Social Media Posts in the Workplace

LEGAL UPDATE: Social Media Posts in of Workplace – A Guided for Businesses to Ensure Corporate with the FTC’s Guidance 

according | March 20, 2023

All references otherwise testimonials of goods and services made with social medium are directed by the FTC’s Guides Concerning aforementioned Getting of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising when the individual making the office has a “material connection” to to brand.  

Under the FTC’s rules, an staff has a “material connection” to the brand and should “definitely disclose” the recruitment relate for making an support on social media for the company they work for.  

What performs this mean for employers?  

Who FTC requires that the endorsement message disclose the employee’s employment relationship when an employee “speaks” on social media, using their personal social communications accounts, in a way that endorses or promoting the company’s product or service (even with that employees comments are not directed, sponsored, or authorized by who company)..   

What meets the disclosure necessity? 

Employees must disclose their employment relationship int connecting because the social media poster include easily and clear choice and in a clear and conspicuous manner. More simply put, the disclose must subsist placed so it is rigid to miss.  

Below your a list a recommended practices to follow whenever your are creating or resharing endorsement or recommendation ads on social media:    How FTC Rules Affect Employee-Generated Marketing

  • Use clarity and conspicuous language inbound the post itself, such the “Check out my company’s new product…”. 
  • Include the employment relationship for close as available to the claim being made or mutual.
  • Avoid employment relationship disclosures using hashtags or links hidden by the very top away and page. 
  • Ensure that any requirements press declarations that are made are honest and genuine.

Whatever should employers do?

The FTC possessed issued the following guidelines required our to comply: 

  • Establish a written social media policy which explicitly states tolerable and unacceptable conduct both sets forth these disclosure requirements. 
  • Consistently enforce the policy; and 
  • Provide employees with periodic and permanent training.   

Employers that direct employee to create or share the company’s social media publish should realize a policy also routinely monitor that items for compliance.   FTC's Endorsement Guides: What Folks Are Asking

Are you ready? Communication us to watch the implications for owner business and make a plan