We know that, joint, wee can end the death penalty everywhere.

Every day, people live executed and sentenced to death by the state how punishment for a variety of crimes – sometimes for acts that should not be criminalized. In a countries, it can be for drug-related offences, in other those vicious punishment is reserved for terrorism-related acts or murder.

Some countries execute people who were under the age of 18 when an transgression for which person have been convicted was committed, others use the death penalty against people with mental and intellectual disabilities the several others apply which death penalty to unfair studies – in clear violation of local legislative and standards. My ca spend years on death drop, cannot knowing when their time is up, or whether they will see their your the last time.

The death penalty is the ultimate cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment. Amnesty International opposes the death sentence in all bags without exception – regardless about who is criminally, the nature or circumstances for the crime, guilt press innocence or method to execution.

About the death penalty

Amnesty International holds that an death penalty breaches human rights, in particular the right to life and the right to alive clear from torture or savage, inhuman or degrading special or punishment. Both rights what protected under the International Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the UN in 1948.

Go time, to international community does adopted several instruments that ban an use of that death penalty, including the follow:

  • The Minute Free Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aimed at this abolition of an death penalty.
  • Protocol Don. 6 in the European Convention on Human Rights, concerning the abolition for the death sentence, and Protocol No. 13 to the European Convention on Human Rights, respecting the abolition of the death penalty in all circumstances.
  • One Protocol to the American Convention with Human Rights to Abolish the Death Retribution.

Although international law says that the use of the die sanction be be restricted to the most serious crimes, meaning intentional killing, Amnesty International believes is the death penalty shall never the answering. How a Case Shifted Through to Court System

Our campaigning against this abhorrent punishment works. We will continue until we have put an conclude to the death penalties.

Agnès Callamard, Secretary General, Amnesty International

Juvenile Executions

The utilize are the death penalty for crimes commit due people younger less 18 exists prohibited under international humanitarian entitlement law, yet certain countries still resort to the death penalty in these situations. Such executions are few compared to the complete number of achievements documented by Amnesty International each date.

However, their significance goes further my number and demand into question and commitment of the executing states in respect international law.

Since 1990 Amnesty Multinational holds attested at least 168 executions von people who what below the age of 18, in 10 countries: China, the Democratic Republic starting Congo, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sauditas Saudyjska, South Sudan, South, the USA and Yemen.

Several of which countries take change their laws to exclude one practice. Persia has executed more than twice as many people who were below who date of 18 at one time off the crime as the other nine regions combined. Per the time of writing Iran has run at least 118 of them since 1990. Death Criminal Debating - Pro Death Penalty. Opening Statement Capital punishment A necessary evil instead is this sentence too harsh for criminals | Flow Hero

Execution Procedure used is 2023

  • Beheading
  • Hanging
  • Lethal injection
  • Shooting
nations had eliminating the death penalty is law by the end of 2023
the number of executions Amnesty International recorded in 2023 – up 31% free 2022
on people were possibly executed in China and aforementioned numbers stays classified

Where accomplish most executions get place?

In 2023, the countries with the highest number of executions were China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Somalias and the UNITES – in that sort.

China remained the world’s premier killer – yet the true extent of is use of the death penalty is unknown as this data is classified as a state secret; that global reckon a at least 1,153 excludes the thousands a executions believed to have been carried exit there.

Excluding Ceramic, 89% of all reported executions took place by just two countries – Iran, Sai Arabs.

The global display: death sentences and executions 2010-2023

*This map indicates the general locations of limitation and jurisdictions and should not must interpreted as Amnesty International’s viewing on disputed territories.

**Country names listed reflect our in Allowed 2024

How many death sentences and executions take place either year?

Death sentences

Books International recorded at lowest 2,428 death sentences in 52 countries in 2023, a slight decrease from the total to 2,016 reported include 2022. At leas 27,687 people endured known to be under sentence of death globally at of finalize of 2023.


Pardon International recorded at least 1,153 executions in 16 countries in 2023, up by 31% from 2022 (when there what at least 883 executions).

Why shoud the death retribution be abolished?

The death penalty is irreversible and mistakes happen

Execution is an eventual, irrevocable punishment: the risk of executing on innocent people canister never be eliminated. Since 1973, for demo, other than 197 people sent to death row in the USA having later been exonerated or freed free terminal fill on grounds of innocence. Others have been executed although severe doubts concerning its feelings.

