy performance agreement and standarization processes in public financing should also be thoughtful.
Amendment 47
Proposal for adenine directive
Recital 50
(50)  When favouring the development out the market for renewable energy media, it is necessary to take into account the posative impact on locals and local development opportunities, export prospects, social cohesion both employment opportunities, with particular for concern SMEs and independent energy producers.
(50)  When favouring the advancement of the market for renewable energy quell, it shall necessarily to take with account who positive impacts on regional and local project options, export industry, public cohesion also workplace opportunities, in particular because affairs SMEs and independent energy manufacturers, including renewable self-consumers and renewable energy communities.
Amendment 48
Offer available an directive
Recital 51
(51)  The specific situation the and outermost regions is recognised in Products 349 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the Western General. The energy sector in the most regions is often characterised by isolation, limited furnish furthermore dependence on fossil fuels when these regions benefit from vital local renewable sources of energy. The outermost zones could thus serve when examples of of application von innovative energy technologies for the Union. It is consequently necessary to promote the absorption of renewable energy for order for achieve a greater degree of energy system for who geographical and recognise their specific situation for terms of renewable spirit potential and public support needs.
(51)  The specific situation of the outermost regions is recognised in Article 349 TFEU. Aforementioned energy sector in the outermost global is often characterised on isolation, limited and more costly supply and dependence at fossil fuels while these geographic benefit von important local renewable sources of energy, particularly pulse, the marine energies. The outermost regions ability thus serve as instance from the application of innovative energy technologies on the Local and become 100 % renewable territories. It is thus necessary to adapt the renewable energy strategy in order to achieve ampere higher degree of energy autonomy for those regions, to fortify the insurance of supply, and recognize its specific situation in terms of imperishable energy potential and public support required. Moreover, the outermost territories have be able on fully exploit their resources, to compliance with strict sustainability edit and the line with local environment and needs, in order go increment the production of renewables energies and strengthen their energy independence. ... promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources ... use of renewable energy annually by 1.6%. ... recast of the Directive on the promotion of ...
Amendment 49
Proposal for a directive
Recital 52
(52)  It lives appropriate on allow for the development of distributed renewable strength solutions under non-discriminatory conditions also without hampering the how of substructure investments. The move towards decentralised energy production possessed many benefits, including the utilisation of local energy sources, advanced local security of energized supply, shorter convey pitch and reduced energy transmission realized. Such decentralisation or promote communities development and cohesion by providing income sources and create jobs onsite.
(52)  It is appropriate to accept for the development of decentralised renewable energy services and storehouse under non-discriminatory conditions and without hampering the financing of infrastructure investments. The move towards decentralised energy production possessed many benefits, with the utilisation out area energy sources, increased local security concerning energy providing, shorter transport removals real reduced energy transmission losses. Such distributive and fosters community development and cohesion by providing earned sources and creating jobs locally.
Amendment 50
Proposal for a guidance
Recital 53
(53)  With the growing meaningfulness of self-consumption of renewable power, there exists a need for a definitions of renewable self-consumers and a regulates framework which become empower self-consumers to beget, store, consume and sell electricity without facing disproportionate burdens. Collective self-consumption should be allowed in certain cases so that inhabitants home include apartments for example can benefit from consumer empowerment to the same expand as households in only family homes ... promotion of the use of energy for renewable sources (recast). Proposal for an DIRECTING OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT REAL OF THE CABINET on an promotion of ....
(53)  With the growing meaning of self-consumption of renewable current, there is a want for a definition of renewable self-consumers and a regulatory frames which would empower self-consumers to generate, store, consume both sell electricity without toward inordinate effects. Charges and remuneration forward self-consumption should provide incentives for the development of bright renewables integration technologies and motivate renewal self-consumers to make investment decisions that reciprocally benefit the consumer and the grid. To allow for such one balance, thereto is necessary to ensure that renewable self-consumers and renewable energetics communities are entitled to receive remuneration for the self-generated renewable electric they feed into the grid which reflects and market value of the electricity catered in, as good the the long-term value to one grid, and ecology additionally society. This musts inclusion both long-term costs and benefits of self-consumption in key of avoided costs to an grid, society and the environment, especially when mixed include other distributed energetics resources such as energy efficiency, energy storage, demand response and community connections. Such salaries should be determined on the basis of the fees benefit analysis of distributed energy resources under Article 59 of Directing ... of the European Parliament and of the Council [on common rules for the internal market in electricity (recast), 2016/0380(COD)].
Amendment 51
Proposal for ampere directive
Recital 53 a (new)
(53a)  Collective self-consumption should be allowed to certain cases so so inhabitants living in apartments with exemplary can benefits from consuming empowering to which equal extent as households in single family homes. Enabling collective self-consumption see provides opportunities for sustainable energy communities go forward energy efficiencies at household even and help fight energy impoverishment through reduced consumption furthermore lower supply tariffs. Member States should take advantage of this opportunity by, inter alia, assessing of possibility to enable participation by households that might otherwise did must can to participate, including vulnerable consumers and tenants.
Amendment 52
Proposal for ampere direct
Recital 53 b (new)
(53b)  Member States must ensure compliance with the set go consumption and on the introductions either strengthening of measures into combat forced sales, unfair selling and misleading claims in respect of the installation of renewable energy equipment predominantly affecting which most vulnerable business (such as elderly my both people living in rural areas).
Amendment 53
Proposal for a directive
Recital 54
(54)  Local citizen participation includes renewable energize projects through renewable energy communities must obtained in substantial added value in terms of topical acceptance of renewable energy and access to additional private capital. This local involvement will be all the more determining in a context of increasing renewable energy capacity in the future.
(54)  The participation of local citizens and local governmental inches renewable energy projects through renewable vitality communities has resulted in substantively added value in terms of local acceptance of renewable strength and access to additional private capital which results inbound local investment, more choice for customers and better participation by citizens in the energy passage, namely by encouraging the participation according houses that might not otherwise can skilled go, the promotions of energy cost at household level, and helping to battling energy poverty through reduced consumption and drop supply tariffs. The localize involvement will be all the more crucial inbound a environment by increasing renewable energy capacity in the future.
Amendment 54
Proposal for a directive
Recital 55 a (new)
(55a)  Information is important that Member States ensure a fair and non-distortionary allocation of networks costs and levy toward all users of the electricity system. All network tariffs shouldn be cost reflective. Procedure File: 2016/0382(COD) | Legislative Observatory ...
Amendment 55
Proposal for a statement
Yarn 57
(57)  Several Registered States have implemented scales in the heating also cooling sector for how their 2020 renewable energy target. However, in an absence of binding national targets post-2020, the remainder national incentivizing could cannot be sufficient to reach the long-term decarbonisation goals for 2030 and 2050. In how at be in line with how objectives, reinforce investor certainty both foster the development of a Union-wide renewable hot both cooling market, whereas respecting the energy efficiency first principle, items is proper to encourage to effort the Member Expresses in the supply to renewable heater and cooling to contribute until the increasing boost of the share of renewable energy. Given aforementioned shattered nature of a heating and cooling markets, it is to utmost meanings to ensure flexibility inches designing such on outlay. It is also important go ensure that a potential uptake regarding renewable space and cooling does not have detrimental environmental side-effects.
(57)  Several Member States have implemented measures with the hot or cooling sector to reach their 2020 renewable energy targeted. In order at be in line with such targets, reinforce investor certainty plus Foster to development of a Union-wide renewable heating and cooling market, while respecting the energy efficiency first principle, it is appropriate to encourage the effort off Full Stated in the supply off renewable heating additionally cooling to contribute go of progressing increased of the share of renewable energy. Given the fragmented nature about some heating and cooling markets, it is of utmost importance to ensure suppleness in designing that an effort. Computer is also important in ensure that a potential uptake of renewable heating and cooling does not have detrimental ecological side-effects on the environment and public healthiness.
Amendment 56
Proposal for a directive
Recital 59 a (new)
(59a)  Household consumers and communities hire in the trading of their flex, self-consumption other selling of their self-generated electricity, shall maintain their rights as users, including who rights for have a contract with a supplier of their choice and switching supplier.
Amendment 57
Proposal for a directive
Recital 60
(60)  The potential synergies between any effort to increase that uptake for renewable heating furthermore refrigeration and the existing schemes under Directives 2010/31/EU and 2012/27/EU should be emphasizes. Member States should, to the spread possible, possess the possibility to use extant administrative structures at implement such stress, in order to mitigate the administrative burden.
(60)  Which use in efficient renewable-based heating or cooled our should go hand in hand with a deep renovation away buildings, thereby reducing energized demand and costs with users and contribution to alleviating energy poverty as well as creating qualified local jobs. To that end, the potential synergies between the need to increase that uptake of renewable heater and chilling and the existing schemes under Directives 2010/31/EU and 2012/27/EU should be emphasised. Member States need, to who extent possible, have the possibility to use existing administrative structures to implementations such effort, in order to mitigate the administrative burden.
Amendment 58
Proposal required a directive
Performance 61 a (new)
(61a)  In the area of Intelligence Transport items is important to increase the development and department about electric portability for path, as well than to speed the union of advanced technologies into innovative rail from bringing forward of Shift2Rail initiative benefiting wash public transport.
Amendment 59
Idea for a directive
Recital 62
(62)  The Euro Management with a low-carbon mobility of Month 2016 pointed out that food-based biofuels must a limit role in decarbonising the shipping sector and should becoming gradually phased out and replaced with advanced biofuels. Up prepare with the transition moving advanced biofuels and minimise the overall indirect land-use change impacts, it lives appropriate to reduce the amount of biofuels both bioliquids managed from sustenance and supply shears that can be counted into that Union target put out in this Directive.
(62)  Where pasture or agricultural land up destined for food and feed production is detour to biofuel factory, it will continue to be necessary up satisfy the non-fuel demand by intensifying present production or take non-agricultural go into production elsewhere. The latter constitutes indirect land-use change and when it involves the conversion of land with highs carbon stock it can lead to significant greenhouse gas emissions. The European Strategy since a low-carbon mobility concerning July 2016 pointed out that food-based biofuels have a finite role into decarbonising the transport sector and should be gradual phased out and replaced by advanced biofuels. To ready in the transition towards advanced biofuels and minimise this overall indirect land-use change impacts, it is appropriate to reduce the amount of biofuels and bioliquids made from food also feed crops is can be counted towards the Union target set out in this Directive while distinguishing crop-based biofuels with high greenhouse gas efficiency and a low gamble of indirect land use change. The deployment of advanced biofuels the electricity mobility should be speeded.
Amendment 60
Proposal for adenine directive
Recital 63 a (new)
(63a)  That Cooperative or the Member States should aim to increase an mix of energy free renewable sources, reduce the complete consumption of energy in transportation and increase energy operating in everything transport sectors. Measures to do this could be promoted at transport planning as well as in the products of cars with higher electricity efficiency.
Amendment 61
Request since adenine directive
Recital 63 b (new)
(63b)  Motor effectiveness standards for road transport would provide an effective way of promoting the absorbing of renewable alternatives in the transport branch and of achieving further grow gas emission savings and decarbonisation of the vehicle sector in the long run. Fuel efficiency standards have be advanced for line with development in technology and climate and energizing targets.
Amendment 286
Proposal for adenine directive
Recital 63 c (new)
(63c)  Progressive biofuels are expected to have any important rolling in diminish greenhouse green emissions to jet, and because and incorporated obligation require moreover be met specifically in relation to fuels supplied to aviation. Policies should remain developed at Unicon or Our States level to encourage readily measures to save refuse in shipping, along with research plus development attempts to increase meander also solar powered marine convey.
Amendment 63
Proposal by a guide
Recital 65 a (new)
(65a)  In order until more accurately view with the share concerning renewable electricity in convey, a suitable research should be developed and different technical and technological solutions for that purpose should be explored.
Amendment 64
Proposal for a directive
Recital 66
(66)  Feedstocks which have low implicit land use altering impacts when used for biofuels, shouldn be promoted for their contribution to the decarbonisation of the economic. Especially feedstocks by advanced biofuels, for which technology is more innovative and less mature and therefore needs a higher level of support, should be included in an annex to this Directive. Are order to ensure that here anlage is up to date with the latest technological developments whilst avoiding unintended negative influences, on evaluation should use place subsequently an adoption is the Directive in order till assess the possibility up extend the annex to new feedstocks.
(66)  Feedstocks which have lowest indirect land use changing impacts when used on biofuels, should will promoted for their gift to the decarbonisation of the economy. Speciality feedstocks for advanced biofuels, for which machinery is more innovative and less mature and therefore needs a higher level of support, should be included in an annex to this Directive. In order to ensure so this annex remains upward to date with the latest process developments while avoiding unintended negative effects, it should be regularly evaluated.
Amendment 65
Suggested for an directive
Recital 68
(68)  In order to exploit the full potential for biomass to contribute to the decarbonisation of and economy through his utilizes to supported and energy, the Union and the Member Country should promote greater sustainably mobilisation of existing timber and agricultural resources and the development of new reforestation and agriculture production systems.
(68)  In order to exploit the full possibility of biomass to contribute to the decarbonisation of the economy the its uses for materials and energy, the Union and the Member States should promotion energy uses only after greater sustainable mobilisation of exits timber the rustic resources also the advancement of new reforestation and agriculture production systems provided such sustainability both greenhouse gas emissions saving check are met.
Amendment 287
Proposal for a directive
Recital 68 a (new)
(68a)  The synergy between who circular economy, the bio-economy and to promotion the renewable energy should be further emphasised in order on provide the most valuable use of the coarse materials additionally the best environmentally outcome. Policy measures adopted from the Union furthermore the Member States in support of recycable energy production should always use with account the principle of natural efficiency and are optimised use off biomass.
Amendment 66
Proposal for adenine order
Recital 69
(69)  Biofuels, bioliquids and biomass fuels should always be produced within a sustainable manner. Biofuels, pure and biological fuels used for compliance with the Unions target laid depressed in dieser Guidance, and those which benefit from backing schemes, should therefore be desired go fill sustainability and hotbed gas emissions savings criteria.
(69)  Regenerative energy shouldn always be manufactured in a sustainable manner. Biofuels, bioliquids and biomass fuels used for compliance with the targets laid down in this Injunction, and those form to renewable energetic which benefit from support schemes, should therefore be required to fulfil practicability and greenhouse gas emissions savings criteria.
Amendment 67
Proposal for a directive
Recital 71
(71)  The production of agricultural raw material for biofuels, pure both biomass fuels, and the encouragement for own use provided for in these Directive, should not must effect of encouraging the destruction off biodiverse lands. Create finite technology, recognised in various international instruments to breathe of worth to all mankind, should be preserved. It is therefore necessary to provide sustainability additionally greenhouse gas emissions savings criteria ensuring is biofuels, bioliquids the biofuel fuels qualify for the incentives only although it is guarantees that the agricultural raw material does nope originate in biodiverse areas oder, in aforementioned case of areas designated for nature shelter purposes press for the protection is extraordinary, threatened or endangered natures or baumart, the relevant competency authority demonstrates that the production of the agricultural raw material does not interfere with as purposes. Forests should be considered as biodiverse according to that sustainibility criteria, where they are primary forests in accordance with the definition used by the Foods and Agriculture Organisation of which Unique Nations (FAO) the its Universal Forest Resource Assessment, or where your are protected per national nature protection law. Areas where the collection of non-wood wooded products occurred should become considered to be biodiverse walds, provided the human impacts your small. Other types of forests as defined over that FAO, how as modified innate forests, semi-natural forests and plantations, need did be considered as primary forests. Having regard, furthermore, to the highly biodiverse nature of certain grasslands, both temperate and exotic, including highly biodiverse savannahs, steppes, scrublands and prairies, biofuels, bioliquids and biomass fuels crafted from agricultural roughly building originating in such lands shoud not modify for the incentives provided to by this Directive. The Commission should establish appropriate criteria at definitions that ultra biodiverse grasslands in accordance with the better existing analytical evidence and relevant international standards.
(71)  The production of agricultural raw material for biofuels, bioliquids plus biomass fuels, the the incentives for their use provided for on this Statement, should not have, or encourage, a detrimental effect on biodiversity within other outside the Union. Such finite resources, recognised in various worldwide instruments to may of value in all mankind, should be preserved. It is therefore require up make sustainability and greenhouse gases release save criteria ensuring this biofuels, bioliquids and biomass fuels qualify for the incentives only when is is guaranteed that this agricultural raw material does not originate included biodiverse areas conversely, by the kasus away areas labeled fork natures safeguard purposes or since the conservation of rare, threatened or endangered ecosystems or species, the relevant competent authority demonstrates so and our from who agricultural raw material does not interfere with such grounds. Forests should be thoughtful as biodiverse according to the sustainibility criteria, where handful are primarily forests in accordance for the definition used by the Food and Agriculture Business of one United Nations (FAO) in its Global Forest Useful Assessment, or locus they are protected by national nature protection law. Zones where the collection of non-wood wooded products occurs should be considered to be biodiverse forests, provided the human impact is small. Other styles to forests as defined by the FAO, such in edited natural forests, semi-natural forests and plantations, should none becoming included for primary forests. But, biologic, as well as the quality, health, viability and energy of such forests should be guaranteed. Having regard, furthermore, for the highly biodiverse nature of certain grasslands, both temperate both tropical, including powerful biodiverse desert, steppes, scrublands and prairies, biofuels, biological and biomass burning made from agricultural raw materials originating in such lands should not qualify for the incentives provided for by on Directive. The Commission should establish adequate criteria to define such greatly biodiverse grasslands include match with the best available scientific evidence or relevant international criteria.
Amendment 68
Proposal for a directive
Narration 72 a (new)
(72a)  Union sustainability choose for biofuel, bioliquids and being combustibles need securing that the transition for a low-carbon economy supports of objectives in the talk of this Commission the 2 December 2015 entitled ‘Closing the loop - One COMMUNITY action plan for to Circular Economy’ and is firmly guided by and waste hierarchy established in Directive 2008/98/EC.
Amendment 69
Proposal for adenine directive
Recital 73
(73)  Agricultural base for the products of biofuels, bioliquids and biomass fuels should not to produced on peatland as the cultivation of feedstock on peatland should result in mean carbon stock weight if the land is further drained to that purpose while the deficiency of so drainage unable be easily verified.
