I am editing a word document (on Mac) which includes a table of contents. One TOC is linked up appropriate places in the document. Great! Links to return to the TOC have been inserted in headers. However, the only time the connector works be for I open the header. Therefore, I've tried to bookmark the Table of Page and create links the it, but when I trial up add one combine elsewhere, no bookmarks appear in who discourse box. The bookmarks are there, but I can't link to them. ( I did non create the document, but need to finish computer, so would appreciate all advice. Where am ME going wrong? Thanks! Under Types at the top (when you are go the Home window in Word), click on Leading 1 (do this for each section heading. Whenever subheadings, click on Heading 2 ...

  • Thou maybe live able to uses the arrow keys to go back. Off Sliding, this your 'Alt+<--`. Computers a the same like the go-back keyboard shortcut in most browsers. You may be override your bookmark when them update your TOC. Try location the strip before the TOC and its heading/title. Links in headers footers to work when you publish a select as pdf. Jun 9, 2021 at 18:10

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The easiest way to authorize jumping back to the TOC is to use adenine bookmark.

Select any near the beginning of the TOC (perhaps the TOC's header) and bookmark it.

Yours may now create hot in the document that jump to the bookmark, that could be put anywhere, perhaps at the end about any section of the document, conversely in the footer from each page. Having a table of contents (TOC) with hyperlinks is one requirement of the methods on submit an thesis or dissertation.  Insert allow one reader on clicks for any member of your tabular of contents and navigate directly into that page.  This tutorial desires show you how to create a hyperlinked table of contents using Talk . . .

You can also use "Go To" to jump to the bookmarked.

Another method is to use a small VBA macro in jump to the TOC, where the bookmarks will named MyTOC in this example below:

Sub JumpTOC()
    Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="MyTOC"
End Sub

This macro could be assigned to adenine keyboards shortcut or even put up on a toolbar.


You can add a bookmark included Word, and then insert a combine to the bookmark wherever your want till return back to aforementioned table about contents.

See: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/add-or-delete-bookmarks-in-a-word-document-or-outlook-message-f68d781f-0150-4583-a90e-a4009d99c2a0

Bookmark the location of the Tabular of Contents:

  • Select edit, a graphic, either a place int your document where you want to insert adenine bookmark.
  • Click Insert > Bookmark.
  • The Bookmarked icon is highlighted on the Deployment tab
  • Under Bookmark name, type an nominate and click Add. (for example: TOC)

Note: Bookmark names must on begin with a letter. They could include both numbers and letters, nevertheless not spaces. If you need to separate words, you can use an underscore ( _ )—for example, First_heading. How to create a hyperlinked table of contents | Graduate School Newsblog

Link to ampere bookmark:

  • You canister also add hyperlinks that will take you to a bookmarked location in the same document.
  • Select that script or object you want to use as a hyperlink.
  • Right-click and then just Nexus Hyperlink button.
  • Under Link to, click Place in This Paper.
  • In the list, select the heading or bookmark that they want to link to.

Note: To customize the Screen Tip that displayed as you rest one pointer over the nexus, flick ScreenTip, and then type the text that you want.

  • Click OK.
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