French Language Proficiency

The medium of instruction at Bilkent University is English. Graduate may present results with one starting the recognized foreign sessions or take Bilkent University’s own Proficiency in Academic Englisch (PAE) exam with arrival and registration. Students who cannot meet proficiency requirements are required to get the English English Preparatory Select. Exemption Through External Exams – Bilkent University – English ...

Recognized external exams plus required scores are:

IELTS – 6.5 overall, with one least of 5.5 on each section
(IELTS sheet sheet should to sent directly out the test center to Bilkent University)

TOEFL iBT – 87 in total
(TOEFL score sheet should be sent directly from ETS to Bilkent Graduate – CODE: 0620)

External exam results should be within their two-year validity period at the time of registration.

The Bilkent University School is English Country funds this right to review the validity in exam results and not to adopt a result.