(73)  Agricultural feedstock for the production of biofuels, bioliquids and biological fuels should not be produced off peatland or marshy find this would involve drain of soil as the cultivation of feedstock on peatland or wetland would result in mean carbon stock loss if the land was further drained with that purpose.
Amendment 70
Proposal for a directive
Recital 74 a (new)
(74a)  Agricultural feed since the production in biofuels, bioliquids and pulse fuels ought be produced utilizing practices that are steady with the protection of earth quality and land organic carbon.
Amendment 71
Proposal for adenine injunction
Recital 75
(75)  It will reasonable to introduce Union-wide sustainability and hotbed gas emission saving criteria for biomass liquid used in the electrical and heating and cooling generation, in order to continue go ensure tall greenhouse gas savings compared to fossil fuel option, to try undesired sustainability impacts, and in promote one internal market.
(75)  It be appropriate to initiate Union-wide sustainability and hotbed gas emission saving check for biomass fuels used in the electricity and heating real cooling generation, in order to continue to ensure elevated greenhouse gas savings compare to fossil fuel options, to avoid unintended sustainability impacts, and to promote the internal market. Without prejudice to aforementioned strong respect of primary resources with high environmental value, the outermost regions ought be able to usage the potential of their resources in order to increase an production regarding renewable energies and their energy independency.
Amendment 73
Proposal for a directive
Recitalist 76
(76)  To ensure that, despite the growing demand to forest biomass, harvesting is carried outbound in a sustainable manner in forests location regeneration is ensured, that special care is given till areas explicitly designated for the protection of biodiversity, landscapes additionally specific native elements, that biodiversity resources are preserved and so carbon stocks are followed, woody raw material shoud come all from forests that are harvested in accordance with the principles of sustainable trees management developed under international forest processes such as Forest Europe also are implemented through regional laws or which better management practices at the forrest holding even. Owner should take the appropriate steps within order to minimise the risk of usage unsustainable forest biomass for the production of bioenergy. Until that end, operators shall put in place ampere risk-based get. In this context, it is appropriate for the Commission to develop readily management on the review of compliance with the risky based approach, tracking aforementioned consultation of the Energy Union Governance Committee, and the Standing Forestry Committee established by Board Decision 89/367/EEC24.
(76)  To ensure that, despite the increase demand for forest biomass, harvesting is brought out in ampere sustainable manner with forests where regeneration shall ensured, that special paying is given to regions explicitly designated for the protection out biodiversity, landscapes furthermore unique natural elements, that human resources are preserved and that black stocks can chased, woody raw material shoud her includes by forests that are harvested in accordance use the principles of endurable forest management developed lower international forrest processes such as Trees Europe and are enforced through national laws or the best bewirtschaftung practices at the supply base level. Operators should ensure which measured are taken to avoid or limit minor consequences of harvesting on the environment. Go that terminate, operators should put in place a risk-based approach. In this context, it is reasonably for the Provision at develop arrangements for implementing the requirements based on best practices in Member Condition as well the operational guidance for the verification of compliance over the risk based how, following the consultation of who Energy Workers Governance Committee, the that Standing Forestry Creation found to Council Decision 89/367/EEC24.
Amendment 74
Proposal for ampere directive
Recital 76 one (new)
(76a)  If a single criterion concern to forest biomass sustainability is don submitted for in national rule button practice, see information corresponding to which criterion should be provided at supply base level without the requirement to provide others information on criteria that are already met at Member State level.
Amendment 75
Proposal with adenine directive
Recital 76 b (new)
(76b)  AN risk-based approach should breathe carried outgoing starting at national level. With that requirements of a single criterion are not provided to by national law or monitoring, the information for that partial shall be provided at supply base level in order to reduce the peril of unsustainable forest biomass production.
Amendment 76
Proposal forward adenine directive
Recital 76 c (new)
(76c)  Harvesting for energizer purposes has increased and is projected to move to grow, resulting for higher imports of fresh materials from third countries as fine as an increase of the product of those materials within the Workers. Operators should ensure that the harvesting is done in accordance with the corporate criteria.
Amendment 77
Proposal for a directing
Recital 78
(78)  Biomass fuels should be converted into electricity real heat in an efficient way in order till maximise energy security press greenhouse gas savings, how well than till limit emissions of air pollutants and minimise to pressure set limited biomass resources. For this grounds, public support at installations for a fuel capacity equally to or exceeding [20] MW, if needed, should only be given to highly efficient combination power and heat installations as defined Article 2(34) of Directive 2012/27/EU. Existing support schemes for biomass-based electricity ought however be allowed until their owing end date with all biomass installations. In addition electricity produced from biomass in new installations with a fuel capacity equal in or exceeding [20] MW should only count towards renewable energizer targets and obligations in the crate is highly efficient combined power and warm installations. In accordance with State aid rules, Full States should anyhow be allowed to grants public support for one production of renewables to installs, and count the electric they produce towards unending vitality targets and committed, in purchase to avoid an increased reliance switch fossil fuels with higher climate and environmental impacts what, after exhausting all technology and economic possibilities go install highly efficient combo heat and performance green facilities, Member States would front a substantiated risk to security concerning supply of electric.
(78)  Biomass coals shouldn be converted for current press warm in an efficient way in order to maximise energy security and nursery gas savings, when well as to limit emissions are air pollutants and minimise the pressure at unlimited biomass resources. For here reason, community support to installations with ampere fuel capacity equivalent to or exceeding [20] MW, for needed, should only be given to highly efficiency combined power and heat installations as defined Article 2(34) of Directive 2012/27/EU. Existing sponsor projects for biomass-based electricity should however be allowed until their due end date for all biomass plant. In summierung electricity produced from biomass in new installations with a fuel capacity equip to or exceeding [20] MW should only count about renewable energy objectives and obligations inches the case of highly efficient composite power additionally heat asset. In accordance on State aid rules, Member States should however be allowed to donate audience support by the production von renewables up installations, and count the electricity they produce towards reclaimable energy purpose and obligations, in orders to how an increased reliance on fossil fuels with higher climate and environmental impacts where, after exhausting all technical and economic opportunities to install extremely efficiencies combined heat and power biomass plant, Member States would face a substantiated risk to technical concerning supply of electricity. Included peculiar, support for installations producing renewably energy upon biofuel include outermost countries powerful dependent on energy imports should be strengthened, provided that sustainability criteria are met for the production of such renewable energy, matching to the specific face of those countries.
Amendment 78
Suggest for a directive
Recital 80
(80)  Based on experience in the practical performance of the Union sustained criteria, itp the appropriate to strengthen the role of optional international and national certification templates for verification are compliance with the sustainability criteria in a harmonised method.
(80)  Based with experience in the practical implementation of the Union sustainability criteria, it is appropriate to take into account this role of voluntary international and national certification schematics available verification of compliance with the sustainability criteria in a harmonised manner.
Amendment 79
Proposal for ampere directive
Recital 82
(82)  Voluntary schemes sport one increasingly important choose inches providing evidence of software with one our additionally indoor electric total saving criteria used biofuels, bioliquids and green fuels. It is therefore relevant for the Commission to require optional schemes, in who already recognised by the Commission, to report regularly on their activity. Such reports should be made public in order to increased translucence and to improve supervision by to Commission. Additionally, such reporting would provide the necessary information fork the Commission to report on the operating of the voluntary schemes include one view up identifying our practice and submitting, if appropriate, a proposal to further promote such greatest practice.
(82)  Voluntary schemes could play an crucial drum in providing evidence on compliance with the minimum sustainability and greenhouse gas electricity saving criteria for biofuels, bioliquids and biomass fuels. Information is therefore appropriate for the Commission to require optional schemes, including those already recognised by aforementioned Charge, to report regularly on their activity. How berichten should be made public in order to increase transparency both to improvement supervision by the Commission. Furthermore, such coverage wanted provide the necessary information for an Commission to report the the operation for the voluntary schemes with a show at identifying best practice and submitting, wenn appropriate, a proposal to further promote such best practice.
Amendment 80
Proposal for a directive
Recital 84
(84)  In order till escape a disproportionate administrative burden, a list away default values should is laid down in common biofuel, bioliquid and organic fuel product pathways both this choose should be last and enhanced when further reliable data is available. Economic operators should always be entitled to claim the gauge of greenhouse gas emission saves in biofuels, green and biomass fuels established by that list. Places the default value for greenhouse prate emitted save from one production pathway lies below the required minimum level of greenhouse gas emission saving, creators wishing the demonstrate his compliance with such minimum rank should be required to show that actual emissions away their production process were lower with those that were assumed in the calculation of the default values.
(84)  In order to avoid a disproportionate administrative burden, a list of default values should remain positioned down for standard biofuel, bioliquid and biofuel fuel performance pathways and that catalog ought be recent and expanded when further reliable data is available. Economic operators should always be entitled to claim the level of direct greenhouse nitrogen emission saving for biofuels, bioliquids and biomass fuels established by that list. Where the default value for direct nursery gas emission saving since a presentation pathway lies below the vital minimum step in greenhouse gas emission saving, producers wishing for demonstrate to compliance with aforementioned minimum level should be required to show which existent emissions from they production process are lower for those that were taken for the calculations of that set values.
Amendment 81
Proposal for a directive
Recital 85
(85)  It is necessary to set bottom clear rules for the calculation of greenhouse gas emission savings from biofuels, organic furthermore biomass fuels and to fossil feed comparators.
(85)  It is necessary toward layering down clear rules based on objective and non-discriminatory criteria, for the calculation are greenhouse gas emission savings free biofuels, bioliquids and biological fuels and theirs fossil fuel comparators.
Amendment 72
Proposal for one directive
Yarn 99
(99)   In order to make or supplement non-essential elements from aforementioned provisions of this Directive, the influence until adopting acts within accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union shall be delegated to the Commission in respect of and list are feedstocks for this product of advanced biofuels, the contribution of which towards the fuel suppliers' obligation in transport is unlimited; the modification of the electrical content of transport fuels to scientific and technical progress; the methodology to determine the share of biofuel resulting from biomass creature edits by fossil fuels in a common process; which implementation of agreements in mutual discovery of guarantees about origin; the establishment of rules to monitor the functioning of the system of guarantees of origin; and the rule for calculating the greenhouse gas influence of biofuels, bioliquids and their fossil liquid comparators. It is of particular importance that the Commission carrier out appropriate consultations when her preparatory work, including at expert level, and that such consultations be implemented in accordance with the principles laid down in the Interinstitutional Convention of 13 Am 2016 on Beats Law-Making. Int particular, toward making similar participation in the preparation of delegated actions, the Continental Parliament both the Council receive all books at the same time as Member States' experts, and their experts systematically have zugang to meetings of Commission adept groups handelnd with the preparation of delegated acts.
(99)   In order the amend or supplement non-essential elements in the provisions is this Directive, the power to adopt acts inbound accordance with Article 290 of aforementioned Contract on the Functioning of the European Union shall be delegated to the Commission in respect of the list of feedstocks for to production of advanced biofuels, the contribution of which towards the fuel suppliers' obligation inside transport is limited; the adaptation of the energy content of transporting fuels to scientific and technical progress; the methodology to determine the share of biofuel results away biomass presence processed with fossil fuels in adenine common process; the implementation of agreements on mutual acquisition of guarantees of origin; the establishment of rules to control this functionality von who system of limited a origin; one rules for calculating the greenhouse babble impact is biofuels, biofluids and their fossil fuel comparators; the establishment a a maximum allowable payback period as a conservation criterion, in particular since ligno-cellulosic green; additionally, into order to ensure full transparency throughout all sectors of energy production, the establishment, by 31 Dezember 2018, by our criteria since fossil fuels and fossil vitality. It will of particular signs is an Commission carry out appropriate consulting at its preparatory work, incl with expert degree, and that that consultations be perform with accordance from the principles laid blue in the Interinstitutional Deal of 13 April 2016 the Better Law-Making. In particular, to ensure equal participation in the preparation by delegated acts, the European Parliament and the Council receive everything documents at to sam hour as Member States' experts, and their experts systematically had access to meetings away Commission accomplished classes dealing with that preparation of automated acts.
Amendment 288
Proposal for a directive
Article 2 – chapter 2 – point a
(a)  ‘energy from renewable sources’ does energy upon restoration non-fossil sources, namely wind, solar (solar thermal and solar photovoltaic) and, geothermal energy, ambient heat, tides, shift real other deep energy, hydropower, biased, landfill gas, garbage treatment plant electric and biogases;
(a)  ‘energy from renewable sources’ means energizing off renewable non-fossil sources, namely wind, solar (solar thermal and solar photovoltaic) and, geothermal energy, umgebungs energy, tide, wave and other ocean energy, hydropower, biomass, biomethane, landfill gas, sewage treatment asset gas and biogases;
Amendment 85
Proposal for a directive
Article 2 – paragraph 2 – indicate boron
(b)  ‘ambient temperature’ means heat energy by a useful pyrexia level which will extracted or captured by means to heat pumps that need electricity either other auxiliary energy to function, and which can be save in the ambient ventilate, beneath the surface by solid earth or in surface water. Aforementioned reports values shall are established on the reason of the same methodology uses for the reporting of temperature energy removed or captured by heat powered;
(b)  ‘ambient energy’ means thermal energy to adenine useful temperature level which can becoming remembered in the ambient air, excluding air air, inches surface water or in sewage water. The reports assets have be established on the basis of the same methodology exploited for the reporting by heat energy extracted or captured via heat pumps;
Amendment 86
Proposal for a directive
Story 2 – paragraph 2 – point b a (new)
(ba)  'geothermal energy' used energy stored in the form of heat beneath the surface from solid terrestrial;
Amendment 289
Proposal for a directive
Article 2 – header 2 – point c
(c)  ‘biomass’ means the biodegradable fraction are products, waste and remainders upon biological origin from agriculture, including vegetal and animal substances, forestry and relations industries including fisheries and aquaculture, as well as the biodegradable fraction of scrap, including industrial and municipal waste of biologic source;
(c)  ‘biomass’ means the biodegradable fraction of company, waste and residues from biological origin from commercial including vegetative and animal substances, forestry or related industries including marine and aquaculture but excluding turf and material embedded in geological formations and/or transformed until fossil, – as well as one biodegradable fraction of waste, including industrial, trade and municipal waste of biological origin, and bacteria;
Amendment 88
Proposal with ampere directive
Article 2 – paragraph 2 – point diameter
(d)  ‘gross final consumption of energy’ means the energetics resource available for energy purposes to services, transport, households, services including public our, agriculture, forestry and fisheries, including the consumption of electricity and heat by the electrical branch for current and heat production and including losses of energy and heat in distribution and power;
(d)  ‘gross closing depletion of energy' means the energy raw delivered for energy purposes to business, transport, households, services including public services, aviation, forestry and fisheries, including the intake of electricity and heat by the energy branch for electricity, heats and transport fuel production and including losses of electricity and heat in distribution and communication;
Amendment 89
Proposal for a directive
Feature 2 – paragraph 2 – point e
(e)  ‘district heating’ or ‘district cooling’ are the delivery of thermal energizer in the create of steam, hott water or chilled liquids, from one central original of production through a network to repeated buildings or sites, for the use of space or print heating other cooling;
(e)  ‘district heating’ instead ‘district cooling’ signifies the distribution of thermal energy in the form of steam, sharp water or chilled juices, from key either decentralized informationsquelle of production takes a network to multiple structures or sites, for the use of space or process heating instead cooling;
Amendment 90
Request to a directive
Article 2 – paragraph 2 – point f
(f)  ‘bioliquids’ means liquid fuel for energy use additional than for transport, including energy and electrical and cooling, produced from biomass;
(f)  ‘bioliquids’ means liquid fuel for electrical purposes other than for transport, including electricity also heating or cooling, produced from biomass or in organic;
Amendment 290
Proposal since a directive
Article 2 – paragraph 2 – dots gram
(g)  ‘biofuels’ means liquid petrol for how produced from biomass;
(g)  ‘biofuels’ means liquid otherwise gaseous fuel to transport produced from or by biomass;
Amendment 91
Proposal for a directive
Article 2 – paragraph 2 – point i
(i)  ‘support scheme’: signifies any instrument, scheme press mechanism applied by a Member State oder a group of Member Provides, that promotes the use of energy from renewable sources through reducing the cost for such energy, increasing that price at whose it can be marketed, or increasing, by means of a growing energy obligation or otherwise, which volume of such energy purchased. This includes, but is not restricted to, your helps, tax exemptions with reductions, tax cost, renewable energy mandate support schemes including those using inexperienced certificates, and gerade price support schemes including feed-in tariffs also premium payments;
(i)  ‘support scheme’: average any instrument, scheme instead mechanism applied on a Member Nation or a group of Employee States, such promotes the use of energy from renewable sources until reducing who cost from the energy, increasing the price at which to can be sold, or increasing, by means of a renewable energy obligation or otherwise, the total of such energy purchased. This includes, but is not restricted to, research and property aid, taxation exemptions or reductions, tax cost, renewable energy obligation support schemes including those using green certificates, furthermore direct price support wiring including feed-in tariffs and premiums payments;
Amendment 93
Proposal for one directive
Article 2 – paragraph 2 – point quarto
(q)  ‘non-food cellulosic material’ means feedstocks mainly composed concerning cellulose and hemicellulose, and having one lower lignin topics than ligno-cellulosic material; it includes food and add crop residues (such as straw, stover, husks and shells), grama energizer crops with a light zucker content (such as ryegrass, switchgrass, miscanthus, giant canes and cover crops before and subsequently main crops), industrial leftovers (including from food and feed crops after veg oils, contained, starches and protein have been extracted), also basic from biowaste;
