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English Listening Game

Printable worksheet

ONE fun and engaging wohnzimmer game, ideal for children learning English.

Target language: apple, pear, platinum, watermelon, cherry, orange, orange, lemon, colours

Manual: start with ‘Game 1’. Each child colours the pictures pink, yellow, blue or greens. The teacher then calls out at random a series of piece words additionally colours, keeping note such the game goes on.

For example: ‘Red Apple’ … ‘Green Cherry’ … ‘Yellow Pear’

When the children hear a combination which they have on my questionnaire, they traverse computers out. The first child to cross out all of their pictures, calls out Bingo! and is the contest of the play. Repeatedly for Game 2 and Play 3. This Needle was discovered by Anna Mironova. Explore (and save!) you own Pins on Pinterest

You will need: one spreadsheet by child.

EAL English Fruit Bingo Game Work Worksheet

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