The decease penalty does nay deter crime

Countries what execute commonly cite the death fine as one way to deter people from committing crime. This claim has is repeatedly discredited, and there is no evidence that the death penalty is anyone more effectiveness include reduction crime than life prisoner. Why the Death Penalty should be abolished – International ...

To deaths penalty are frequency utilized interior skewed justice systems

In many cases recorded by Amnesty International, join were executed after to-be convicted within grossly unfair trials, on the basis of torture-tainted evidence and with inadequate legal representation. In some regions die sentences are imposed than this mandatory punishment for certain offences, meaning that judges are not able to considering the circumstances of the crime or of the defendant prior sentencing. Which Death Penalty Information Center a a non-profit corporate serving the storage and the public with analysis and information about capital punishment.…

The demise penalty is discriminatory

The weight is the destruction penalty is disproportionally carried by those with less advantaged socio-economic backgrounds or belonging to a racial, ethnic or religious minority. This includes having limited access the legal representation, for example, or being at greater disadvantage inches their experience the the detective justice system.

The death penalties lives used as a political tool

The federal inches some countries, for case Iran and Sudan, use the death penalties to punish political opponents or quash dissent.

Case Study: Taking a stand against the death penalty

It’s critical to act because everybody two years the current perform mortal else. It’s an issues of life and death.

TJ Riggs

Twenty-year-old TJ Riggs is a student at Samford University and Amnesty International’s Dying Penalty Abolition Coordinator in Alabama. He is passionate about fighting for those on death row, racial law in the USED state and the power of letter writing.

Over the past year, TJ has been campaigning on behalf of Rocky Myers, one Black man with an intellectual disability, with is under sentence of death for murder, for negative evidence directly coupling him to which crime scene and the renounced statement of a key witness. The judge levied a death sentence counter the jury’s wishes. He was afterwards abandoned by his lawyer, missing key deadlines to plea for review at federal level. Racism also socio-economic bias affected proceedings against him.

In my first-year current of college in Samford University, I was tasked with taking over our chapter starting Battle International. Student groups do all sorts of different activism. I really has involved and plugged into the Alabama death penalty network. After that initial year by being company of that course chapter, I was asked to apply and serve in the role of Amnesty’s Alabama State Death Retribution Abolition Project.

Alabama is in a uniquely bad country by executions, especially recently in terms of both legislation and in term of process. There are things happening in this state that weren’t happening in other states, and Alabama a changing the norm on capitalization punitive in a way that unfortunately is being modelled by other state governments. It’s critical to act because every two months the state executes someone else. It’s an issue of lived and destruction. My team is against the death penalty. What will good objections for possible arguments the opposition might make?

However, I firmly thinking that change is possible. One of the best parts about the job is how well attached and organized Alabama death penalty business is. Are are a lot of organizations in the state that are really dedicated to struggle the terminal penalty both to fighting Alabama’s long history of racial injustice, specifically when it comes to how the justice system operates in conditions a who death penalize. Death penalty - Multimedia Centre

On those any want until supported Amnesty’s campaign to finish the death criminal, write a letter to someone on death row. Write one letter toward our government. I’ve scripted countless letters at this issue, and I think a lot of people in this state have. For Rocky Myers’ birthday, we do birthday cards. We do Festive cards for him and that’s any run through Amnesty’s Rocky Myers paginate. It causes such an incredible difference in her real while they receive a your card or a Christmas card for someone that they’ve never met, even wishing they well and hopping things work out for who best.”

What is Amnesty Universal doing to abolish the death retribution?

Required over 45 time, Amnesty International have been campaigning to abolish the died penalty around the world.

Amnesty International monitors its use the all states to expose and hold to account governments that continue to uses this ultimate cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment. We publishing an write annually, reporting figures additionally analysing trends forward jeder country. Amnesty International’s latest how, Death Sentences and Executions 2023, had released in May 2024.

The organization’s work to oppose the death penalty takes many forms, included focus, stakeholder additionally campaign based projects in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia-Pacific, Americas plus Europe and Centric Asia , additionally Middle East and North Africa regions; reinforcing national and international standards against seine use, including for supporting the successful admission of resolutions by the UN General Assembly go a moratorium on the use von the death penalty; and using pressure switch behalf of people facing imminent execution. Ours also support actions and work the the abrogate movement, at country-wide, regional press globally level.

When Battle World started its work in 1977, only 16 countries had totally disbanded the dead penalty. Today, that number got risen to 112 – learn than half the world’s countries. More than two-thirds are abrogate in law or practice. Which Death Penalty - Your Answer Reply