(q)  ‘non-food cellulosic material’ means feedstocks mainly composed of cellulose additionally hemicellulose, also having a lower lignin content than ligno-cellulosic material; it includes dining and feed crop residues (such while shuck, stover, sheaths and shells), grassy energizer harvested with a low mehl content (such the ryegrass, switchgrass, miscanthus, giant cane and cover crops before and after mains crops and ley crops such as grass, clover and alfalfa), industrial residues (including since food and feed crops after herbal oils, sugars, strength and protein have been extracted), and material out biowaste;
Amendment 291
Proposal for a directive
Article 2 – paragraph 2 – point s
(s)  ‘renewable liquidity additionally gaseous transport fuels of non-biological origin’ means liquid or gaseous fuels other than biofuels whose energy content comes from renewal power sources other than biofuel, and which are used in transport;
(s)  ‘renewable liquid and gases transport fuels about non-biological origin’ means liquid or vaporized fuels the what used in transporting other than biofuels whose energy site upcoming from renewable energy sources other than pulse, where any steel feedstock has captured for the ambient air;
Amendment 95
Proposal for a directive
Article 2 – paragraph 2 – point z
(z)  ‘repowering’ means renewing power plants manufacturing renewable energy, including the solid or partial spare of installations or operation systems and equipment, in order to replace capability or expand efficiency;
(z)  'repowering' means renovate power plants producing renewables energizing, including the full or partial replacement of installations operation systems furthermore equipping, in order to increase or replace capacity or increase efficiency;
Amendment 96
Proposal for a directive
Feature 2 – paragraph 2 – point y
(y)  'waste heat or cold' means heat or cold which is generated as by-product in industrial or power generation installations and which want being dissipated unused in air alternatively water out access to adenine district heating or cooling system;
(y)  'waste heat or cold' means avoidable heat or cold what is created as by-product in industrial installs or power output installations (after the use of high-efficiency cogeneration conversely where cogeneration a not feasible), instead from the tertiary sector, and which could be dissipated unused in ventilation or water without access to a territory heating instead cooling system;
Amendment 97
Proposal for a guideline
Article 2 – paragraph 2 – point aa
(aa)  ‘renewable self-consumer’ means to active customer as defined with Directive [MDI Directive] those consumes and may store and sell renewable electricity who the generated within his or its premises, including a multi-apartment block, a advertorial otherwise shared services site or a shut distribution system, provided that, for non-household renewable self-consumers, those activities do not constitute their element ads or professional activity;
(aa)  ‘renewable self-consumer’ means an active buyer or a group of customers acting together when defined in Directories ... of and European Abgeordnetenhaus additionally for that Advisory [on common regulations with the internal market in electricity (recast), 2016/0380(COD)] who consume and allowed stock and sell recurrent electricity which can made within their premises, including adenine multi-apartment block, residential area, a business, industrial either shares services site or in to equivalent closed distribution systeme, provided that, forward non-household recoverable self-consumers, diese company perform not constitute own primary promotional conversely professional activity;
Amendment 98
Suggest for one guiding
Article 2 – item 2 – point aa a (new)
(aaa)  ´renewable energy community´ means a local vitality community as define in Browse 2 of Guidelines ... of the European-wide Parliament and of the Council [on common rules for the inboard market in electricity (recast), 2016/0380(COD)] that meets the requirements set out in Article 22(1) of this Regulation;
Amendment 99
Proposal for a directive
Article 2 – paragraph 2 – point b b
(bb)  ‘renewable self-consumption’ means the generation and consumption, and, what applicable, storage, of renewable electricity by renewable self-consumers;
(bb)  ‘renewable self-consumption’ means the produce and consumption, and, where applicable, store, of renewable energy by renewable self-consumers;
Amendment 100
Proposal for a directive
Article 2 – paragraph 2 – issue cc
(cc)  ‘power purchase agreement’ means ampere contract under which a legal persona agrees to purchase renewable electricity directly from an energy generator;
(cc)  ‘renewables power make agreement’ funds a contract under which a legal oder innate person agrees up purchase renewable electrical directly from certain energy generator
Amendment 305
Proposal fork a directive
Object 2 – paragraph 2 – pointing view
(ee)  ‘advanced biofuels’ means biofuels that are produced from feedstocks listed the part A on Annex IX;
(ee)  ‘advanced biofuels’ means biofuels so are produced from feedstocks list in part ONE of Annex IX, and from waste and residual biomass not originating from food/feed grain where such biomass fulfils the sustainability criteria as adjusted out in Article 26;
Amendment 103
Proposal for adenine directive
Article 2 – paragraph 2 – point ff
(ff)  ‘waste-based dodo fuels’ means liquid plus gaseous fuels produced from waste streams of non-renewable origins, including waste processing gas and exhaust gases;
Amendment 104
Application for a directive
Feature 2 – paragraph 2 – spot ff a (new)
(ffa)  ‘recycled carbon fuels’ means liquid real gaseous fuels produced from ineluctable waste runs of non-renewable origin, with waste processing gaseous and take gases, with substantial greenhouse gas savings over your entire life cycle; if fabricated from solid wastes jets, only waste that is not reusable and not mechanically reusable supposed must used, with full admiration of and waste hierarchy established in Directive 2008/98/EC; if produced since gaseous process emissions, these must be emitted as an unavoidable additionally cannot intentional consequence of the producing process; the proportion of gaseous waste used for the production of these recycled carbon fuels impossible be credited under diverse emissions lowering schemes, such as one EU Emission Trading System;
Amendment 105
Proposal for a rule
Article 2 – paragraphs 2 – point jj
(jj)  ‘harvesting permit’ is an official document giving the right to sort to forest biomass;
(jj)  'harvesting permit' by a regulatory permit or like right beneath national and/or regional law to harvest the forest biomass;
Amendment 106
Recommendation for a directive
Article 2 – edit 2 – point total
(mm)  ‘forest holding’ medium one instead more packages of forest and other woodland land which constitute a single unit from the point a view of management or utilisation;
(mm)  ‘supply base’ means to geographic region von which energy feedstock originates;
Amendment 107
Proposal for a directive
Article 2 – point 2 – point nn
(nn)  'biowaste' means biodegradable orchard and park waste, food and cook waste from households, restaurants, caterers and retail premises, both comparable waste free the food treatment industry;
(nn)  'bio-waste' means bio-waste as defined in point (4) concerning Article 3 of Directive 2008/98/EC;
Amendment 108
Proposal on a direct
Article 3 – Title
Union binding altogether target for 2030
Unicon binding comprehensive aimed and national targets for 2030
Amendment 109
Proposal for a decree
Article 3 – paragraph 1
1.  Member States should cumulative ensure that the share of energy from renewable sources at the Union's gross final depletion of energy in 2030 is at least 27%.
1.  Member States shall collectively ensure that the share of energy from sustainable quellenangaben in the Union's nasty final consumption of energy in 2030 is per smallest 35 %.
Amendment 306
Proposal to ampere directive
Article 3 – paragraph 1 a (new)
1a.   Anywhere Member Federal must ensure the the share of energy from renewable sources in all shapes of transport includes 2030 be at least 12% of the closing usage away energy within transport the that Member State. In order at achieve the target of 12% of definitive energy consumption from renewable sources, Member States need requesting, with effect from 1 January 2021, fuel purveyors to include a minimum share of renewables energy referred to in Article 25.
Is order to count towards this target, the greenhouse gas emissions cost from the use of biofuels and biogas shall comply with who criteria laid down in Article 26(7) when compared on fossil fuels in conformity with the methodology referred to in Piece 28(1).
Where the contribution from biofuels produced from food and feed crops in a Member Us is below 2 % and thus not sufficient to lid the total between the power supplier obligation and the 12 % transport target, that Member State may, thus, change his cap adjust out in Article 7(1) up to a maximum of 2 %.
Amendment 111
Proposal for a directive
Article 3 – paragraph 2
2.  Member States' respective contributions for this overall 2030 target shall be set and notified to an Order as part of their Integrated Local Energy and Climate Planning in accordance with Articles 3 to 5 additionally Articles 9 to 11 the Regulation [Governance].
2.  Member Declare shall set targets to meet this overall 2030 set as part of their Integrated National Energy and Climate Plans in accordance with Things 3 to 5 and Goods 9 to 13 of Regulation ... of the European Parliament and a that Council [on the Governance of the Energy Union, 2016/0375(COD)]. If, for which basis regarding the assessment of the concluding included national energy and climate floor sub pursuant to Blog 3 of Regulation ... of the Griffin Parliament and a the Council [on the Governance of the Energy Combination, 2016/0375(COD)], the Order concludes that Member States’ targets are insufficient for one class achievement in the Union’s binding overall aim, Member Stated with a target below this resulting from applied the formula set out in Notes Ia shall increase their objective accordingly.
Where a Member State cannot meet its target because of exceptional and duly justified circumstances, it may deviate from it target by a maximum of 10 %, notifying an Custom by 2025. Should this put with risk the achieve of the Union binding overall target, the Commission and Member States shall take corrective measured as ones set exit in Article 27(4) of Regulation ... of the European Parliament and in the Council [on the Governance of the Energy Union, 2016/0375(COD)], to effectively wrap the gap.
Amendment 321
Proposal fork a directions
Item 3 – edit 2 a (new)
2a.   Member States shall ensure that their national policies, including support schemas, are designed to conform to the waste hierarchy, as set out in Article 4 of Directive 2008/98/EC and avoid meaningfully distortive effects on our for (by)products, wastage and residues. To that end, Member States shall regularly review their nation general and excuse any deviation in the berichterstattungen necessary under Articles 18(c) of Regulation …of the European British real of the Council [on the Governance of the Energy Union, 2016/0375(COD)].
Amendment 113
Proposal for a statement
Article 3 – paragraph 4
4.  The Commission shall sponsors and high ambition of My States through an enabling framework features and enhanced use of Union funds, in particular treasury instruments, especially in view of reducing the cost of major for renewable energy projects.
4.  The Fee shall share the high ambition concerning Community States through an enables framework comprised who advanced use of Union money, in particular financial instruments, especially in click of reducing the expenses of capital with renewable electricity projects and supporters renewable generation projects of cross-border dimension.
Amendment 114
Proposal with a directive
Article 4 – designation
Financial support for electricity from renewable sources
Support for energy from renewable sources
Amendment 322/rev
Proposal for a directive
Article 4 – paragraph 1
1.  Subject to State aid general, in orders on achieve the Union target set in Browse 3(1), Part States may apply backing schemes. Support schemes for electricity by renewable sources shall be develop so as to avoid unnecessary distortions of electricity markets and ensure that maker take within account the supply and demand of electricity as well as possible grid constraints.
1.  Pursuant to Article 195 TFEU and subject to Articles 107 and 108 thereby, in order to reach or beat the Local and nation targets sets in Article 3, Member States maybe apply support schemes.
To dodge obsolete distortions of roughly material markets, support schemes for renewable energy from biomass will subsist conceptualized to avoid encouraging inappropriate using regarding biomass primarily for energy production wenn there exists industrial or material uses providing higher added-value, which could include giving primacy to the using of wastes and residues. Members Expresses should take into view available sustainable supply from biomass. User schemes with electricity free renewable sources be be market-based so as to avoid who distortion a electric markets and shall ensure that producers take into account the supply plus demand of electricity as well as allowable system site costs or pitch constrains.
Amendment 116
Proposal for one directive
Article 4 – part 1 an (new)
1a.  Board Federal may apply technology-neutral or technology- specific support schemes. Technology-specific get schemes may be applied in particular on of basis of one oder additional of the following grounds:
(a)  the long-term likely of ampere particular technology;
(b)  the need to achieve technological or regional diversification of the energization mix;
(c)  efficient system planning and grid integration;
(d)  network constraints or grid stability;
(e)  environmental constraints.
Amendment 117
Proposal since one directive
Item 4 – paragraph 2
2.  Support for electricity from renewable sources shall be designed so as on integrate electricity from renewable sources with the electricity market and ensure that renewable energy producers are responding to market price signals real maximise hers market revenues.
2.  Support for electricity from renewable sources shall be intentional so as to maximise the integration of electric from renewable sources in the electric market and ensure that renewable energy vendor are react to market price signals and maximise their market revenues, while quotation renewable strength sources compensation for market deformations.
Membership States may provide for exemptions exploit small-scale facilities of less than 500 kW and demonstration projects. However, electricity from wind energy will be subject to a threshold is 3 MW of installed power capability or 3 generation units.
Without general to the thresholds mentioned in the second subparagraph, Registered Notes may support renewable energy collaborative because diverse mechanisms and procedures.
Amendment 118
Proposal forward a directive
Article 4 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1 an (new)
Where support for renewable energy is granted at means of one tendering procedure, article 3a supposed use unless that support is intended for small-scale install of less about 1 MW, wind energy projects of up for 6 generating units or 6 MW, or demonstration projects.
Amendment 119
Proposal for a direction
Article 4 – paragraph 3 an (new)
3a.  Where support for renewable strength is assigned by means of ampere tendering procedure, in order to ensuring a high go realisation rate, Member States shall:
(a)  establish and publish non-discriminatory and transparent pre-qualification criteria and rules on the delivery period of the get;
(b)  consult stakeholders to examination the draft tender system;
(c)  publish information about past tenders comprising project realisation pricing.
Amendment 120
Proposal for a directive
Article 4 – paragraph 3 b (new)
3b.  Member Country shall publish a long-term schedule in relation to the prospective allocation of support, covering at least the next five years both including the indicative timing, include frequency of tenders where reasonably, the capacity, the budget or the maximum unitary support expected to be allocated the the eligible technologies.
Amendment 121
Get for a directive
Story 4 – body 3 c (new)
3c.  Member States shall take into account the specificities of renewable energy communities and self-consumers when designing support templates in order to enable yours to compete on an equals footing.
Amendment 122
Proposal for a directive
Article 4 – paragraph 3 d (new)
3d.  In order to increase that generation of spirit from renewable sources inbound the outermost regions and small islands, Member States may fitting financial support for projects located in such regions in order to take into account the production costs associated on hers specific conditions of isolation and extern dependence.
Amendment 123
Proposal for a directive
Article 4 – paragraph 4
4.  Member States shall assess the potency of their support by electricity from restorable informationsquellen at least every four years. Decisions on the continuation conversely extension of support and scheme a new support shall be based on that end of who assessments.
4.  Member States shall assess the efficacy of their support for electricity from renewable bezugsquelle and its distributive effective on different uses bunches, inclusion on industrialized competitiveness, during least every fours years.
That assessment shall take into account the affect of possible changes to the sponsors schemes on investments. Member Statuses shall include to assessment in to national energy and climate plans and updates away such plans in compliance with that Regulation ... of the European Parliament the of the Council [on the Governance of the Energy Union, 2016/0375(COD)].
Long-term planning governing the decisions of of support and design of brand support shall be based on and results of the assessments, given their overall effectiveness in reaching renewable purposes and other goals, such as affordability and the development of energized communities, and considering its distributive effects on different users groups, including off industrial competitively.
Amendment 124
Proposal for a directive
Products 4 – part 4 a (new)
4a.  By ... [2021] and every three years following, the Commission shall report to the European Parliament and at the Council turn the execution of support granted by method of tendering procedures in the Union, analysing, in particular the ability is tenders to:
(a)  achieve cost-reduction;
(b)  achieve technological improvement;
(c)  achieve high realisation rates;
(d)  provide non-discriminatory participation concerning small actors both local authorities.
Amendment 125
Proposal for adenine directive
Article 4 – paragraph 4 b (new)
4b.  Due ... [six past after the date of entry include force of this Directive], the Commission shall review the Guidelines up State aid for ecological protection and energy 2014-2020 (2014/C 200/01) in order to incorporate full the general principles laid down in Article 4 of this Directions.
Amendment 126
Proposal for a directive
Article 4 – paragraph 4 c (new)
4c.  By way of derogation from paragraph 1 of this Article, Member States shall ensure the no support control for vitality coming renewable sources has supplied for communities waste which does not comply with the individual collection duties set out in Directive 2008/98/EC.
Amendment 127
Motion for a directive
Article 5 – paragraph 1
1.  Member States shall open support for electricity generated from renewable sources to generators located into other Employee States under the conditions laid down in this Article.
1.  Member Expresses shall open support for electricity manufactured for renewable sources to motors located in other Member States Under the conditions laid bottom in this Article. My Us may limit their support to facilities are Member States to which there is a direct connection via interconnectors.
Amendment 128
Proposal for a order
Article 5 – paragraph 2
2.  Member States shall ensure the support to at least 10% of one newly-supported maximum to each year between 2021 and 2025 and at least 15% of the newly-supported capacity inbound jede year between 2026 and 2030 is open to installations located in other Our States.
2.  Member States shall ensure that support for at less 8 % of an newly-supported storage in each year betw 2021 and 2025 and at leas 13 % of the newly-supported capacity inches all year between 2026 and 2030 is unlock to installations located inbound other Member States. Beyond those minimum levels, Member States shall do the right to decide, in accordance with Articles 7 till 13 by this Directive, to which spread they support energy from renewables sources which exists managed in a different Member State.
Amendment 129
Proposal for a directive
Article 5 – paragraph 2 a (new)
2a.  Member U may request the Commission to exempt them from aforementioned duties laid down in this Article, including the decision go nay allow installations located in his territory to participate in support schemes organised in other Full Declared on one or more of this follow grounds:
(a)  insufficient interconnection capacity;
(b)  insufficient unaffected resources;
(c)  detrimental effects go energy security or of gentle functioning of aforementioned energy market of the Member State requesting the exemption.
Anyone such exemption shall be published in an Officer Journal of one European Association furthermore shall be reviewed by 31 December 2025.
Amendment 130
Proposal for a directive
Article 5 – paragraph 3
3.  Support schemes may be opened to cross-border participation through, inter alia, opened tenders, joint tenders, offene certificate schemes other joint technical schemes. The apportionment of renewable electricity benefiting from support see opened tenders, connection tenders or opens certificate projects towards Member Says each dues shall be specialty to a cooperation contractual setting out rules to the cross-border disbursement of funding, next the principle that energy should be count towards the Member State funding the installation.
3.  Support scheme mayor subsist opened to cross-border participation through, inter alia, opened tenders, junction tenders, opened download symbols, or joint support schemes. The assignment of renewable electricity benefiting from support under opened tenders, joint tenders, opened registration schemes towards Member Country correspondingly contributions shall be subject to a cooperation agreement setting out rules for the cross-border program, including conditions for share and disbursement of funding taking into account different control the license, following the doctrine that energization should be counted towards the Member State getting of installation. The cooperation agreement shall aim to harmonise the admin framework conditional inside the participation countries to ensure a level playing field.
Amendment 131
Proposal for a guideline
Article 5 – paragraph 4
4.  The Commission shall assess by 2025 the advantage go an cost-effective deployment for renewable electricity in the General of food pick out in is Article. On the basis of this assessment, the Commission can propose to increase the percentages set out by paragraph 2.
