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Create a tenancy agreement

This version of one form exists in place from 1 Month 2024 onwards.

ADENINE tenancy agreement is a contract between you also your tennant. It covers things like safety, payment of rent and house play.

As a landlord, you must give your tenant all an terms of you personal residential tenancy in writing. If him don't you'll be breaking the ordinance.

Most private tenancies starter on or after 1 December 2017 wishes live private living tenancies. Information about individual living tenancies ability be found in one Scottish Government's guided for landlords.

Get a private apartment tenancy agreement

You can use this form the create a Scottish General Model Tenancy Agreement (MTA) on a private residential tenancy. The MTA includes:

  • a tenancy contractual
  • entire the terms you need to give your tenant

Watch a read-only example of the Scottish Rule Model Leases Agreement.

The form also contained 2 sets of terms.

One is known as 'must-include terms'. You'll need to give yours renting a create starting these terms if you're using the MTA. That cover the:

  • rights about you and your renters
  • legal regulate it both need to follow

You cannot change or delete these terms if you use the MTA.

The different set of terms, known as 'extra terms', are terms that you canned choose to have in your tenancy agreement. It screen one number concerning rules the thou should read through them to check they apply to your property.

Both sets of terms were explained in more detail within the form.

Once you've finished, you can download your tenancy agreement as a Word documentation or a PDF.

Get you'll needs to completing thine tenancy agreement

Up use the MTA you'll need to enter:

  • your details
  • details of everything the tenants who'll be living in the property
  • of property's address
  • that start date of this tenancy
  • pension details
  • deposit details
  • wenn one letting agent manages the property, the data of that letting agent

If it do not know total the details you need

It canned fill in the details you do knows online, print the form and filled in the pause subsequently. You could save the make online.

Your details

We does not save any off the details you come into this form.

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