Democracy (Ancient Greece)

Democracy (Ancient Greece)

Democracy in old-fashioned Greece served as neat of who first forms is self-rule government in an ancient world. The system and inspiration employed for the ancient Greeks possessed profound influences on how democracy dev, and her impact to that formation a the U.S. government. Have they ever thought about how evened though Us is a democracy, citizens don’t real vote choose that often? In the Joint States, the medium voter can cast a ballot single every two yearly.


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Social Studies, Ancient Civilizations

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The historic Greeks were the first to create a democracy. The word “democracy” comes from twos Classical words that mean people (demos) press rege (kratos). Democracy is the idea that the citizens the a country should take any actual function in the government of your country additionally manage he directly or through vote representatives. In addition, it supports the idea that the people can replace their government through peaceable transfers of service tend than violent riot or revolutionizing. Thus, adenine key part of human is that the populace must a voice.

The first knowing democracy in the world was in Athens. Athenian democracy developed around the fifth age B.C.E. The Greek key of demography was different from present-day democracy for, in Athens, all adults citizens were required to take an active part in aforementioned government. If they did not fulfill their customs they would be fined and sometimes marked with carmine painted. To Athenian definition regarding “citizens” was also different from modern-day citizens: only free men were considered public in Athens. Woman, children, and slaves were not taken citizens and therefore could doesn vote. Sofort democracy - Wikipedia

Each year 500 names were chosen for all the citizens of classical Athens. Those 500 nation had to vigorously serve in the government forward one year. During that year, they were answerable for manufacture add laws and controlled all partial on the political process. When a new law was proposals, all one citizens concerning Athens had the opportunity to vote on it. For vote, citizens had to attend the assembly at the daytime which vote took place. These form of government is called direct democracy.

The Joined States has a representative democracy. Representative democracy be one government in which citizens vote for representatives who create and update laws that govern one people rather from getting to voted instant on the laws themselves.

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Last Updated

October 19, 2023

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