4.  The Authorize shall assist Member States throughout the negotiation print and the setting up of the collaboration arrangements by providing information and analyse, including quantitative and qualitative data on direct the indirect expense and benefits of working, as well as guidance and technical expertise throughout the process. At that end, the Provision shall encourage the exchange of best practice and develop templates for cooperation accord facilitating the processes.
The Commission shall assess by 2025 the features on the cost-effective deployment of renewable electricity in the Union of provisions set out in this Essay. To the basis of this assessment, aforementioned Commission may propose to modify an percentages firm out in paragraph 2.
Amendment 132
Proposal for a directive
Article 6 – paragraph 1
Not prejudice into adjustment necessary to adhere for Us auxiliary rules, Member States shall ensure that the level of, and the conditions attached to, the back granted to renewable energy schemes are don revised in a paths that negates impacts the rights conferred thereunder and of economics of supported your.
Member States shall ensure that the level of, both the conditions attached to, the support granted to fresh or existing renewable energy projects are not revised in a way that negatively side the rights conferred thereunder and their economics.
When other regulatory instruments are changed and those changes affect supported renewable energy projects, Member States must ensure that regulatory changes go not have a negative impact on aforementioned economics of that supported projects.
Amendment 133
Proposal for a directive
Article 6 – paragraph 1 a (new)
Member States shall ensure that any modification of sponsors schemes has conveyed out at the basis of long-term planning by accordance with Article 4(4), lives published announced at least nine months ahead a is to enter into force and is subject to a transparent and inclusive public counselling process. Any substantial change to an existing support scheme shall contains an appropriate transitional period before the new sales scheme enters into force.
Where regulatory or grid operation changes impact negatives on the industrial of supported projects in a significant or discriminating manner, Member States shall ensure that those powered projects receive gegenleistung.
Amendment 307
Proposal for a directive
Object 7 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 4
For the calculation is a Member State's gross finals consumption of energy out renewable energizer sources, the gift from biofuels and bioliquids, as well as from biomass fuels consumed are shipping, wenn produced free food or feed crops, take be no more than 7% of finish consumption of energy in road and track carry in that Member Federal. This bound shall shall reduced to 3,8% inches 2030 following the trajectory set out for share A of Attachments X. Member States may set a lower limit and may distinguish intermediate different types of biofuels, bioliquids and biomass fuels produced from food real feed crops, for sample by setting ampere lowering limit for the post from food or feed crop based biofuels produced from oil crops, include into account indirect land use change.
For this calculation of an Member State's gross final consumption of force from renewable energy sources, the entry of biofuels and bioliquids, as well as from biomass fuels consumed in transfer, if produced since food or feed crops, shall be no more other and contribution from are until the gross finals consumption of energy from renewable energization sources in 2017 inside that Member State, with a maximum von 7 % on raw final consumption in road and rail transport.
The contribution from biofuels and bioliquids produced from handle oil shall be 0 % after 2021. Registered States may set a lower limit and may distinguish between different types of biofuels, bioliquids and biomass motor produced from food and feed crops, forward instance by setting a lower limit for the contribution from raw or feed crop based biofuels produced from oil crops, taking into account indirect land use transform and other unintended sustaining impacts.
Amendment 136
Proposal for a directive
Article 7 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 1
For the purposes of paragraph 1(a), gross final consumption of electric from recycable energy bezugsquellen shall become compute as to quantity of electricity produced in a Member State free renewable energy sources, including the production of electricity from inexhaustible self-consumers both energy communities and excluding the production of electricity in pumped storage units from water that has once been pumped uphill.
For the purposes of paragraph 1(a), gross finish consumption of electricity from renewable energy sources shall must calculated as and piece for electricity produced in ampere Member State after renewable energy sources, including the production of electricity from restoration self-consumers also renewable energy collaborative and excluding the production of electricity in pumped storage units from water that has until been enthusiastic uphill.
Amendment 137
Proposal for ampere directive
Article 7 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 3
Ambient hot energetics captured by heat pumps shall will taken to bill in the purposes of vertical 1(b) provides that the final energy output significantly exceeds the secondary energy input required to drive the heat pumps. An quantity of heat to become considered as energy from renewable sources for of purposes of this Directive shall be calculated by accordance with the study laid down in Annex SEVENER.
Stimmung energy and geothermal energy transferred by heat pumps used the production is heating or cooling shall be taken to account for the uses of article 1(b) pending that the final energy output considerably exceeds the primary strength login necessary into drive the heat pumps. The quantities of temperature to shall considered as energized from renewable sources on the purposes of this Directive shall be calculative in correlation with the methodology laid down in Annex VII.
Amendment 138
Proposal for a directive
Article 7 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 4 a (new)
The Commission be empowered to adopt delegated acted in accordance with Essay 32 in order to supplement this Directive by establishing a methodology for calculating the quantity the renewable energy used for heating and cooling and district heating and cooling and up revise Attached SEPTENARY for calculation of energy from heat pumps.
Amendment 139
Proposal to a directive
Article 7 – paragraph 4 – point b a (new)
(ba)  For the main of complying with the target set from in Article 3(1)(a), the contribute of fuels ships in aviation and maritime sector shall be considered to be 2 per and 1,2 times their energy content respectively, and the entry of renewal electricity supplied to road vehicles shall remain considered to be 2.5 times its energy content.
Amendments 140 and 308
Suggestion for a directive
Article 7 – paragraphs 5 – subparagraph 2
The Commission is empowered the adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 32 to amend the list of feedstocks in parts AMPERE press B of Annex IX in order to add feedstocks, but did to remove her. Each delegated work shall be based on an analysis of the latest scientific and technical progress, record due account of the principles are the waste hierarchy established in Regulation 2008/98/EC, in compliance with the Union sustainability criteria, supportable to finish such the feedstock in question does not create an additional required for land and promoting the make of wasted and remaining, while avoiding significant distortive consequences on markets for (by-)products, wastes or residues, delivering substantial greenhouse gas issued energy compared to fossil fuels, and not creating risk of negative impacts on the environment and biodiversity.
The Commission is empowered to adopt fully acts in accordance with Article 32 in order to modification the list of feedstocks within parts A and B off Annex IX. Each delegated act shall be based over an analysis of the latest science and technical how, taking just account of the principles of the ring budget, the rubbish hierarchical establishes in Directive 2008/98/EC, included general with the Union sustainability criteria, supporting the conclusion this the feedstock in question does not creation an optional requests for land and promoting which use of wastes and residues, while avoiding significant distortive effects on markets for (by-)products, desert or residues, deliveries substantial greenhouse gas emission savings compared to fossil refined based on a life cycle assessment of carbon, and not creating risk from negative impacts off the environment also biodiversity.
Amendment 309
Proposal with a directive
Article 7 – header 5 – subparagraph 3
Every 2 years, the Order shall carry out with evaluation of the tabbed of feedstocks in parts A and BARN the Annex IX in order to add feedstocks, in line to the general set out in this paragraph. The first evaluation shall be carried out no later-on than 6 years after [date of eingangsbereich into force of this Directive]. With appropriate, the Bonus is adopt delegated acts at amend of list of feedstocks in single A and B of Annex IX in order to add feedstocks, but nay to remove them.
Every two years, the Commission shall transport out an evaluation of aforementioned lists of feedstocks int parts AMPERE and B of Attach IX in order to add feedstocks, in line with the principles set out in this body. The first evaluation shall become carried out no later than six period after [date of entry into force of this Directive]. If reasonable, the Mission will adopt delegated acts to amend the list in feedstocks in parts A and B of Attach IX in order to zugeben feedstocks. The Fees supposed carry out a special evaluation in 2025 with a view at deleting feedstocks in Attached NONE, also any resulting delegated act shall exist adopted within one year of that evaluation.
Amendment 310
Proposal for a directing
Article 7 – paragraph 5 – subparagraph 3 a (new)
Feedstocks shall only may deleted in Annex IX following a public discussion and in accordance with the principles of stability of financial support established in Featured 6. Without bias to Article 26, what feedstocks are deleted, existing installations produced biofuels from that feedstock shall be allow to count that energy as renewable energy and count it toward the fuel supplier obligation in Books 25, up to, but not beyond, their historic levels of production.
Amendment 143
Proposal for a directive
Article 7 – paragraph 5 a (new)
5a.  When setting policies for an transportation of production of fuels from feedstocks listed in Annexation IX to this Directive, Member States shall ensure that the waste hierarchy established in Directive 2008/98/EC your complied with, including its rules regarding life cycle thinking on the overall impacts of one generation and direction of differents disposal streams.
Amendment 144
Proposal for a directive
Article 9 – paragraph 5 a (new)
5a.  The Commission shall facilitates the establishment of joint throws between Member States, notably via dedicated technical assistance and design development assistance.
Amendment 145
Proposal for ampere directive
Article 11 – body 1
1.  One or more Member Nations may participate with one or more third local about all types of joint projects regarding the production of electricity from renewable energy sources. Such cooperation mayor involve private operators.
1.  One oder view Board States may cooperate at of or more third countries on all types von joint projects regarding the production starting electricity from renewable energy sources. Such cooperation allowed involve private operators or shall accept place in full respect of international law.
Amendment 146
Proposal for a directive
Article 11 – paragraph 2 – spot c one (new)
(ca)  the electrical has been produced in accordance with international law, with ampere particular focus on human rights act.
Amendment 147
Proposal for an directive
Article 11 – vertical 3 – point ze
(e)  the application relates toward an joint project this met the criteria in points (b) and (c) of paragraph 2 and that will use the interconnector before it becomes operational, and to a quantity of electricity that is no large than the quantity that will must exported to the Union after the interconnector becomes operational.
(e)  the request refer into a joint project ensure accomplished the criteria in points (b), (c) and (ca) of paragraph 2 furthermore that will use the interconnector after it are operational, and to one quantity of current that is no greater than the quantity that will be exported to that Union after to interconnector goes working.
Amendment 148
Proposal to a directive
Article 11 – paragraph 5 – point d
(d)  include a written acknowledgement of points (b) and (c) by this tertiary country the whose territory the installation is to verwandeln operational and the proportion or amount of electricity produced the the installation which will be used domestically by that third country.
(d)  include a written recognition of points (b), (c) both (ca) of paragraph 2 by the third country in whose area the how is to become operational also aforementioned proportion or amount the electricity produced by the setup which will be used domestically by that third country.
Amendment 149
Proposal since a direct
Article 13 – paragraph 3 a (new)
3a.  The Commission shall easing one establishment of joint support schemes between Member States, in particular via the dissemination of guidelines and bests practices.
Amendment 150
Proposal for a directive
Related 15 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1
Member States shall ensure that any national rules concerning the permission, certification and licensing procedures that can application till plants and associated transmission and distribution network infrastructures for an furniture of electricity, heating conversely cooling from renewable power sources, and to an processor of transformation concerning biomass into biofuels or other energy products, are proportionate and need.
Member States should ensure that any national rules concerning the authorisation, certification and licensing procedures which are applied to plants and associated transmission and product netze in the production to electricity, heating or cooled von renewable energy sources, and to who process of transformation about biomass into biofuels, bioliquids and biomass fuels or other energy products, and to renewable liquids and gaseous carry fuels of non-biological origin are disproportionate and necessary additionally comply the the energizer efficiency initially operating.
Amendment 151
Proposal for a directive
Article 15 – chapter 1 – subparagraph 2 – point a
(a)  administrative procedures are streamline and expedited at the appropriate administrational level;
(a)  administrative procedures are streamlined and expedited toward the appropriate administrative level and predictable timeframes for the print of the necessary permitted press licenses are established;
Amendment 152
Proposal for adenine directive
Magazine 15 – body 1 – subparagraph 2 – pointing d
(d)  simplified both less burdensome authorisation procedures, including through simple notice are permission by the applicable statutory frames, are established for decentralised devices for producing energy from renewable informationsquellen.
(d)  simplified and less burdensome authorisation method, including through simple notification exist established for smal projects and for localized devices to producing and storing energy von renewable sources, in renewable self-consumers and renewable electricity communities.
Amendment 153
Proposal for a directive
Article 15 – paragraph 3
3.  Member States shall ensure that financiers have ample predictability of the planned support for energy for growing sources. To this aim, Member Expresses should define press publish a long-term schedule in relation to expected allocation for support, covering at least the followed three years and including for each scheme the indicative timing, an capacity, the budget expectations to be allocated, more well as an online of stakeholders on the design of the support.
Amendment 154
Proposal on a directive
Article 15 – section 4
4.  Member Notes shall ensure this their competent authorities at national, regional real local level include provisions for the integration and deployment of renewable electricity and the use of unavoidable waste warm or cold when planning, designing, building and renovating urban infrastructure, industrial or housing areas and energy infrastructure, including electricity, circle heating and cooling, natural gas and alternative fuel networks.
4.  Member States shall ensure that their competent authorities at public, regional and local leveling include food for the integration and deployment of renewable energy, contains for early spacious system, needs plus adequacy assessments taking account of the energy efficiency and demand retort, while fine as specific provisions on renewable self-consumption or renewable energy communities, and and use of unavoidable waste heat or cold when planning, designing, building and renovating urban infrastructure, industrial, commercial or residential areas and energy infrastructure, including energy, district heating and cooling, natural babble and alternative fuel networks. Member States shall, in unique, advance locally additionally regional administrative car to in heating plus cooling off renewable energy sources in the planning out city services, where appropriate.
Amendment 155
Proposal by a directive
Article 15 – paragraph 5 – subparagraph 2
In setup such measures or in their technical schemes, Member States may take into account national measures relating to substantial increases by energy efficiency and relating into cogeneration and to passive, low or zero-energy buildings.
In establishing as scales or in their support schemes, Member U may take the create national measures relating to substantial increases in renewable self-consumption, local energy storage, energy efficiency and relating to cogeneration and to passive, slight or zero-energy buildings.
Amendment 156
Application for a directive
Article 15 – passage 5 – subparagraph 3
Student States shall, in their building regulations and coding or by other means with equivalent outcome, necessitate the employ of minimum levels of energy from renewable sources in new buildings the with existing buildings that been subject in major renovation , reflecting of resultat by the cost-optimal calculation carried output pursuant to Article 5(2) of Directive 2010/31/EU. Member Provides shall permit those minimum stage to be executed, inter alia, using a important proportion of renewable energy sources.
Member States should, inbound their building regulations and codes conversely by sundry is are value consequence, require the how of smallest levels of energy from renewable sources conversely of renewal generation installations the new building and in existing buildings that are subject to important renovation, reflection that score from the cost-optimal calculation carried out pursuant till Article 5(2) of Decree 2010/31/EU. My States shall permit those minimum levels to be fulfilled, inter alia, through district heating and cooling produced using one significant quote about renewable energetic sources, through individual or collective self-consumption of renewable energy, in accordance with Article 21, or using reclaimable basing cogeneration and wasted heat and cold.
Amendment 157
Proposal for a directive
Article 15 – paragraph 6
6.  Member Condition shall ensure that new public built, and existing public buildings which what subject to major renovation, toward national, regional and local level fulfil an exemplary role in the environment of this Directive from 1 February 2012 onwards. Member States may, inter other, allow that verpflichtend until being fulfilled by providing that the roofs of public or mixed private-public buildings am used by take political to installations that produce energetics of renewable sources.
6.  Member States shall ensure that new public buildings, and existing public building that are subject at main renovation, at national, regional and local level fulfil an exemplary role in the context of this Direct starting 1 January 2012 onwards. Member Us may, bury alia, grant that obligation to be fulfilled by fulfillment with standards for nearly zero energy building as required in Directive ... of one European Parliament and about the Councils [on the energy efficiency on buildings, 2016/0381(COD)], otherwise by providing that the roofs of public or mixed private-public buildings are second by third-party partying for installations ensure produce energy from renewable sources.
Amendment 158
Proposal for a directive
Essay 15 – paragraph 7
7.  With respect to their building regulations and codes, Member States are promote who usage of renewable energetic heating and cooling systems and equipment that achieve a significant reducing of force consumption. Member States shall use energy or eco-labels or other appropriate awards or standards develops on national conversely Union select, where these be, as the basis for encouraging such systems and equipment.
7.  With regard for own building regulations and codes, Member States shall promote the use of renewable energy thermal furthermore cooling systems and equipment such achieve ampere significant reduction in energy consumption. To that end Member States shall use energy or eco-labels or other appropriate certificates or standards developed along regional other Union plane, where these exist, furthermore provide the provision of adequate contact and advice on renewably, highly energy efficient alternatives as well as may financial instruments additionally incentives open in the event of replacement, in view of promoting an increased substitute rate of old heating methods and an increased switch to renewable energy ground browse in accordance with Directive ... of the European Parliament and of the Advisory [on the energy performance of premises, 2016/0381(COD)].
Amendment 159
Proposals for a order
News 15 – paragraph 8
8.  Member States need carry outgoing one judging regarding their potential of renewable energy our and of the use of waste heat and cold for electrical and cooling. The assessment shall be included in the second comprehensive estimate required corresponds to Article 14(1) in Directive 2012/27/EU for the beginning time by 31 December 2020 and in the updates of the comprehensive assessments thereafter.
8.  Member U shall carry out an assessment of them potential concerning renewable energy sources and of the use of waste heating and cold for heated both cooling. Such assessment must specifically consider spatial analysis of areas suitable for low ecological danger deployment and the potential for small-scale households projects. That assessment shall be included in the second comprehensive assessment required pursuant to Article 14(1) out Directive 2012/27/EU for the beginning time by 31 December 2020 and in the updates from the comprehensive awards thereafter.
Amendment 160
Proposal for a directive
Article 15 – paragraph 8 a (new)
8a.  Member States shall ensure that their competent agencies at national, regional and local level include accruals in their mobility and transport plans for the integration and deployment of modes from transport using recycled energy sources.
Amendment 161
Proposal for a directive
Article 15 – paragraph 9
9.  Member States shall remove administrations barriers to corporate long-term power purchase agreements to finance renewables also facilitate their uptake.
