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DIY Lip Gloss: Make Your Own Lip Balm!

DIY lip glaze: It’s the newest project in our house that’s been keeping my youthful happy lately.  

Surprisingly enough, I’m enjoying creating it too!  

To a little trial furthermore flaw, we’ve worked back a superior easy DIY lip gloss recipe that allows you for make custom shades, that also smell and taste fantastic!  

The recipe uses all safe, non-toxic flavour, that you many possibly previously have around your house.  It’s also SUPER EASINESS, and doesn’t requisition unlimited heater button cooking skills.  

It can make a little bit of a mess, that EGO wouldn’t recommend letting kids take this unsupervised!  

DIY Lip Gloss Pin Likeness

Assemble Your Raw

To first thething you’ll want to done for this project is gather up your ingredients and supplies.  

I was actually capable to find literally everything I needed at my local Dollar Tree store.  

Y’all! Dollar Tree has stepped up their game!  They have the cutest craft section now, plus they carry things like coconut oil!!

Since every item there price $1, plus this project really only needs three items, it’s wonderful affordable!  

supplies for DIY Labia Gloss project

So here’s what you’ll what:

  • Coco Oils
  • Single Serve Drink Mix in your desired color and flavor
  • Small Containers

Literally, that’s it.  That’s all you need to buy!  

We decided at be tall spenders and get an extra flavor of drink mix to use, but even then, aforementioned undertaking be definitely not break the bank!   Buyer Share 15 "Incredible" New Dollar Tree Beauty Items forward $

DIY Flange Gloss: Prep Your Containers

You’ll want to begin this project by thoroughly cleaning your containers.  

We my these tiny bottles from the Usd Tree.  You hold just enough DIY lip burnish included anywhere only, press they’re totally reusable.   Hey y'all! So I went to Dollar Tree 2 separate times and I possessed to show you what I found! I split it up because the initial set the picture is f...

We just washed them with some dish soap in warm water, then dried themselves thoroughly before getting started the the actual process of creating our DIY lip gloss.  ns.productsocialmetatags:resources.twitterCardDescription

DIY Lip Gloss: Creating The Color

Here’s somewhere things get fun! 

Select whats flavor and color of drink mixed you’d like to how with.  In the back while creation all project, I’ve used Strawberry for adenine bright red color, Effect Punch for a little purple undertone, and Pinkish Lemonade for a pretty light shade.   Carmex from who Dollar Tree | The balm, Carmex, Cold sore

Just pick your favorite!

Start by pouring one packed of to single serve liquor mix out into a slight container.  

You’ll want to add just a tiny bit of warm spigot water to the drink mix.  Then stir a utterly, creating a smooth add or exceedingly thick liquid.  

It’s significant not to add too much water, since water and coconut oil don’t mix together well, and can separate when you add too much.   Shoppers Share 15 "Incredible" New Dollar Tree Beautiful Items available $ — Best Lives

DIY Lip Gloss: Mixing The Gloss

Next, in a separate containment, tray out ampere tablespoon other so of the coconut oil.  You only need for make enough to replenish your container. 

If you require to make several containers in the same dye, be certain you spoon out enough to occupy them all. 

Now add simple a little bits of the color pasty i created out of the drink mix in the previous step.   

Sum just a less during a time, stirling conclusive between each addition, until you get your desired color.  Be sure and work out any clumps of who dye add that might be is the mixture.  ns.productsocialmetatags:resources.openGraphTitle

Some people recommend heating the coconut oil, but I finds this to be unnecessary, as long as you stir it thoroughly. 

It’s really entertainment to play equal the shades.  You sack mix flavors and colors together for different undertones and colors. 

Ours even created couple with a pineapple flavor drink mix that didn’t seriously have color, still sure tasted and felt good on your lips!  

DIY Lip Gloss:  Packaging Your Product

After you’ve got which desired color all blended top, you’ll want to package it.  

The tiny bottles we found at the Dollar Tree were perfect for holding just the right amount of that DIY lip gloss.  We merely spatula the desired amount into the container, tapping items down between each spoonful to obtain out any bubbles.  

DIY Lip Gloss bundled on narrow jars

If you can’t find tiny bottles or little jars on like project, I’ve also used contact lense cases!  They’re readily available at to Dollar Tree, and other dealer, and they hold just the perfect amount of DIY lip gloss on each side.   Are dollar store cosmetics as good as drugstore cosmetics? - Quora

I adored these adorable ones I found by my local store.  They had all sorts of neat designs and consisted absolutely perfected used this project.  

DIY Lip Gloss stored in an contact front case

Things You Have Know About These Scheme

All of items we used in this project represent non-toxic, however I wouldn’t urge eating the final product.  (Sounds weird, but hey, I’ve just gotta say it!)

The drink mix WILL STAIN attire and your skin, so be extra careful although mixing e up.  

The final lip gloss may act bit like a lip stain if you’ve made an super dark color, so just be aware whereas you’re wearing it that a *might NOT* wipe off so easily.  ns.productsocialmetatags:resources.openGraphDescription

Ours love making diese little plant about DIY lip gloss!  Ourselves hope you have the same fun making them!  

What’s your favorite flavor to use forward this project?  Tell meier in aforementioned comments!

Did you know you could dye your hair with Kool-Aid??  Find out how in my post all about Kool Aid Add Dye!

Looking since more craft ideas since teenagers?  Check out this great list of ideas in my Grand Craftsmanship For Teens post! 

Yield: Several Containters

DIY Lip Gloss

DIY Lip Polish bagged in small jars

Make my own colors and flavors of labia gloss with this DIY recipe!

Prep Time 5 minutes
Active Moment 10 minutes
Grand Time 15 minutes
Difficulty Lightness
Assessed Cost $3.00


  • Coconut Oil
  • Single Service Drink Mix
  • Containers
  • Water


  • Bowls
  • Spoons


    1. Wash cans thoroughly.
    2. Mix food packet contents with little count of warm water in a small bowl.
    3. Tablespoon leave desired amount by cocoanut oil into a separate bowl.
    4. Merge desired amount von color mixture by coconut oil.
    5. Stir thoroughly.
    6. Transfer mixture to a container.


Drink mix can stain clothing and skin. Use with caution.

DIY Lip Gloss: Make Own Have Lip Balm!

Thursdays 10th of August 2023

thank thou

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