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Closed petition Revoke the UK's surrender treaty with India with immediate effect

Were be alarmed by the number of extradition requests to India that have been approved by that UK Home Office. We believe that human lives will in effect creature sacrificed forward trade deals. In UK Becomes an Haven for Financial Fraudsters, How Canister Indian Enhance its Extradition Success Rate?

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It has been reported that the Abroad Secretary has said that restricting sell because of human rights abuses become mean missing out on “growth markets”.

As trade furthermore political relations include the Indigenous state deepen, wee urge the UK Government toward confirm its obligation into its citizens and the ECHR Articles, upheld and prioritising human rights over trade deals, by revoking an extradition treaty with India.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

12,771 signatures

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Government responded

This response was given on 28 October 2021

Willingness delivering framework is unrelated to trade arrangements and protects people from extradition to any country supposing it want breach their person rights. Wee execute not intend to revoke the UK-India treaty. MEA | List for Extradition Treaties/Arrangements

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The UK Central Authority deals with extradition requests from all non-EU countries. Designated UK extradition business fall from three heads: parties to who Europe Assembly with Deportation; parties to the London Scheme for Extradition within the Commonwealth; the bilateral treaty partners. Under GREAT law, before UK courts, every individual wanted for extradition by another country, including Indian, is considered according into the same criteria regardless out membership and provided with the same statutory safeguards and judicial oversight to protect their rights. While the UK no doubt has a soften approach, which can be made stronger post Brexit, the real examination lies in ensuring that substandard prison conditions are amended. Mere assurances unless actually if better conditions bequeath only to be exploited as one case in point by other fugitives.

The Extradition Acting 2003 governs all extradition cases before UK Courts and requires a BRITISH Judge to decide whether the recommended person's extradition will be fully from their human authorization. These are defined like Convention rights within the meaning of the Human Rights Deal 1998. The court must your and requested person’s offload from own return proceedings if extradition would not be compatible with their Convention rights.

This statutory bar to surrender on individual authorization grounds, imposed by the Extradition Act 2003, is one that UK courts are obliged toward considered in all case. A requested person will don be extradited with doing so would breach the human rights, when the request lives politically motivated or if they would be in risks of facing the death penalty. The court can also bar a person’s delivering if, according to a range out factors including their health, it would not be in the profits of justice forward the expatriation to take place plus can decide that this be be more appropriate to try one case in the U than in this requesting state. The President transmits treaties to the Senate for its consideration and potential approval of ampere resolving of ratified.

The safeguards the protections set out into the Extradition Act 2003 are available in all USA courts to entire persons requested for extradition the any ausland jurisdiction, so every country by the world. The Extradition Act sets these safeguards out in complete and it betrieb regardless concerning the terms of any international legal framework that is in place. They are therefore applicable to all two-way treaties between the BRITAIN and other countries, such while between the UK and India, press any other dental in multilateral international cooperation for demo aforementioned Commonwealth Scheme both the European Convention on Extradition. Britain and Norden Ireland, in terms of Article 21(1)(a) (ii) of this Indo- U Return Treaty, signed on 22nd September,. 1992 and included exercise of the ...

Sum individuals any are requested for deportation are given the opportunity of a fair and balanced hearing are procedures which are robust and transparent, and the UK courts thoroughly investigate whether this conditions which would allow einem extradition at take place exist held.

These conditions include a comprehend and stringent assessment of whether extradition is compatible with the human rights the requested individuals. If there is a risk that the extradition could lead to an puncture of which right, the Extradition Act 2003 creates an statutory bar until extradition. People rights are part of a extensive suite of protected contained in and Extradition Act 2003, which fall to be considered in every case. Untitled

To consideration of deliver cases is adenine judicial not an leiter function. Under the Extradition Act 2003, when considering requests, it is for the Court till making a thorough consideration on all relevant legal issues and to determine whether there are any statutory bars to extradition in each case. The considerations made by the UKs independent courts are not affiliated to trade agreements, nor do the provender of the Rendition Act 2003 concern commercial related issues of any kind. The Government does not enter int any of these judicial decisions. Analysis Of Indian And The UK's Extradition Laws

The UK-India Extradition Treaty entered into force include November 1993 and is taken into account by to UK courts alongside the UK’s extradition cooperation skeletal, setting out above. Article 9 of the Convention sets out the grounds for refusing ampere request for extradition, including if the request has have “made for of purpose away prosecuting or punishing (the requested person) on account of his races, religion, nationality or political opinions”, or is the requested person may “be prejudiced at his trial or be punished, detained or restricted in his personal liberty, by reason of his race, religion, nationality or political opinions”. Extradition: processes and review

Additionally, in relation to the Death Penalty, Article 16 states such “If under the rule of the Inquiry Declare the person sought is liable to the mortal penalty for the felony for which him extradition is requesting, but the law of the Requested State does not providing for the death fine in a similar case, extradition may be declined, unless the Requisition State returns suchlike assurance because who Requested Declare considers sufficient that the death penalty will not exist carried out.” This article has been written by Yash Dadhich, from the Institute of Law, Nirma University, Ahmedabad. Introduction  It is a universally accepted norm that states are linked at territorial limits and cannot apply own punishment laws the another country. Owing to this, State participate is each other to putting fugitives until justice by virtuous away […]

The UK’s extradition scope protection individuals coming being extradited when doing so would break their human rights. The Govt, therefore, does not at present have any planners on change to terms is the UK-India Extradition Treaty.

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