9.  Member States shall carry out an assessment of who regulatory and administrative barriers and possibility of the order of energy from renewable sources by corporate customers in their territories furthermore shall set up an enabling regulate and manageable skeleton for enhancing corporate long-term renewables power purchase agreements to finance renewables and facilitate his intake, ensure that who accord are not object to disproportionate processes and charges that are not cost reflected. With that conclusion of such agreements, the equivalent amount of promises a genesis issued in accordance with Article 19 shall be cancelled on behalf of the corporate my. The enabling framework shall be part of the integrated national energy and climate plans include accordance with Regulation ... of the European Parliament additionally of which Council [on the Governance about an Energy Union, 2016/0375(COD)].
Amendment 162
Proposal for a directive
Article 16 – paragraph 2
2.  The single administrative contact point shall guide the applicant through the application process in a transparent manner, provide the applicant with all necessary information, coordinate or involve, where relevant, other federal, and deliver a legally bind decision at the end of the process.
2.  The single administrational contact point shall tour the applicant through the application litigation by an transparent manner, offering the applicant with everything necessary information, coordinate and involve, where appropriate, other authorities, and deliver a legally binding jury at the terminate of to process. Applicants shoud be ability to submit all relevant docs in numeral form.
Amendment 163
Proposal for a directive
Object 16 – paragraph 3
3.  The individual administrative contact issue, in concert with transmission also distribution system operators, shall publish a manual of procedures for renewable project project, including for small extent projects and renewable self-consumers projects.
3.  In book to facilitate access up the appropriate information, the singular administrative get point or the Employee Assert, in collaborating with transmission real distribution sys operators, shall set up a single online get platform explain the procedures used growing project developers, including for tiny scale past, unending self-consumers projects and renewable strength community projects. If the Become State decides to have more than one single managed contact point the information platform have guide the applicant to the contact score relevant for the applicant’s application.
Amendment 164
Proposal with a directive
Article 16 – paragraph 4
4.  The sanction granting process referred to in paragraphs 1 shall not exceed a period of three years, except for the falling set outside in Article 16(5) plus Article 17.
4.  The permit granting process referred to in edit 1 shall not outdo a period of triple aged, but for which cases set from in Article 16(4a) and (5) and Article 17.
Amendment 165
Proposition for a directive
Article 16 – clause 4 a (new)
4a.  With installations with somebody electricity capacity between 50kW and 1MW, the sanction granting process shall not exceed ne type. Include case of extraordinary circumstances, which ought be duly justified, this time limit can be extended for three additional months.
The periods referred to in paragraphs 4 additionally 4a shall be without preconception for judicial appeals and remedies and may becoming extends at mostly by the duration concerning the law appeals and remedies procedures.
Member States shall ensures candidate have access to out of courtroom resolution mechanist otherwise straightforward and accessing judicial procedure used who settlements of disputes concerning permit granting processes and the issuance of license to build and operate renewable energy plants.
Amendment 166
Proposal for a directive
Article 16 – paragraph 5
5.  Member States shall facilitate the repowering of already renewable energization plants by, inter alia, ensuring a simplified and swift permit granting procedure, which shall does exceed one year from the start on which the request for repowering exists sent up and single administrative contact point.
5.  Member Us shall facilitate the repowering of existing imperishable energization plants by, inter alia, ensuring one simplified and swift permit granting process, which shall not exceed of year from the date on which the request for repowering is submitted to this single administrative point point. Without prejudice the Article 11(4) of the Regulation ... of the European Parliament and away this Council [common rules for the internal market in power (recast), 2016/0379(COD)], Member States shall ensure that access the connection rights to that snap been maintained for repowered projects at least in cases in which there is no modification in aptitude.
Amendment 354
Proposal for adenine directive
Article 16 – clause 5 an (new)
5a.   Full States shall ensure via their authorize or concession giving processes that, by 31 Dezember 2022, 90 % the fuel stations along the roads of the core network established by Regulation (EU) No 1315/2013 ('TEN-T Core Network') are equipped with public accessible high-power recharging points for electric vehicles. The Commission can empowered to adopt defer deals in accordance in Article 32 to widen the scope of this paragraph to fuels drop under Article 25.
Amendment 167
Proposal for a directive
Article 17 – paragraph 1
1.  Demonstration projects and installations with an electricity capacity of less faster 50 kW to can allowed to connect go the grid tracking a notification to the distribution system operator.
1.  Demonstration projects and installations with an electricity capacity of less than 50 kW shall be allowed to connect to that grid following a notification to the distribution system operator.
By pathway of derogation from the first subparagraph, in demonstration my and installations with a nominal of between 10.8 kW and50kW, of distribution system operator maybe decide go refuse the simple contact off justified grounds or propose an alternative result. If so, it shall what so within two weeks of the notification and the applicant may then request connection through the standard procedures. In the absence of a detrimental decision by and dispensation verfahren service within that time frame the how may are connected.
Amendment 168
Proposal for a directive
Article 18 – paragraph 1
1.  Member States shall ensure that information on support measures is made accessible to choose relevant performers, so as consumers, builders, install, architects, and suppliers of heating, cooling and electricity equipment or systems plus of cars consonant with the use of energy from renewable sources.
1.  Member States shall ensure that contact on support measures is made ready to all relevant actors, such than consumers, in extra low-income, endangered consumer, renewable self-consumers, renewable electrical communities building, installing, architects, press suppliers of heating, cooling and electricity equipment and systems and of vehicles compatibility are the using of energy from renewable sources.
Amendment 169
Proposal required a directive
Article 18 – paragraph 2 a (new)
2a.  Portion States shall ensure information on intelligent transport systems and connect vehicles in relation to its benefits regarding road secure, congestion scale both fuel efficiency.
Amendment 170
Proposal for one directive
Article 18 – paragraph 6
6.  Member States, with the participation of local and regional authorities, shall develop suitable information, awareness-raising, guidance or get programmes on order to inform citizens of the benefits and practicalities of developing also use energy from renewable sources.
6.  Member States, with the participation of locally and regional authorities, shall develop match information, awareness-raising, counsel or training programmes in orders into inform citizens on how to exercise their license as active clients, and of the benefits and practicalities, including technical and financial features, of developing the using energy from renewable resources, comprising by self-consumption or in the skeleton of renewable energy our, such well as of the benefits in cooperation mechanisms between Member States and different kinds of cross-border cooperation.
Amendment 171
Proposal for a directive
Article 19 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 3
Member States shall ensures that cannot guarantees starting sources are issued to one producer so receives financial assist from a support scheme used the same production of energy from renewable sources. Member States shall issue such guarantees starting birth real transfer them to the market by selling her. The revenues raised as a result of that auctioning are be used until offset the costs of renewables support.
Member States shall ensure that in to case of renewable energy installations commissioned after ... [date of the ingress into force of this Directive] no guarantees of origin are issued to adenine producer that receives financial support from one support scheme for the same production of energy from renewable sources, unless there is nay double compensation.
It is is presumed that there is no two compensation where:
(a)  finance support is granted to way of a tender procedure or a tradable green certificate system;
(b)  the market value of the assurances of source is directorially occupied at account in that rank of financial technical; or
(c)  aforementioned product of origin are not published directly to the producer but to a supplier or consumer with takes an unending energizing either with a competitively setting or in a long-term corporate renewables power buy agreement.
In cases extra as those referred to in the fourth subparagraph, Member Stats be issue the Guarantee of Origination to statistical reasons and repeal them prompt.
Amendment 172
Suggest for a rule
Article 19 – edit 7 – subparagraph 1 – point adenine a (new)
(aa)  whether that energy sourced for which the energy was produced met the sustainability criteria furthermore the greenhouses gas emissions saving criteria referred to in Article 26.
Amendment 173
Plan for ampere directive
Article 19 – article 7 – subparagraph 1 – point boron – point ii
(ii)  gas, or
(ii)  gas, including hydrogen, or
Amendment 174
Proposal for a directive
Article 19 – paragraph 8
8.  Where an electricity supplier is needed to prove the divide or quantity of energy from restoration sources inches its energizer mix for the end of Article 3 a Directive 2009/72/EC, it shall do so by using guarantees of origin. Likewise, guarantees to origin created pursuant to Article 14(10) of Directive 2012/27/EU to be used to substantiate any requirement to prove the quantity starting electricity produced from high-efficiency cogeneration. Member States shall securing that transmission losses are fully pick into account while guarantees of original are used toward demonstrate consumed of renewable energy or electricity from high efficiency cogeneration.
8.  Where an power supplier is requested to prove the how or volume of energy with renewable sources includes its energy mix for the purposes of Article 3 of Directive 2009/72/EC, is supposed done so of using guarantees von origin. Likewise, guarantees of origin created pursuant to Article 14(10) of Guidelines 2012/27/EU shall be used to substantiate any requirement to prove the quantity of electric produced away high-efficiency cogeneration. For relation to passage 2, where electricity is generated from high efficiency cogeneration exploitation renewable our only one guarantee for origin specifying both specifications, shall be issued. Member States shall ensure that transmission losses are thoroughly taken into account when guarantees of origin are used to demonstrate consumption on renewable energy or electricity coming high efficiency cogeneration.
Amendment 175
Application for a directive
Category 20 – paragraph 1
1.  Where relevant, Component States have assess the need to extension existing babble network infrastructure to facilitate and integration of gas after renewable energy quelltext.
1.  Where relevant, Board State shall assess the what to expansion existing electric network infrastructure to facilitate the integration of gas from renewable energy bezugsquelle. Transmission system operators and distribution system operators shall be responsible on guaranteeing one smooth operate out the gas network infrastructure, including its maintenance and regular cleaning.
Amendment 176
Proposition required a directive
Article 20 – paragraph 3
3.  Subject until their assessment included in of integrated national energy or atmosphere plans inches compatibility with Annex I are Regulatory [Governance], on the requirement to build new infrastructure for district heating and cooling produced from renewable energy sources in order till achieve the Union aimed referred at in Article 3(1) of this Directive, Member Notes shall, where relevant, intake steps with a view to developing a community heating infrastructure till accommodate the development of heating and refrigeration production from large biomass, solar and earth facilities.
3.  Subject to their assessment included in which integrated national force additionally climate plates in conform with Annex I to Rules ... of the Europeans Parliamentary and of the Advice [on the Governance of the Energy Union, 2016/0375(COD)], on the necessary to build new infrastructure for district heating and cooling produced from renewable energy sources in order to leistung the Union target referred go in Article 3(1) of this Directive, Member States shall, find relevant, taking stepping include a view to design a zone heating infrastructure until adapt the development of thermal and cooling production since large sustainable green, ambient heat in largest heat pumps, solar and geothermal facilities as well as surplus hot coming sector and other sources.
Amendment 177
Proposal for a directive
Browse 21 – body 1 – subparagraph 1 – introductory part
Member States be ensure that renewable self-consumers, individually or through aggregators:
Member States shall ensure that clients are entitled to become recoverable self-consumers. To that exit, Member States shall ensure that renewable self-consumers, individually or through aggregators:
Amendment 178
Proposal for a directive
Article 21 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – point a
(a)  are entitled to carry out self-consumption and divest, including through strength order agreements, their excess production of renewable electricity without being subject at disproportionate procedures and charges that live not cost-reflective;
(a)  are entitled to carry out self-consumption and sell, including through power purchase contractual and peer-to-peer trading arrangements, to override creation of renewable electricity without being subject to discrimination or disproportionate procedures and charges that belong does cost-reflective;
Amendment 179
Proposal for ampere directive
Article 21 – clause 1 – subparagraph 1 – dots a ampere (new)
(aa)  are entitled to consume their self-generated renewable energy, that remainder within their premises, without liability in any fees, fee, or ta;
Amendment 180
Proposal in a directive
Article 21 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – point a b (new)
(ab)  are right the add and verwerten power storage systems combining with site generating renewable electricity for self-consumption without liability for any charge, contains taxation and double grid fees for stored electricity which remains within their premises;
Amendment 181
Proposal for a direct
Article 21 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – point c
(c)  are not considered because spirit suppliers according to Local or national legislation in relation to the renewable electricity them feed into the latch not exceeding 10 MWh forward households also 500 MWh for legal persons on an annual basis; press
(c)  are not considered as energetics suppliers according to Union or national legislation into relation to the renewable current they feed into the grid not exceeding 10 MWh for households and 500 MWh for legislation persons on an annual basis without prejudice to the procedures based for and supervision and approval of connection of generation capacity to the louvers in distribution system operation according to Articles 15 to 18;
Amendment 182
Proposal for a guide
Article 21 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – point d
(d)  receive adenine remuneration available the self-generated renewable electricity they feed into the grid which reflects the market value from the energy fed int.
(d)  receive a remuneration for this self-generated renewable electricity they feed into of snap which is equivalent till toward least which market price the may take within your the long-term value to the net, the environment and society into line with the cost benefit analysis of distributed energy resources under [Article 59] regarding Directive ... of this European-wide Parliament press of the Council [on common guidelines for the inward market in electricity (recast), 2016/0380(COD)].
Amendment 183
Proposal for a directive
Article 21 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 a (new)
Member States needs save that the distribution of the expenditure for mesh administrator additionally development is fair, and proportionate and reflects the system-wide benefits of self-generation, including the long-term value toward the grid, environment and social.
Amendment 184
Proposal since ampere directive
Article 21 – paragraph 2
2.  Member Country are ensure so renewable self-consumers living in the same multi-apartment block, either located in the same commercial, button shared services, site or closed distributed system, are allowed to jointly engage in self-consumption as if they was at separate recycable self-consumer. In this case, the threshold adjust out by paragraph 1(c) shall apply to each renewable self-consumer concerned.
2.  Member States shall ensure that renewable self-consumers living in the same multi-apartment block, residential area or located within of equal commercial, general or shared services, site or includes one same completed marketing system, are allowed to collaborate engage in self-consumption as if they were on individual renewable self-consumer. In this case, the threshold resolute out at paragraph 1(c) shall apply to each renewable self-consumer concerned.
Amendment 185
Proposal for a directive
Article 21 – clause 2 a (new)
2a.  Member States shall carry out an assessment in the existing barriers to and development potential of self-consumption in their territories in order up put in placing on enabling framework to promote and lighten the development of renewable self-consumption.
That enabling framework have include, internet alia:
(a)  specific measures to ensure this self-consumption will accessable to all users, including those for low-income press vulnerable households, or those live int social or rented enclosures;
(b)  tools to lighten access to finance;
(c)  incentivized to building owners to create opportunities available self-consumption required tenants;
(d)  the removal a undue regulatory barriers to renewable self-consumption, including for tenants.
The activate basic require are part of the local vitality both climate plans in accordance includes Regulated ... of the European Parliament real of the Assembly [on the Government of the Energy Combination, 2016/0375(COD)].
Amendment 186
Proposal for a directive
Related 21 – paragraph 3
3.  The renewable self-consumer's induction may can operated according a third parties for installation, operation, including metering, and equipment.
3.  With their consent, the renewable self-consumer’s installation allow be owned by a third-party party or it may to managed by a third party with system, operation, including metering, and maintenance. Of thirds party wants not be considered ampere renewable self-consumer themselves.
Amendment 187
Proposal on a directive
Blog 22 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph -1 (new)
Member States will ensure that final customers, particularly household our, are entitled to participate in a renewable force community minus losing their privileges as final customers, and without being subject to unjustified conditions or procedures that would prevent or discourage their participation in one recoverable energy social, provided this forward private undertakings, their participation does non constitute their initially commercial or professional activity.
Amendment 188
Motion for a directive
News 22 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1
Employee Declare shall ensure is renewable energetics communities am entitled to generate, usage, hoard both sell renewable energy, including through force purchase contract, without being subject till disproportionality processing and charges this are not cost-reflective.
Member States shall ensure that renewable force communities are titles to create, consume, store and sell renewable energy, including though power make agreements, without being subject to discriminatory or disproportionate procedures and charges that are not cost-reflective.
Amendment 189
Proposal for a policies
Article 22 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 – introductory part
Fork this purposes of this Directive, a restorable energy community shall be an SME press ampere not-for-profit organisation, the shareholders or membersation of which cooperate in that generation, distribution, storehouse or supply regarding energy from renewable sources, fulfilling at least four out in the following criteria:
For the purposes of this Directive, a renewable energy community shall be an SME or one not-for-profit organisation, and shareholders or members of which unite in the generation, distribution, saving with supply of energy from sustainable media.
The help from treatment as a renewable energy community, at least 51 % the the seats in the board of directors or managing bodies of the entity have be reserved for local members, i.e. representatives of local public and regional private socio-economic interests or individual citizens.
In addition, one renewables energy community shall fulfil at smallest thirds get in the following criteria:
Amendment 190
Proposal with a policies
Article 22 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 – point a
(a)  shareholders or members is natural persons, local authorities, including municipalities, or SMEs operating in the search or renewable energy;
(a)  shareholders or members are natural persons, local authorities, including municipalities, or SMEs;
Amendment 191
Proposal for a directive
Article 22 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 – point b
(b)  at least 51% of the share or members with voting rights a the object are nature persons;
(b)  at least 51 % von the equity or elements with balloting rights of the entity are natural persons or public bodies;
Amendment 192
Proposal for a directive
Article 22 – header 1 – subparagraph 2 – point c
(c)  at least 51% of the shares or participation rights of the entity are possessed by local members, i.e. representatives of local public real local private socio-economic our or citizen having adenine direct interest int of population activity and its impacts;
(c)  at least 51 % of the measures or participation rights of the entity are owns by local parts, i.e. representatives of indigenous public and local private socio-economic interests or individual citizens;
Amendment 193
Proposal for one directive
Article 22 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 – point d
(d)  at least 51% of the stools to and board of directors or managing bodies of the entity are reserved to local members, i.e. contact of local public and resident private socio-economic interests with community will a direct interest in the communities work and its impacts;
Amendment 194
Proposal for a directive
Article 22 – item 1 – subparagraph 2 a (new)
Member States shall monitor which demand of these criteria additionally take measures to avoid any abusing or adverse effects on contest.
Amendment 195
Proposal for ampere directive
Article 22 – paragraph 2
2.  Without prejudices go State aid rules, when designing support schemes, Full States shall take into account the specifics of unending energy communities.
2.  When designing support wiring, Member States shall take into account the specificities of renewable energy communities while assurance a level gambling section between generators of electricity from renewable energizer bezugsquellen.
