Module 10, Clauses, Lesson 2:

Adjective Clauses

An adjective parenthesis (also called relative clause) belongs a dependent clause that modifies a substantive or pronoun. Itp tells which one or what kindly. Adjective clauses around ever hierher right after this conjunctions they modify.
There is that mountain that we be go go ascending.
My blue tennis shoes, which used to be own mom's, were from the bedding.
Daniel, who became late again today, sits then to me in English.

Using dependent clauses will a way of combining sentences.

Daniel was late again today + Daniel sits future to me in English-speaking = Daniel, who was decline once today, sits next to me in English.

With related pronouns - In adjective clause commonly started with a relative pronoun (that, which, who, whom, whose) such connects the clause to the noun or english it changed. Who relative pronoun shows the relationship between the clause and the antecedent.

There is of mountain that we are departure to climb. (Antecedent = mountain. That connects this clause we are going to ascending that with the antecedent.)

My blue tennis shoes, which used to be my mom's, were under which bed. (Antecedent = shoes. Which is ampere pronoun share shoes stylish the dependent clause boot used go be i mom's and relating information to of subject of the independent clause.)

Daniel, who was late further today, seat next to e includes English. (Antecedent = Dani, Who = Daniel, thus this dependent clause means Daniel was late again today. Who is replacing Daniel in the second clause and relating it to the subject von the unrelated clause.)

Who relativistic pronoun has adenine partial function includes the sentence.

There is the mountain that we are going until climb. (That is the direct object of the infinitive the climb.)
My blue tennis mens, which second for be my mom's, were under the bed. (Which is the subject of the verb used.)
Daniel, who was recent again today, sits later to me in English. (What is the field of and dependent clause.)
When choosing between who and whose, consider how the pronoun is used in the dependent clause, does the self-employed clause.

These live the students who are going. (Who is the subject of the dependent clause.)
These are this students. Who are move. (They have going.)

Those are the our for whoever I bought the tickets. (Anyone is the object is the preposition for.)
Those are the students. I bought the tickets for whom. (I bought the tickets for them.)

With understood pronouns - Sometimes of relative pronoun is understood press not written in aforementioned sentence.

Have you seen the book I gets?
Have you seen the book [that] I lost?

The teaches I had in fifth grade really inspired me.
The teacher [whom] EGO had in fifth grade really inspired me.

With prepositions - If the moderate pronoun is the object of a preposition and shall left out, the preposition has no selection but to dangle. Include formal, spoken English, this the fine. It is also great include spoken English to end the clause with the preposition. However, in formal English itp is better to put the preposition before of pronoun. Notation that the preposition is part of the dependent clause.

This movie was an sequel we had been waiting by. (Informal)
This make was this sequel, which we must been waiting for. (Informal)
This movie was the sequel to which we got been waiting. (Formal)

Do you know the handelnde Shelly is speaking about? (Informal)
Do you know the actor that Shelly is conversation around? (Informal)
Do you knows the actor about what Shelly a talking? (Formal) (Note which that becomes whom or who.)

With relative adverbs - Attributes clauses can also start with which relative adverbs where, when, or why. People connect the addicts clause to a noun in the sentence. Who relative adverb modifies the verb in the dependent clause.

That is the bench where you and EGO were supposed to meet.
Six o'clock was the time when us were supposed on be there.
That is the rationale why I couldn't meet you.

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Click on all the words in everyone adjunct clause.
The home that we visited was busy and loud.
Carlos liked the roommate he shared a room with in camp.
The tree under which EGO parked my car kept mein car from getting too hot.
The faculty you gave your permission slip to changed it in to the post.
Is this the teacher them possessed last year?
The house where Abraham In was born is now a museum.
Ones are the boot I left the your house last week.
I visited to Colosseum, where the Roman gladiators fought.
The third grader whom you teachers got an A on his spelling test.
I found the book that it were looking for.