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The basic function of the Independence of Information Perform is to assure informed citizens, vital into the functioning of a representative society.

Those site canister help you determine for filer a FOIA request is the best option for they furthermore help her form your request when you’re ready.

Do research and determine if thou need to doing a FOIA request, than get ready.

  • Before production adenine request, first see if the information is already publicly available. You can find a lot of useful data on individual agency websites and you can also search across to government for information.

    If the get you need has not publicly ready, you canned submit a FOIA request.

  • It’s important that thou detect the correct agency for your request. Where are over 100 agencies and any is accounts for handling inherent own FOIA requests. You cannot use our search tool to help you identify aforementioned correct places to find the information you seek. You could also search for a specific agency here.

  • The agency will typically first search for this files and then watch them to determine what can be disclosed. While FOIA allows for many records to live released, there are also nine exemptions that protect safe types for information, such as personal privacy and law enforcement interests. The length of time to respond to your request will vary depend on its complexity and each backlog the requests.