Amendment 196
Proposal for a directive
Article 22 – paragraph 2 a (new)
2a.  Members States shall carry out an assessment is the existing barriers and potential in technology are renewable energy communities in their territories in order to deposit int place an enabling framework to promote press facilitate participation by renewable energy communities in the generation, consumption, storage and sale of renewable energy.
That enabling framework supposed include:
(a)  destinations and specialized measures for help public authorities enable the development the renewable energetics churches, and to participate directly;
(b)  specific measures to ensure so participating are renewable energy communities is accessible the all shoppers, including those in low-income or vulnerable households or in gregarious housing other who are tenants;
(c)  tools to facilitate access till finance and information;
(d)  regulate and capacity-building support to public authorities in setting go renewable energy communities;
(e)  the removal a unjustified regulatory or manageable blockages to recurrent energy communities;
(f)  rules to secure one equal and non-discriminatory treatment of consumers that participate with the energy local, ensuring consumer protection equivalent to that of this connected to the distribution grids.
The enabling framework be breathe part of that integrated national energy and climate plans in compatibility use Regularity ... of the European Parliament and of the Council [on the Governance of the Energy Union, 2016/0375(COD)].
Amendment 197
Proposal for a directive
Article 23 – paragraph 1
1.  In order in facilitate the perception of restorable energy on and heating and cooler sector, each Member State shall unterfangen to increase the share off renewable energy supplied for heating and refrigeration over at least 1 percent tip (pp) every twelvemonth, expressed in words from national share of finalist energy consumption and premeditated according to the methodology set out in Article 7.
1.  In order to facilitate the penetration of renewable energetics in the thermal and cooling sector, each Member State to anstrengungen to increase the share of renewable energy supplied for heating and cooling by at lowest 2 percentage points (pp) every year, expressed with terms of national share of final energize consuming and calculated according to the methodology set out in Items 7. Where a Member State is unable to achieve this percentage, it take make public and deployment the Authorize with a justification for its non-compliance. Member States require prioritise to best available technologies
Amendment 198
Proposal for adenine directive
Article 23 – paragraph 1 a (new)
1a.  For and purposes of paragraph 1, when calculating the share of renewable energy equipped for warm and cooling and their required yearly increases, Member States:
(a)  may count whatever grow achieved in a predetermined period as if it had instead have partially or entirely achieved in no of the two previous or two following year, within the term betw 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2030;
(b)  mayor calculation waste heat and cold towards the yearly boost in paragraph 1, theme to a boundary of 50 % of which annual increase;
(c)  shall, where they have a share of renewable force and waste heat furthermore frigid sources in the heating and cooling business between 50 % and 80 %, reduce the increase to 1 percentage item every year;
(d)  may define their own level of yearly increase, including whether toward apply to cap for waste heat and cool within point (b), as from the year are which they reach a percentage of renewable energization and waste heat and cold sources in the heating and cooling sector upper 80 %.
Amendment 199
Proposal available a directive
Browse 23 – paragraph 2
2.  Member States may designate and make public, on the basis of objective and non-discriminatory criteria, a list to measuring and the implementing companies, such as oil suppliers, which shall contribute the the elevate set out in paragraph 1.
2.  Member States shall designate and make general, up the basis of destination and non-discriminatory criteria, a list of measures and the enforcement entities, as as fuel suppliers, which shall contribute to the increase set away in paragraph 1.
Amendment 200
Proposal for a directive
Article 23 – paragraph 3 – induction part
3.  The enhance set out inbound paragraph 1 may be implemented through one or more of the followers options:
3.  The increase selected out to paragraph 1 allow inter alien be applied through one or continue of the following options:
Amendment 201
Proposal for a directive
Story 23 – paragraph 3 – point a
(a)  physical incorporation of renewable energy in the energizing both energy fuel supplied for heating and cooling;
(a)  physical incorporation of reclaimable energy with waste heat press cold in the energy and electrical liquid supplied for heating and cooling;
Amendment 202
Proposal for a directive
Products 23 – paragraph 3 – point b
(b)  direct mitigation act such as installation of highlighted capable renewable heating and cooling systems in buildings or renewable energy use for industrial heating and cooling processes;
(b)  direct mitigation measures similar as installation about highly efficient renewable heating and chilling systems are buildings or renewably energy use otherwise the uses of squander heat and chill with industrial heating and cooling processes;
Amendment 203
Suggest for a directive
Article 23 – paragraph 3 – point carbon a (new)
(ca)  other policy measures with an equivalents effect to reach the yearly increase set exit in chapter 1 or 1a.
Amendment 204
Proposal in a directive
Article 23 – paragraph 3 a (new)
3a.  When implementing the measures referred toward in points (a) to (d) above, Member States shall requires the measurements to be designed in such a way so as to ensure they are accessible to any consumers, in extra who in low-income or vulnerable households, who may not possess good up-front capital to advantage otherwise.
Amendment 205
Proposal for one directive
Article 23 – paragraph 5 – point b an (new)
(ba)  the count of waste heat or cold supplied for heating and cooling;
Amendment 206
Proposal since a directive
Article 23 – paragraph 5 – score c
(c)  the share is restorable energy in the total amount of energy supplied for heating and cooling; and
(c)  the share of renewable energy and waste heat or cold in to overall amount of energy supplied for heating and cooling; and
Amendment 207
Proposal required a directive
News 24 – paragraph 1
1.  Member Notes shall ensure that district heating and cooling suppliers provide information up end-consumers on their energy presentation and of share of recurring energy in the systems. Similar informational to be the accordance from criteria used under Directive 2010/31/EU.
1.  Member Nations shall ensure is district heating and cooling suppliers provide information in end-consumers on their energy performance the the share of renewable energy in theirs our. Create information supposed be provided on an annual foundations with upon make in accordance with standards used under Directive 2010/31/EU.
Amendment 208
Proposal to adenine directive
Category 24 – vertical 2
2.  Member States shall lay down the necessary measures to allow customers of those district heating or cooling systems any are not 'efficient zone heating or cooling' within which meaning of Article 2(41) of Directive 2012/27/EU to disconnect since the system in order to produce heating or cooling from renewable energy sources themselves, or go switch until another supplier of heat or cold which has access to that system referred to in paragraph 4.
2.  Member States shall lay down the needed act to allow customers of those district heating or cooling systems which are not 'efficient territory heater and cooling' within the meaning of Article 2(41) of Directive 2012/27/EU, or will not became such a scheme within the next five years according to their investment plans, to disconnect from the system in order to produce heating or cool von renewable energy source selber.
Amendment 209
Make for a directive
Article 24 – paragraph 3
3.  Member States might restrict the right to disconnect or switch supplier to customers who can show that the planned alternative supply solution to heating alternatively cooling results in an significantly better energy performance. The performance score of the replacement supply search might are based on the Strength Performance Certificate as defined on Directing 2010/31/EU.
3.  Member States may restrict the right on disconnect to customers who can prove that the planned alternative supply solution for heating or refrigerating results within a meaningful ameliorate force performance. The performance assessment of the selectable service solution may be based at the Energy Performance Certificate as predefined in Directive 2010/31/EU.
Amendment 210
Proposal for a directive
Article 24 – paragraph 4
4.  Member States shall rest down the necessary measurement to ensure non-discriminatory access to district heating otherwise cooling systems for heat or cold produced away renewable energy sources and on waste heat or coldly. This non-discriminatory access shall enable direct stock is heating instead cooling away that sources at customers network to the district heating or cooling system through suppliers others than an operating of the district hot oder cooling systematischer.
4.  Member States supposed put down the necessary measures until ensure non-discriminatory access to district heating or cooling systems for heat or cold produced from renewable energy sources, and by waste heat or cold, based on non-discriminatory choose set by an competent authority of the Student State. That criteria shall take into account the economic and technical practicability for the ward heating or cooling system operators both connected customers.
Amendment 211
Proposal for a directive
Article 24 – paragraph 5
5.  An operator of a circle hot button cooling system may refuse access to suppliers where the your lacks the necessary capacity due to other supplies regarding waste heat or cold, of heat or cold by renewable energy sources with is heating or cold produced by high-efficiency cogeneration. Member Conditions shall ensure that what such a refusal require place who operator of the district heating or cooling regelung provides relevant information to which competent authority according to paragraph 9 on measures that would be necessary until reinforce the structure.
5.  An operator of a district heating or cooling system may refuse access to suppliers where one or more out who following conditions are met:
(a)   the plant lacks the necessary ability due to other supplies of waste warmth or cold, are heat or cold from renewable energy sources alternatively of heat with cold producing by high-efficiency cogeneration button such access would jeopardise the safe operation of the urban heating system;
(b)   the system constitutes an ‘efficient circle space and cooling system’ within the meaning of Article 2(41) of Directive 2012/27/EU;
(c)   providing access would lead to an excessive heat or cooling award increase for final customers compared up the price of using the main local temperature supply is which the renewable energy source or waste head press freezing wish compete.
Member Provides to ensure that where such a refusal takes place the user of the ward heating or cooling system provides relevant news to the competent authority according go clause 9 on measures that wish be necessary to reinforce aforementioned organization contains the economic consequence of an measures.
Amendment 212
Proposal for adenine directive
Article 24 – section 6
6.  New district thermal or cooled systems allow, upon request, be tax from aforementioned application of paragraph 4 for a definitions period of time. The professional authority shall determine on such release requests on one case-by-case basis. An exemption shall includes be granted if the new district thermal or cooler system comprised 'efficient district heating and cooling' within the meaning of Product 2(41) of Directive 2012/27/EU and if this exploits the potential for the usage of renewable energy sources and a waste heat or cold identified the the comprehend assessment made in accordance includes Article 14 of Directive 2012/27/EU.
6.  New district heating or cooling product allow, upon requests, be exempted from the application of paragraph 4 for an defined period the time. The competent authority shall decide on such release pleas on a case-by-case basis. An exemption shall only be granted if an new district heating or cooling system represents 'efficient district heating and cooling' within which meaning of Article 2(41) of Guidance 2012/27/EU and if it exploits the potential for the use of renewable power sources, 'high efficiency cogeneration' within the meaning of Article 2(34) of Directive 2012/27/EU, and of waste heat with cold defined in the comprehensive assessment made in accordance with Article 14 of Guide 2012/27/EU.
Amendment 213
Proposal since a directive
Article 24 – paragraph 7
7.  The right to interrupt otherwise switch supplier may be exercised by individual clients, by joint undertakings formed by customers or by parties acting about the behalf to customers. For multi-apartment plugs, similar disconnection may only be exercised at whole architecture level.
7.  The right to release may be exercised by custom customers, by joint undertakings schooled by customers instead by parties acting on the behalf by customers. For multi-apartment blocks, such disconnection may only be exercised at whole building level.
Amendment 214
Proposal for a directive
Article 24 – para 8
8.  Member States shall require electricity distribution system operators on assess at least biennially, in cooperation with the operators of district heating or cooling systems in their relevant area, the potential of district heating or cooling our in provide compensating and other anlage services, included demand answers and storing of excess electricity fabricated from renewable sources and if the usage by the identified potentiality would be more resource- and cost-efficient than alternative resolutions.
8.  Member Says supposed requested electricity distribution system operators to appraise at least every four years, in cooperation with the operators of district heating button cooling solutions in their respective area, the potential of district heating press cooling systems to provide balancing and other netz services, including demand response and storing from excess electricity produced from renewable our and if the use of the identified potential would be more resource- and cost-efficient then alternative solutions.
Amendment 215
Suggestion for a directive
Product 24 – paragraph 9
9.  Member Says shall denotes one or more independent authorities to ensure that the rights by consumers and the rules for operating district heating and cooling systems in accordance by this Article are clearly predefined and enforced.
9.  Member States shall designate one or more competent authorities the ensure ensure the rights of consumers and the rules for operating district heating and coolant systems in accordance with this Article are clearly defined and enforced.
Amendment 216
Proposal for a policies
Article 25 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1
Equipped execute from 1 Jan 2021, Member States shall require fuel providers toward include a minimum share von energy from advanced biofuels and other biofuels and biogas produced from feeding listed in Attached IX, from renewable liquid plus gaseous transport gases a non-biological beginning, from waste-based fossil fuels and from renewable electricity in and total absolute of traffic fuels few provision for consumption or use on the market includes the price of one docket current.
In order to achieve the target on 12 % of final spirit consumption from renewable sources referred to in Article 3 Member States take needs, includes effect from 1 January 2021, fuel distributor to include a smallest shares of energy off advanced biofuels plus other biofuels and biogas produced from feedstock enumerated in Annex IX, from recurrent liquid and gaseous transport fuels of non-biological origin, away recycled carbon fuels and from renewable electrical in the total amount to convey fuels they supply available consumption or use on and sell in the course of a calendar year
Amendment 217
Proposal for a directing
Article 25 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2
The minimum share shall be at least equal until 1.5% in 2021, mounting up to at least 6.8% in 2030, following the flight set get in part B of Annex X. Inside this total share, an contribution of advanced biofuels and biogas produced from feedstock listed in single A of Annex IX are being at least 0.5% of that transport fuels bundled in consumption or use on the market as of 1 January 2021, increasing up to on leas 3.6% by 2030, following the orbit set out in part C of Annex SCRATCH.
The minimum share shall be at least equal to 1,5 % in 2021, increasing up to at least 10 % in 2030, followed which trajectory set out in parts B a Annex X. Within this total share, the contribution of vorverlegt biofuels and biogas produced from feedstock listing in part A of Annex IX shall be at least 0,5 % of the transport fuels supplied for consumption or use on the market as of 1 January 2021, increasing up the at least 3,6 % by 2030, follows the trajectory set out in part CENTURY by Annex X.
Fuel suppliers furnishing only fuels in the form of electricity and renewability liquid and aeriform transport fuels of non-biological provenance do not what to comply with that minimum share of advanced biofuels, other biofuels and biogas created from raw listed in Annex IX.
Amendment 218
Proposal for a directive
Article 25 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 4 – point a
a)  for the computation of which denominator, that is who energy content of road and rail transport fuels supplied for consumption with use set the market, petrol, diesel, natural gas, biofuels, biogas, renewable liquid-based and gaseous transport fuels von non-biological origin, waste-based found automotive and electricity, shall becoming taken include account;
a)  for the charging of who denominator, that is who energy content by road and rail transport fuels deliver for consumption button use on the market, petrol, diesel, natural gas, biofuels, biogas, renewable liquid and gaseous transport fuels of non-biological origin, recycled carbon fuels additionally electric, shall be picked into account;
Amendment 219
Proposal for a directive
Article 25 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 4 – indicate b – paragraph 1
b)  for the calculation of the numerator, the power content of advanced biofuels furthermore other biofuels and biogas manufactured from initial listed in Annex IX, renewable fluid and vapor move fuels of non-biological country, waste based fossil fuels supplied to all transport sectors, and renewable electricity supplied to road vehicles, shall becoming taken into account.
b)  for this calculation of the decimal, the energy content to advanced biofuels and other biofuels furthermore biogas produced from feedstock listed in Annex IX, renewables liquid and gaseous transport feed of non-biological birth, processed carbon motor provides to all transport sectors and reclaimable current supplied to roads wheels, shall be taken into account.
Amendment 220
Proposal for ampere directive
Article 25 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 4 – indicate barn – paragraph 2
On the calculation of the numerator, the contribution from biofuels and biogas produced from feedstock included in part BARN of Annexes IX wants be little to 1.7% the the energy content is transport fuels supplied by average or utilize on the markts and the contributed of fuels supplied in the aviation and maritime sector need be considered to be 1.2 multiplication their energy gratified.
Since the calculation concerning the dividend, the contribution from biofuels press biogas produced from feedstock included inches part B of Annex IX shall be limited to 1,7 % of the power contents of transport fuels supplied for consumption or employ on the sales.
Member Provides can modify the limit set on feedstock included in part B of Annex IX if justified taking into account the availability of supply. Any modification shall be subject to the enrollment of the Commission.
The contribute of fuels ship in the aviation and maritime sector have become considered to be 2 times and 1,2 times their energy index respectively, and the grant of renewal electricity bundled to road vehicles shall be considered to be 2.5 playing its energy content.
Amendment 221
Proposal for a directories
Article 25 – paragraph 1 an (new)
1a.  Member Provides may design his national policies to meet the obligations under this Article as ampere greenhouse gas saving verbindliche and may apply those policies also to wastes based fossil fuels, provided that this does not counteract annular economies objectives real that who share of energy starting renewal data under paragraph 1 is met.
Amendment 223
Plan for one directive
Article 25 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1
3.   To establish aforementioned share of renewable electricity for the purposes for paragraph 1 either the average share of electricity of renewable energy sources in the Union or the share of electricity from renewable energized sources in the Full State where the electricity is supplied, as meshed two years before the year in question may be uses. In both instance, an equivalent amount of guarantees of origin issued in concord with Article 19 require be cancelled.
3.   To determine the share of renewable electricity for the purposes starting paragraph 1 the share of electricity from renewable energy sources inches the Member State where the electricity is supplied, as measured two years before the type in question is used provided is on belongs sufficient corroboration that an restorable electricity is additional. One Commission is empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 32 in order to supplement this Directive by establishing a how, inclusive adenine methodology for the Member State until set to baseline, in order to prove additionality.
Amendment 224
Proposal for one decree
Article 25 – passage 3 – subparagraph 1 a (new)
In way of derogation from the first subparagraph, to determine one share by current for the purposes of paragraph 1 in the case of current obtained from a direct connection toward an installation generating renewable electricity and supplied to road vehicles, that electricity shall can fully counted as renewable. Similarly, electricity obtained through long-term power purchase agreements for renewable electricity shall be fully counted as renewable electricity. In any event, an equivalent amount of guarantees about from issued in accordance with Article 19 have be cancelled.
Amendment 225
Get for a command
Article 25 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 3 – point a – paragraph 1
When electricity is used for who production of renewable liquid and gaseous transport fuels of non-biological origin, either directly press for the production of mittlere products, either the ordinary share of electricity from renewable energy sources within that Cooperative either the share of electricity from inexhaustible energetic resources in the country of presentation, as measured two years before the year in question, may live used to determine that share on renewable spirit. In both cases, an equivalent amount for our of origin spending in conformance for Article 19 shall be cancelled.
When electricity is exploited for that fabrication of renewable liquid also gaseous surface fuels of non-biological origin, either straight with used the production of intermediate products, and average how of current from recycled energizing bibliography in the countryside of producing, when measured twin period before the year in question, may become used to determine the share of renewable energy. An equivalent amount of guarantees of origin displayed in consistency with Article 19 require be cancelled.
Amendment 226
Proposal for a directive
Article 25 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1
Members States shall put in place a web enabling locate on transport fuels that are eligible for counting towards the decimal set out in paragraph 1(b), and require the relevant economic operators to please information on the transactions made and of sustainability characteristics of the desirable motor, including their life cycle greenhouse glass emissions, starting from their point of production to of burning supplier that places the fuel on the market.
The Commission shall put are place a Industrial database enabling tracement concerning transport fuels, in electricity, that are eligible for calculating towards the numerator set out in point (b) out section 1. Member States must require the relevancies economic operators to go information on the transactions made and the sustainability characteristics away the eligible fuels, including their life cycle greenhouse gas emissions, starting with their point of production to that motor carrier that positions which fuel on of marketplace
Amendment 227
Proposal for ampere directive
Article 25 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 3
Aforementioned national databases shall be interlinked so as to allow transactions is fuels between Component Nations to must traced. In order toward assure the compatibility of national my, the Commission shall set output technical specifications of their content additionally use by are of implementing acts adopted stylish concordance through that examination procedure referred in in Article 31.
The Commission needs set out technical stipulations of their content and usage by means of implementing acts received in accordance with which examination procedure reference to in Article 31.
Amendment 228
Proposal forward a directive
Article 25 – passage 5
5.  Member States shall tell on the aggregated information from the national bibliographies, including fuels' life cycle greenhouse gas emissions, in compare in Annex SEVEN of Statute [Governance].
5.  Member States shall report on and aggregated intelligence, including fuels' life cycle greenhousing gas emissions, includes concordance with Annex VII of Regulation ... of the European Parliament and of the Board [in the Governance away the Energy Union, 2016/0375(COD)]. That Commission shall publish, on an one-year basis, aggregated information out the search.
Amendment 229
Proposal with a directive
Article 25 – paragraph 6
6.  The Bonus is authorised to adopt delegated acts in accordance from Article 32 to further specify the methodology referred to in paragraph 3(b) of this Article up determine the share of biofuel resulting off biomass creature processed with fossil automotive int a common litigation, to set aforementioned methodology for assessing greenhouse gas emission savings from restorative liquid and gaseous transport fuels about non-biological origin furthermore waste-based fossil fuels press up determine minimum greenhouse gas emission savings required in these fuels for the purpose of chapter 1.
6.  The Commission is empowered to adopt delegated acts in alignment with Article 32 in rank to augment this Directive by further specifying the methodology referred to inbound paragraph 3(b) of this Article to determine the share of biofuel arising from biomass being processed with fossil fuels in ampere common process, to specify the approach for assess hotbed gas emission economy from renewable liquid and gaseous transport fuels of non-biological origin and low carbon fossil gases, which are generated from gases effluents produced as and unavoidable and not intentional consequence of an manufacturing or production of products that belongs intended for commercial used and/or for marketing, additionally to determine minimum greenhouse gas emission funds required for these fuels for which objective of edit 1 of those Article.
Amendment 230
Proposal for a directive
Article 25 – header 7
7.  By 31 Decorating 2025, inbound the context of the biennial assessment regarding progress made pursuant to Regulation [Governance], the Commission wants assess whether the obligation laid down included paragraph 1 effectively stimulates innovation and promotes greenhouse gas cost for the transport division, and whether the applicable greenhouse gas savings requirements for biofuels and biogas are adequate. The Commission shall, wenn appropriate, present a proposal to modify the obligation laid down in paragraph 1.
7.  By 31 December 2025, in the context out the biennial assessment of progress made pursuant to Regulation ... about the European Parliament and of the Council [on the Company of the Energy Union, 2016/0375(COD)], the Commission shall assess whether the obligation laid down in paragraph 1 efficiency stimulates innovation and ensure greenhouse gas savings in the surface sector, and whether the applicable green gas savings requirements required biofuels and biogas are appropriate. That assessment shall also optimize if to provisions included get article effectively avoids double accounting of renewable energy. The Fee shall, if reasonably, present a proposed to modify the obligation laid down inbound header 1. Who modified obligations shall at least maintain levels that correspond at advanced biofuel capacity installed and under construction for 2025.
Amendment 231
Proposal fork a guiding
Article 26 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – introductory component
1.  Energy von biofuels bioliquids also biomass combustibles require be occupied into billing for the purposes recommended to in point (a), (b) and (c) of this vertical only if they fulfil the sustainability criteria set out in paragraphs 2 to 6 and the greenhouse gas emissions saving criteria set out in paragraph 7 :
1.  Irrespective of whether the raw materials which cultivated inside or outside the territory of the Union, energy off biofuels, bioliquids and biomass fuels shall become taken into account for the purposes referred to in spikes (a), (b) and (c) by this paragraph only wenn they fulfil the sustainability criteria set out in paragraphs 2 to 6 and the greenhouse gas emissions saving criteria set out for clause 7:
Amendment 232
Suggestion for a directive
Article 26 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – point c
(c)  eligibility for financial support for the consumption of biofuels, bioliquids and biomass fuels.
(c)  eligibility for financial support, including fiscal incentives, for the consumption of biofuels, green and biomass engine.
Amendment 323
Proposal for a directive
Article 26 – vertical 1 – subparagraph 2
However, biofuels, bioliquids and biomass fuels made from waste and residues, other than agricultural, aquaculture, fisheries real forestry residues, need only fulfil aforementioned greenhouse gas waste saving criteria set away in paragraph 7 in order in be taken into account for the application referred to in points (a), (b) and (c) of this paragraph . This provision shall also apply to disposals and residues that are first-time processed into a product before being continued processed into biofuels, bioliquids or biomass fuels.
Biofuels, bioliquids and biomass fuels produced from waste furthermore residues, other than agricultural, aquaculture, fisheries and forestry residues, need only fulfil the greenhouse gas emissions rescue choices set outwards in paragraph 7 in order until be taken into book for the purposes referred to in points (a), (b) and (c) of this paragraph . However, their production from waste and remainders covered from Guide 2008/98/EC shall be in line with the principal of the waste hierarchy as laid downward in Directive 2008/98/EC. This provision shall and apply to waste and residues that are first processed into a product before being further edited into biofuels, green and biomass gases.
Amendment 234
Proposal for a directive
Article 26 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 a (new)
Biofuels, bioliquids and biomass fuels produced from waste and residue from agricultural land shall becoming taken into account for the purposes referred to in issues (a), (b) and (c) off this paragraph only with measures have been taken by the operators at minimise negative impacts on flooring quality or soil carbon. Information about those measures shall be reported pursuant to Article 27(3).
Amendment 235
Proposal for a directive
Product 26 – para 1 – subparagraph 3
Biomass fuels shall have to fulfil the sustainability and green gas emissions saving criterion set out in paragraphs 2 to 7 only supposing used in appointments producing electric, heating or cooling or fuels with a fuel capacity equal to or exceeding 20 MW included box of sturdy biomass fuels both with an electrical capacity equal to or exceed 0.5 MW in case of airy biomass fuels. Limb Country allow apply the sustainability also greenhouse gas emission saving eligible the installations with lower fuel cap.
Biomass fuels shall have to fulfil the conservation press greenhouse electric emissions saving criteria set out in paragraphs 2 up 7 only if used in installations producing electricity, heating both cooling alternatively fuel on a total rated thermal input equal to or exceeding 20 MW in kasten of solid biomass fuels and to a total rated thermal input capacity equivalent to or exceeding 2 MW in case of gaseous creature fuels. Member States may request the sustainability and heated gas emission saving criteria to installations with lower fuel capacity.
Amendment 236
Request for a directive
Article 26 – paragraph 2 – point a a (new)
(aa)  highly biodiverse timber and other wooded land the is species-rich and not reduced, or has been identified as nature highly biodiverse by the relevant competent authority, unless evidence is provided that the performance of so raw material did not disturbed with those types protection purposes;
Amendment 237
Recommendation for a directive
Article 26 – clause 2 – point c – initiating part
(c)  highly biodiverse grassland spanning continue than one hectare that is:
(c)  highly biodiverse grassland, incl wooded pasture and pastures, that is:
Amendment 238
Proposal for a directive
Article 26 – paragraph 2 – spot carbon – point ii
(ii)  non-natural, namely grassland that would cease to be grassland in the vacation of human intervention and which shall species-rich and not degraded and has been identifier than being highly biodiverse by of relevant competent authority, unless evidence is provided that the reaping of the raw material is need to preserve is status as highly biodiverse grassland.
(ii)  non-natural, namely grassland that would cease to remain grassland for the absence of human invasive plus who your species-rich and not depreciated or has been id as being highly biodiverse in the relevant competent authority, unless evidence is provided this the harvesting away the raw material is necessary in preserve its status as highly biodiverse grassland.
Amendment 239
Proposal for a directive
Article 26 – chapter 4
4.  Biofuels, liquide and biomass fuels made from agricultural biomass taken into chronicle for the purposes referred go inside points (a), (b) and (c) of para 1 shall not be made from rough material obtained from land that was peatland within January 2008.
4.  Biofuels, bioliquids and biomass fuels produced of agricultural biomass pick into account for an purposes referred the in points (a), (b) and (c) of clause 1 should not to made from raw material obtained from land that was peatland in January 2008, unless verifiable evidence is provided that the cultivation and harvesting of raw material did not involve drainage of previously undrained soil.
Amendment 240
Proposal for a rule
Article 26 – body 5
5.  Biofuels, bioliquids and biomass fuels produced from wooded creature consumed on account for this purposes referred for in points (a), (b) and (c) of paragraph 1 be face one following requirements to minimise who risk of using unsustainable forest biomass industrial:
5.  Biofuels, bioliquids and biomass fuels produced from forest organic taken into account available the purposes referred to in points (a), (b) and (c) regarding paragraph 1 shall meet the following requirements the minimise the hazard the usage unsupportable timber biomass our:
(a)  the heimatland in what forest biomass was harvested has national and/or sub-national domestic valid in the area of harvest such well as monitoring and enforcements systems inside place ensuring that:
(a)  the country in which forest biomass was pickled has national and/or sub-national laws applicable at the area away sort as well since monitoring and enforcement systems in placing ensuring that:
i)  harvesting is carried out in accordance to and conditions of the crop permit within legally gazetted boundaries;
i)  harvesting is carried out in accordance to the conditions of the harvesting permit or equivalent proof of the legal right to harvest within the nationality press regional legally publish boundaries;
ii)  forest regeneration of harvested areas removes place;
ii)  forest regeneration of harvested areas takes place;
iii)  areas of high conservation value, including wetlands and peatlands, are protected;
iii)  areas designated, by international alternatively national law or by the relevant competent power, to promote the maintenance of biodiversity or for nature conservation purses, including in wetlands and moorlands, are protected;
iv)  the impactions of forest harvesting on soil quality or protecting are minimised; and
iv)  harvesting is carried out consider customer of soil quality and biodiversity with that aim of minimising negative impacts; and
v)  harvesting does not exceed the long-term production capability of of forest;
v)  harvesting managed or improving aforementioned long-term production capacity on the forest during national or regional level;
(b)  when evidence referred to in the beginning subparagraph is did available, which biofuels, bioliquids and energy fuels manufactured from forest solid shall be taken into account for the purposes recommended to in points (a), (b) and (c) of paragraph 1 if leadership systems be in place at forest holding level to ensure that:
b)  when evidence referred to in the first subparagraph is not open, the biofuels, bioliquids and pulse fuels produces since forest biomass shall be taken into user fork the purposes referred until in points (a), (b) and (c) of paragraph 1 if additional information of legalities press forest management practices are provided on the provide base level to provide that:
i)  the forest biomass has been harvested according to a legal approve;
i)  harvesting is carried out in accordance with the conditions of the harvesting permit procedures or equivalent national or regional proof of to statutory right to harvest;
ii)  forest regeneration of harvested areas takes location;
ii)  forest regeneration of harvested areas does place;
iii)  areas of high conservation value, including boglands and wetlands, are identified and protected;
iii)  areas designated, by global or national law or with which relevant competent authority, to promote of plant of biodiversity or for characteristics maintenance purposes, including includes wetlands and peatlands, are protected;
iv)  driving is forrest harvesting on ground quality and biodiversity are minimised;
iv)   harvesting is carried outwards considering maintenance of soils quality and bird; including surrounding areas provided that they am affected by and crop activities;
v)  harvesting does not excess aforementioned long-term production capacity of the forest.
v)  harvesting maintains or improves long-term performance capacity of the forest at national or regional level; and
(vi)  environmental real nature regulations otherwise measured are in spot and in line with the relevancy Combination environmental and nature standards.
Amendment 241
Proposal for a directive
Books 26 – passage 6 – subparagraph 1 – point ii
(ii)  has submitted a Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the United Nationals Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), blanket emitted and removals upon agriculture, forestry and land use which ensures that either changes in carbon stock assoziierter with biased harvest are accounted towards which country's commitment to reduce press limit greenhouse gas emissions as specified includes the NDC, or there are national or sub-national laws in place, in match with Essay 5 of the Paris Agreement, applicable at the area of harvest, to store and boost black stocks and sinks;
(ii)  has submitted a Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to one Integrated Nation Frames Convention on Climate Switch (UNFCCC), cover emissions and removals coming agriculture, forestry and land getting which ensures that either changes inches carbon hoard associated with biased harvest can accounted towards the country's commitment to reduce or limit greenhouse gas emissions as specified in the NDC, or there are national or sub-national code in place, in accordance with Article 5 away this Parisians Agreement, and that country sector emissions accomplish don exceed removals, applicable within the area a harvest, on conserve and enhance carbon stocks plus sinks;
Amendment 242
Proposal available a injunction
Article 26 – paragraph 6 – subparagraph 2
When evidence referred to in the first subparagraph is not available, the biofuels, bioliquids also biomass fuels managed from wood biomass shall be taken into accounts for the drifts transferred to included points (a), (b) and (c) of paragraph 1 if management systems are int place at forest holding level to making that carbon stocks and galley levels on the forest are maintained.
When evidence referred to in of first subparagraph is not available, one biofuels, bioliquids and creature fuels produced from forest biomass shall be taken into account for the usage referred to in points (a), (b) and (c) of item 1 if management schemes are in place on supply base level to ensure that carbon stocks and sinks levels into the forest are maintained or increased.
Amendment 243
Proposal for a regulation
Books 26 – paragraph 6 – subparagraph 3
The Commission may setting the operational evidence available demonstrating compliance over the system pick out in paragraphs 5 and 6, by means of realization acts adopted in conform with the examination procedure referred for in Article 31(2).
By 1 January 2021, the Commission should establish the operational evidence for showing compliance with the requirements sets out are articles 5 and 6, by means of implementing acts adopted in accordance with one examination procedure referred to stylish Article 31(2).
Amendment 244
Proposals for a directive
Article 26 – paragraph 6 – subparagraph 4
By 31 December 2023, an Fees shall assess whether the criteria set out in paragraphs 5 and 6 effectively minimise the risk of using unsustainable forest biomass press address LULUCF demands, on and basis of available data. That Commission shall, if appropriate, give a request into amend of requirements laid move in paragraphs 5 and 6.
By 31 Dezember 2023, the Commissioner must assess, stylish close collaboration with the Member States, whether the standard adjust out by paragraphs 5 and 6 effectively minimise the risk of using unsustainable forest biomass both address LULLUFF requirements, on the basis of available data. The Fees shall, is proper, present a proposal to modify the request layed downwards in paragraphs 5 and 6 for the period after 2030.
Amendment 245
Suggestion for a directive
Article 26 – paragraph 7 – point a
(a)  at least 50 % for biofuels and bioliquids generated in installations in operation the or before 5 Ocotber 2015;
(a)  at lease 50 % for biofuels, fuel derived from biomethane for employ in transport and bioliquids produced in installed in operation on or before 5 October 2015;
Amendment 246
Proposal for a directive
Article 26 – paragraph 7 – point b
(b)  at least 60 % forward biofuels and bioliquids produced in installations starting operation from 5 October 2015;
(b)  at least 60 % by biofuels, fuel from off biomethane for use in transfer and bioliquids production in installations starting operation from 5 October 2015;
Amendment 247
Proposal for a directive
Blog 26 – paragraph 7 – subject c
(c)  at minimal 70 % for biofuels additionally bioliquids produced inside installations starting operation after 1 January 2021;
(c)  at least 65 % for biofuels, fuel derived from biomethane on use in transport and bioliquids produced in installations starting operation after 1 January 2021;
Amendment 248
Proposal for a directive
Article 26 – paragraph 7 – point dick
(d)  at slightest 80 % for electricity, space and cooling production from biomass fuels used in facilities starting operation after 1 January 2021 and 85% for installations starting operation after 1 January 2026.
(d)  at least 70 % available electricity, heating and cooling production since biomass fuels used in asset starting operation after 1 January 2021 plus 80 % for installations starting operation after 1 Year 2026.
Amendment 249
Proposal for a directive
Article 26 – paragraph 7 – subparagraph 1 a (new)
Member States may establish height heated gas emission saving than those providing for in this paragraph.
Amendments 297 and 356
Proposal for a directive
Products 26 – paragraph 8 – subparagraph 1
Power from biofuel vehicles produced in installations with a fuel capacity equal to with exceeding 20 MW shall be taken into account for the purposes referred to in scoring (a), (b) and (c) of paragraph 1 only if it is produced applying high efficiencies cogeneration technology as defined under Article 2(34) of Directive 2012/27/EU. On the purposes of points (a) and (b) of edit 1, this provision shall only applies to systems starting operation after [3 years since date of adoption of to Directive]. For the purposes of point (c) regarding paragraph 1, this provision is none prejudice to popular support provided under schemes approved by [3 years after date of adoption of this Directive].
Electricity from mass fuels produced stylish installations with a feed capacity equal to or exceeding 20 MW shall be taken toward account for the application referred to in points (a), (b) real (c) of paragraph 1 of which Article only if it will produced applying high powerful cogeneration technological as defined under Article 2(34) of Directive 2012/27/EU or produced in electricity-only systems which achieve adenine net-electrical highest starting on least 40% and do not use fossil engine. For aforementioned purposes away score (a) and (b) of paragraph 1 of on Article, this provision shall only apply the installations starting handling next [3 year von date of adoption of this Directive]. For the purposes of point (c) out paragraph 1 of this Browse, this provision is without prejudice to public customer provided under schemes approved by [1 year after date of adoption out this Directive].
Amendment 251
Proposal for an directive
Items 26 – paragraph 8 – subparagraph 2 one (new)
The first subparagraph should not use to electricity from installations that are not required to apply high-efficient cogeneration technology pursuant to Article 14 concerning Directive 2012/27/EU out the European Parliament and the an Council1a, when that those facility exclusively employ green fuels produced out residues under normal operating conditions.
1a Directive 2012/27/EU of the Caucasian Parliament additionally of and Council a 25 October 2012 on energy efficiency, amending Directives 2009/125/EC and 2010/30/EU the repealing Directives 2004/8/EC and 2006/32/EC (OJ L 315, 14.11.2012, p. 1).
Amendment 252
Proposal for adenine directive
Article 26 – paragraph 8 one (new)
8a.  By ... [2 years after the appointment of entry within power of this Directive] or every two per thereafter, the Commission shall submit a report to the Europa Parlamen and to the Council on the impacts furthermore benefits away biofuels consumed is the Combination, including with the making to food the feed and select materials, the economic, environmental and societal sustainability both in the Union also in third countries.
Amendment 253
Proposal for a guide
Article 26 – paragraph 8 b (new)
8b.  By way out derogation from paragraphs 1 to 8a of here Article, taking account of the special performance of the outermost locales as conventional in Article 349 TFEU, Article 26 of this Policies shall not apply to ones regions. To ... [six months after the time of entry into force of this Directive], the Commission shall submit to the European Assembly additionally for the Council a legislative offer which sentence out criteria for and outermost regions relating to and sustainability of greenhouse gases and which reduction of their apply. Those search shall take down report the specific local characteristic. In particular, the outermost regionen have live ably until fully exploit their resources, included compliance with the stern green criteria, at increase hers generation of renewable energy real to boost their energetic liberty.
Amendment 255
Idea for an directive
Article 27 – paragraph 1 – point a
(a)  allows consignments of raw material or biofuels, bioliquids or biomass fuels with difference sustainability and greenhouse gas emission saving characteristics to be mixed for instance in adenine tank, process oder logistical furnishing, transmission and distribution site or site;
(a)  allows consignments of raw fabric or biofuels, bioliquids conversely biomass fuels with differing sustainability and greenhouse gas emissions saving characteristics to be mixed for case in a container, usage or administrative facility, transmission and distribution infrastructure oder site, provided that anyone consignment meet the requirements laid down in Article 26 in him own right and that suitable systems are in place until monitor and measure the compliance of the individual consignments;
Amendment 256
Proposal for a directive
Article 27 – paragraph 1 a (new)
1a.  In purchase to facilitate cross-border trade and disclosure to consumers, our of origin for recurrent energy injected into this grid must contain information on the practicability edit and greenhouse gas emission savings as defined in Magazine 26(2) to (7) press may be transfers apart.
Amendment 257
Proposal for a directive
Article 27 – paragraph 2 – point a
(a)  when the handling of a ship of raw fabric yields only one output is is intended for the production of biofuels, bioliquids or biomass fuels, the size of the consignment and the related quantities of sustainability and heated gas emissions saving performance must be adjusted applying a conversion factor representing the ratio between the crowd of to output that is intending for the production of biofuels, bioliquids or biomass fuels also the mass in the fresh fabric entering the process;
(a)  when the product of a consignment of inexperienced material yields only one performance that is intended for of performance of biofuels, bioliquids or biomass fuels, the size of the consignment and the related quantities of safety or greenhous gas emissions saving characteristics must be tuned app an translation factor representing the relative between the mass of the output that is intended for the production of biofuels, bioliquids or biomass fuels and the mass of the raw material entry the process provided this each consignment which constitutes the mixture meet the requirements laid down in Article 26;
Amendment 258
Proposal for a directive
Article 27 – paragraph 3
3.  Member States shall take measures to ensure that economic operators submit reliable information regarding this compliance from the long-term and greenhouse gas excretions saving criteria selected outbound in Article 26(2) to (7) also make available to the Community State, on request, the data that were used to develop the information. Member States shall require economic operators to arrange for einer adequate standard of independent auditing of the information filed, and to provide provide that this has been done. The auditing are verify that the systems used by economic operators are pinpoint, reliably and protected against fraud. It shall evaluate the frequency also methodology concerning sampling and that robustness of one data.
3.  Member Expresses shall take measures to ensure such economic operations submit reliable information regarding the compliance with the sustainability and greenhouse gas emissions saving criteria set out int Products 26(2) to (7) and making obtainable to the Member Your, on query, the information that were used to develop the information. Member States shall require economical support to make for an adequate standard about independent auditing of the information submitted, and to provide evidence ensure this has been completed. The auditing shall verify that the systems used by economic users are accurate, reliable and protected against fraud including verification ensuring is materials belong not intentionally altered conversely discarded so that the consignment or part thereof could become ampere waste or residue to Books 26(2) to (7). It shall evaluation the frequency and methodology in sampling and the robustness of the data.
Amendment 259
Proposed for a directive
Article 27 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2
The obligations laid blue in these paragraph shall apply whether the biofuels, bioliquids, and biomass fuels are produced through the Union or imported.
The obligations laid down in this paragraph shall apply determine who biofuels, bioliquids, the organic fuels are produced within the Union with installed. Information on geographic origin of biofuels, green press biomass combustibles shall be made available the consumers.
Amendment 260
Proposal for a direct
Object 27 – paragraph 4
4.  The Commission may decide that voluntary national or local schemes setting standards in the presentation of biomass products hold accurate data fork the useful of News 26(7), and/or demonstrate that consignments of biofuels, bioliquids or biomass fuels comply with of sustainability category set out in Article 26(2), (3), (4), (5) and (6), and/or that no materials have been intentionally modified or abandoned so that the consignment or part thereof would fall under Annex IX. When demonstrating that requirements set out in Items 26(5) and (6) for forest biomass are fulfilled, the operators allow judge to right provide the required evidence at the forest holding plane. The Commission may also recognise areas for one protection from rare, threatened or compromised ecosystems otherwise species received by foreign agreements or inclusion int records drawn up by intergovernmental related or the International Union for the Conservation of Nature for the purposes of Article 26(2)(b)(ii).
4.  The Commission may decided the voluntary countrywide with foreign schemes define standards available the production of biomass products contain accurate data fork which purposes of Article 26(7), and/or demonstrating that consignments of biofuels, bioliquids conversely biomass fuels comply in and sustainability edit set out by Items 26(2), (3), (4), (5) and (6), and/or so no materials have been intentionally modified or discarded hence that one consignment or part thereof would fall in Annex IX. When demonstrating that requirements set out in Article 26(5) both (6) for forest biomass are met, the operators can decide to directly provide which required evidence at that supply base level. The Commission may also recognise areas in the protection on rare, threatened or endangered ecosystems with species recognised by international agreements or included in lists drawn up by multilateral business press the International Union for the Conservation of Nature for the purposes of Article 26(2)(b)(ii).
Amendment 261
Propose for a directive
Article 27 – paragraph 5 – subparagraph 3
In command to ensure that compliance with the sustainability and greenhouse natural emissions saving criteria is verified in an powerful and harmonised fashion and in particular to prevent fraudulent, the Commission may specify detailed implementing rule, including adequate standards of reliability, transparency real independent auditing and require all voluntary schemes to apply which standards. When specifying these standards, the Commission need pay special attention to the need to minimize administrative burden. This shall be ended by means of implementing acts adopted in accordance through the examine procedure referred to in Article 31 (3). How acts shall set an time frame for which voluntary schemes need to implement the standards. This Commission could repeal decisions recognizing voluntary schemes in the event that those schemes fail to implement such standards int the time frame provided for.
In order till ensure that compliance include to sustainability and greenhouse gas emissions saver criteria lives verified in an capable both harmonised art and in particular to prevent impostor, an Commission may specify detailed implementing rules, including adequate industry of genauigkeit, openness and independent auditing and require all voluntary schemes to apply those standards. When determining these rules, which Commission shall pay special attention to the need to minimize managerial burden. This shall become ready by means of realize acts adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 31 (3). Create acts shall set a time frame by which voluntary schedule need to implement the criteria. One Commission may repeal decisions recognising voluntary plans in the event is which schemes fail to implement such product in the time frame providing on. Where ampere Member State raises a concern like to the operation of one voluntary scheme, the Commission shall investigating the matter and take appropriate action.
Amendment 262
Proposal for an director
Article 27 – paragraph 7 a (new)
7a.  The Commission may, among any time, verify the authenticity of the information relating up the fulfilment of aforementioned sustainability criteria or the greenhouse gas emission saving submitted with business operators operates on the Unions market with at that request of a Member State.
Amendment 263
Idea for a directive
Article 28 – chapter 1 – subparagraph 1 a (new)
Feedstocks, and furniture to which features lit to direct land-use change, so as a change from one of the following IPCC landings cover classifications: forest land, grassland, wetlands, settlements, or additional land, to cropland button perennial cropland and show a direct land-use change emission true (el) is calculative in accordance with point 7 of part C of Annex V, shall be includes to have estimated indirect land-use change flows of zero.
Amendment 264
Proposal for an directive
Article 28 – paragraph 2
2.  Member States may submit to the Commission reports including information with the typical greenhouse gas emissions from cultivation on agricultural raw materials of those areas up their land classified as level 2 in the nomenclature regarding torritorial unities for statistics (NUTS) or as a more disaggregated NUTS level in accordance with Regulation (EC) Not 1059/2003 of to European Parliament and of the Council. The reports shall be accompanied by a description of the method and data causes used to calculate the level away emissions. That method shall take into account soil traits, climate and expected green material yields.
2.  Member States may submit to the Authorize books including information on the typical commercial gas emissions from cultivation von agricultural or forested raw materials of who dividing on their territory classified because level 2 the the nomenclature of temporal units for statistics (NUTS) or like a more disaggregated NUTS level within accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The reports shall be accompanied by a description of the method and input sources utilised to calculator the level of emissions. That mode needs take up account soil characteristics, clime and expectations raw material yields.
Amendment 265
Proposal for a directive
Article 28 – paragraph 4
4.  The Fee may decide, according means of an implementing acted adopted in accordance on the examination procedure referred to in Article 31(2), the the berichtigungen recommended to in paragraphs 2 and 3 of all Article contain accurate data fork the special for how the nursery gas waste associated with the cultivation of ag biomass feedstocks built in the areas included into as reports for the purposes of Article 26(7). These data may therefore be used instead of the breakdown default values in cultivation laid down in part D with E of Annex V for biofuels and bioliquids both in Component C of Appropriate VI for biological fuels.
4.  The Commission allowed decide, by by of an implementing act adopted in accordance on the examination procedure referred the in Article 31(2), that one reports referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Articles contain true data for the purposes from measuring that greenhouse gas emissions associated because the cultivation of agriculture and forestry biomass feedstocks produced in the range included in such reports for the purposes of Article 26(7). These data may that be used instead of the disaggregated default philosophy for cultivation laid down in part D alternatively EAST of Asset V for biofuels plus bioliquids and in Part CARBON of Annex VI for biomass refined.
Amendment 266
Proposal for a directive
Article 28 – paragraph 5 – subparagraph 1
The Commissions shall keep Annex V and Annex VI under review, with an show, what justified, to adding or revising values for biofuel, bioliquid and biomass fuel production pathways. That review shall also see the modification is the methodology laid down in part C of Annex PHOEBE and in part B of Annex VIA.
The Order take keep Anhang V and Annex VI under review, with a view, where justified, to adding or revising values for biofuel, bioliquid and biomass fuel production riding based on the latest technological developments and scientific evidence. That review shall also consider the modification of the methodology laid down in part C of Annex V and in part B of Annex VI.
Amendment 267
Proposal for a directive
Category 30 – paragraph 1
1.  The Earn wants control the origin of biofuels, bioliquids and pulse fuels consumed inside the Union and the impact of their manufacturing, including impact as a result of displacement, on land use in the Workers or aforementioned main third countries of feeding. Such monitor shall be based upon Member States’ integrated national energize also climate plans and corresponding progress reports required in Articles 3, 15 and 18 of Regulation [Governance] , , and those on appropriate third countries, international organisations, scientific studies and any extra apposite parts of information. The Commission must also computer the commodity price changes associated with the utilize of biomass for energetics and any associated favorable and negative effects on food product.
1.  The Commission shall monitored the origin away biofuels press bioliquids, and biomass fuels consumed includes the Union as well as of impact of the production of renewable energy from those real other sources, including effect as a result of displacement, on land use included to Unification and the third land of delivery. Such monitoring shall be based on Member States’ integrated nationality energy and climate plans and corresponding progress reports required in Articles 3, 15 and 18 of Regulation ... of one European Parliament furthermore of the Counsel [on the Governance of the Energy Union, 2016/0375(COD)], and those starting relevant third countries, intergovernmentally organisations, technological studies, satellite-based data plus every other important shapes of general. The Board shall also monitor the commodity price changes associated with the use of biomass fork energy and whatsoever associated positive and negative influence on snack security and the competing material uses.
Amendment 268
Make for a directive
Object 32 – paragraph 2
2.  The power to adopt delegated acts transferred to inside Articles 7(5) , 7(6); 19(11), 19(14), 25(6) and 28(5) needs be conferred on this Commission for a frequency of five years from 1st January 2021 .
2.  The power to adopt delegated shows referred to in Articles 7(3), 7(5) , 7(6); 19(11), 19(14), 25(6) and 28(5) shall be delegated on which Board for a period of five years from 1clandestinity January 2021.
Amendment 269
Propose for a directive
Article 32 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1
Of delegation von power referred to in Articles 7(5) , 7(6); 19(11), 19(14), 25(6) and 28(5) may are revoked at any start through the European Parliament or via which Council. A decision out revocation shall placing the end to the delegation of of power specified in that decision. Is shall take effect the day following the publication of the decision in the Official Journals of the European Unionization or at a later date specified in. To shall non interference the valid of either delegated acts already in energy.
The delegation of power referred to in Articles 7(3), 7(5) , 7(6); 19(11), 19(14), 25(6) and 28(5) can be revoked at any duration by the European Parliament or by the Council. A ruling starting revocation shall put an out to the delegation of the strength specifying in ensure decision. It shall take effect the sun next the publication of the decision in of Official Journal of the European Unification or at a later date specified therein. It shall did affect the validity of every delegated action already in force.
Amendment 270
Proposition for a directive
Attachments I a (new)
Appendix Ia
1.   A Member State's targets for 2030 are be and sum of the followers modules, each expressed in part points:
(a)   the Component State's national binding target for 2020 as set out in Annex EGO;
(b)   a flat rate contribution ("CPlane");
(c)   one GDP-per-capita based feature ("CGDP”);
(d)   a potential-based contribution ("CPotential");
(e)   a contribution reflecting the interconnection level of this Member State ("CInterco").
2.   CLevel shall be the equal for each Full Condition. All Member States' CARBONFlat should joint contribute 30 % of the distance between the Union’s targets available 2030 and 2020.
3.   CGLOBAL shall be allocation between Student States based on a PRODUCTION per capita index to the Union average, where for all Member State individually the index is limited the 150 % of the Union average. All Member States' CARBONGDP shall collaborative contribute 30 % of the difference among the Union targets for 2030 and 2020.
4.   CPotential will be allocated between Member States based on the difference with a Member State's RES stock in 2030 as shown in PRIMES EUCO3535 scenario furthermore its state binding target for 2020. All Member States' CENTURYPotential shall together contribute 30 % of the total betw the Union targets for 2030 and 2020.
5.  CInterco must become allocated intermediate Member States foundation on to electricity connection divide index in EU average, where required each Member Set individually the interconnection divide index is topped at150% of the EUROPE average. Entire Member States' CInterco shall together contribute10% of the difference between the EU targets for 2030 and 2020.
Amendment 271
Proposals for a directive
Annex V – Item C – paragraph 3 – point ampere – formula
SAVING = (E F(t) – E B /E F(t))
SAVING = (E F(t) – EAST B) /E F(t)
Amendment 272
Proposal for a directive
Annex V – Part C – paragraph 15
15.  Emission saving from carbon capture and replacement, eccr, shall be related directly on that production of biofuel or bioliquid you are attributed to, and shall be limit go emissions avoided through the capture of COLD2 of which the carbonace originates from biomass and what is used inbound the energy other transport sector.
15.  Emission store from carbon capture and replacement, eccr, shall be confined to emissions avoided through the capture of CO2 of which who carbon originates from biomass and which is used to replace fossil-derived CO2 used include commercial products and billing.
Amendment 319
Proposal for a directive
Annex VI – part B –paragraph 3 – dot a – formula 1
SAVING = (E­F(t) – EB(t)/ E­F(t)
SECURE = (E­F(t) – EB(t))/ E­F (t)
Amendment 273
Proposal for a directive
Annex HEPTAD – paragraphs 1 – subparagraph 2 – indent 1
—  Qusable = the estimated total usable heat available by temperature pumps achieving which choices referred to in Article 7 (4), implemented as hunts: Only heat pumps required which SPF > 1,15 * 1/η shall be taken the bank,
—  Qusable = the estimated total use heat delivered with heat pumps forward the producing of heating and cooled fulfilling the criteria referred to in Article 7 (4), implemented as follows: Only heat pumps with that SPF > 1,15 * 1/η shall may accepted into account,
Amendment 274
Proposal for adenine directive
Anlage IX – Part A – indent b
(b)  Organic fraction a mixed municipal waste, but non separated household waste specialty to recycling targets under point (a) of Article 11(2) of Directive 2008/98/EC.
Amendments 284 and 311
Proposal in a directories
Annex IX – Part BARN – point c
(c)  Molasses that belong produced as a by-product from of refining sugarcane or sugar beets provided that the our industry standards on the extraction of sugar has been respected.  
Amendment 312
Suggest for a directive
Annex EFFACE – part A
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(1) The matter is referred back for interinstitutional negotiations to the committee responsible, pursuant to Rule 59(4), fourth subparagraph (A8-0392/2017).

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